blob: d313b646b4a2eab428f0095f45b34eb69dca3819 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/arc/common/arc_bridge.mojom.h"
#include "components/arc/instance_holder.h"
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
} // namespace base
namespace arc {
class ArcBridgeTest;
// The Chrome-side service that handles ARC instances and ARC bridge creation.
// This service handles the lifetime of ARC instances and sets up the
// communication channel (the ARC bridge) used to send and receive messages.
class ArcBridgeService {
// Describes the reason the bridge is stopped.
enum class StopReason {
// ARC instance has been gracefully shut down.
// Errors occurred during the ARC instance boot. This includes any failures
// before the instance is actually attempted to be started, and also
// failures on bootstrapping IPC channels with Android.
// The device is critically low on disk space.
// ARC instance has crashed.
// Notifies life cycle events of ArcBridgeService.
class Observer {
// Called whenever the state of the bridge has changed.
virtual void OnBridgeReady() {}
virtual void OnBridgeStopped(StopReason reason) {}
virtual ~Observer() {}
virtual ~ArcBridgeService();
// Gets the global instance of the ARC Bridge Service. This can only be
// called on the thread that this class was created on.
static ArcBridgeService* Get();
// Return true if ARC has been enabled through a commandline
// switch.
static bool GetEnabled(const base::CommandLine* command_line);
// HandleStartup() should be called upon profile startup. This will only
// launch an instance if the instance is enabled.
// This can only be called on the thread that this class was created on.
virtual void HandleStartup() = 0;
// Shutdown() should be called when the browser is shutting down. This can
// only be called on the thread that this class was created on.
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
// Adds or removes observers. This can only be called on the thread that this
// class was created on. RemoveObserver does nothing if |observer| is not in
// the list.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
InstanceHolder<mojom::AppInstance>* app() { return &app_; }
InstanceHolder<mojom::AudioInstance>* audio() { return &audio_; }
InstanceHolder<mojom::AuthInstance>* auth() { return &auth_; }
InstanceHolder<mojom::BluetoothInstance>* bluetooth() { return &bluetooth_; }
InstanceHolder<mojom::ClipboardInstance>* clipboard() { return &clipboard_; }
InstanceHolder<mojom::CrashCollectorInstance>* crash_collector() {
return &crash_collector_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::EnterpriseReportingInstance>* enterprise_reporting() {
return &enterprise_reporting_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::FileSystemInstance>* file_system() {
return &file_system_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::ImeInstance>* ime() { return &ime_; }
InstanceHolder<mojom::IntentHelperInstance>* intent_helper() {
return &intent_helper_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::MetricsInstance>* metrics() { return &metrics_; }
InstanceHolder<mojom::NetInstance>* net() { return &net_; }
InstanceHolder<mojom::NotificationsInstance>* notifications() {
return &notifications_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::ObbMounterInstance>* obb_mounter() {
return &obb_mounter_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::PolicyInstance>* policy() { return &policy_; }
InstanceHolder<mojom::PowerInstance>* power() { return &power_; }
InstanceHolder<mojom::PrintInstance>* print() { return &print_; }
InstanceHolder<mojom::ProcessInstance>* process() { return &process_; }
InstanceHolder<mojom::StorageManagerInstance>* storage_manager() {
return &storage_manager_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::TtsInstance>* tts() { return &tts_; }
InstanceHolder<mojom::VideoInstance>* video() { return &video_; }
// Gets if ARC is currently running.
bool ready() const { return state() == State::READY; }
// Gets if ARC is currently stopped. This is not exactly !ready() since there
// are transient states between ready() and stopped().
bool stopped() const { return state() == State::STOPPED; }
// The possible states of the bridge. In the normal flow, the state changes
// in the following sequence:
// PrerequisitesChanged() ->
// OnConnectionEstablished() ->
// The ArcBridgeBootstrap state machine can be thought of being substates of
// ArcBridgeService's CONNECTING state.
// *
// StopInstance() ->
// OnStopped() ->
enum class State {
// ARC is not currently running.
// The request to connect has been sent.
// The instance has started, and the bridge is fully established.
// The ARC instance has finished initializing and is now ready for user
// interaction.
// The ARC instance has started shutting down.
// Instance holders.
InstanceHolder<mojom::AppInstance> app_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::AudioInstance> audio_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::AuthInstance> auth_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::BluetoothInstance> bluetooth_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::ClipboardInstance> clipboard_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::CrashCollectorInstance> crash_collector_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::EnterpriseReportingInstance> enterprise_reporting_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::FileSystemInstance> file_system_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::ImeInstance> ime_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::IntentHelperInstance> intent_helper_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::MetricsInstance> metrics_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::NetInstance> net_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::NotificationsInstance> notifications_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::ObbMounterInstance> obb_mounter_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::PolicyInstance> policy_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::PowerInstance> power_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::PrintInstance> print_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::ProcessInstance> process_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::StorageManagerInstance> storage_manager_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::TtsInstance> tts_;
InstanceHolder<mojom::VideoInstance> video_;
// Gets the current state of the bridge service.
State state() const { return state_; }
// Changes the current state and notifies all observers.
void SetState(State state);
// Sets the reason the bridge is stopped. This function must be always called
// before SetState(State::STOPPED) to report a correct reason with
// Observer::OnBridgeStopped().
void SetStopReason(StopReason stop_reason);
base::ObserverList<Observer>& observer_list() { return observer_list_; }
bool CalledOnValidThread();
friend class ArcBridgeTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ArcBridgeTest, Prerequisites);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ArcBridgeTest, ShutdownMidStartup);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ArcBridgeTest, OnBridgeStopped);
base::ObserverList<Observer> observer_list_;
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
// The current state of the bridge.
ArcBridgeService::State state_;
// The reason the bridge is stopped.
StopReason stop_reason_;
// WeakPtrFactory to use callbacks.
base::WeakPtrFactory<ArcBridgeService> weak_factory_;
} // namespace arc