blob: 9892bd853fb393c2aa9ef8d1e201555e1c9ccff3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/common/android/address_parser_internal.h"
#include <bitset>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
namespace {
// Number of digits for a valid zip code.
const size_t kZipDigits = 5;
// Number of digits for a valid zip code in the Zip Plus 4 format.
const size_t kZipPlus4Digits = 9;
// Maximum number of digits of a house number, including possible hyphens.
const size_t kMaxHouseDigits = 5;
base::char16 SafePreviousChar(const base::string16::const_iterator& it,
const base::string16::const_iterator& begin) {
if (it == begin)
return ' ';
return *(it - 1);
base::char16 SafeNextChar(const base::string16::const_iterator& it,
const base::string16::const_iterator& end) {
if (it == end)
return ' ';
return *(it + 1);
bool WordLowerCaseEqualsASCII(base::string16::const_iterator word_begin,
base::string16::const_iterator word_end, const char* ascii_to_match) {
for (base::string16::const_iterator it = word_begin; it != word_end;
++it, ++ascii_to_match) {
if (!*ascii_to_match || base::ToLowerASCII(*it) != *ascii_to_match)
return false;
return *ascii_to_match == 0 || *ascii_to_match == ' ';
bool LowerCaseEqualsASCIIWithPlural(base::string16::const_iterator word_begin,
base::string16::const_iterator word_end, const char* ascii_to_match,
bool allow_plural) {
for (base::string16::const_iterator it = word_begin; it != word_end;
++it, ++ascii_to_match) {
if (!*ascii_to_match && allow_plural && *it == 's' && it + 1 == word_end)
return true;
if (!*ascii_to_match || base::ToLowerASCII(*it) != *ascii_to_match)
return false;
return *ascii_to_match == 0;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace content {
namespace address_parser {
namespace internal {
Word::Word() {
Word::Word(const base::string16::const_iterator& begin,
const base::string16::const_iterator& end)
: begin(begin),
end(end) {
DCHECK(begin <= end);
Word::Word(const Word& other) = default;
HouseNumberParser::HouseNumberParser() {
bool HouseNumberParser::IsPreDelimiter(base::char16 character) {
return character == ':' || IsPostDelimiter(character);
bool HouseNumberParser::IsPostDelimiter(base::char16 character) {
return base::IsUnicodeWhitespace(character) || strchr(",\"'", character);
void HouseNumberParser::RestartOnNextDelimiter() {
for (; it_ != end_ && !IsPreDelimiter(*it_); ++it_) {}
void HouseNumberParser::AcceptChars(size_t num_chars) {
size_t offset = std::min(static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(it_, end_)),
it_ += offset;
result_chars_ += offset;
void HouseNumberParser::SkipChars(size_t num_chars) {
it_ += std::min(static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(it_, end_)), num_chars);
void HouseNumberParser::ResetState() {
num_digits_ = 0;
result_chars_ = 0;
bool HouseNumberParser::CheckFinished(Word* word) const {
// There should always be a number after a hyphen.
if (result_chars_ == 0 || SafePreviousChar(it_, begin_) == '-')
return false;
if (word) {
word->begin = it_ - result_chars_;
word->end = it_;
return true;
bool HouseNumberParser::Parse(
const base::string16::const_iterator& begin,
const base::string16::const_iterator& end, Word* word) {
it_ = begin_ = begin;
end_ = end;
// Iterations only used as a fail-safe against any buggy infinite loops.
size_t iterations = 0;
size_t max_iterations = end - begin + 1;
for (; it_ != end_ && iterations < max_iterations; ++iterations) {
// Word finished case.
if (IsPostDelimiter(*it_)) {
if (CheckFinished(word))
return true;
else if (result_chars_)
// More digits. There should be no more after a letter was found.
if (base::IsAsciiDigit(*it_)) {
if (num_digits_ >= kMaxHouseDigits) {
} else {
if (base::IsAsciiAlpha(*it_)) {
// Handle special case 'one'.
if (result_chars_ == 0) {
if (it_ + 3 <= end_ &&
base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(base::StringPiece16(it_, it_ + 3),
// There should be more than 1 character because of result_chars.
DCHECK_GT(result_chars_, 0U);
DCHECK(it_ != begin_);
base::char16 previous = SafePreviousChar(it_, begin_);
if (base::IsAsciiDigit(previous)) {
// Check cases like '12A'.
base::char16 next = SafeNextChar(it_, end_);
if (IsPostDelimiter(next)) {
// Handle cases like 12a, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th.
if (base::IsAsciiAlpha(next)) {
base::char16 last_digit = previous;
base::char16 first_letter = base::ToLowerASCII(*it_);
base::char16 second_letter = base::ToLowerASCII(next);
bool is_teen = SafePreviousChar(it_ - 1, begin_) == '1' &&
num_digits_ == 2;
switch (last_digit - '0') {
case 1:
if ((first_letter == 's' && second_letter == 't') ||
(first_letter == 't' && second_letter == 'h' && is_teen)) {
case 2:
if ((first_letter == 'n' && second_letter == 'd') ||
(first_letter == 't' && second_letter == 'h' && is_teen)) {
case 3:
if ((first_letter == 'r' && second_letter == 'd') ||
(first_letter == 't' && second_letter == 'h' && is_teen)) {
case 0:
// Explicitly exclude '0th'.
if (num_digits_ == 1)
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
if (first_letter == 't' && second_letter == 'h') {
if (*it_ == '-' && num_digits_ > 0) {
if (iterations >= max_iterations)
return false;
return CheckFinished(word);
bool FindStateStartingInWord(WordList* words,
size_t state_first_word,
size_t* state_last_word,
String16Tokenizer* tokenizer,
size_t* state_index) {
// Bitmasks containing the allowed suffixes for 2-letter state codes.
static const int state_two_letter_suffix[23] = {
0x02060c00, // A followed by: [KLRSZ].
0x00000000, // B.
0x00084001, // C followed by: [AOT].
0x00000014, // D followed by: [CE].
0x00000000, // E.
0x00001800, // F followed by: [LM].
0x00100001, // G followed by: [AU].
0x00000100, // H followed by: [I].
0x00002809, // I followed by: [ADLN].
0x00000000, // J.
0x01040000, // K followed by: [SY].
0x00000001, // L followed by: [A].
0x000ce199, // M followed by: [ADEHINOPST].
0x0120129c, // N followed by: [CDEHJMVY].
0x00020480, // O followed by: [HKR].
0x00420001, // P followed by: [ARW].
0x00000000, // Q.
0x00000100, // R followed by: [I].
0x0000000c, // S followed by: [CD].
0x00802000, // T followed by: [NX].
0x00080000, // U followed by: [T].
0x00080101, // V followed by: [AIT].
0x01200101 // W followed by: [AIVY].
// Accumulative number of states for the 2-letter code indexed by the first.
static const int state_two_letter_accumulative[24] = {
0, 5, 5, 8, 10, 10, 12, 14,
15, 19, 19, 21, 22, 32, 40, 43,
46, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52, 55, 59
// State names sorted alphabetically with their lengths.
// There can be more than one possible name for a same state if desired.
static const struct StateNameInfo {
const char* string;
char first_word_length;
char length;
char state_index; // Relative to two-character code alphabetical order.
} state_names[59] = {
{ "alabama", 7, 7, 1 }, { "alaska", 6, 6, 0 },
{ "american samoa", 8, 14, 3 }, { "arizona", 7, 7, 4 },
{ "arkansas", 8, 8, 2 },
{ "california", 10, 10, 5 }, { "colorado", 8, 8, 6 },
{ "connecticut", 11, 11, 7 }, { "delaware", 8, 8, 9 },
{ "district of columbia", 8, 20, 8 },
{ "federated states of micronesia", 9, 30, 11 }, { "florida", 7, 7, 10 },
{ "guam", 4, 4, 13 }, { "georgia", 7, 7, 12 },
{ "hawaii", 6, 6, 14 },
{ "idaho", 5, 5, 16 }, { "illinois", 8, 8, 17 }, { "indiana", 7, 7, 18 },
{ "iowa", 4, 4, 15 },
{ "kansas", 6, 6, 19 }, { "kentucky", 8, 8, 20 },
{ "louisiana", 9, 9, 21 },
{ "maine", 5, 5, 24 }, { "marshall islands", 8, 16, 25 },
{ "maryland", 8, 8, 23 }, { "massachusetts", 13, 13, 22 },
{ "michigan", 8, 8, 26 }, { "minnesota", 9, 9, 27 },
{ "mississippi", 11, 11, 30 }, { "missouri", 8, 8, 28 },
{ "montana", 7, 7, 31 },
{ "nebraska", 8, 8, 34 }, { "nevada", 6, 6, 38 },
{ "new hampshire", 3, 13, 35 }, { "new jersey", 3, 10, 36 },
{ "new mexico", 3, 10, 37 }, { "new york", 3, 8, 39 },
{ "north carolina", 5, 14, 32 }, { "north dakota", 5, 12, 33 },
{ "northern mariana islands", 8, 24, 29 },
{ "ohio", 4, 4, 40 }, { "oklahoma", 8, 8, 41 }, { "oregon", 6, 6, 42 },
{ "palau", 5, 5, 45 }, { "pennsylvania", 12, 12, 43 },
{ "puerto rico", 6, 11, 44 },
{ "rhode island", 5, 5, 46 },
{ "south carolina", 5, 14, 47 }, { "south dakota", 5, 12, 48 },
{ "tennessee", 9, 9, 49 }, { "texas", 5, 5, 50 },
{ "utah", 4, 4, 51 },
{ "vermont", 7, 7, 54 }, { "virgin islands", 6, 14, 53 },
{ "virginia", 8, 8, 52 },
{ "washington", 10, 10, 55 }, { "west virginia", 4, 13, 57 },
{ "wisconsin", 9, 9, 56 }, { "wyoming", 7, 7, 58 }
// Accumulative number of states for sorted names indexed by the first letter.
// Required a different one since there are codes that don't share their
// first letter with the name of their state (MP = Northern Mariana Islands).
static const int state_names_accumulative[24] = {
0, 5, 5, 8, 10, 10, 12, 14,
15, 19, 19, 21, 22, 31, 40, 43,
46, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52, 55, 59
DCHECK_EQ(state_names_accumulative[arraysize(state_names_accumulative) - 1],
const Word& first_word = words->at(state_first_word);
int length = first_word.end - first_word.begin;
if (length < 2 || !base::IsAsciiAlpha(*first_word.begin))
return false;
// No state names start with x, y, z.
base::char16 first_letter = base::ToLowerASCII(*first_word.begin);
if (first_letter > 'w')
return false;
DCHECK(first_letter >= 'a');
int first_index = first_letter - 'a';
// Look for two-letter state names.
if (length == 2 && base::IsAsciiAlpha(*(first_word.begin + 1))) {
base::char16 second_letter = base::ToLowerASCII(*(first_word.begin + 1));
DCHECK(second_letter >= 'a');
int second_index = second_letter - 'a';
if (!(state_two_letter_suffix[first_index] & (1 << second_index)))
return false;
std::bitset<32> previous_suffixes = state_two_letter_suffix[first_index] &
((1 << second_index) - 1);
*state_last_word = state_first_word;
*state_index = state_two_letter_accumulative[first_index] +
return true;
// Look for full state names by their first letter. Discard by length.
for (int state = state_names_accumulative[first_index];
state < state_names_accumulative[first_index + 1]; ++state) {
if (state_names[state].first_word_length != length)
bool state_match = false;
size_t state_word = state_first_word;
for (int pos = 0; true; ) {
if (!WordLowerCaseEqualsASCII(words->at(state_word).begin,
words->at(state_word).end, &state_names[state].string[pos]))
pos += words->at(state_word).end - words->at(state_word).begin + 1;
if (pos >= state_names[state].length) {
state_match = true;
// Ran out of words, extract more from the tokenizer.
if (++state_word == words->size()) {
do {
if (!tokenizer->GetNext())
} while (tokenizer->token_is_delim());
Word(tokenizer->token_begin(), tokenizer->token_end()));
if (state_match) {
*state_last_word = state_word;
*state_index = state_names[state].state_index;
return true;
return false;
bool IsZipValid(const Word& word, size_t state_index) {
size_t length = word.end - word.begin;
if (length != kZipDigits && length != kZipPlus4Digits + 1)
return false;
for (base::string16::const_iterator it = word.begin; it != word.end; ++it) {
size_t pos = it - word.begin;
if (base::IsAsciiDigit(*it) || (*it == '-' && pos == kZipDigits))
return false;
return IsZipValidForState(word, state_index);
bool IsZipValidForState(const Word& word, size_t state_index) {
// List of valid zip code ranges.
static const struct {
signed char low;
signed char high;
signed char exception1;
signed char exception2;
} zip_range[] = {
{ 99, 99, -1, -1 }, // AK Alaska.
{ 35, 36, -1, -1 }, // AL Alabama.
{ 71, 72, -1, -1 }, // AR Arkansas.
{ 96, 96, -1, -1 }, // AS American Samoa.
{ 85, 86, -1, -1 }, // AZ Arizona.
{ 90, 96, -1, -1 }, // CA California.
{ 80, 81, -1, -1 }, // CO Colorado.
{ 6, 6, -1, -1 }, // CT Connecticut.
{ 20, 20, -1, -1 }, // DC District of Columbia.
{ 19, 19, -1, -1 }, // DE Delaware.
{ 32, 34, -1, -1 }, // FL Florida.
{ 96, 96, -1, -1 }, // FM Federated States of Micronesia.
{ 30, 31, -1, -1 }, // GA Georgia.
{ 96, 96, -1, -1 }, // GU Guam.
{ 96, 96, -1, -1 }, // HI Hawaii.
{ 50, 52, -1, -1 }, // IA Iowa.
{ 83, 83, -1, -1 }, // ID Idaho.
{ 60, 62, -1, -1 }, // IL Illinois.
{ 46, 47, -1, -1 }, // IN Indiana.
{ 66, 67, 73, -1 }, // KS Kansas.
{ 40, 42, -1, -1 }, // KY Kentucky.
{ 70, 71, -1, -1 }, // LA Louisiana.
{ 1, 2, -1, -1 }, // MA Massachusetts.
{ 20, 21, -1, -1 }, // MD Maryland.
{ 3, 4, -1, -1 }, // ME Maine.
{ 96, 96, -1, -1 }, // MH Marshall Islands.
{ 48, 49, -1, -1 }, // MI Michigan.
{ 55, 56, -1, -1 }, // MN Minnesota.
{ 63, 65, -1, -1 }, // MO Missouri.
{ 96, 96, -1, -1 }, // MP Northern Mariana Islands.
{ 38, 39, -1, -1 }, // MS Mississippi.
{ 55, 56, -1, -1 }, // MT Montana.
{ 27, 28, -1, -1 }, // NC North Carolina.
{ 58, 58, -1, -1 }, // ND North Dakota.
{ 68, 69, -1, -1 }, // NE Nebraska.
{ 3, 4, -1, -1 }, // NH New Hampshire.
{ 7, 8, -1, -1 }, // NJ New Jersey.
{ 87, 88, 86, -1 }, // NM New Mexico.
{ 88, 89, 96, -1 }, // NV Nevada.
{ 10, 14, 0, 6 }, // NY New York.
{ 43, 45, -1, -1 }, // OH Ohio.
{ 73, 74, -1, -1 }, // OK Oklahoma.
{ 97, 97, -1, -1 }, // OR Oregon.
{ 15, 19, -1, -1 }, // PA Pennsylvania.
{ 6, 6, 0, 9 }, // PR Puerto Rico.
{ 96, 96, -1, -1 }, // PW Palau.
{ 2, 2, -1, -1 }, // RI Rhode Island.
{ 29, 29, -1, -1 }, // SC South Carolina.
{ 57, 57, -1, -1 }, // SD South Dakota.
{ 37, 38, -1, -1 }, // TN Tennessee.
{ 75, 79, 87, 88 }, // TX Texas.
{ 84, 84, -1, -1 }, // UT Utah.
{ 22, 24, 20, -1 }, // VA Virginia.
{ 6, 9, -1, -1 }, // VI Virgin Islands.
{ 5, 5, -1, -1 }, // VT Vermont.
{ 98, 99, -1, -1 }, // WA Washington.
{ 53, 54, -1, -1 }, // WI Wisconsin.
{ 24, 26, -1, -1 }, // WV West Virginia.
{ 82, 83, -1, -1 } // WY Wyoming.
// Zip numeric value for the first two characters.
DCHECK(word.begin != word.end);
DCHECK(base::IsAsciiDigit(*(word.begin + 1)));
int zip_prefix = (*word.begin - '0') * 10 + (*(word.begin + 1) - '0');
if ((zip_prefix >= zip_range[state_index].low &&
zip_prefix <= zip_range[state_index].high) ||
zip_prefix == zip_range[state_index].exception1 ||
zip_prefix == zip_range[state_index].exception2) {
return true;
return false;
bool IsValidLocationName(const Word& word) {
// Supported location names sorted alphabetically and grouped by first letter.
static const struct LocationNameInfo {
const char* string;
char length;
bool allow_plural;
} location_names[159] = {
{ "alley", 5, false }, { "annex", 5, false }, { "arcade", 6, false },
{ "ave", 3, false }, { "ave.", 4, false }, { "avenue", 6, false },
{ "alameda", 7, false },
{ "bayou", 5, false }, { "beach", 5, false }, { "bend", 4, false },
{ "bluff", 5, true }, { "bottom", 6, false }, { "boulevard", 9, false },
{ "branch", 6, false }, { "bridge", 6, false }, { "brook", 5, true },
{ "burg", 4, true }, { "bypass", 6, false }, { "broadway", 8, false },
{ "camino", 6, false }, { "camp", 4, false }, { "canyon", 6, false },
{ "cape", 4, false }, { "causeway", 8, false }, { "center", 6, true },
{ "circle", 6, true }, { "cliff", 5, true }, { "club", 4, false },
{ "common", 6, false }, { "corner", 6, true }, { "course", 6, false },
{ "court", 5, true }, { "cove", 4, true }, { "creek", 5, false },
{ "crescent", 8, false }, { "crest", 5, false }, { "crossing", 8, false },
{ "crossroad", 9, false }, { "curve", 5, false }, { "circulo", 7, false },
{ "dale", 4, false }, { "dam", 3, false }, { "divide", 6, false },
{ "drive", 5, true },
{ "estate", 6, true }, { "expressway", 10, false },
{ "extension", 9, true },
{ "fall", 4, true }, { "ferry", 5, false }, { "field", 5, true },
{ "flat", 4, true }, { "ford", 4, true }, { "forest", 6, false },
{ "forge", 5, true }, { "fork", 4, true }, { "fort", 4, false },
{ "freeway", 7, false },
{ "garden", 6, true }, { "gateway", 7, false }, { "glen", 4, true },
{ "green", 5, true }, { "grove", 5, true },
{ "harbor", 6, true }, { "haven", 5, false }, { "heights", 7, false },
{ "highway", 7, false }, { "hill", 4, true }, { "hollow", 6, false },
{ "inlet", 5, false }, { "island", 6, true }, { "isle", 4, false },
{ "junction", 8, true },
{ "key", 3, true }, { "knoll", 5, true },
{ "lake", 4, true }, { "land", 4, false }, { "landing", 7, false },
{ "lane", 4, false }, { "light", 5, true }, { "loaf", 4, false },
{ "lock", 4, true }, { "lodge", 5, false }, { "loop", 4, false },
{ "mall", 4, false }, { "manor", 5, true }, { "meadow", 6, true },
{ "mews", 4, false }, { "mill", 4, true }, { "mission", 7, false },
{ "motorway", 8, false }, { "mount", 5, false }, { "mountain", 8, true },
{ "neck", 4, false },
{ "orchard", 7, false }, { "oval", 4, false }, { "overpass", 8, false },
{ "park", 4, true }, { "parkway", 7, true }, { "pass", 4, false },
{ "passage", 7, false }, { "path", 4, false }, { "pike", 4, false },
{ "pine", 4, true }, { "plain", 5, true }, { "plaza", 5, false },
{ "point", 5, true }, { "port", 4, true }, { "prairie", 7, false },
{ "privada", 7, false },
{ "radial", 6, false }, { "ramp", 4, false }, { "ranch", 5, false },
{ "rapid", 5, true }, { "rd", 2, false }, { "rd.", 3, false },
{ "rest", 4, false }, { "ridge", 5, true }, { "river", 5, false },
{ "road", 4, true }, { "route", 5, false }, { "row", 3, false },
{ "rue", 3, false }, { "run", 3, false },
{ "shoal", 5, true }, { "shore", 5, true }, { "skyway", 6, false },
{ "spring", 6, true }, { "spur", 4, true }, { "square", 6, true },
{ "station", 7, false }, { "stravenue", 9, false }, { "stream", 6, false },
{ "st", 2, false }, { "st.", 3, false }, { "street", 6, true },
{ "summit", 6, false }, { "speedway", 8, false },
{ "terrace", 7, false }, { "throughway", 10, false }, { "trace", 5, false },
{ "track", 5, false }, { "trafficway", 10, false }, { "trail", 5, false },
{ "tunnel", 6, false }, { "turnpike", 8, false },
{ "underpass", 9, false }, { "union", 5, true },
{ "valley", 6, true }, { "viaduct", 7, false }, { "view", 4, true },
{ "village", 7, true }, { "ville", 5, false }, { "vista", 5, false },
{ "walk", 4, true }, { "wall", 4, false }, { "way", 3, true },
{ "well", 4, true },
{ "xing", 4, false }, { "xrd", 3, false }
// Accumulative number of location names for each starting letter.
static const int location_names_accumulative[25] = {
0, 7, 19, 40, 44,
47, 57, 62, 68, 71,
72, 74, 83, 92, 93,
96, 109, 109, 123, 137,
145, 147, 153, 157, 159
location_names_accumulative[arraysize(location_names_accumulative) - 1],
if (!base::IsAsciiAlpha(*word.begin))
return false;
// No location names start with y, z.
base::char16 first_letter = base::ToLowerASCII(*word.begin);
if (first_letter > 'x')
return false;
DCHECK(first_letter >= 'a');
int index = first_letter - 'a';
int length = std::distance(word.begin, word.end);
for (int i = location_names_accumulative[index];
i < location_names_accumulative[index + 1]; ++i) {
if (location_names[i].length != length &&
(location_names[i].allow_plural &&
location_names[i].length + 1 != length)) {
if (LowerCaseEqualsASCIIWithPlural(word.begin, word.end,
location_names[i].allow_plural)) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace address_parser
} // namespace content