blob: 246a06a56b0cef2d1f0293e2c9e8a555561fcf0b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// A utility for printing the contents of a postmortem stability minidump.
#include <windows.h> // NOLINT
#include <dbghelp.h>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "components/browser_watcher/stability_report.pb.h"
namespace {
const char kUsage[] =
"Usage: %ls --minidump=<minidump file>\n"
" Dumps the contents of a postmortem minidump in a human readable way.\n";
bool ParseCommandLine(const base::CommandLine* cmd,
base::FilePath* minidump_path) {
*minidump_path = cmd->GetSwitchValuePath("minidump");
if (minidump_path->empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Missing minidump file.\n";
LOG(ERROR) << base::StringPrintf(kUsage, cmd->GetProgram().value().c_str());
return false;
return true;
void Indent(FILE* out, size_t indent_level) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < indent_level; ++i)
fprintf(out, " ");
void PrintActivity(FILE* out,
size_t indent_level,
const browser_watcher::Activity& activity) {
Indent(out, indent_level);
fprintf(out, "Activity\n");
Indent(out, indent_level + 1);
fprintf(out, "type: %d\n", activity.type());
Indent(out, indent_level + 1);
fprintf(out, "time: %lld\n", activity.time());
switch (activity.type()) {
case browser_watcher::Activity::UNKNOWN:
case browser_watcher::Activity::ACT_TASK_RUN:
Indent(out, indent_level + 1);
fprintf(out, "origin_address: %llx\n", activity.origin_address());
fprintf(out, "task_sequence_id: %lld\n", activity.task_sequence_id());
case browser_watcher::Activity::ACT_LOCK_ACQUIRE:
Indent(out, indent_level + 1);
fprintf(out, "lock_address: %llx\n", activity.lock_address());
case browser_watcher::Activity::ACT_EVENT_WAIT:
Indent(out, indent_level + 1);
fprintf(out, "event_address: %llx\n", activity.event_address());
case browser_watcher::Activity::ACT_THREAD_JOIN:
Indent(out, indent_level + 1);
fprintf(out, "thread_id: %lld\n", activity.thread_id());
case browser_watcher::Activity::ACT_PROCESS_WAIT:
Indent(out, indent_level + 1);
fprintf(out, "process_id: %lld\n", activity.process_id());
void PrintProcessState(FILE* out,
const browser_watcher::ProcessState& process) {
fprintf(out, "Process %lld (%d threads)\n", process.process_id(),
for (const browser_watcher::ThreadState& thread : process.threads()) {
fprintf(out, "Thread %lld (%s) : %d activities\n", thread.thread_id(),
thread.thread_name().c_str(), thread.activity_count());
for (const browser_watcher::Activity& activity : thread.activities())
PrintActivity(out, 1, activity);
// TODO(manzagop): flesh out as StabilityReport gets fleshed out.
void PrintReport(FILE* out, const browser_watcher::StabilityReport& report) {
for (int i = 0; i < report.process_states_size(); ++i) {
const browser_watcher::ProcessState process = report.process_states(i);
PrintProcessState(out, process);
int Main(int argc, char** argv) {
base::CommandLine::Init(argc, argv);
// Get the dump.
base::FilePath minidump_path;
if (!ParseCommandLine(base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(), &minidump_path))
return 1;
// Read the minidump to extract the proto.
base::ScopedFILE minidump_file;
minidump_file.reset(base::OpenFile(minidump_path, "rb"));
// Read the header.
// TODO(manzagop): leverage Crashpad to do this.
MINIDUMP_HEADER header = {};
CHECK_EQ(1U, fread(&header, sizeof(header), 1U, minidump_file.get()));
CHECK_EQ(static_cast<ULONG32>(MINIDUMP_SIGNATURE), header.Signature);
CHECK_EQ(2U, header.NumberOfStreams);
RVA directory_rva = header.StreamDirectoryRva;
// Read the directory entry for the stability report's stream.
// Note: this hardcodes an expectation that the stability report is the first
// encountered stream. This is acceptable for a debug tool.
MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY directory = {};
CHECK_EQ(0, fseek(minidump_file.get(), directory_rva, SEEK_SET));
CHECK_EQ(1U, fread(&directory, sizeof(directory), 1U, minidump_file.get()));
CHECK_EQ(static_cast<ULONG32>(0x4B6B0002), directory.StreamType);
RVA report_rva = directory.Location.Rva;
ULONG32 report_size_bytes = directory.Location.DataSize;
// Read the serialized stability report.
std::string serialized_report;
CHECK_EQ(0, fseek(minidump_file.get(), report_rva, SEEK_SET));
CHECK_EQ(report_size_bytes, fread(&, 1,
report_size_bytes, minidump_file.get()));
browser_watcher::StabilityReport report;
// Note: we can't use the usual protocol buffer human readable API due to
// the use of optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME.
PrintReport(stdout, report);
return 0;
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return Main(argc, argv);