blob: d57cd87f4b87aba25dc5a121f27deae6d0f126ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "net/http/bidirectional_stream.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h"
namespace net {
class HttpRequestHeaders;
class WrappedIOBuffer;
} // namespace net
namespace grpc_support {
// An adapter to net::BidirectionalStream.
// Created and configured from any thread. Start, ReadData, WriteData and
// Destroy can be called on any thread (including network thread), and post
// calls to corresponding {Start|ReadData|WriteData|Destroy}OnNetworkThread to
// the network thread. The object is always deleted on network thread. All
// callbacks into the Delegate are done on the network thread.
// The app is expected to initiate the next step like ReadData or Destroy.
// Public methods can be called on any thread.
class BidirectionalStream : public net::BidirectionalStream::Delegate {
class Delegate {
virtual void OnStreamReady() = 0;
virtual void OnHeadersReceived(const net::SpdyHeaderBlock& response_headers,
const char* negotiated_protocol) = 0;
virtual void OnDataRead(char* data, int size) = 0;
virtual void OnDataSent(const char* data) = 0;
virtual void OnTrailersReceived(const net::SpdyHeaderBlock& trailers) = 0;
virtual void OnSucceeded() = 0;
virtual void OnFailed(int error) = 0;
virtual void OnCanceled() = 0;
BidirectionalStream(net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context_getter,
Delegate* delegate);
~BidirectionalStream() override;
// Disables automatic flushing of each buffer passed to WriteData().
void disable_auto_flush(bool disable_auto_flush) {
disable_auto_flush_ = disable_auto_flush;
// Delays sending request headers until first call to Flush().
void delay_headers_until_flush(bool delay_headers_until_flush) {
delay_headers_until_flush_ = delay_headers_until_flush;
// Validates method and headers, initializes and starts the request. If
// |end_of_stream| is true, then stream is half-closed after sending header
// frame and no data is expected to be written.
// Returns 0 if request is valid and started successfully,
// Returns -1 if |method| is not valid HTTP method name.
// Returns position of invalid header value in |headers| if header name is
// not valid.
int Start(const char* url,
int priority,
const char* method,
const net::HttpRequestHeaders& headers,
bool end_of_stream);
// Reads more data into |buffer| up to |capacity| bytes.
bool ReadData(char* buffer, int capacity);
// Writes |count| bytes of data from |buffer|. The |end_of_stream| is
// passed to remote to indicate end of stream.
bool WriteData(const char* buffer, int count, bool end_of_stream);
// Sends buffers passed to WriteData().
void Flush();
// Cancels the request. The OnCanceled callback is invoked when request is
// caneceled, and not other callbacks are invoked afterwards..
void Cancel();
// Releases all resources for the request and deletes the object itself.
void Destroy();
// States of BidirectionalStream are tracked in |read_state_| and
// |write_state_|.
// The write state is separated as it changes independently of the read state.
// There is one initial state: NOT_STARTED. There is one normal final state:
// SUCCESS, reached after READING_DONE and WRITING_DONE. There are two
// exceptional final states: CANCELED and ERROR, which can be reached from
// any other non-final state.
enum State {
// Initial state, stream not started.
// Stream started, request headers are being sent.
// Waiting for ReadData() to be called.
// Reading from the remote, OnDataRead callback will be invoked when done.
// There is no more data to read and stream is half-closed by the remote
// side.
// Stream is canceled.
// Error has occured, stream is closed.
// Reading and writing are done, and the stream is closed successfully.
// Waiting for Flush() to be called.
// Writing to the remote, callback will be invoked when done.
// There is no more data to write and stream is half-closed by the local
// side.
// Container to hold buffers and sizes of the pending data to be written.
class WriteBuffers {
// Clears Write Buffers list.
void Clear();
// Appends |buffer| of |buffer_size| length to the end of buffer list.
void AppendBuffer(const scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer>& buffer,
int buffer_size);
void MoveTo(WriteBuffers* target);
// Returns true of Write Buffers list is empty.
bool Empty() const;
const std::vector<scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer>>& buffers() const {
return write_buffer_list;
const std::vector<int>& lengths() const { return write_buffer_len_list; }
// Every IOBuffer in |write_buffer_list| points to the memory owned by the
// application.
std::vector<scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer>> write_buffer_list;
// A list of the length of each IOBuffer in |write_buffer_list|.
std::vector<int> write_buffer_len_list;
// net::BidirectionalStream::Delegate implementations:
void OnStreamReady(bool request_headers_sent) override;
void OnHeadersReceived(const net::SpdyHeaderBlock& response_headers) override;
void OnDataRead(int bytes_read) override;
void OnDataSent() override;
void OnTrailersReceived(const net::SpdyHeaderBlock& trailers) override;
void OnFailed(int error) override;
// Helper method to derive OnSucceeded.
void MaybeOnSucceded();
void StartOnNetworkThread(
std::unique_ptr<net::BidirectionalStreamRequestInfo> request_info);
void ReadDataOnNetworkThread(scoped_refptr<net::WrappedIOBuffer> read_buffer,
int buffer_size);
void WriteDataOnNetworkThread(scoped_refptr<net::WrappedIOBuffer> read_buffer,
int buffer_size,
bool end_of_stream);
void FlushOnNetworkThread();
void SendFlushingWriteData();
void CancelOnNetworkThread();
void DestroyOnNetworkThread();
bool IsOnNetworkThread();
void PostToNetworkThread(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const base::Closure& task);
// Read state is tracking reading flow. Only accessed on network thread.
// | <--- READING <--- |
// | |
// | |
State read_state_;
// Write state is tracking writing flow. Only accessed on network thread.
// | <--- WRITING <--- |
// | |
// | |
State write_state_;
bool write_end_of_stream_;
bool request_headers_sent_;
bool disable_auto_flush_;
bool delay_headers_until_flush_;
net::URLRequestContextGetter* const request_context_getter_;
scoped_refptr<net::WrappedIOBuffer> read_buffer_;
// Write data that is pending the flush.
std::unique_ptr<WriteBuffers> pending_write_data_;
// Write data that is flushed, but not sending yet.
std::unique_ptr<WriteBuffers> flushing_write_data_;
// Write data that is sending.
std::unique_ptr<WriteBuffers> sending_write_data_;
std::unique_ptr<net::BidirectionalStream> bidi_stream_;
Delegate* delegate_;
base::WeakPtr<BidirectionalStream> weak_this_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<BidirectionalStream> weak_factory_;
} // namespace grpc_support