blob: ed037677d65285018d757e6d2e485aaa3499c360 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "remoting/protocol/webrtc_frame_scheduler_simple.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "remoting/protocol/frame_stats.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/webrtc_dummy_video_encoder.h"
#include "third_party/webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_frame.h"
namespace remoting {
namespace protocol {
namespace {
// Number of samples used to estimate processing time for the next frame.
const int kStatsWindow = 5;
const int kTargetFrameRate = 30;
constexpr base::TimeDelta kTargetFrameInterval =
base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1000 / kTargetFrameRate);
// Target quantizer at which stop the encoding top-off.
const int kTargetQuantizerForVp8TopOff = 30;
const int64_t kPixelsPerMegapixel = 1000000;
// Minimum target bitrate per megapixel. The value is chosen experimentally such
// that when screen is not changing the codec converges to the target quantizer
// above in less than 10 frames.
const int kVp8MinimumTargetBitrateKbpsPerMegapixel = 2500;
// Threshold in number of updated pixels used to detect "big" frames. These
// frames update significant portion of the screen compared to the preceding
// frames. For these frames min quantizer may need to be adjusted in order to
// ensure that they get delivered to the client as soon as possible, in exchange
// for lower-quality image.
const int kBigFrameThresholdPixels = 300000;
// Estimated size (in bytes per megapixel) of encoded frame at target quantizer
// value (see kTargetQuantizerForVp8TopOff). Compression ratio varies depending
// on the image, so this is just a rough estimate. It's used to predict when
// encoded "big" frame may be too large to be delivered to the client quickly.
const int kEstimatedBytesPerMegapixel = 100000;
// Interval over which the bandwidth estimates is averaged to set target encoder
// bitrate.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kBandwidthAveragingInterval =
// Only update encoder bitrate when bandwidth changes by more than 33%. This
// value is chosen such that the codec is notified about significant changes in
// bandwidth, while ignoring bandwidth estimate noise. This is necessary because
// the encoder drops quality every time it's being reconfigured. When using VP8
// encoder in realtime mode encoded frame size correlates very poorly with the
// target bitrate, so it's not necessary to set target bitrate to match
// bandwidth exactly. Send bitrate is controlled more precisely by adjusting
// time intervals between frames (i.e. FPS).
const int kEncoderBitrateChangePercentage = 33;
int64_t GetRegionArea(const webrtc::DesktopRegion& region) {
int64_t result = 0;
for (webrtc::DesktopRegion::Iterator r(region); !r.IsAtEnd(); r.Advance()) {
result += r.rect().width() * r.rect().height();
return result;
} // namespace
WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::EncoderBitrateFilter::EncoderBitrateFilter() {}
WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::EncoderBitrateFilter::~EncoderBitrateFilter() {}
void WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::EncoderBitrateFilter::SetBandwidthEstimate(
int bandwidth_kbps,
base::TimeTicks now) {
while (!bandwidth_samples_.empty() &&
now - bandwidth_samples_.front().first > kBandwidthAveragingInterval) {
bandwidth_samples_sum_ -= bandwidth_samples_.front().second;
bandwidth_samples_.push(std::make_pair(now, bandwidth_kbps));
bandwidth_samples_sum_ += bandwidth_kbps;
void WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::EncoderBitrateFilter::SetFrameSize(
webrtc::DesktopSize size) {
// TODO(sergeyu): This logic is applicable only to VP8. Reconsider it for VP9.
minimum_bitrate_ =
static_cast<int64_t>(kVp8MinimumTargetBitrateKbpsPerMegapixel) *
size.width() * size.height() / 1000000LL;
int WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::EncoderBitrateFilter::GetTargetBitrateKbps()
const {
DCHECK_GT(current_target_bitrate_, 0);
return current_target_bitrate_;
void WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::EncoderBitrateFilter::UpdateTargetBitrate() {
if (bandwidth_samples_.empty()) {
int bandwidth_estimate = bandwidth_samples_sum_ / bandwidth_samples_.size();
int target_bitrate = std::max(minimum_bitrate_, bandwidth_estimate);
// Update encoder bitrate only when it changes by more than 30%. This is
// necessary because the encoder resets internal state when it's reconfigured
// and this causes visible drop in quality.
if (current_target_bitrate_ == 0 ||
std::abs(target_bitrate - current_target_bitrate_) >
current_target_bitrate_ * kEncoderBitrateChangePercentage / 100) {
current_target_bitrate_ = target_bitrate;
: pacing_bucket_(LeakyBucket::kUnlimitedDepth, 0),
weak_factory_(this) {}
WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::~WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple() {}
void WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::OnKeyFrameRequested() {
key_frame_request_ = true;
void WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::OnChannelParameters(int packet_loss,
base::TimeDelta rtt) {
rtt_estimate_ = rtt;
void WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::OnTargetBitrateChanged(int bandwidth_kbps) {
base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
pacing_bucket_.UpdateRate(bandwidth_kbps * 1000 / 8, now);
encoder_bitrate_.SetBandwidthEstimate(bandwidth_kbps, now);
void WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::Start(
WebrtcDummyVideoEncoderFactory* video_encoder_factory,
const base::Closure& capture_callback) {
capture_callback_ = capture_callback;
void WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::Pause(bool pause) {
paused_ = pause;
if (paused_) {
} else {
bool WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::OnFrameCaptured(
const webrtc::DesktopFrame* frame,
WebrtcVideoEncoder::FrameParams* params_out) {
base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
if ((!frame || frame->updated_region().is_empty()) && !top_off_is_active_ &&
!key_frame_request_) {
frame_pending_ = false;
return false;
if (frame) {
params_out->bitrate_kbps = encoder_bitrate_.GetTargetBitrateKbps();
params_out->duration = kTargetFrameInterval;
params_out->key_frame = key_frame_request_;
key_frame_request_ = false;
params_out->vpx_min_quantizer = 10;
int64_t updated_area = 0;
if (frame) {
updated_area = params_out->key_frame
? frame->size().width() * frame->size().height()
: GetRegionArea(frame->updated_region());
// If bandwidth is being underutilized then libvpx is likely to choose the
// minimum allowed quantizer value, which means that encoded frame size may
// be significantly bigger than the bandwidth allows. Detect this case and set
// vpx_min_quantizer to 60. The quality will be topped off later.
if (updated_area - updated_region_area_.Max() > kBigFrameThresholdPixels) {
int expected_frame_size =
updated_area * kEstimatedBytesPerMegapixel / kPixelsPerMegapixel;
base::TimeDelta expected_send_delay = base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(
base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond * expected_frame_size /
if (expected_send_delay > kTargetFrameInterval) {
params_out->vpx_min_quantizer = 60;
params_out->vpx_max_quantizer = 63;
params_out->clear_active_map = !top_off_is_active_;
return true;
void WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::OnFrameEncoded(
const WebrtcVideoEncoder::EncodedFrame* encoded_frame,
HostFrameStats* frame_stats) {
frame_pending_ = false;
base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
if (frame_stats) {
// Calculate |send_pending_delay| before refilling |pacing_bucket_|.
frame_stats->send_pending_delay =
std::max(base::TimeDelta(), pacing_bucket_.GetEmptyTime() - now);
if (!encoded_frame || encoded_frame->data.empty()) {
top_off_is_active_ = false;
} else {
pacing_bucket_.RefillOrSpill(encoded_frame->data.size(), now);
(now - last_capture_started_time_).InMicroseconds());
// Top-off until the target quantizer value is reached.
top_off_is_active_ =
encoded_frame->quantizer > kTargetQuantizerForVp8TopOff;
if (frame_stats) {
frame_stats->rtt_estimate = rtt_estimate_;
frame_stats->bandwidth_estimate_kbps = pacing_bucket_.rate() * 8 / 1000;
void WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::ScheduleNextFrame(base::TimeTicks now) {
if (paused_ || pacing_bucket_.rate() == 0 || capture_callback_.is_null() ||
frame_pending_) {
// If this is not the first frame then capture next frame after the previous
// one has finished sending.
base::TimeDelta expected_processing_time =
base::TimeTicks target_capture_time =
pacing_bucket_.GetEmptyTime() - expected_processing_time;
// Cap interval between frames to kTargetFrameInterval.
if (!last_capture_started_time_.is_null()) {
target_capture_time = std::max(
target_capture_time, last_capture_started_time_ + kTargetFrameInterval);
if (target_capture_time < now) {
target_capture_time = now;
capture_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, target_capture_time - now,
void WebrtcFrameSchedulerSimple::CaptureNextFrame() {
last_capture_started_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();
frame_pending_ = true;
} // namespace protocol
} // namespace remoting