blob: 778841f61a9a7212d71d85322f5e58c9bae34658 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_export.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_record.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h"
namespace cc {
class DisplayItemList;
class PaintFlags;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT PaintCanvas {
virtual ~PaintCanvas() {}
virtual SkMetaData& getMetaData() = 0;
virtual SkImageInfo imageInfo() const = 0;
// TODO(enne): It would be nice to get rid of flush() entirely, as it
// doesn't really make sense for recording. However, this gets used by
// SkCanvasVideoRenderer which takes a PaintCanvas to paint both
// software and hardware video. This is super entangled with ImageBuffer
// and canvas/video painting in Blink where the same paths are used for
// both recording and gpu work.
virtual void flush() = 0;
virtual SkISize getBaseLayerSize() const = 0;
virtual bool readPixels(const SkImageInfo& dest_info,
void* dest_pixels,
size_t dest_row_bytes,
int src_x,
int src_y) = 0;
virtual bool readPixels(SkBitmap* bitmap, int src_x, int src_y) = 0;
virtual bool readPixels(const SkIRect& srcRect, SkBitmap* bitmap) = 0;
virtual bool writePixels(const SkImageInfo& info,
const void* pixels,
size_t row_bytes,
int x,
int y) = 0;
virtual int save() = 0;
virtual int saveLayer(const SkRect* bounds, const PaintFlags* flags) = 0;
virtual int saveLayerAlpha(const SkRect* bounds, U8CPU alpha) = 0;
virtual void restore() = 0;
virtual int getSaveCount() const = 0;
virtual void restoreToCount(int save_count) = 0;
virtual void translate(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy) = 0;
virtual void scale(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy) = 0;
virtual void rotate(SkScalar degrees) = 0;
virtual void concat(const SkMatrix& matrix) = 0;
virtual void setMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix) = 0;
virtual void clipRect(const SkRect& rect,
SkClipOp op,
bool do_anti_alias) = 0;
void clipRect(const SkRect& rect, SkClipOp op) { clipRect(rect, op, false); }
void clipRect(const SkRect& rect, bool do_anti_alias) {
clipRect(rect, SkClipOp::kIntersect, do_anti_alias);
void clipRect(const SkRect& rect) {
clipRect(rect, SkClipOp::kIntersect, false);
virtual void clipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect,
SkClipOp op,
bool do_anti_alias) = 0;
void clipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, bool do_anti_alias) {
clipRRect(rrect, SkClipOp::kIntersect, do_anti_alias);
void clipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, SkClipOp op) {
clipRRect(rrect, op, false);
void clipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect) {
clipRRect(rrect, SkClipOp::kIntersect, false);
virtual void clipPath(const SkPath& path,
SkClipOp op,
bool do_anti_alias) = 0;
void clipPath(const SkPath& path, SkClipOp op) { clipPath(path, op, false); }
void clipPath(const SkPath& path, bool do_anti_alias) {
clipPath(path, SkClipOp::kIntersect, do_anti_alias);
virtual bool quickReject(const SkRect& rect) const = 0;
virtual bool quickReject(const SkPath& path) const = 0;
virtual SkRect getLocalClipBounds() const = 0;
virtual bool getLocalClipBounds(SkRect* bounds) const = 0;
virtual SkIRect getDeviceClipBounds() const = 0;
virtual bool getDeviceClipBounds(SkIRect* bounds) const = 0;
virtual void drawColor(SkColor color, SkBlendMode mode) = 0;
void drawColor(SkColor color) { drawColor(color, SkBlendMode::kSrcOver); }
virtual void clear(SkColor color) = 0;
virtual void drawLine(SkScalar x0,
SkScalar y0,
SkScalar x1,
SkScalar y1,
const PaintFlags& flags) = 0;
virtual void drawRect(const SkRect& rect, const PaintFlags& flags) = 0;
virtual void drawIRect(const SkIRect& rect, const PaintFlags& flags) = 0;
virtual void drawOval(const SkRect& oval, const PaintFlags& flags) = 0;
virtual void drawRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, const PaintFlags& flags) = 0;
virtual void drawDRRect(const SkRRect& outer,
const SkRRect& inner,
const PaintFlags& flags) = 0;
virtual void drawCircle(SkScalar cx,
SkScalar cy,
SkScalar radius,
const PaintFlags& flags) = 0;
virtual void drawArc(const SkRect& oval,
SkScalar start_angle,
SkScalar sweep_angle,
bool use_center,
const PaintFlags& flags) = 0;
virtual void drawRoundRect(const SkRect& rect,
SkScalar rx,
SkScalar ry,
const PaintFlags& flags) = 0;
virtual void drawPath(const SkPath& path, const PaintFlags& flags) = 0;
virtual void drawImage(sk_sp<const SkImage> image,
SkScalar left,
SkScalar top,
const PaintFlags* flags) = 0;
void drawImage(sk_sp<const SkImage> image, SkScalar left, SkScalar top) {
drawImage(image, left, top, nullptr);
enum SrcRectConstraint {
kStrict_SrcRectConstraint = SkCanvas::kStrict_SrcRectConstraint,
kFast_SrcRectConstraint = SkCanvas::kFast_SrcRectConstraint,
virtual void drawImageRect(sk_sp<const SkImage> image,
const SkRect& src,
const SkRect& dst,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SrcRectConstraint constraint) = 0;
virtual void drawBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap,
SkScalar left,
SkScalar top,
const PaintFlags* flags) = 0;
void drawBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap, SkScalar left, SkScalar top) {
drawBitmap(bitmap, left, top, nullptr);
virtual void drawText(const void* text,
size_t byte_length,
SkScalar x,
SkScalar y,
const PaintFlags& flags) = 0;
virtual void drawPosText(const void* text,
size_t byte_length,
const SkPoint pos[],
const PaintFlags& flags) = 0;
virtual void drawTextBlob(sk_sp<SkTextBlob> blob,
SkScalar x,
SkScalar y,
const PaintFlags& flags) = 0;
virtual void drawDisplayItemList(
scoped_refptr<DisplayItemList> display_item_list) = 0;
virtual void drawPicture(sk_sp<const PaintRecord> record) = 0;
virtual bool isClipEmpty() const = 0;
virtual bool isClipRect() const = 0;
virtual const SkMatrix& getTotalMatrix() const = 0;
// For GraphicsContextCanvas only. Maybe this could be rewritten?
virtual void temporary_internal_describeTopLayer(SkMatrix* matrix,
SkIRect* clip_bounds) = 0;
virtual bool ToPixmap(SkPixmap* output) = 0;
virtual void AnnotateRectWithURL(const SkRect& rect, SkData* data) = 0;
virtual void AnnotateNamedDestination(const SkPoint& point, SkData* data) = 0;
virtual void AnnotateLinkToDestination(const SkRect& rect, SkData* data) = 0;
// TODO(enne): maybe this should live on PaintRecord, but that's not
// possible when PaintRecord is a typedef.
virtual void PlaybackPaintRecord(sk_sp<const PaintRecord> record) = 0;
friend class PaintSurface;
friend class PaintRecorder;
friend CC_PAINT_EXPORT void PaintCanvasAnnotateRectWithURL(
PaintCanvas* canvas,
const SkRect& rect,
SkData* data);
friend CC_PAINT_EXPORT void PaintCanvasAnnotateNamedDestination(
PaintCanvas* canvas,
const SkPoint& point,
SkData* data);
friend CC_PAINT_EXPORT void PaintCanvasAnnotateLinkToDestination(
PaintCanvas* canvas,
const SkRect& rect,
SkData* data);
friend CC_PAINT_EXPORT bool ToPixmap(PaintCanvas* canvas, SkPixmap* output);
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT PaintCanvasAutoRestore {
PaintCanvasAutoRestore(PaintCanvas* canvas, bool save) : canvas_(canvas) {
if (canvas_) {
save_count_ = canvas_->getSaveCount();
if (save) {
~PaintCanvasAutoRestore() {
if (canvas_) {
void restore() {
if (canvas_) {
canvas_ = nullptr;
PaintCanvas* canvas_ = nullptr;
int save_count_ = 0;
// TODO(enne): Move all these functions into PaintCanvas. These are only
// separate now to make the transition to concrete types easier by keeping
// the base PaintCanvas type equivalent to the SkCanvas interface and
// all these helper functions potentially operating on both.
// PaintCanvas equivalent of skia::GetWritablePixels.
CC_PAINT_EXPORT bool ToPixmap(PaintCanvas* canvas, SkPixmap* output);
// Following routines are used in print preview workflow to mark the
// preview metafile.
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
CC_PAINT_EXPORT void SetIsPreviewMetafile(PaintCanvas* canvas, bool is_preview);
CC_PAINT_EXPORT bool IsPreviewMetafile(PaintCanvas* canvas);
CC_PAINT_EXPORT void PaintCanvasAnnotateRectWithURL(PaintCanvas* canvas,
const SkRect& rect,
SkData* data);
CC_PAINT_EXPORT void PaintCanvasAnnotateNamedDestination(PaintCanvas* canvas,
const SkPoint& point,
SkData* data);
CC_PAINT_EXPORT void PaintCanvasAnnotateLinkToDestination(PaintCanvas* canvas,
const SkRect& rect,
SkData* data);
} // namespace cc