blob: 70784947b1c328a8203299dcc1557476a9d8820e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/display/display_layout.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/insets.h"
namespace display {
namespace {
// DisplayPlacement Positions
const char kTop[] = "top";
const char kRight[] = "right";
const char kBottom[] = "bottom";
const char kLeft[] = "left";
const char kUnknown[] = "unknown";
// The maximum value for 'offset' in DisplayLayout in case of outliers. Need
// to change this value in case to support even larger displays.
const int kMaxValidOffset = 10000;
bool IsIdInList(int64_t id, const DisplayIdList& list) {
const auto iter =
std::find_if(list.begin(), list.end(),
[id](int64_t display_id) { return display_id == id; });
return iter != list.end();
bool ComparePlacements(const DisplayPlacement& d1, const DisplayPlacement& d2) {
return d1.display_id < d2.display_id;
// Extracts the displays IDs list from the displays list.
DisplayIdList DisplayListToDisplayIdList(const Displays& displays) {
DisplayIdList list;
for (const auto& display : displays)
return list;
// Ruturns nullptr if display with |id| is not found.
Display* FindDisplayById(Displays* display_list, int64_t id) {
auto iter =
std::find_if(display_list->begin(), display_list->end(),
[id](const Display& display) { return == id; });
return iter == display_list->end() ? nullptr : &(*iter);
// Returns the tree depth of the display with ID |display_id| from the tree root
// (i.e. from the primary display).
int GetDisplayTreeDepth(
int64_t display_id,
int64_t primary_id,
const std::map<int64_t, int64_t>& display_to_parent_ids_map) {
int64_t current_id = display_id;
int depth = 0;
const int kMaxDepth = 100; // Avoid layouts with cycles.
while (current_id != primary_id && depth < kMaxDepth) {
auto iter = display_to_parent_ids_map.find(current_id);
if (iter == display_to_parent_ids_map.end())
return kMaxDepth; // Let detached diplays go to the end.
current_id = iter->second;
return depth;
// Returns true if the child and parent displays are sharing a border that
// matches the child's relative position to its parent.
bool AreDisplaysTouching(const Display& child_display,
const Display& parent_display,
DisplayPlacement::Position child_position) {
const gfx::Rect& a_bounds = child_display.bounds();
const gfx::Rect& b_bounds = parent_display.bounds();
if (child_position == DisplayPlacement::TOP ||
child_position == DisplayPlacement::BOTTOM) {
const int rb = std::min(a_bounds.bottom(), b_bounds.bottom());
const int ry = std::max(a_bounds.y(), b_bounds.y());
return rb == ry;
const int rx = std::max(a_bounds.x(), b_bounds.x());
const int rr = std::min(a_bounds.right(), b_bounds.right());
return rr == rx;
// After the layout has been applied to the |display_list| and any possible
// overlaps have been fixed, this function is called to update the offsets in
// the |placement_list|, and make sure the placement list is sorted by display
// IDs.
void UpdatePlacementList(Displays* display_list,
std::vector<DisplayPlacement>* placement_list) {
std::sort(placement_list->begin(), placement_list->end(), ComparePlacements);
for (DisplayPlacement& placement : *placement_list) {
const Display* child_display =
FindDisplayById(display_list, placement.display_id);
const Display* parent_display =
FindDisplayById(display_list, placement.parent_display_id);
if (!child_display || !parent_display)
const gfx::Rect& child_bounds = child_display->bounds();
const gfx::Rect& parent_bounds = parent_display->bounds();
if (placement.position == DisplayPlacement::TOP ||
placement.position == DisplayPlacement::BOTTOM) {
placement.offset = child_bounds.x() - parent_bounds.x();
} else {
placement.offset = child_bounds.y() - parent_bounds.y();
// Reparents |target_display| to |last_intersecting_source_display| if it's not
// touching with its current parent. It also handles the case if
// |target_display| is detached, it then reparents it to the last intersecting
// display.
void MaybeReparentTargetDisplay(
int last_offset_x,
int last_offset_y,
const Display* last_intersecting_source_display,
const Display* target_display,
std::map<int64_t, int64_t>* display_to_parent_ids_map,
Displays* display_list,
std::vector<DisplayPlacement>* placement_list) {
// A de-intersection was performed.
// The offset target display may have moved such that it no longer touches
// its parent. Reparent if necessary.
DisplayPlacement* target_display_placement = nullptr;
auto iter = display_to_parent_ids_map->find(target_display->id());
if (iter != display_to_parent_ids_map->end()) {
const int64_t parent_display_id = iter->second;
if (parent_display_id == last_intersecting_source_display->id()) {
// It was just de-intersected with the source display in such a way that
// they're touching, and the source display is its parent. So no need to
// do any reparenting.
Display* parent_display = FindDisplayById(display_list, parent_display_id);
auto target_display_placement_itr =
std::find_if(placement_list->begin(), placement_list->end(),
[&target_display](const DisplayPlacement& p) {
return p.display_id == target_display->id();
DCHECK(target_display_placement_itr != placement_list->end());
target_display_placement = &(*target_display_placement_itr);
if (AreDisplaysTouching(*target_display, *parent_display,
target_display_placement->position)) {
} else {
// It's a detached display with no parent. Add a new placement for it.
DisplayPlacement new_placement;
new_placement.display_id = target_display->id();
target_display_placement = &placement_list->back();
// Reparent the target to source and update the position. No need to
// update the offset here as it will be done later when UpdateOffsets()
// is called.
target_display_placement->parent_display_id =
// Update the map.
(*display_to_parent_ids_map)[target_display->id()] =
if (last_offset_x) {
target_display_placement->position =
last_offset_x > 0 ? DisplayPlacement::RIGHT : DisplayPlacement::LEFT;
} else {
target_display_placement->position =
last_offset_y > 0 ? DisplayPlacement::BOTTOM : DisplayPlacement::TOP;
// Offsets |display| by the provided |x| and |y| values.
void OffsetDisplay(Display* display, int x, int y) {
gfx::Point new_origin = display->bounds().origin();
new_origin.Offset(x, y);
gfx::Insets insets = display->GetWorkAreaInsets();
display->set_bounds(gfx::Rect(new_origin, display->bounds().size()));
// Calculates the amount of offset along the X or Y axes for the target display
// with |target_bounds| to de-intersect with the source display with
// |source_bounds|.
// These functions assume both displays already intersect.
int CalculateOffsetX(const gfx::Rect& source_bounds,
const gfx::Rect& target_bounds) {
if (target_bounds.x() >= 0) {
// Target display moves along the +ve X direction.
return source_bounds.right() - target_bounds.x();
// Target display moves along the -ve X direction.
return -(target_bounds.right() - source_bounds.x());
int CalculateOffsetY(const gfx::Rect& source_bounds,
const gfx::Rect& target_bounds) {
if (target_bounds.y() >= 0) {
// Target display moves along the +ve Y direction.
return source_bounds.bottom() - target_bounds.y();
// Target display moves along the -ve Y direction.
return -(target_bounds.bottom() - source_bounds.y());
// Fixes any overlapping displays and reparents displays if necessary.
void DeIntersectDisplays(int64_t primary_id,
Displays* display_list,
std::vector<DisplayPlacement>* placement_list,
std::set<int64_t>* updated_displays) {
std::map<int64_t, int64_t> display_to_parent_ids_map;
for (const DisplayPlacement& placement : *placement_list) {
std::make_pair(placement.display_id, placement.parent_display_id));
std::vector<Display*> sorted_displays;
for (Display& display : *display_list)
// Sort the displays first by their depth in the display hierarchy tree, and
// then by distance of their top left points from the origin. This way we
// process the displays starting at the root (the primary display), in the
// order of their decendence spanning out from the primary display.
std::sort(sorted_displays.begin(), sorted_displays.end(), [&](Display* d1,
Display* d2) {
const int d1_depth =
GetDisplayTreeDepth(d1->id(), primary_id, display_to_parent_ids_map);
const int d2_depth =
GetDisplayTreeDepth(d2->id(), primary_id, display_to_parent_ids_map);
if (d1_depth != d2_depth)
return d1_depth < d2_depth;
const int64_t d1_distance = d1->bounds().OffsetFromOrigin().LengthSquared();
const int64_t d2_distance = d2->bounds().OffsetFromOrigin().LengthSquared();
if (d1_distance != d2_distance)
return d1_distance < d2_distance;
return d1->id() < d2->id();
// This must result in the primary display being at the front of the list.
DCHECK_EQ(sorted_displays.front()->id(), primary_id);
for (size_t i = 1; i < sorted_displays.size(); ++i) {
Display* target_display = sorted_displays[i];
const Display* last_intersecting_source_display = nullptr;
int last_offset_x = 0;
int last_offset_y = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
const Display* source_display = sorted_displays[j];
const gfx::Rect source_bounds = source_display->bounds();
const gfx::Rect target_bounds = target_display->bounds();
gfx::Rect intersection = source_bounds;
if (intersection.IsEmpty())
// Calculate offsets along both X and Y axes such that either can remove
// the overlap, but choose and apply the smaller offset. This way we have
// more predictable results.
int offset_x = 0;
int offset_y = 0;
if (intersection.width())
offset_x = CalculateOffsetX(source_bounds, target_bounds);
if (intersection.height())
offset_y = CalculateOffsetY(source_bounds, target_bounds);
if (offset_x == 0 && offset_y == 0)
// Choose the smaller offset.
if (std::abs(offset_x) <= std::abs(offset_y))
offset_y = 0;
offset_x = 0;
OffsetDisplay(target_display, offset_x, offset_y);
// The most recent performed de-intersection data.
last_intersecting_source_display = source_display;
last_offset_x = offset_x;
last_offset_y = offset_y;
if (!last_intersecting_source_display)
MaybeReparentTargetDisplay(last_offset_x, last_offset_y,
last_intersecting_source_display, target_display,
&display_to_parent_ids_map, display_list,
// New placements might have been added and offsets might have changed and we
// must update them.
UpdatePlacementList(display_list, placement_list);
} // namespace
// DisplayPlacement
: DisplayPlacement(kInvalidDisplayId,
DisplayPlacement::TOP_LEFT) {}
DisplayPlacement::DisplayPlacement(Position position, int offset)
: DisplayPlacement(kInvalidDisplayId,
DisplayPlacement::TOP_LEFT) {}
DisplayPlacement::DisplayPlacement(Position position,
int offset,
OffsetReference offset_reference)
: DisplayPlacement(kInvalidDisplayId,
offset_reference) {}
DisplayPlacement::DisplayPlacement(int64_t display_id,
int64_t parent_display_id,
Position position,
int offset,
OffsetReference offset_reference)
: display_id(display_id),
offset_reference(offset_reference) {
DCHECK_LE(TOP, position);
DCHECK_GE(LEFT, position);
// Set the default value to |position| in case position is invalid. DCHECKs
// above doesn't stop in Release builds.
if (TOP > position || LEFT < position)
this->position = RIGHT;
DCHECK_GE(kMaxValidOffset, abs(offset));
DisplayPlacement::DisplayPlacement(const DisplayPlacement& placement)
: display_id(placement.display_id),
offset_reference(placement.offset_reference) {}
bool DisplayPlacement::operator==(const DisplayPlacement& other) const {
return display_id == other.display_id &&
parent_display_id == other.parent_display_id &&
position == other.position &&
offset == other.offset &&
offset_reference == other.offset_reference;
bool DisplayPlacement::operator!=(const DisplayPlacement& other) const {
return !operator==(other);
DisplayPlacement& DisplayPlacement::Swap() {
switch (position) {
case TOP:
position = BOTTOM;
case BOTTOM:
position = TOP;
case RIGHT:
position = LEFT;
case LEFT:
position = RIGHT;
offset = -offset;
std::swap(display_id, parent_display_id);
return *this;
std::string DisplayPlacement::ToString() const {
std::stringstream s;
if (display_id != kInvalidDisplayId)
s << "id=" << display_id << ", ";
if (parent_display_id != kInvalidDisplayId)
s << "parent=" << parent_display_id << ", ";
s << PositionToString(position) << ", ";
s << offset;
return s.str();
// static
std::string DisplayPlacement::PositionToString(Position position) {
switch (position) {
case TOP:
return kTop;
case RIGHT:
return kRight;
case BOTTOM:
return kBottom;
case LEFT:
return kLeft;
return kUnknown;
// static
bool DisplayPlacement::StringToPosition(const base::StringPiece& string,
Position* position) {
if (string == kTop) {
*position = TOP;
return true;
if (string == kRight) {
*position = RIGHT;
return true;
if (string == kBottom) {
*position = BOTTOM;
return true;
if (string == kLeft) {
*position = LEFT;
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid position value:" << string;
return false;
// DisplayLayout
: mirrored(false), default_unified(true), primary_id(kInvalidDisplayId) {}
DisplayLayout::~DisplayLayout() {}
void DisplayLayout::ApplyToDisplayList(Displays* display_list,
std::vector<int64_t>* updated_ids,
int minimum_offset_overlap) {
if (placement_list.empty())
if (!DisplayLayout::Validate(DisplayListToDisplayIdList(*display_list),
*this)) {
// Prevent invalid and non-relevant display layouts.
// Layout from primary, then dependent displays.
std::set<int64_t> parents;
std::set<int64_t> updated_displays;
while (parents.size()) {
int64_t parent_id = *parents.begin();
for (const DisplayPlacement& placement : placement_list) {
if (placement.parent_display_id == parent_id) {
if (ApplyDisplayPlacement(placement, display_list,
minimum_offset_overlap)) {
// Now that all the placements have been applied, we must detect and fix any
// overlapping displays.
DeIntersectDisplays(primary_id, display_list, &placement_list,
if (updated_ids) {
updated_ids->insert(updated_ids->begin(), updated_displays.begin(),
// static
bool DisplayLayout::Validate(const DisplayIdList& list,
const DisplayLayout& layout) {
// The primary display should be in the list.
if (!IsIdInList(layout.primary_id, list)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "The primary id: " << layout.primary_id
<< " is not in the id list.";
return false;
// Unified mode, or mirror mode switched from unified mode,
// may not have the placement yet.
if (layout.placement_list.size() == 0u)
return true;
bool has_primary_as_parent = false;
int64_t prev_id = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();
for (const auto& placement : layout.placement_list) {
// Placements are sorted by display_id.
if (prev_id >= placement.display_id) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PlacementList must be sorted by display_id";
return false;
prev_id = placement.display_id;
if (placement.display_id == kInvalidDisplayId) {
LOG(ERROR) << "display_id is not initialized";
return false;
if (placement.parent_display_id == kInvalidDisplayId) {
LOG(ERROR) << "display_parent_id is not initialized";
return false;
if (placement.display_id == placement.parent_display_id) {
LOG(ERROR) << "display_id must not be same as parent_display_id";
return false;
if (!IsIdInList(placement.display_id, list)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "display_id is not in the id list:" << placement.ToString();
return false;
if (!IsIdInList(placement.parent_display_id, list)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "parent_display_id is not in the id list:"
<< placement.ToString();
return false;
has_primary_as_parent |= layout.primary_id == placement.parent_display_id;
if (!has_primary_as_parent)
LOG(ERROR) << "At least, one placement must have the primary as a parent.";
return has_primary_as_parent;
std::unique_ptr<DisplayLayout> DisplayLayout::Copy() const {
std::unique_ptr<DisplayLayout> copy(new DisplayLayout);
for (const auto& placement : placement_list)
copy->mirrored = mirrored;
copy->default_unified = default_unified;
copy->primary_id = primary_id;
return copy;
void DisplayLayout::SwapPrimaryDisplay(int64_t new_primary_id) {
if (primary_id == new_primary_id)
// Build a map of the *original* |display_id| for each placement.
std::unordered_map<int64_t, DisplayPlacement*> id_to_placement;
for (auto& placement : placement_list)
id_to_placement[placement.display_id] = &placement;
// Swap placements so that |new_primary_id| is the display that placements are
// anchored on and set |primary_id|.
int64_t swap_display_id = new_primary_id;
while (swap_display_id != primary_id) {
DisplayPlacement* placement =;
swap_display_id = placement->parent_display_id;
std::sort(placement_list.begin(), placement_list.end(), ComparePlacements);
primary_id = new_primary_id;
bool DisplayLayout::HasSamePlacementList(const DisplayLayout& layout) const {
return placement_list == layout.placement_list;
std::string DisplayLayout::ToString() const {
std::stringstream s;
s << "primary=" << primary_id;
if (mirrored)
s << ", mirrored";
if (default_unified)
s << ", default_unified";
bool added = false;
for (const auto& placement : placement_list) {
s << (added ? "),(" : " [(");
s << placement.ToString();
added = true;
if (added)
s << ")]";
return s.str();
DisplayPlacement DisplayLayout::FindPlacementById(int64_t display_id) const {
const auto iter =
std::find_if(placement_list.begin(), placement_list.end(),
[display_id](const DisplayPlacement& placement) {
return placement.display_id == display_id;
return (iter == placement_list.end()) ? DisplayPlacement()
: DisplayPlacement(*iter);
// static
bool DisplayLayout::ApplyDisplayPlacement(const DisplayPlacement& placement,
Displays* display_list,
int minimum_offset_overlap) {
const Display& parent_display =
*FindDisplayById(display_list, placement.parent_display_id);
Display* target_display = FindDisplayById(display_list, placement.display_id);
gfx::Rect old_bounds(target_display->bounds());
const gfx::Rect& parent_bounds = parent_display.bounds();
const gfx::Rect& target_bounds = target_display->bounds();
gfx::Point new_target_origin = parent_bounds.origin();
DisplayPlacement::Position position = placement.position;
// Ignore the offset in case the target display doesn't share edges with
// the parent display.
int offset = placement.offset;
if (position == DisplayPlacement::TOP ||
position == DisplayPlacement::BOTTOM) {
if (placement.offset_reference == DisplayPlacement::BOTTOM_RIGHT)
offset = parent_bounds.width() - offset - target_bounds.width();
offset = std::min(offset, parent_bounds.width() - minimum_offset_overlap);
offset = std::max(offset, -target_bounds.width() + minimum_offset_overlap);
} else {
if (placement.offset_reference == DisplayPlacement::BOTTOM_RIGHT)
offset = parent_bounds.height() - offset - target_bounds.height();
offset = std::min(offset, parent_bounds.height() - minimum_offset_overlap);
offset = std::max(offset, -target_bounds.height() + minimum_offset_overlap);
switch (position) {
case DisplayPlacement::TOP:
new_target_origin.Offset(offset, -target_bounds.height());
case DisplayPlacement::RIGHT:
new_target_origin.Offset(parent_bounds.width(), offset);
case DisplayPlacement::BOTTOM:
new_target_origin.Offset(offset, parent_bounds.height());
case DisplayPlacement::LEFT:
new_target_origin.Offset(-target_bounds.width(), offset);
gfx::Insets insets = target_display->GetWorkAreaInsets();
gfx::Rect(new_target_origin, target_bounds.size()));
return old_bounds != target_display->bounds();
} // namespace display