blob: e44c3598a789755c3e053b02f245de2e590cf86f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "net/proxy/dhcp_proxy_script_fetcher_factory.h"
#include "net/proxy/proxy_service.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_context_builder.h"
namespace net {
class HostResolver;
class NetLog;
class NetworkDelegate;
class MojoProxyResolverFactory;
class URLRequestContext;
// Specialization of URLRequestContextBuilder that can create a ProxyService
// that uses a V8 ProxyResolver. PAC scripts are run by V8 in process, by
// default, but a Mojo factory can be passed in for out-of-process resolution.
// PAC scripts will be fetched using the request context itself. If a
// PoxyService is set directly via the URLRequestContextBuilder API, it will be
// used instead of the one this class normally creates.
class URLRequestContextBuilderV8 : public URLRequestContextBuilder {
~URLRequestContextBuilderV8() override;
// If set to false, the URLrequestContextBuilder will create a ProxyService,
// which won't use V8. Defaults to true.
void set_use_v8(bool use_v8) { use_v8_ = use_v8; }
// Sets whether quick PAC checks are enabled. Defaults to true. Ignored if
// use_v8 is false.
void set_quick_check_enabled(bool quick_check_enabled) {
quick_check_enabled_ = quick_check_enabled;
// Sets policy for sanitizing URLs before passing them a PAC. Defaults to
// ProxyService::SanitizeUrlPolicy::SAFE. Ignored if use_v8 is false.
void set_pac_sanitize_url_policy(
net::ProxyService::SanitizeUrlPolicy sanitize_url_policy) {
sanitize_url_policy_ = sanitize_url_policy;
// Overrides default DhcpProxyScriptFetcherFactory. Ignored if use_v8 is
// false.
void set_dhcp_fetcher_factory(
std::unique_ptr<DhcpProxyScriptFetcherFactory> dhcp_fetcher_factory) {
dhcp_fetcher_factory = std::move(dhcp_fetcher_factory_);
// Sets Mojo factory used to create ProxyResolvers. If not set, V8 will be
// used in process instead of Mojo. Ignored if use_v8 is false. The passed in
// factory must outlive the URLRequestContext the builder creates.
void set_mojo_proxy_resolver_factory(
MojoProxyResolverFactory* mojo_proxy_resolver_factory) {
mojo_proxy_resolver_factory_ = mojo_proxy_resolver_factory;
std::unique_ptr<ProxyService> CreateProxyService(
std::unique_ptr<ProxyConfigService> proxy_config_service,
URLRequestContext* url_request_context,
HostResolver* host_resolver,
NetworkDelegate* network_delegate,
NetLog* net_log) override;
bool use_v8_ = true;
bool quick_check_enabled_ = true;
net::ProxyService::SanitizeUrlPolicy sanitize_url_policy_ =
std::unique_ptr<DhcpProxyScriptFetcherFactory> dhcp_fetcher_factory_;
MojoProxyResolverFactory* mojo_proxy_resolver_factory_ = nullptr;
} // namespace net