blob: 38d987006f28a0b74228bcf526c40085d70fb758 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/url_formatter/elide_url.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/numerics/ranges.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/url_formatter/url_formatter.h"
#include "net/base/escape.h"
#include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h"
#include "ui/gfx/text_elider.h"
#include "ui/gfx/text_utils.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"
namespace {
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
const base::char16 kDot = '.';
// Build a path from the first |num_components| elements in |path_elements|.
// Prepends |path_prefix|, appends |filename|, inserts ellipsis if appropriate.
base::string16 BuildPathFromComponents(
const base::string16& path_prefix,
const std::vector<base::string16>& path_elements,
const base::string16& filename,
size_t num_components) {
DCHECK_LE(num_components, path_elements.size());
// Add the initial elements of the path.
base::string16 path = path_prefix;
// Build path from first |num_components| elements.
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_components; ++j)
path += path_elements[j] + gfx::kForwardSlash;
// Add |filename|, ellipsis if necessary.
if (num_components != (path_elements.size() - 1))
path += base::string16(gfx::kEllipsisUTF16) + gfx::kForwardSlash;
path += filename;
return path;
// Takes a prefix (Domain, or Domain+subdomain) and a collection of path
// components and elides if possible. Returns a string containing the longest
// possible elided path, or an empty string if elision is not possible.
// Warning: This is O(url_path_elements.size() ^ 2), so it should not be called
// on a very large path.
base::string16 ElideComponentizedPath(
const base::string16& url_path_prefix,
const std::vector<base::string16>& url_path_elements,
const base::string16& url_filename,
const base::string16& url_query,
const gfx::FontList& font_list,
float available_pixel_width) {
const size_t url_path_number_of_elements = url_path_elements.size();
for (size_t i = url_path_number_of_elements - 1; i > 0; --i) {
base::string16 elided_path = BuildPathFromComponents(
url_path_prefix, url_path_elements, url_filename, i);
if (available_pixel_width >=
gfx::GetStringWidthF(elided_path, font_list, gfx::Typesetter::BROWSER))
return gfx::ElideText(elided_path + url_query, font_list,
available_pixel_width, gfx::ELIDE_TAIL,
return base::string16();
// Splits the hostname in the |url| into sub-strings for the full hostname,
// the domain (TLD+1), and the subdomain (everything leading the domain).
void SplitHost(const GURL& url,
base::string16* url_host,
base::string16* url_domain,
base::string16* url_subdomain) {
// GURL stores IDN hostnames in punycode. Convert back to Unicode for
// display to the user. (IDNToUnicode() will only perform this conversion
// if it's safe to display this host/domain in Unicode.)
*url_host = url_formatter::IDNToUnicode(;
// Get domain and registry information from the URL.
std::string domain_puny =
url, net::registry_controlled_domains::EXCLUDE_PRIVATE_REGISTRIES);
*url_domain = domain_puny.empty() ?
*url_host : url_formatter::IDNToUnicode(domain_puny);
// Add port if required.
if (!url.port().empty()) {
*url_host += base::UTF8ToUTF16(":" + url.port());
*url_domain += base::UTF8ToUTF16(":" + url.port());
// Get sub domain.
const size_t domain_start_index = url_host->find(*url_domain);
base::string16 kWwwPrefix = base::UTF8ToUTF16("www.");
if (domain_start_index != base::string16::npos)
*url_subdomain = url_host->substr(0, domain_start_index);
if ((*url_subdomain == kWwwPrefix || url_subdomain->empty() ||
url.SchemeIsFile())) {
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
bool ShouldShowScheme(base::StringPiece scheme,
const url_formatter::SchemeDisplay scheme_display) {
switch (scheme_display) {
case url_formatter::SchemeDisplay::SHOW:
return true;
case url_formatter::SchemeDisplay::OMIT_HTTP_AND_HTTPS:
return scheme != url::kHttpsScheme && scheme != url::kHttpScheme;
case url_formatter::SchemeDisplay::OMIT_CRYPTOGRAPHIC:
return scheme != url::kHttpsScheme && scheme != url::kWssScheme;
return true;
// TODO(jshin): Come up with a way to show Bidi URLs 'safely' (e.g. wrap up
// the entire url with {LSI, PDI} and individual domain labels with {FSI, PDI}).
// See . For now, fall back to punycode if there's a
// strong RTL character.
base::string16 HostForDisplay(base::StringPiece host_in_puny) {
base::string16 host = url_formatter::IDNToUnicode(host_in_puny);
return base::i18n::StringContainsStrongRTLChars(host) ?
base::ASCIIToUTF16(host_in_puny) : host;
// Adjust the components of |parsed| to describe a portion of a previous URL.
// |offset| and |length| describe the substring range. Components that fall
// completely outside the specified range are invalidated, while others are
// clamped to fit. If |offset| is non-zero, the start positions of all valid
// components are reduced by this offset.
void AdjustParsed(int length, int offset, url::Parsed* parsed) {
DCHECK_GE(length, 0);
DCHECK_GE(offset, 0);
const std::vector<url::Component*> components = {
&(parsed->scheme), &(parsed->username), &(parsed->password),
&(parsed->host), &(parsed->port), &(parsed->path),
&(parsed->query), &(parsed->ref),
for (auto* component : components) {
if (!component->is_valid())
int begin = base::ClampToRange(component->begin - offset, 0, length);
int end = base::ClampToRange(component->end() - offset, 0, length);
component->begin = begin;
component->len = end - begin;
if (component->len == 0)
// Elide a URL string with ellipsis at either the head or tail end, and adjust
// |parsed| accordingly. This allows a formatted URL to be elided while
// maintaining a Parsed description of the result.
base::string16 ElideParsedUrlString(const base::string16& original,
const gfx::FontList& font_list,
float available_pixel_width,
gfx::ElideBehavior behavior,
url::Parsed* parsed) {
DCHECK(behavior == gfx::ELIDE_TAIL || behavior == gfx::ELIDE_HEAD);
base::string16 elided =
gfx::ElideText(original, font_list, available_pixel_width, behavior,
if (elided == original)
return elided;
// If elision reduced the string to a tiny remaining fragment, standardize it.
if (elided == (base::string16(gfx::kEllipsisUTF16) + gfx::kEllipsisUTF16))
elided = base::string16(gfx::kEllipsisUTF16);
int offset =
(behavior == gfx::ELIDE_HEAD) ? original.size() - elided.size() : 0;
AdjustParsed(elided.size(), offset, parsed);
return elided;
// Elide the path and onward components of a URL string to fit a specified
// width, if possible. If trimming these components allows the URL to fit,
// |url_string| and |parsed| are updated and the function returns true.
// Otherwise, inputs are untouched and the function returns false.
bool ElideAfterHost(base::string16* url_string,
const gfx::FontList& font_list,
float available_pixel_width,
url::Parsed* parsed) {
DCHECK(parsed->path.is_nonempty() || parsed->query.is_nonempty() ||
const base::string16 shortest = url_string->substr(0, parsed->host.end()) +
gfx::kForwardSlash +
if (available_pixel_width >= gfx::GetStringWidthF(shortest, font_list)) {
*url_string = ElideParsedUrlString(
*url_string, font_list, available_pixel_width, gfx::ELIDE_TAIL, parsed);
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
namespace url_formatter {
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// TODO(pkasting): This whole function gets
// kerning/ligatures/etc. issues potentially wrong by assuming that the width of
// a rendered string is always the sum of the widths of its substrings. Also I
// suspect it could be made simpler.
base::string16 ElideUrl(const GURL& url,
const gfx::FontList& font_list,
float available_pixel_width) {
// Get a formatted string and corresponding parsing of the url.
url::Parsed parsed;
const base::string16 url_string = url_formatter::FormatUrl(
url, url_formatter::kFormatUrlOmitDefaults, net::UnescapeRule::SPACES,
&parsed, nullptr, nullptr);
if (available_pixel_width <= 0)
return url_string;
if (!url.IsStandard()) {
return gfx::ElideText(url_string, font_list, available_pixel_width,
gfx::ELIDE_TAIL, gfx::Typesetter::BROWSER);
// Now start eliding url_string to fit within available pixel width.
// Fist pass - check to see whether entire url_string fits.
const float pixel_width_url_string =
gfx::GetStringWidthF(url_string, font_list, gfx::Typesetter::BROWSER);
if (available_pixel_width >= pixel_width_url_string)
return url_string;
// Get the path substring, including query and reference.
const size_t path_start_index = parsed.path.begin;
const size_t path_len = parsed.path.len;
base::string16 url_path_query_etc;
base::string16 url_path;
if (parsed.path.is_valid()) {
url_path_query_etc = url_string.substr(path_start_index);
url_path = url_string.substr(path_start_index, path_len);
// Return general elided text if url minus the query fits.
const base::string16 url_minus_query =
url_string.substr(0, path_start_index + path_len);
if (available_pixel_width >= gfx::GetStringWidthF(url_minus_query, font_list,
gfx::Typesetter::BROWSER)) {
return gfx::ElideText(url_string, font_list, available_pixel_width,
gfx::ELIDE_TAIL, gfx::Typesetter::BROWSER);
base::string16 url_host;
base::string16 url_domain;
base::string16 url_subdomain;
SplitHost(url, &url_host, &url_domain, &url_subdomain);
// If this is a file type, the path is now defined as everything after ":".
// For example, "C:/aa/aa/bb", the path is "/aa/bb/cc". Interesting, the
// domain is now C: - this is a nice hack for eliding to work pleasantly.
if (url.SchemeIsFile()) {
// Split the path string using ":"
const base::string16 kColon(1, ':');
std::vector<base::string16> file_path_split = base::SplitString(
url_path, kColon, base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
if (file_path_split.size() > 1) { // File is of type "file:///C:/.."
url_host = url_domain = + kColon;
url_path_query_etc = url_path =;
// Second Pass - remove scheme - the rest fits.
const float pixel_width_url_host =
gfx::GetStringWidthF(url_host, font_list, gfx::Typesetter::BROWSER);
const float pixel_width_url_path = gfx::GetStringWidthF(
url_path_query_etc, font_list, gfx::Typesetter::BROWSER);
if (available_pixel_width >= pixel_width_url_host + pixel_width_url_path)
return url_host + url_path_query_etc;
// Third Pass: Subdomain, domain and entire path fits.
const float pixel_width_url_domain =
gfx::GetStringWidthF(url_domain, font_list, gfx::Typesetter::BROWSER);
const float pixel_width_url_subdomain =
gfx::GetStringWidthF(url_subdomain, font_list, gfx::Typesetter::BROWSER);
if (available_pixel_width >=
pixel_width_url_subdomain + pixel_width_url_domain + pixel_width_url_path)
return url_subdomain + url_domain + url_path_query_etc;
// Query element.
base::string16 url_query;
const float kPixelWidthDotsTrailer = gfx::GetStringWidthF(
base::string16(gfx::kEllipsisUTF16), font_list, gfx::Typesetter::BROWSER);
if (parsed.query.is_nonempty()) {
url_query = base::UTF8ToUTF16("?") + url_string.substr(parsed.query.begin);
if (available_pixel_width >=
(pixel_width_url_subdomain + pixel_width_url_domain +
pixel_width_url_path -
gfx::GetStringWidthF(url_query, font_list,
gfx::Typesetter::BROWSER))) {
return gfx::ElideText(url_subdomain + url_domain + url_path_query_etc,
font_list, available_pixel_width, gfx::ELIDE_TAIL,
// Parse url_path using '/'.
std::vector<base::string16> url_path_elements =
base::SplitString(url_path, base::string16(1, gfx::kForwardSlash),
// Get filename - note that for a path ending with /
// such as, the file name is ads/.
base::string16 url_filename(
url_path_elements.empty() ? base::string16() : url_path_elements.back());
size_t url_path_number_of_elements = url_path_elements.size();
if (url_filename.empty() && (url_path_number_of_elements > 1)) {
// Path ends with a '/'.
url_filename =
url_path_elements[url_path_number_of_elements - 1] + gfx::kForwardSlash;
const size_t kMaxNumberOfUrlPathElementsAllowed = 1024;
if (url_path_number_of_elements > kMaxNumberOfUrlPathElementsAllowed) {
// Too long of a path (ElideComponentizedPath is O(N^2) so this would result
// in degenerate behaviour). Just elide this as a text string.
// TODO(mgiuca): Fix ElideComponentizedPath to deal with degenerate cases
// itself, so we don't need this special case. We should not fall back on
// ElideText if we don't know the entire domain will fit, or else we might
// chop off the TLD.
return gfx::ElideText(url_subdomain + url_domain + url_path_query_etc,
font_list, available_pixel_width, gfx::ELIDE_TAIL,
// Start eliding the path and replacing elements by ".../".
const base::string16 kEllipsisAndSlash =
base::string16(gfx::kEllipsisUTF16) + gfx::kForwardSlash;
const float pixel_width_ellipsis_slash = gfx::GetStringWidthF(
kEllipsisAndSlash, font_list, gfx::Typesetter::BROWSER);
// Check with both subdomain and domain.
if (url_path_number_of_elements > 0) {
base::string16 elided_path = ElideComponentizedPath(
url_subdomain + url_domain, url_path_elements, url_filename, url_query,
font_list, available_pixel_width);
if (!elided_path.empty())
return elided_path;
// Check with only domain.
// If a subdomain is present, add an ellipsis before domain.
// This is added only if the subdomain pixel width is larger than
// the pixel width of kEllipsis. Otherwise, subdomain remains,
// which means that this case has been resolved earlier.
base::string16 url_elided_domain = url_subdomain + url_domain;
if (pixel_width_url_subdomain > kPixelWidthDotsTrailer) {
if (!url_subdomain.empty())
url_elided_domain = kEllipsisAndSlash[0] + url_domain;
url_elided_domain = url_domain;
if (url_path_number_of_elements > 0) {
base::string16 elided_path = ElideComponentizedPath(
url_elided_domain, url_path_elements, url_filename, url_query,
font_list, available_pixel_width);
if (!elided_path.empty())
return elided_path;
// Return elided domain/.../filename anyway.
base::string16 final_elided_url_string(url_elided_domain);
const float url_elided_domain_width = gfx::GetStringWidthF(
url_elided_domain, font_list, gfx::Typesetter::BROWSER);
// A hack to prevent trailing ".../...".
if (url_path_number_of_elements > 0 &&
url_elided_domain_width + pixel_width_ellipsis_slash +
kPixelWidthDotsTrailer +
gfx::GetStringWidthF(base::ASCIIToUTF16("UV"), font_list,
gfx::Typesetter::BROWSER) <
available_pixel_width) {
final_elided_url_string += BuildPathFromComponents(
base::string16(), url_path_elements, url_filename, 1);
} else {
final_elided_url_string += url_path;
return gfx::ElideText(final_elided_url_string, font_list,
available_pixel_width, gfx::ELIDE_TAIL,
base::string16 ElideHost(const GURL& url,
const gfx::FontList& font_list,
float available_pixel_width,
gfx::Typesetter typesetter) {
base::string16 url_host;
base::string16 url_domain;
base::string16 url_subdomain;
SplitHost(url, &url_host, &url_domain, &url_subdomain);
const float pixel_width_url_host = gfx::GetStringWidthF(url_host, font_list);
if (available_pixel_width >= pixel_width_url_host)
return url_host;
if (url_subdomain.empty())
return url_domain;
const float pixel_width_url_domain =
gfx::GetStringWidthF(url_domain, font_list, typesetter);
float subdomain_width = available_pixel_width - pixel_width_url_domain;
if (subdomain_width <= 0)
return base::string16(gfx::kEllipsisUTF16) + kDot + url_domain;
return gfx::ElideText(url_host, font_list, available_pixel_width,
gfx::ELIDE_HEAD, typesetter);
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
base::string16 FormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(const GURL& url,
const SchemeDisplay scheme_display) {
if (!url.is_valid() || url.is_empty() || !url.IsStandard())
return url_formatter::FormatUrl(url);
const base::string16 colon(base::ASCIIToUTF16(":"));
const base::string16 scheme_separator(
if (url.SchemeIsFile()) {
return base::ASCIIToUTF16(url::kFileScheme) + scheme_separator +
if (url.SchemeIsFileSystem()) {
const GURL* inner_url = url.inner_url();
if (inner_url->SchemeIsFile()) {
return base::ASCIIToUTF16(url::kFileSystemScheme) + colon +
FormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(*inner_url) +
return base::ASCIIToUTF16(url::kFileSystemScheme) + colon +
const GURL origin = url.GetOrigin();
base::StringPiece scheme = origin.scheme_piece();
base::StringPiece host = origin.host_piece();
base::string16 result;
if (ShouldShowScheme(scheme, scheme_display))
result = base::UTF8ToUTF16(scheme) + scheme_separator;
result += HostForDisplay(host);
const int port = origin.IntPort();
const int default_port = url::DefaultPortForScheme(, static_cast<int>(scheme.length()));
if (port != url::PORT_UNSPECIFIED && port != default_port)
result += colon + base::UTF8ToUTF16(origin.port_piece());
return result;
base::string16 FormatOriginForSecurityDisplay(
const url::Origin& origin,
const SchemeDisplay scheme_display) {
base::StringPiece scheme = origin.scheme();
base::StringPiece host =;
if (scheme.empty() && host.empty())
return base::string16();
const base::string16 colon(base::ASCIIToUTF16(":"));
const base::string16 scheme_separator(
base::string16 result;
if (ShouldShowScheme(scheme, scheme_display))
result = base::UTF8ToUTF16(scheme) + scheme_separator;
result += HostForDisplay(host);
int port = static_cast<int>(origin.port());
const int default_port = url::DefaultPortForScheme(, static_cast<int>(scheme.length()));
if (port != 0 && port != default_port)
result += colon + base::UintToString16(origin.port());
return result;
base::string16 ElideUrlSimple(const GURL& url,
const base::string16& unelided_url_string,
const gfx::FontList& font_list,
float available_pixel_width,
url::Parsed* parsed) {
DCHECK_NE(parsed, nullptr);
base::string16 url_string = unelided_url_string;
if (available_pixel_width <= 0 ||
available_pixel_width >= gfx::GetStringWidthF(url_string, font_list)) {
return url_string;
// If non-standard, a file, or there is no host, simply elide from the right.
if (!url.IsStandard() || url.SchemeIsFile() || !parsed->host.is_nonempty()) {
return ElideParsedUrlString(url_string, font_list, available_pixel_width,
gfx::ELIDE_TAIL, parsed);
bool has_path_ref_query = parsed->path.is_nonempty() ||
parsed->query.is_nonempty() ||
// Try fitting the host with scheme preserved.
if (has_path_ref_query &&
ElideAfterHost(&url_string, font_list, available_pixel_width, parsed)) {
return url_string;
// Remove the scheme and try fitting the host again.
if (parsed->host.begin > 0) {
url_string.erase(0, parsed->host.begin);
AdjustParsed(url_string.size(), parsed->host.begin, parsed);
if (has_path_ref_query &&
ElideAfterHost(&url_string, font_list, available_pixel_width, parsed)) {
return url_string;
// Fully elide everything after the host, as none of it can fit.
if (has_path_ref_query) {
url_string = url_string.substr(0, parsed->host.end()) + gfx::kForwardSlash +
AdjustParsed(url_string.size(), 0, parsed);
// Only host remains, so elide from the left.
return ElideParsedUrlString(url_string, font_list, available_pixel_width,
gfx::ELIDE_HEAD, parsed);
} // namespace url_formatter