blob: bcb00039346ccef6e343f8a4935d33a8fb0c2fd8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/common/cross_site_document_classifier.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
#include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/resource_response_info.h"
using base::StringPiece;
namespace content {
namespace {
// MIME types
const char kTextHtml[] = "text/html";
const char kTextXml[] = "text/xml";
const char kAppXml[] = "application/xml";
const char kAppJson[] = "application/json";
const char kImageSvg[] = "image/svg+xml";
const char kTextJson[] = "text/json";
const char kTextXjson[] = "text/x-json";
const char kTextPlain[] = "text/plain";
// MIME type suffixes
const char kJsonSuffix[] = "+json";
const char kXmlSuffix[] = "+xml";
void AdvancePastWhitespace(StringPiece* data) {
size_t offset = data->find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n");
if (offset == base::StringPiece::npos) {
// |data| was entirely whitespace.
} else {
// Returns kYes if |data| starts with one of the string patterns in
// |signatures|, kMaybe if |data| is a prefix of one of the patterns in
// |signatures|, and kNo otherwise.
// When kYes is returned, the matching prefix is erased from |data|.
CrossSiteDocumentClassifier::Result MatchesSignature(
StringPiece* data,
const StringPiece signatures[],
size_t arr_size,
base::CompareCase compare_case) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < arr_size; ++i) {
if (signatures[i].length() <= data->length()) {
if (base::StartsWith(*data, signatures[i], compare_case)) {
// When |signatures[i]| is a prefix of |data|, it constitutes a match.
// Strip the matching characters, and return.
return CrossSiteDocumentClassifier::kYes;
} else {
if (base::StartsWith(signatures[i], *data, compare_case)) {
// When |data| is a prefix of |signatures[i]|, that means that
// subsequent bytes in the stream could cause a match to occur.
return CrossSiteDocumentClassifier::kMaybe;
return CrossSiteDocumentClassifier::kNo;
// Returns true if |mime_type == prefix| or if |mime_type| starts with
// |prefix + '+'|. Returns false otherwise.
// For example:
// - MatchesMimeTypePrefix("application/json", "application/json") -> true
// - MatchesMimeTypePrefix("application/json+foo", "application/json") -> true
// - MatchesMimeTypePrefix("application/jsonp", "application/json") -> false
// - MatchesMimeTypePrefix("application/foo", "application/json") -> false
bool MatchesMimeTypePrefix(base::StringPiece mime_type,
base::StringPiece prefix) {
constexpr auto kCaseInsensitive = base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII;
if (!base::StartsWith(mime_type, prefix, kCaseInsensitive))
return false;
DCHECK_GE(mime_type.length(), prefix.length());
if (mime_type.length() == prefix.length()) {
// Given StartsWith results above, the above condition is our O(1) check if
// |base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, prefix)|.
DCHECK(base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, prefix));
return true;
if (mime_type[prefix.length()] == '+') {
// Given StartsWith results above, the above condition is our O(1) check if
// |base::StartsWith(mime_type, prefix + '+', kCaseInsensitive)|.
DCHECK(base::StartsWith(mime_type, prefix.as_string() + '+',
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
CrossSiteDocumentMimeType CrossSiteDocumentClassifier::GetCanonicalMimeType(
base::StringPiece mime_type) {
// Checking for image/svg+xml early ensures that it won't get classified as
// CROSS_SITE_DOCUMENT_MIME_TYPE_XML by the presence of the "+xml" suffix.
if (base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, kImageSvg))
if (base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, kTextHtml))
if (base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(mime_type, kTextPlain))
// StartsWith rather than LowerCaseEqualsASCII is used to account both for
// mime types similar to 1) application/json and to 2)
// application/json+protobuf.
constexpr auto kCaseInsensitive = base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII;
if (MatchesMimeTypePrefix(mime_type, kAppJson) ||
MatchesMimeTypePrefix(mime_type, kTextJson) ||
MatchesMimeTypePrefix(mime_type, kTextXjson) ||
base::EndsWith(mime_type, kJsonSuffix, kCaseInsensitive)) {
if (MatchesMimeTypePrefix(mime_type, kAppXml) ||
MatchesMimeTypePrefix(mime_type, kTextXml) ||
base::EndsWith(mime_type, kXmlSuffix, kCaseInsensitive)) {
bool CrossSiteDocumentClassifier::IsBlockableScheme(const GURL& url) {
// We exclude ftp:// from here. FTP doesn't provide a Content-Type
// header which our policy depends on, so we cannot protect any
// document from FTP servers.
return url.SchemeIs(url::kHttpScheme) || url.SchemeIs(url::kHttpsScheme);
// We don't use Webkit's existing CORS policy implementation since
// their policy works in terms of origins, not sites. For example,
// when frame is and it is not allowed to access a document
// with But under Site Isolation, it's allowed.
bool CrossSiteDocumentClassifier::IsValidCorsHeaderSet(
const url::Origin& frame_origin,
const std::string& access_control_origin) {
// Many websites are sending back "\"*\"" instead of "*". This is
// non-standard practice, and not supported by Chrome. Refer to
// CrossOriginAccessControl::passesAccessControlCheck().
// Note that "null" offers no more protection than "*" because it matches any
// unique origin, such as data URLs. Any origin can thus access it, so don't
// bother trying to block this case.
// TODO(dsjang): * is not allowed for the response from a request
// with cookies. This allows for more than what the renderer will
// eventually be able to receive, so we won't see illegal cross-site
// documents allowed by this. We have to find a way to see if this
// response is from a cookie-tagged request or not in the future.
if (access_control_origin == "*" || access_control_origin == "null")
return true;
return frame_origin.IsSameOriginWith(
// This function is a slight modification of |net::SniffForHTML|.
CrossSiteDocumentClassifier::Result CrossSiteDocumentClassifier::SniffForHTML(
StringPiece data) {
// The content sniffers used by Chrome and Firefox are using "<!--" as one of
// the HTML signatures, but it also appears in valid JavaScript, considered as
// well-formed JS by the browser. Since we do not want to block any JS, we
// exclude it from our HTML signatures. This can weaken our document block
// policy, but we can break less websites.
// Note that <body> and <br> are not included below, since <b is a prefix of
// them.
// TODO(dsjang): parameterize |net::SniffForHTML| with an option that decides
// whether to include <!-- or not, so that we can remove this function.
// TODO(dsjang): Once CrossSiteDocumentClassifier is moved into the browser
// process, we should do single-thread checking here for the static
// initializer.
static const StringPiece kHtmlSignatures[] = {
StringPiece("<!doctype html"), // HTML5 spec
StringPiece("<script"), // HTML5 spec, Mozilla
StringPiece("<html"), // HTML5 spec, Mozilla
StringPiece("<head"), // HTML5 spec, Mozilla
StringPiece("<iframe"), // Mozilla
StringPiece("<h1"), // Mozilla
StringPiece("<div"), // Mozilla
StringPiece("<font"), // Mozilla
StringPiece("<table"), // Mozilla
StringPiece("<a"), // Mozilla
StringPiece("<style"), // Mozilla
StringPiece("<title"), // Mozilla
StringPiece("<b"), // Mozilla (note: subsumes <body>, <br>)
StringPiece("<p") // Mozilla
while (data.length() > 0) {
Result signature_match =
MatchesSignature(&data, kHtmlSignatures, arraysize(kHtmlSignatures),
if (signature_match != kNo)
return signature_match;
// "<!--" (the HTML comment syntax) is a special case, since it's valid JS
// as well. Skip over them.
static const StringPiece kBeginCommentSignature[] = {"<!--"};
Result comment_match = MatchesSignature(&data, kBeginCommentSignature,
if (comment_match != kYes)
return comment_match;
// Look for an end comment.
static const StringPiece kEndComment = "-->";
size_t comment_end = data.find(kEndComment);
if (comment_end == base::StringPiece::npos)
return kMaybe; // Hit end of data with open comment.
data.remove_prefix(comment_end + kEndComment.length());
// All of |data| was consumed, without a clear determination.
return kMaybe;
CrossSiteDocumentClassifier::Result CrossSiteDocumentClassifier::SniffForXML(
base::StringPiece data) {
// TODO(dsjang): Once CrossSiteDocumentClassifier is moved into the browser
// process, we should do single-thread checking here for the static
// initializer.
static const StringPiece kXmlSignatures[] = {StringPiece("<?xml")};
return MatchesSignature(&data, kXmlSignatures, arraysize(kXmlSignatures),
CrossSiteDocumentClassifier::Result CrossSiteDocumentClassifier::SniffForJSON(
base::StringPiece data) {
// Currently this function looks for an opening brace ('{'), followed by a
// double-quoted string literal, followed by a colon. Importantly, such a
// sequence is a Javascript syntax error: although the JSON object syntax is
// exactly Javascript's object-initializer syntax, a Javascript object-
// initializer expression is not valid as a standalone Javascript statement.
// TODO(nick): We have to come up with a better way to sniff JSON. The
// following are known limitations of this function:
// Support non-dictionary values (e.g. lists)
enum {
} state = kStartState;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.length(); ++i) {
const char c = data[i];
if (state != kLeftQuoteState && state != kEscapeState) {
// Whitespace is ignored (outside of string literals)
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n')
} else {
// Inside string literals, control characters should result in rejection.
if ((c >= 0 && c < 32) || c == 127)
return kNo;
switch (state) {
case kStartState:
if (c == '{')
state = kLeftBraceState;
return kNo;
case kLeftBraceState:
if (c == '"')
state = kLeftQuoteState;
return kNo;
case kLeftQuoteState:
if (c == '"')
state = kRightQuoteState;
else if (c == '\\')
state = kEscapeState;
case kEscapeState:
// Simplification: don't bother rejecting hex escapes.
state = kLeftQuoteState;
case kRightQuoteState:
if (c == ':')
return kYes;
return kNo;
return kMaybe;
CrossSiteDocumentClassifier::SniffForFetchOnlyResource(base::StringPiece data) {
// kScriptBreakingPrefixes contains prefixes that are conventionally used to
// prevent a JSON response from becoming a valid Javascript program (an attack
// vector known as XSSI). The presence of such a prefix is a strong signal
// that the resource is meant to be consumed only by the fetch API or
// XMLHttpRequest, and is meant to be protected from use in non-CORS, cross-
// origin contexts like <script>, <img>, etc.
// These prefixes work either by inducing a syntax error, or inducing an
// infinite loop. In either case, the prefix must create a guarantee that no
// matter what bytes follow it, the entire response would be worthless to
// execute as a <script>.
static const StringPiece kScriptBreakingPrefixes[] = {
// Parser breaker prefix.
// Built into angular.js (followed by a comma and a newline):
// Built into the Java Spring framework (followed by a comma and a space):
// Observed on (without a comma, followed by a newline).
// Apache struts:
// Spring framework (historically):
StringPiece("{} &&"),
// Infinite loops.
StringPiece("for(;;);"), // observed on
StringPiece("while(1);"), StringPiece("for (;;);"),
StringPiece("while (1);"),
Result has_parser_breaker = MatchesSignature(
&data, kScriptBreakingPrefixes, arraysize(kScriptBreakingPrefixes),
if (has_parser_breaker != kNo)
return has_parser_breaker;
// A non-empty JSON object also effectively introduces a JS syntax error.
return SniffForJSON(data);
} // namespace content