blob: 4d28d087ba6dc5eef1aeb5afd7872a901c34a6c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/cryptauth/cryptauth_device_manager.h"
#include "components/cryptauth/cryptauth_gcm_manager.h"
#include "components/cryptauth/proto/cryptauth_api.pb.h"
#include "components/cryptauth/sync_scheduler.h"
class PrefService;
namespace cryptauth {
class CryptAuthClient;
class CryptAuthClientFactory;
class CryptAuthDeviceManagerImpl : public CryptAuthDeviceManager,
public SyncScheduler::Delegate,
public CryptAuthGCMManager::Observer {
class Factory {
static std::unique_ptr<CryptAuthDeviceManager> NewInstance(
base::Clock* clock,
std::unique_ptr<CryptAuthClientFactory> client_factory,
CryptAuthGCMManager* gcm_manager,
PrefService* pref_service);
static void SetInstanceForTesting(Factory* factory);
virtual ~Factory();
virtual std::unique_ptr<CryptAuthDeviceManager> BuildInstance(
base::Clock* clock,
std::unique_ptr<CryptAuthClientFactory> client_factory,
CryptAuthGCMManager* gcm_manager,
PrefService* pref_service);
static Factory* factory_instance_;
~CryptAuthDeviceManagerImpl() override;
// CryptAuthDeviceManager:
void Start() override;
void ForceSyncNow(InvocationReason invocation_reason) override;
base::Time GetLastSyncTime() const override;
base::TimeDelta GetTimeToNextAttempt() const override;
bool IsSyncInProgress() const override;
bool IsRecoveringFromFailure() const override;
std::vector<ExternalDeviceInfo> GetSyncedDevices() const override;
std::vector<ExternalDeviceInfo> GetUnlockKeys() const override;
std::vector<ExternalDeviceInfo> GetPixelUnlockKeys() const override;
std::vector<ExternalDeviceInfo> GetTetherHosts() const override;
std::vector<ExternalDeviceInfo> GetPixelTetherHosts() const override;
// Creates the manager:
// |clock|: Used to determine the time between sync attempts.
// |client_factory|: Creates CryptAuthClient instances to perform each sync.
// |gcm_manager|: Notifies when GCM push messages trigger device syncs.
// Not owned and must outlive this instance.
// |pref_service|: Stores syncing metadata and unlock key information to
// persist across browser restarts. Must already be registered
// with RegisterPrefs().
base::Clock* clock,
std::unique_ptr<CryptAuthClientFactory> client_factory,
CryptAuthGCMManager* gcm_manager,
PrefService* pref_service);
void SetSyncSchedulerForTest(std::unique_ptr<SyncScheduler> sync_scheduler);
// CryptAuthGCMManager::Observer:
void OnResyncMessage() override;
// Updates |unlock_keys_| by fetching the list stored in |pref_service_|.
void UpdateUnlockKeysFromPrefs();
// SyncScheduler::Delegate:
void OnSyncRequested(
std::unique_ptr<SyncScheduler::SyncRequest> sync_request) override;
// Callback when |cryptauth_client_| completes with the response.
void OnGetMyDevicesSuccess(const GetMyDevicesResponse& response);
void OnGetMyDevicesFailure(const std::string& error);
// Used to determine the time.
base::Clock* clock_;
// Creates CryptAuthClient instances for each sync attempt.
std::unique_ptr<CryptAuthClientFactory> client_factory_;
// Notifies when GCM push messages trigger device sync. Not owned and must
// outlive this instance.
CryptAuthGCMManager* gcm_manager_;
// Contains preferences that outlive the lifetime of this object and across
// process restarts. |pref_service_| must outlive the lifetime of this
// instance.
PrefService* const pref_service_;
// All devices currently synced from CryptAuth.
std::vector<ExternalDeviceInfo> synced_devices_;
// Schedules the time between device sync attempts.
std::unique_ptr<SyncScheduler> scheduler_;
// Contains the SyncRequest that |scheduler_| requests when a device sync
// attempt is made.
std::unique_ptr<SyncScheduler::SyncRequest> sync_request_;
// The CryptAuthEnroller instance for the current sync attempt. A new
// instance will be created for each individual attempt.
std::unique_ptr<CryptAuthClient> cryptauth_client_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CryptAuthDeviceManagerImpl> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace cryptauth