blob: d4210498841f1acff36ea29772b7539b5c6f65dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ostream>
namespace ntp_snippets {
// These are the categories that the client knows about.
// The values before LOCAL_CATEGORIES_COUNT are the categories that are provided
// locally on the device. Categories provided by the server (IDs strictly larger
// than REMOTE_CATEGORIES_OFFSET) only need to be hard-coded here if they need
// to be recognized by the client implementation.
// NOTE: These are persisted, so don't reorder or remove values, and insert new
// values only in the appropriate places marked below.
// On Android builds, a Java counterpart will be generated for this enum.
enum class KnownCategories {
// Pages recently downloaded during normal navigation.
// Pages downloaded by the user for offline consumption.
// Recently used bookmarks.
// Physical Web page available in the vicinity.
// Pages recently browsed to on other devices.
// Pages from the user reading list.
// Contextual suggestion.
// ****************** INSERT NEW LOCAL CATEGORIES HERE! ******************
// Existing categories are persisted and they must never be removed. This may
// happen implicitly, e.g. when an older version without some local category
// is installed.
// Follows the last local category.
// Remote categories come after this.
// Articles for you.
ARTICLES = 10001,
// Categories 10002-10008 are defined on the server.
// ****************** INSERT NEW REMOTE CATEGORIES HERE! ******************
// Update the list on the server first. Here specify the ID explicitly.
// Tracks the last known remote category
// A category groups ContentSuggestions which belong together. Use the
// CategoryFactory to obtain instances.
class Category {
// An arbitrary but consistent ordering. Can be used to look up categories in
// a std::map, but should not be used to order categories for other purposes.
struct CompareByID;
// Creates a category from a KnownCategory value. The passed |known_category|
// must not be one of the special values (LOCAL_CATEGORIES_COUNT or
static Category FromKnownCategory(KnownCategories known_category);
// Creates a category from a category identifier delivered by the server.
// |remote_category| must be positive.
static Category FromRemoteCategory(int remote_category);
// Creates a category from an ID as returned by |id()|. |id| must be a
// non-negative value. Callers should make sure this is a valid id (if in
// doubt, call IsValidIDValue()).
static Category FromIDValue(int id);
// Verifies if |id| is a valid ID value. Only checks that the value is within
// a valid range -- not that the system actually knows about the corresponding
// category.
static bool IsValidIDValue(int id);
// Returns a non-negative identifier that is unique for the category and can
// be converted back to a Category instance using
// |CategoryFactory::FromIDValue(id)|.
int id() const { return id_; }
// Returns a remote category identifier. Do not call for non-remote
// categories.
int remote_id() const;
// Returns whether this category matches the given |known_category|.
bool IsKnownCategory(KnownCategories known_category) const;
explicit Category(int id);
int id_;
// Allow copy and assignment.
bool operator==(const Category& left, const Category& right);
bool operator!=(const Category& left, const Category& right);
struct Category::CompareByID {
bool operator()(const Category& left, const Category& right) const;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Category& obj);
} // namespace ntp_snippets