blob: 0967fde3d096c3d909360bc2d7f36eab00dd93ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "cc/paint/frame_metadata.h"
#include "cc/paint/image_animation_count.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_export.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImage.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkYUVAIndex.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkYUVASizeInfo.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace cc {
class PaintImageGenerator;
class PaintOpBuffer;
class PaintWorkletInput;
using PaintRecord = PaintOpBuffer;
// A representation of an image for the compositor. This is the most abstract
// form of images, and represents what is known at paint time. Note that aside
// from default construction, it can only be constructed using a
// PaintImageBuilder, or copied/moved into using operator=. PaintImage can
// be backed by different kinds of content, such as a lazy generator, a paint
// record, a bitmap, or a texture.
// If backed by a generator, this image may not be decoded and information like
// the animation frame, the target colorspace, or the scale at which it will be
// used are not known yet. A DrawImage is a PaintImage with those decisions
// known but that might not have been decoded yet. A DecodedDrawImage is a
// DrawImage that has been decoded/scaled/uploaded with all of those parameters
// applied.
// The PaintImage -> DrawImage -> DecodedDrawImage -> PaintImage (via SkImage)
// path can be used to create a PaintImage that is snapshotted at a particular
// scale or animation frame.
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT PaintImage {
using Id = int;
using AnimationSequenceId = uint32_t;
// A ContentId is used to identify the content for which images which can be
// lazily generated (generator/record backed images). As opposed to Id, which
// stays constant for the same image, the content id can be updated when the
// backing encoded data for this image changes. For instance, in the case of
// images which can be progressively updated as more encoded data is received.
using ContentId = int;
// A GeneratorClientId can be used to namespace different clients that are
// using the output of a PaintImageGenerator.
// This is used to allow multiple compositors to simultaneously decode the
// same image. Each compositor is assigned a unique GeneratorClientId which is
// passed through to the decoder from PaintImage::Decode. Internally the
// decoder ensures that requestes from different clients are executed in
// parallel. This is particularly important for animated images, where
// compositors displaying the same image can request decodes for different
// frames from this image.
using GeneratorClientId = int;
static const GeneratorClientId kDefaultGeneratorClientId;
// The default frame index to use if no index is provided. For multi-frame
// images, this would imply the first frame of the animation.
static const size_t kDefaultFrameIndex;
static const Id kInvalidId;
static const ContentId kInvalidContentId;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT FrameKey {
FrameKey(ContentId content_id, size_t frame_index, gfx::Rect subset_rect);
bool operator==(const FrameKey& other) const;
bool operator!=(const FrameKey& other) const;
size_t hash() const { return hash_; }
std::string ToString() const;
size_t frame_index() const { return frame_index_; }
ContentId content_id() const { return content_id_; }
ContentId content_id_;
size_t frame_index_;
// TODO(khushalsagar): Remove this when callers take care of subsetting.
gfx::Rect subset_rect_;
size_t hash_;
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT FrameKeyHash {
size_t operator()(const FrameKey& frame_key) const {
return frame_key.hash();
enum class AnimationType { ANIMATED, VIDEO, STATIC };
enum class CompletionState { DONE, PARTIALLY_DONE };
enum class DecodingMode {
// No preference has been specified. The compositor may choose to use sync
// or async decoding. See CheckerImageTracker for the default behaviour.
// It's preferred to display this image synchronously with the rest of the
// content updates, skipping any heuristics.
// Async is preferred. The compositor may decode async if it meets the
// heuristics used to avoid flickering (for instance vetoing of multipart
// response, animated, partially loaded images) and would be performant. See
// CheckerImageTracker for all heuristics used.
enum class ImageType { kPNG, kJPEG, kWEBP, kGIF, kICO, kBMP, kInvalid };
// Returns the more conservative mode out of the two given ones.
static DecodingMode GetConservative(DecodingMode one, DecodingMode two);
static Id GetNextId();
static ContentId GetNextContentId();
static GeneratorClientId GetNextGeneratorClientId();
// Creates a PaintImage wrapping |bitmap|. Note that the pixels will be copied
// unless the bitmap is marked immutable.
static PaintImage CreateFromBitmap(SkBitmap bitmap);
PaintImage(const PaintImage& other);
PaintImage(PaintImage&& other);
PaintImage& operator=(const PaintImage& other);
PaintImage& operator=(PaintImage&& other);
bool operator==(const PaintImage& other) const;
bool operator!=(const PaintImage& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
// Returns true if the image is eligible for decoding using a hardware
// accelerator (which would require at least that all the encoded data has
// been received). Returns false otherwise or if the image cannot be decoded
// from a PaintImageGenerator. Notice that a return value of true does not
// guarantee that the hardware accelerator supports the image. It only
// indicates that the software decoder hasn't done any work with the image, so
// sending it to a hardware decoder is appropriate.
// TODO(andrescj): consider supporting the non-PaintImageGenerator path which
// is expected to be rare.
bool IsEligibleForAcceleratedDecoding() const;
// Returns the smallest size that is at least as big as the requested_size
// such that we can decode to exactly that scale. If the requested size is
// larger than the image, this returns the image size. Any returned value is
// guaranteed to be stable. That is,
// GetSupportedDecodeSize(GetSupportedDecodeSize(size)) is guaranteed to be
// GetSupportedDecodeSize(size).
SkISize GetSupportedDecodeSize(const SkISize& requested_size) const;
// Decode the image into RGBX into the given memory for the given SkImageInfo.
// - Size in |info| must be supported.
// - The amount of memory allocated must be at least
// |info|.minRowBytes() * |info|.height()
// Returns true on success and false on failure. Updates |info| to match the
// requested color space, if provided.
// Note that for non-lazy images this will do a copy or readback if the image
// is texture backed.
bool Decode(void* memory,
SkImageInfo* info,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> color_space,
size_t frame_index,
GeneratorClientId client_id) const;
// Decode the image into YUV into |planes| for the given SkYUVASizeInfo.
// - Elements of the |planes| array are pointers to some underlying memory
// for each plane. It is assumed to have been split up by a call to
// SkYUVASizeInfo::computePlanes with the given |yuva_size_info|.
// - The amount of memory allocated must be at least
// |yuva_size_info|.computeTotalBytes(), though there are places in the
// code that assume YUV420 without alpha because it is currently the only
// subsampling supported for direct YUV rendering.
// - The dimensions of YUV planes are tracked in |yuva_size_info|.
// This struct is initialized by QueryYUVA8 in calls to
// PaintImage::IsYuv(), including within this method.
// - The |frame_index| parameter will be passed along to
// ImageDecoder::DecodeToYUV but for multi-frame YUV support, ImageDecoder
// needs a separate YUV frame buffer cache.
bool DecodeYuv(void* planes[SkYUVASizeInfo::kMaxCount],
size_t frame_index,
GeneratorClientId client_id,
const SkYUVASizeInfo& yuva_size_info) const;
Id stable_id() const { return id_; }
const sk_sp<SkImage>& GetSkImage() const;
AnimationType animation_type() const { return animation_type_; }
CompletionState completion_state() const { return completion_state_; }
bool is_multipart() const { return is_multipart_; }
bool is_high_bit_depth() const { return is_high_bit_depth_; }
int repetition_count() const { return repetition_count_; }
bool ShouldAnimate() const;
AnimationSequenceId reset_animation_sequence_id() const {
return reset_animation_sequence_id_;
DecodingMode decoding_mode() const { return decoding_mode_; }
PaintImage::ContentId content_id() const { return content_id_; }
// TODO(vmpstr): Don't get the SkImage here if you don't need to.
uint32_t unique_id() const {
return paint_worklet_input_ ? 0 : GetSkImage()->uniqueID();
explicit operator bool() const {
return paint_worklet_input_ || !!GetSkImage();
bool IsLazyGenerated() const {
return paint_worklet_input_ ? false : GetSkImage()->isLazyGenerated();
bool IsPaintWorklet() const { return !!paint_worklet_input_; }
bool IsTextureBacked() const {
return paint_worklet_input_ ? false : GetSkImage()->isTextureBacked();
int width() const;
int height() const;
SkColorSpace* color_space() const {
return paint_worklet_input_ ? nullptr : GetSkImage()->colorSpace();
// Returns whether this image will be decoded and rendered from YUV data
// and fills out plane size info, plane index info, and the matrix for
// conversion from YUV to RGB in, respectively, |yuva_size_info|,
// |plane_indices|, and |yuv_color_space| if any are provided.
bool IsYuv(SkYUVASizeInfo* yuva_size_info = nullptr,
SkYUVAIndex* plane_indices = nullptr,
SkYUVColorSpace* yuv_color_space = nullptr) const;
// Returns the color type of this image.
SkColorType GetColorType() const;
// Returns the image type (e.g. PNG, WEBP) of this image.
ImageType GetImageType() const;
// Returns a unique id for the pixel data for the frame at |frame_index|.
FrameKey GetKeyForFrame(size_t frame_index) const;
// Returns the metadata for each frame of a multi-frame image. Should only be
// used with animated images.
const std::vector<FrameMetadata>& GetFrameMetadata() const;
// Returns the total number of frames known to exist in this image.
size_t FrameCount() const;
// Returns an SkImage for the frame at |index|.
sk_sp<SkImage> GetSkImageForFrame(size_t index,
GeneratorClientId client_id) const;
const scoped_refptr<PaintWorkletInput>& paint_worklet_input() const {
return paint_worklet_input_;
std::string ToString() const;
friend class PaintImageBuilder;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PaintImageTest, Subsetting);
// Used internally for PaintImages created at raster.
static const Id kNonLazyStableId;
friend class ScopedRasterFlags;
friend class PaintOpReader;
bool CanDecodeFromGenerator() const;
bool DecodeFromGenerator(void* memory,
SkImageInfo* info,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> color_space,
size_t frame_index,
GeneratorClientId client_id) const;
bool DecodeFromSkImage(void* memory,
SkImageInfo* info,
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> color_space,
size_t frame_index,
GeneratorClientId client_id) const;
void CreateSkImage();
PaintImage MakeSubset(const gfx::Rect& subset) const;
sk_sp<SkImage> sk_image_;
sk_sp<PaintRecord> paint_record_;
gfx::Rect paint_record_rect_;
ContentId content_id_ = kInvalidContentId;
sk_sp<PaintImageGenerator> paint_image_generator_;
Id id_ = 0;
AnimationType animation_type_ = AnimationType::STATIC;
CompletionState completion_state_ = CompletionState::DONE;
int repetition_count_ = kAnimationNone;
// If non-empty, holds the subset of this image relative to the original image
// at the origin.
gfx::Rect subset_rect_;
// Whether the data fetched for this image is a part of a multpart response.
bool is_multipart_ = false;
// Whether this image has more than 8 bits per color channel.
bool is_high_bit_depth_ = false;
// An incrementing sequence number maintained by the painter to indicate if
// this animation should be reset in the compositor. Incrementing this number
// will reset this animation in the compositor for the first frame which has a
// recording with a PaintImage storing the updated sequence id.
AnimationSequenceId reset_animation_sequence_id_ = 0u;
DecodingMode decoding_mode_ = DecodingMode::kSync;
// The |cached_sk_image_| can be derived/created from other inputs present in
// the PaintImage but we always construct it at creation time for 2 reasons:
// 1) This ensures that the underlying SkImage is shared across PaintImage
// copies, which is necessary to allow reuse of decodes from this image in
// skia's cache.
// 2) Ensures that accesses to it are thread-safe.
sk_sp<SkImage> cached_sk_image_;
// The input parameters that are needed to execute the JS paint callback.
scoped_refptr<PaintWorkletInput> paint_worklet_input_;
} // namespace cc