blob: a48a951d88dc8561d477b9efad640759b4235aba [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Reports binary size metrics for an APK.
More information at //docs/speed/binary_size/
import argparse
import collections
from contextlib import contextmanager
import json
import logging
import os
import posixpath
import re
import sys
import tempfile
import zipfile
import zlib
from binary_size import apk_downloader
import devil_chromium
from import build_tools
from devil.utils import cmd_helper
from devil.utils import lazy
import method_count
from pylib import constants
from pylib.constants import host_paths
_AAPT_PATH = lazy.WeakConstant(lambda: build_tools.GetPath('aapt'))
_BUILD_UTILS_PATH = os.path.join(
host_paths.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'build', 'android', 'gyp')
host_paths.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'third_party', 'apk-patch-size-estimator')
with host_paths.SysPath(host_paths.BUILD_COMMON_PATH):
import perf_tests_results_helper # pylint: disable=import-error
with host_paths.SysPath(host_paths.TRACING_PATH):
from tracing.value import convert_chart_json # pylint: disable=import-error
with host_paths.SysPath(_BUILD_UTILS_PATH, 0):
from util import build_utils # pylint: disable=import-error
from util import zipalign # pylint: disable=import-error
with host_paths.SysPath(_APK_PATCH_SIZE_ESTIMATOR_PATH):
import apk_patch_size_estimator # pylint: disable=import-error
# Captures an entire config from aapt output.
_AAPT_CONFIG_PATTERN = r'config %s:(.*?)config [a-zA-Z-]+:'
# Matches string resource entries from aapt output.
_AAPT_ENTRY_RE = re.compile(
r'resource (?P<id>\w{10}) [\w\.]+:string/.*?"(?P<val>.+?)"', re.DOTALL)
'format_version': '0.1',
'benchmark_name': 'resource_sizes',
'benchmark_description': 'APK resource size information.',
'trace_rerun_options': [],
'charts': {}
# Macro definitions look like (something, 123) when
# enable_resource_whitelist_generation=true.
_RC_HEADER_RE = re.compile(r'^#define (?P<name>\w+).* (?P<id>\d+)\)?$')
_RE_NON_LANGUAGE_PAK = re.compile(r'^assets/.*(resources|percent)\.pak$')
'text': ['.text'],
'data': ['.data', '.rodata', '', ''],
'relocations': ['.rel.dyn', '.rel.plt', '.rela.dyn', '.rela.plt'],
'unwind': [
'.ARM.extab', '.ARM.exidx', '.eh_frame', '.eh_frame_hdr',
'symbols': [
'.dynsym', '.dynstr', '.dynamic', '.shstrtab', '.got', '.plt',
'.got.plt', '.hash', '.gnu.hash'
'other': [
'.init_array', '.preinit_array', '.ctors', '.fini_array', '.comment',
'', '', '',
'.ARM.attributes', '', '.gnu.version',
'.gnu.version_d', '.gnu.version_r', '.interp', '.gcc_except_table'
def _PercentageDifference(a, b):
if a == 0:
return 0
return float(b - a) / a
def _RunReadelf(so_path, options, tool_prefix=''):
return cmd_helper.GetCmdOutput(
[tool_prefix + 'readelf'] + options + [so_path])
def _ExtractLibSectionSizesFromApk(apk_path, lib_path, tool_prefix):
with Unzip(apk_path, filename=lib_path) as extracted_lib_path:
grouped_section_sizes = collections.defaultdict(int)
no_bits_section_sizes, section_sizes = _CreateSectionNameSizeMap(
extracted_lib_path, tool_prefix)
for group_name, section_names in _READELF_SIZES_METRICS.iteritems():
for section_name in section_names:
if section_name in section_sizes:
grouped_section_sizes[group_name] += section_sizes.pop(section_name)
# Consider all NOBITS sections as .bss.
grouped_section_sizes['bss'] = sum(
v for v in no_bits_section_sizes.itervalues())
# Group any unknown section headers into the "other" group.
for section_header, section_size in section_sizes.iteritems():
sys.stderr.write('Unknown elf section header: %s\n' % section_header)
grouped_section_sizes['other'] += section_size
return grouped_section_sizes
def _CreateSectionNameSizeMap(so_path, tool_prefix):
stdout = _RunReadelf(so_path, ['-S', '--wide'], tool_prefix)
section_sizes = {}
no_bits_section_sizes = {}
# Matches [ 2] .hash HASH 00000000006681f0 0001f0 003154 04 A 3 0 8
for match in re.finditer(r'\[[\s\d]+\] (\..*)$', stdout, re.MULTILINE):
items =
target = no_bits_section_sizes if items[1] == 'NOBITS' else section_sizes
target[items[0]] = int(items[4], 16)
return no_bits_section_sizes, section_sizes
def _ParseManifestAttributes(apk_path):
# Check if the manifest specifies whether or not to extract native libs.
skip_extract_lib = False
output = cmd_helper.GetCmdOutput([, 'd', 'xmltree', apk_path, 'AndroidManifest.xml'])
m ='extractNativeLibs\(.*\)=\(.*\)(\w)', output)
if m:
skip_extract_lib = not bool(int(
# Dex decompression overhead varies by Android version.
m ='android:minSdkVersion\(\w+\)=\(type \w+\)(\w+)', output)
sdk_version = int(, 16)
return sdk_version, skip_extract_lib
def _NormalizeLanguagePaks(translations, factor):
english_pak = translations.FindByPattern(r'.*/en[-_][Uu][Ss]\.l?pak')
num_translations = translations.GetNumEntries()
ret = 0
if english_pak:
ret -= translations.ComputeZippedSize()
ret += int(english_pak.compress_size * num_translations * factor)
return ret
def _NormalizeResourcesArsc(apk_path, num_arsc_files, num_translations,
"""Estimates the expected overhead of untranslated strings in resources.arsc.
See for why this is necessary.
# If there are multiple .arsc files, use the resource packaged APK instead.
if num_arsc_files > 1:
if not out_dir:
return -float('inf')
ap_name = os.path.basename(apk_path).replace('.apk', '.ap_')
ap_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'arsc/apks', ap_name)
if not os.path.exists(ap_path):
raise Exception('Missing expected file: %s, try rebuilding.' % ap_path)
apk_path = ap_path
aapt_output = _RunAaptDumpResources(apk_path)
# en-rUS is in the default config and may be cluttered with non-translatable
# strings, so en-rGB is a better baseline for finding missing translations.
en_strings = _CreateResourceIdValueMap(aapt_output, 'en-rGB')
fr_strings = _CreateResourceIdValueMap(aapt_output, 'fr')
# en-US and en-GB will never be translated.
config_count = num_translations - 2
size = 0
for res_id, string_val in en_strings.iteritems():
if string_val == fr_strings[res_id]:
string_size = len(string_val)
# 7 bytes is the per-entry overhead (not specific to any string). See
# The 1.5 factor was determined experimentally and is meant to account for
# other languages generally having longer strings than english.
size += config_count * (7 + string_size * 1.5)
return int(size)
def _CreateResourceIdValueMap(aapt_output, lang):
"""Return a map of resource ids to string values for the given |lang|."""
config_re = _AAPT_CONFIG_PATTERN % lang
return {'id'):'val')
for config_section in re.finditer(config_re, aapt_output, re.DOTALL)
for entry in re.finditer(_AAPT_ENTRY_RE,}
def _RunAaptDumpResources(apk_path):
cmd = [, 'dump', '--values', 'resources', apk_path]
status, output = cmd_helper.GetCmdStatusAndOutput(cmd)
if status != 0:
raise Exception('Failed running aapt command: "%s" with output "%s".' %
(' '.join(cmd), output))
return output
def _ReportDfmSizes(zip_obj, report_func):
sizes = collections.defaultdict(int)
for info in zip_obj.infolist():
# Looks for paths like splits/vr-master.apk, splits/vr-hi.apk.
name_parts = info.filename.split('/')
if name_parts[0] == 'splits' and len(name_parts) == 2:
name_parts = name_parts[1].split('-')
if len(name_parts) == 2:
module_name, config_name = name_parts
if module_name != 'base' and config_name[:-4] in ('master', 'hi'):
sizes[module_name] += info.file_size
for module_name, size in sorted(sizes.iteritems()):
report_func('DFM_' + module_name, 'Size with hindi', size, 'bytes')
class _FileGroup(object):
"""Represents a category that apk files can fall into."""
def __init__(self, name): = name
self._zip_infos = []
self._extracted_multipliers = []
def AddZipInfo(self, zip_info, extracted_multiplier=0):
def AllEntries(self):
return iter(self._zip_infos)
def GetNumEntries(self):
return len(self._zip_infos)
def FindByPattern(self, pattern):
return next((i for i in self._zip_infos if re.match(pattern, i.filename)),
def FindLargest(self):
if not self._zip_infos:
return None
return max(self._zip_infos, key=lambda i: i.file_size)
def ComputeZippedSize(self):
return sum(i.compress_size for i in self._zip_infos)
def ComputeUncompressedSize(self):
return sum(i.file_size for i in self._zip_infos)
def ComputeExtractedSize(self):
ret = 0
for zi, multiplier in zip(self._zip_infos, self._extracted_multipliers):
ret += zi.file_size * multiplier
return ret
def ComputeInstallSize(self):
return self.ComputeExtractedSize() + self.ComputeZippedSize()
def _DoApkAnalysis(apk_filename, apks_path, tool_prefix, out_dir, report_func):
"""Analyse APK to determine size contributions of different file classes."""
file_groups = []
def make_group(name):
group = _FileGroup(name)
return group
native_code = make_group('Native code')
java_code = make_group('Java code')
native_resources_no_translations = make_group('Native resources (no l10n)')
translations = make_group('Native resources (l10n)')
stored_translations = make_group('Native resources stored (l10n)')
icu_data = make_group('ICU (i18n library) data')
v8_snapshots = make_group('V8 Snapshots')
png_drawables = make_group('PNG drawables')
res_directory = make_group('Non-compiled Android resources')
arsc = make_group('Compiled Android resources')
metadata = make_group('Package metadata')
unknown = make_group('Unknown files')
notices = make_group('licenses.notice file')
unwind_cfi = make_group('unwind_cfi (dev and canary only)')
with zipfile.ZipFile(apk_filename, 'r') as apk:
apk_contents = apk.infolist()
sdk_version, skip_extract_lib = _ParseManifestAttributes(apk_filename)
# Pre-L: Dalvik - .odex file is simply decompressed/optimized dex file (~1x).
# L, M: ART - .odex file is compiled version of the dex file (~4x).
# N: ART - Uses Dalvik-like JIT for normal apps (~1x), full compilation for
# shared apps (~4x).
# Actual multipliers calculated using " disk-usage".
# Will need to update multipliers once apk obfuscation is enabled.
# E.g. with obfuscation, the 4.04 changes to 4.46.
speed_profile_dex_multiplier = 1.17
orig_filename = apks_path or apk_filename
is_monochrome = 'Monochrome' in orig_filename
is_webview = 'WebView' in orig_filename
is_shared_apk = sdk_version >= 24 and (is_monochrome or is_webview)
if sdk_version < 21:
# JellyBean & KitKat
dex_multiplier = 1.16
elif sdk_version < 24:
# Lollipop & Marshmallow
dex_multiplier = 4.04
elif is_shared_apk:
# Oreo and above, compilation_filter=speed
dex_multiplier = 4.04
# Oreo and above, compilation_filter=speed-profile
dex_multiplier = speed_profile_dex_multiplier
total_apk_size = os.path.getsize(apk_filename)
for member in apk_contents:
filename = member.filename
if filename.endswith('/'):
if filename.endswith('.so'):
basename = posixpath.basename(filename)
should_extract_lib = not skip_extract_lib and basename.startswith('lib')
member, extracted_multiplier=int(should_extract_lib))
elif filename.endswith('.dex'):
java_code.AddZipInfo(member, extracted_multiplier=dex_multiplier)
elif, filename):
elif filename.endswith('.pak') or filename.endswith('.lpak'):
compressed = member.compress_type != zipfile.ZIP_STORED
bucket = translations if compressed else stored_translations
extracted_multiplier = 0
if compressed:
extracted_multiplier = int('en_' in filename or 'en-' in filename)
bucket.AddZipInfo(member, extracted_multiplier=extracted_multiplier)
elif filename == 'assets/icudtl.dat':
elif filename.endswith('.bin'):
elif filename.endswith('.png') or filename.endswith('.webp'):
elif filename.startswith('res/'):
elif filename.endswith('.arsc'):
elif filename.startswith('META-INF') or filename == 'AndroidManifest.xml':
elif filename.endswith('.notice'):
elif filename.startswith('assets/unwind_cfi'):
if apks_path:
# We're mostly focused on size of Chrome for non-English locales, so assume
# Hindi (arbitrarily chosen) locale split is installed.
with zipfile.ZipFile(apks_path) as z:
hindi_apk_info = z.getinfo('splits/base-hi.apk')
total_apk_size += hindi_apk_info.file_size
_ReportDfmSizes(z, report_func)
total_install_size = total_apk_size
total_install_size_android_go = total_apk_size
zip_overhead = total_apk_size
for group in file_groups:
actual_size = group.ComputeZippedSize()
install_size = group.ComputeInstallSize()
uncompressed_size = group.ComputeUncompressedSize()
extracted_size = group.ComputeExtractedSize()
total_install_size += extracted_size
zip_overhead -= actual_size
report_func('Breakdown', + ' size', actual_size, 'bytes')
report_func('InstallBreakdown', + ' size', int(install_size),
# Only a few metrics are compressed in the first place.
# To avoid over-reporting, track uncompressed size only for compressed
# entries.
if uncompressed_size != actual_size:
report_func('Uncompressed', + ' size', uncompressed_size,
if group is java_code and is_shared_apk:
# Updates are compiled using quicken, but system image uses speed-profile.
extracted_size = int(uncompressed_size * speed_profile_dex_multiplier)
total_install_size_android_go += extracted_size
report_func('InstallBreakdownGo', + ' size',
actual_size + extracted_size, 'bytes')
elif group is translations and apks_path:
# Assume Hindi rather than English (accounted for above in total_apk_size)
total_install_size_android_go += actual_size
total_install_size_android_go += extracted_size
# Per-file zip overhead is caused by:
# * 30 byte entry header + len(file name)
# * 46 byte central directory entry + len(file name)
# * 0-3 bytes for zipalign.
report_func('Breakdown', 'Zip Overhead', zip_overhead, 'bytes')
report_func('InstallSize', 'APK size', total_apk_size, 'bytes')
report_func('InstallSize', 'Estimated installed size',
int(total_install_size), 'bytes')
if is_shared_apk:
report_func('InstallSize', 'Estimated installed size (Android Go)',
int(total_install_size_android_go), 'bytes')
transfer_size = _CalculateCompressedSize(apk_filename)
report_func('TransferSize', 'Transfer size (deflate)', transfer_size, 'bytes')
# Size of main dex vs remaining.
main_dex_info = java_code.FindByPattern('classes.dex')
if main_dex_info:
main_dex_size = main_dex_info.file_size
report_func('Specifics', 'main dex size', main_dex_size, 'bytes')
secondary_size = java_code.ComputeUncompressedSize() - main_dex_size
report_func('Specifics', 'secondary dex size', secondary_size, 'bytes')
main_lib_info = native_code.FindLargest()
native_code_unaligned_size = 0
for lib_info in native_code.AllEntries():
section_sizes = _ExtractLibSectionSizesFromApk(
apk_filename, lib_info.filename, tool_prefix)
native_code_unaligned_size += sum(
v for k, v in section_sizes.iteritems() if k != 'bss')
# Size of main .so vs remaining.
if lib_info == main_lib_info:
main_lib_size = lib_info.file_size
report_func('Specifics', 'main lib size', main_lib_size, 'bytes')
secondary_size = native_code.ComputeUncompressedSize() - main_lib_size
report_func('Specifics', 'other lib size', secondary_size, 'bytes')
for metric_name, size in section_sizes.iteritems():
report_func('MainLibInfo', metric_name, size, 'bytes')
# Main metric that we want to monitor for jumps.
normalized_apk_size = total_apk_size
# unwind_cfi exists only in dev, canary, and non-channel builds.
normalized_apk_size -= unwind_cfi.ComputeZippedSize()
# Sections within .so files get 4kb aligned, so use section sizes rather than
# file size. Also gets rid of compression.
normalized_apk_size -= native_code.ComputeZippedSize()
normalized_apk_size += native_code_unaligned_size
# Normalized dex size: Size within the zip + size on disk for Android Go
# devices running Android O (which ~= uncompressed dex size).
# Use a constant compression factor to account for fluctuations.
normalized_apk_size -= java_code.ComputeZippedSize()
normalized_apk_size += java_code.ComputeUncompressedSize()
# Unaligned size should be ~= uncompressed size or something is wrong.
# As of now, padding_fraction ~= .007
padding_fraction = -_PercentageDifference(
native_code.ComputeUncompressedSize(), native_code_unaligned_size)
assert 0 <= padding_fraction < .02, (
'Padding was: {} (file_size={}, sections_sum={})'.format(
padding_fraction, native_code.ComputeUncompressedSize(),
if apks_path:
# Locale normalization not needed when measuring only one locale.
# E.g. a change that adds 300 chars of unstranslated strings would cause the
# metric to be off by only 390 bytes (assuming a multiplier of 2.3 for
# Hindi).
# Avoid noise caused when strings change and translations haven't yet been
# updated.
num_translations = translations.GetNumEntries()
num_stored_translations = stored_translations.GetNumEntries()
if num_translations > 1:
# Multipliers found by looking at MonochromePublic.apk and seeing how much
# smaller en-US.pak is relative to the average locale.pak.
normalized_apk_size += _NormalizeLanguagePaks(translations, 1.17)
if num_stored_translations > 1:
normalized_apk_size += _NormalizeLanguagePaks(stored_translations, 1.43)
if num_translations + num_stored_translations > 1:
if num_translations == 0:
# WebView stores all locale paks uncompressed.
num_arsc_translations = num_stored_translations
# Monochrome has more configurations than Chrome since it includes
# WebView (which supports more locales), but these should mostly be
# empty so ignore them here.
num_arsc_translations = num_translations
normalized_apk_size += _NormalizeResourcesArsc(
apk_filename, arsc.GetNumEntries(), num_arsc_translations, out_dir)
# It will be -Inf for .apk files with multiple .arsc files and no out_dir set.
if normalized_apk_size < 0:
sys.stderr.write('Skipping normalized_apk_size (no output directory set)\n')
report_func('Specifics', 'normalized apk size', normalized_apk_size,
# The "file count" metric cannot be grouped with any other metrics when the
# end result is going to be uploaded to the perf dashboard in the HistogramSet
# format due to mixed units (bytes vs. zip entries) causing malformed
# summaries to be generated.
# TODO( Remove this workaround if unit mixing is
# ever supported.
report_func('FileCount', 'file count', len(apk_contents), 'zip entries')
for info in unknown.AllEntries():
'Unknown entry: %s %d\n' % (info.filename, info.compress_size))
def _CalculateCompressedSize(file_path):
CHUNK_SIZE = 256 * 1024
compressor = zlib.compressobj()
total_size = 0
with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda:, ''):
total_size += len(compressor.compress(chunk))
total_size += len(compressor.flush())
return total_size
def _DoDexAnalysis(apk_filename, report_func):
sizes, total_size, num_unique_methods = method_count.ExtractSizesFromZip(
cumulative_sizes = collections.defaultdict(int)
for classes_dex_sizes in sizes.itervalues():
for count_type, count in classes_dex_sizes.iteritems():
cumulative_sizes[count_type] += count
for count_type, count in cumulative_sizes.iteritems():
report_func('Dex', count_type, count, 'entries')
report_func('Dex', 'unique methods', num_unique_methods, 'entries')
report_func('DexCache', 'DexCache', total_size, 'bytes')
def _PrintPatchSizeEstimate(new_apk, builder, bucket, report_func):
apk_name = os.path.basename(new_apk)
# Reference APK paths have spaces replaced by underscores.
builder = builder.replace(' ', '_')
old_apk = apk_downloader.MaybeDownloadApk(
builder, apk_downloader.CURRENT_MILESTONE, apk_name,
apk_downloader.DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_PATH, bucket)
if old_apk:
# Use a temp dir in case patch size functions fail to clean up temp files.
with build_utils.TempDir() as tmp:
tmp_name = os.path.join(tmp, 'patch.tmp')
bsdiff = apk_patch_size_estimator.calculate_bsdiff(
old_apk, new_apk, None, tmp_name)
report_func('PatchSizeEstimate', 'BSDiff (gzipped)', bsdiff, 'bytes')
fbf = apk_patch_size_estimator.calculate_filebyfile(
old_apk, new_apk, None, tmp_name)
report_func('PatchSizeEstimate', 'FileByFile (gzipped)', fbf, 'bytes')
def Unzip(zip_file, filename=None):
"""Utility for temporary use of a single file in a zip archive."""
with build_utils.TempDir() as unzipped_dir:
unzipped_files = build_utils.ExtractAll(
zip_file, unzipped_dir, True, pattern=filename)
if len(unzipped_files) == 0:
raise Exception(
'%s not found in %s' % (filename, zip_file))
yield unzipped_files[0]
def _ConfigOutDirAndToolsPrefix(out_dir):
if out_dir:
# Triggers auto-detection when CWD == output directory.
out_dir = constants.GetOutDirectory()
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
return out_dir, ''
build_vars = build_utils.ReadBuildVars(
os.path.join(out_dir, "build_vars.txt"))
tool_prefix = os.path.join(out_dir, build_vars['android_tool_prefix'])
return out_dir, tool_prefix
def _Analyze(apk_path, chartjson, args):
def report_func(*args):
# Do not add any new metrics without also documenting them in:
# //docs/speed/binary_size/
perf_tests_results_helper.ReportPerfResult(chartjson, *args)
out_dir, tool_prefix = _ConfigOutDirAndToolsPrefix(args.out_dir)
apks_path = args.input if args.input.endswith('.apks') else None
_DoApkAnalysis(apk_path, apks_path, tool_prefix, out_dir, report_func)
_DoDexAnalysis(apk_path, report_func)
if args.estimate_patch_size:
_PrintPatchSizeEstimate(apk_path, args.reference_apk_builder,
args.reference_apk_bucket, report_func)
def ResourceSizes(args):
chartjson = _BASE_CHART.copy() if args.output_format else None
if args.input.endswith('.apk'):
_Analyze(args.input, chartjson, args)
elif args.input.endswith('.apks'):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.apk') as f:
with zipfile.ZipFile(args.input) as z:
# Currently bundletool is creating two apks when .apks is created
# without specifying an sdkVersion. Always measure the one with an
# uncompressed shared library.
info = z.getinfo('splits/base-master_2.apk')
except KeyError:
info = z.getinfo('splits/base-master.apk')
_Analyze(, chartjson, args)
raise Exception('Unknown file type: ' + args.input)
if chartjson:
if args.output_file == '-':
json_file = sys.stdout
elif args.output_file:
json_file = open(args.output_file, 'w')
results_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'results-chart.json')
logging.critical('Dumping chartjson to %s', results_path)
json_file = open(results_path, 'w')
json.dump(chartjson, json_file, indent=2)
if json_file is not sys.stdout:
# We would ideally generate a histogram set directly instead of generating
# chartjson then converting. However, perf_tests_results_helper is in
# //build, which doesn't seem to have any precedent for depending on
# anything in Catapult. This can probably be fixed, but since this doesn't
# need to be super fast or anything, converting is a good enough solution
# for the time being.
if args.output_format == 'histograms':
histogram_result = convert_chart_json.ConvertChartJson(results_path)
if histogram_result.returncode != 0:
logging.error('chartjson conversion failed with error: %s',
return 1
histogram_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'perf_results.json')
logging.critical('Dumping histograms to %s', histogram_path)
with open(histogram_path, 'w') as json_file:
return 0
def main():
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Print APK size metrics.')
default=20 * 1024,
help='Minimum byte size of displayed pak resources.')
help='Location of the build artifacts.')
help='DEPRECATED. Use --output-format=chartjson '
choices=['chartjson', 'histograms'],
help='Output the results to a file in the given '
'format instead of printing the results.')
argparser.add_argument('--loadable_module', help='Obsolete (ignored).')
help='Include patch size estimates. Useful for perf '
'builders where a reference APK is available but adds '
'~3 mins to run time.')
help='Builder name to use for reference APK for patch '
'size estimates.')
help='Storage bucket holding reference APKs.')
# Accepted to conform to the isolated script interface, but ignored.
'--isolated-script-test-filter', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
output_group = argparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
'--output-dir', default='.', help='Directory to save chartjson to.')
help='Path to output .json (replaces --output-dir). Works only for '
help='File to which results will be written in the '
'simplified JSON output format.')
argparser.add_argument('input', help='Path to .apk or .apks file to measure.')
args = argparser.parse_args()
# TODO(bsheedy): Remove this once uses of --chartjson have been removed.
if args.chartjson:
args.output_format = 'chartjson'
isolated_script_output = {'valid': False, 'failures': []}
test_name = 'resource_sizes (%s)' % os.path.basename(args.input)
if args.isolated_script_test_output:
args.output_dir = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(args.isolated_script_test_output), test_name)
if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir):
result = ResourceSizes(args)
isolated_script_output = {
'valid': True,
'failures': [test_name] if result else [],
if args.isolated_script_test_output:
results_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'test_results.json')
with open(results_path, 'w') as output_file:
json.dump(isolated_script_output, output_file)
with open(args.isolated_script_test_output, 'w') as output_file:
json.dump(isolated_script_output, output_file)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':