blob: 618a38b00aff6e9336f9730ad4fa88b32d93271f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/public/cpp/login_screen_test_api.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/login/ui/lock_contents_view.h"
#include "ash/login/ui/lock_screen.h"
#include "ash/login/ui/login_auth_user_view.h"
#include "ash/login/ui/login_big_user_view.h"
#include "ash/login/ui/login_password_view.h"
#include "ash/shelf/login_shelf_view.h"
#include "ash/shelf/shelf.h"
#include "ash/shelf/shelf_widget.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/textfield/textfield.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
LoginShelfView* GetLoginShelfView() {
if (!Shell::HasInstance())
return nullptr;
return Shelf::ForWindow(Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindow())
bool IsLoginShelfViewButtonShown(int button_view_id) {
LoginShelfView* shelf_view = GetLoginShelfView();
if (!shelf_view)
return false;
views::View* button_view = shelf_view->GetViewByID(button_view_id);
return button_view && button_view->GetVisible();
} // anonymous namespace
class ShelfTestUiUpdateDelegate : public LoginShelfView::TestUiUpdateDelegate {
// Returns instance owned by LoginShelfView. Installs instance of
// ShelfTestUiUpdateDelegate when needed.
static ShelfTestUiUpdateDelegate* Get(LoginShelfView* shelf) {
if (!shelf->test_ui_update_delegate()) {
return static_cast<ShelfTestUiUpdateDelegate*>(
ShelfTestUiUpdateDelegate() = default;
~ShelfTestUiUpdateDelegate() override {
for (PendingCallback& entry : heap_)
// Returns UI update count.
int64_t ui_update_count() const { return ui_update_count_; }
// Add a callback to be invoked when ui update count is greater than
// |previous_update_count|. Note |callback| could be invoked synchronously
// when the current ui update count is already greater than
// |previous_update_count|.
void AddCallback(int64_t previous_update_count, base::OnceClosure callback) {
if (previous_update_count < ui_update_count_) {
} else {
heap_.emplace_back(previous_update_count, std::move(callback));
std::push_heap(heap_.begin(), heap_.end());
// LoginShelfView::TestUiUpdateDelegate
void OnUiUpdate() override {
while (!heap_.empty() && heap_.front().old_count < ui_update_count_) {
std::pop_heap(heap_.begin(), heap_.end());
struct PendingCallback {
PendingCallback(int64_t old_count, base::OnceClosure callback)
: old_count(old_count), callback(std::move(callback)) {}
bool operator<(const PendingCallback& right) const {
// We need min_heap, therefore this returns true when another element on
// the right is less than this count. (regular heap is max_heap).
return old_count > right.old_count;
int64_t old_count = 0;
base::OnceClosure callback;
std::vector<PendingCallback> heap_;
int64_t ui_update_count_ = 0;
// static
bool LoginScreenTestApi::IsLockShown() {
return LockScreen::HasInstance() && LockScreen::Get()->is_shown() &&
LockScreen::Get()->screen_type() == LockScreen::ScreenType::kLock;
// static
bool LoginScreenTestApi::IsLoginShelfShown() {
LoginShelfView* view = GetLoginShelfView();
return view && view->GetVisible();
// static
bool LoginScreenTestApi::IsRestartButtonShown() {
return IsLoginShelfViewButtonShown(LoginShelfView::kRestart);
// static
bool LoginScreenTestApi::IsShutdownButtonShown() {
return IsLoginShelfViewButtonShown(LoginShelfView::kShutdown);
// static
bool LoginScreenTestApi::IsAuthErrorBubbleShown() {
ash::LockScreen::TestApi lock_screen_test(ash::LockScreen::Get());
ash::LockContentsView::TestApi lock_contents_test(
return lock_contents_test.auth_error_bubble()->GetVisible();
// static
bool LoginScreenTestApi::IsGuestButtonShown() {
return IsLoginShelfViewButtonShown(LoginShelfView::kBrowseAsGuest);
// static
bool LoginScreenTestApi::IsAddUserButtonShown() {
return IsLoginShelfViewButtonShown(LoginShelfView::kAddUser);
// static
bool LoginScreenTestApi::IsParentAccessButtonShown() {
return IsLoginShelfViewButtonShown(LoginShelfView::kParentAccess);
// static
void LoginScreenTestApi::SubmitPassword(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& password) {
// It'd be better to generate keyevents dynamically and dispatch them instead
// of reaching into the views structure, but at the time of writing I could
// not find a good way to do this. If you know of a way feel free to change
// this code.
LockScreen::TestApi lock_screen_test(LockScreen::Get());
LockContentsView::TestApi lock_contents_test(
LoginAuthUserView::TestApi auth_test(
LoginPasswordView::TestApi password_test(auth_test.password_view());
// For the time being, only the primary user is supported. To support multiple
// users this API needs to search all user views for the associated user and
// potentially activate that user so it is showing its password field.
// static
int64_t LoginScreenTestApi::GetUiUpdateCount() {
LoginShelfView* view = GetLoginShelfView();
return view ? ShelfTestUiUpdateDelegate::Get(view)->ui_update_count() : 0;
// static
bool LoginScreenTestApi::LaunchApp(const std::string& app_id) {
LoginShelfView* view = GetLoginShelfView();
return view && view->LaunchAppForTesting(app_id);
// static
bool LoginScreenTestApi::ClickAddUserButton() {
LoginShelfView* view = GetLoginShelfView();
return view && view->SimulateAddUserButtonForTesting();
// static
bool LoginScreenTestApi::ClickGuestButton() {
LoginShelfView* view = GetLoginShelfView();
return view && view->SimulateGuestButtonForTesting();
// static
bool LoginScreenTestApi::WaitForUiUpdate(int64_t previous_update_count) {
LoginShelfView* view = GetLoginShelfView();
if (view) {
base::RunLoop run_loop;
return true;
return false;
} // namespace ash