blob: bf29dd105b865e2a26b22d212278d7072ecaf4a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace offline_pages {
static const size_t kUnlimitedPages = 0;
// Enum whose values specify the lifetime characteristics of pages pertaining to
// a given client.
enum class LifetimeType {
// A temporary offline page, which is automatically downloaded and cleaned
// up when storage limits are reached or when caches are cleared. They are
// normally stored in Chrome internal directories, not directly accessible to
// the user.
// A persistent offline page, manually downloaded by the user. It is stored in
// the public Downloads directory and only the user can delete it.
// The struct describing policies for offline pages' clients (Bookmark, Last-N
// etc.) describing how their pages are handled by the offline page model.
struct OfflinePageClientPolicy {
OfflinePageClientPolicy(std::string namespace_val,
LifetimeType lifetime_type_val);
static OfflinePageClientPolicy CreateTemporary(
const std::string& name_space,
const base::TimeDelta& expiration_period);
static OfflinePageClientPolicy CreatePersistent(
const std::string& name_space);
OfflinePageClientPolicy(const OfflinePageClientPolicy& other);
// Namespace that uniquely identifies this client.
std::string name_space;
// Lifetime type for the pages saved by this client.
LifetimeType lifetime_type = LifetimeType::TEMPORARY;
// The time after which pages expire. A zero value (default) means pages from
// this client never expire.
base::TimeDelta expiration_period;
// The maximum number of pages allowed to be saved for this client.
// |kUnlimitedPages| (default) means no limit is set.
size_t page_limit = kUnlimitedPages;
// The maximum number of pages for the same URL that can be stored for this
// client. |kUnlimitedPages| (default) means no limit is set.
size_t pages_allowed_per_url = kUnlimitedPages;
// Whether pages are shown in the Downloads UI.
bool is_supported_by_download = false;
// Whether pages can only be viewed in a specific tab. Pages controlled by
// this policy must have their ClientId::id field set to their assigned tab's
// id.
bool is_restricted_to_tab_from_client_id = false;
// Whether this client should be "disabled" if any of these user settings are
// set to:
// * 3rd party cookies are blocked (prefs::kBlockThirdPartyCookies).
// * Network predictions (prefs::kNetworkPredictionOptions) are fully
// disabled.
bool requires_specific_user_settings = false;
// Whether the pages originate from suggestion engines like Zine or the Feed.
bool is_suggested = false;
// Whether a background page download is allowed to be converted to a regular
// download if the URL turns out to point to a file (i.e. a PDF).
bool allows_conversion_to_background_file_download = false;
// Whether background fetches are deferred while the active tab matches the
// SavePageRequestURL.
bool defer_background_fetch_while_page_is_active = false;
// Get the client policy for |name_space|.
const OfflinePageClientPolicy& GetPolicy(const std::string& name_space);
// Returns a list of all known namespaces.
const std::vector<std::string>& GetAllPolicyNamespaces();
// Returns a list of all temporary namespaces.
const std::vector<std::string>& GetTemporaryPolicyNamespaces();
// Returns a list of all persistent namespaces.
const std::vector<std::string>& GetPersistentPolicyNamespaces();
} // namespace offline_pages