blob: 4993592fd8b0ba4dcc42e790b30ea0f707e852a4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from common.frozendict import frozendict
from common.gerrit.time import ParseGerritTime
# Gerrit API version
__version__ = '2.10'
class GerritObject(frozendict):
"""Base object to encapsulate and enhance immutable Gerrit REST API objects.
Each GerritObject is instantiated from a dictionary that is directly
deserialized from the Gerrit JSON. The GerritObject, in turn, provides
read-only accessors to object's internal fields.
__gerrit_object_name__ = 'GerritObject'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(GerritObject, self).__init__(self._wrap(dict(*args, **kwargs)))
def _wrap(cls, value):
"""Wraps a JSON object value in a suitable immutable structure. Since JSON
only deserializes into specific field types, this is easily scoped."""
if isinstance(value, (dict, frozendict)):
d = {}
for k, v in value.iteritems():
if not isinstance(k, basestring):
raise TypeError("JSON key is not a string")
d[k] = cls._wrap(v)
return frozendict(**d)
elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
return tuple([cls._wrap(x) for x in value])
return value
def __repr__(self):
return '%s%s' % (, str(
def name(self):
return self.__gerrit_object_name__
def data(self):
return self._data
def fromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
"""Loads an instance of this class from a deserialized JSON dictionary"""
return cls(**json_dict)
class LabelInfo(GerritObject):
"""A class that implements the Gerrit LabelInfo JSON object.
__gerrit_object_name__ = 'LabelInfo'
def all(self):
"""Returns the set of 'ApprovalInfo' objects associated with this label.
This field will only be populated if DETAILED_LABELS is specified in the
Returns: (tuple) A tuple of 'ApprovalInfo' objects associated with the
return tuple(ApprovalInfo(**ai) for ai in self.get('all', ()))
def values(self):
"""Returns a sorted tuple of unique values (+1, +2, etc.)
Note that a 'ChangeInfo' query must include 'DETAILED_LABELS' to contain
this information.
Returns: (set) A sorted tuple of label values for 'name'
values = set()
for ai in self.all:
value = ai.get('value')
if value is not None:
return tuple(sorted(values))
def isApproved(self):
"""Returns 'True' if this label has an 'approved' field"""
return 'approved' in self.keys()
def isRejected(self):
"""Returns 'True' if this label has a 'rejected' field"""
return 'rejected' in self.keys()
def isRecommended(self):
"""Returns 'True' if this label has a 'recommended' field"""
return 'recommended' in self.keys()
def isDisliked(self):
"""Returns 'True' if this label has a 'disliked' field"""
return 'disliked' in self.keys()
class AccountInfo(GerritObject):
"""A class that implements the Gerrit 'AccountInfo' JSON object.
__gerrit_object_name__ = 'AccountInfo'
class ApprovalInfo(AccountInfo):
"""A class that implements the Gerrit 'ApprovalInfo' JSON object.
'ApprovalInfo' has the same fields as 'AccountInfo' plus some more.
__gerrit_object_name__ = 'ApprovalInfo'
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == 'date':
return self._data.get(key)
def isPermitted(self):
"""Returns whether or not the user is permitted to vote on this label."""
return self.get('value') is not None
def date(self):
value = self._data.get('date')
if value is None:
return None
return ParseGerritTime(value)
class ChangeInfo(GerritObject):
"""A class that wraps a single Gerrit ChangeInfo JSON object.
__gerrit_object_name__ = 'ChangeInfo'
def _revisions(self):
"""Constructs our forward-revision mapping on-demand."""
return frozendict(
(k, RevisionInfo(k, **v))
for k, v in self.get('revisions', {}).iteritems())
def _revision_number_map(self):
"""Constructs our reverse-revision mapping on-demand."""
return frozendict(
(v.get('_number'), v)
for v in self._revisions.itervalues())
def parse_id(value):
"""Returns the parsed Gerrit change ID fields.
The Gerrit change ID takes the form: [project]~[branch]~[ID]
Returns: (project, branch, id)
return tuple(value.split('~', 2))
def id_tuple(self):
"""Parse the 'id' field into a (project, branch, change-id) tuple"""
return self.parse_id(self['id'])
def messages(self):
"""Constructs our 'messages' objects on-demand."""
return tuple(ChangeMessageInfo(**msg)
for msg in self.get('messages', ()))
def unique_id(self):
"""Returns a comparable value that uniquely identifies this 'ChangeInfo'.
The returned value is more specific than the 'id' field, which applies to
all 'ChangeInfo's resulting from the same Gerrit issue ID.
The composition of this is intentionally vague; external objects must
not rely on this field's actual value. The only guarantee that this field
offers is that it is suitable for equality comparisons to other 'unique_id'
This field MUST NOT be used as a persistent key for this ChangeInfo.
Returns: (object) The unique ID object for this change.
# We are assuming that no two changes for the same Gerrit ID will have the
# same update time. If this is false, we will need to find an alternative
# 'unique_id', but any code using it should automatically work.
return (self.get('id'), self.get('updated'))
def update_time(self):
"""Returns a 'datetime.datetime' corresponding to this change's 'updated'
field. If the field was missing, this will return 'None'.
Return: A datetime.datetime object representing the update time, or None
if the update time is not present.
ValueError if the 'updated' field could not be successfully parsed.
result = self.get('updated')
if result is not None:
result = ParseGerritTime(result)
return result
def created_time(self):
"""Returns a 'datetime.datetime' corresponding to this change's 'created'
field. If the field was missing, this will return 'None'.
Return: A datetime.datetime object representing the created time, or None
if the created time is not present.
ValueError if the 'created' field could not be successfully parsed.
result = self.get('created')
if result is not None:
result = ParseGerritTime(result)
return result
def revisions(self):
Calculates the latest revision ID of a given change. This will query the
change's cached information and pull out the revision ID for the revision
with the highest "_number" (patch set number) field.
Returns: (tuple) An ordered tuple of 'RevisionInfo' associated with a
change, oldest-to-newest. This will return an empty list if the change
is unregistered or if the change has no associated revisions.
return tuple(self._revision_number_map[k]
for k in sorted(
def revisionInfoForNumber(self, value):
"""Gets the revision hash that corresponds to a patch set number.
value: (int) the revision number value
Returns: (RevisionInfo/None) The RevisionInfo for 'value', or None if one
is not defined.
return self._revision_number_map.get(value)
def latest_revision(self):
current_revision = self.get('current_revision')
if current_revision is None:
return None
revision = self._revisions.get(current_revision)
if revision is not None:
return revision
# Return an empty RevisionInfo
return RevisionInfo(current_revision)
def owner(self):
owner = self.get('owner')
if owner is not None:
return AccountInfo(**owner)
return None
def label(self, name):
"""Retrieves the value of a Gerrit label field. The label field contains
the current set of labels that this issue has applied to it along with
associated metadata.
name: (str) The name of the label to retrieve (case-sensitive).
Returns: (LabelInfo) A LabelInfo for the requested label, or None if it is
not present.
return self.labels.get(name)
def labels(self):
return frozendict((label_name, LabelInfo(**label_dict))
for label_name, label_dict in
self.get('labels', {}).iteritems())
def __repr__(self):
return '%s{%s}' % (type(self).__name__, self.get('id'))
class ChangeMessageInfo(GerritObject):
"""Represents a 'ChangeMessageInfo' Gerrit API object"""
__gerrit_object_name__ = 'ChangeMessageInfo'
def date(self):
return ParseGerritTime(self['date'])
class RevisionInfo(GerritObject):
"""Represents a 'RevisionInfo' Gerrit API object"""
__gerrit_object_name__ = 'RevisionInfo'
def __init__(self, revision, *args, **kwargs):
GerritObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._revision = revision
def revision(self):
"""The revision value for this 'RevisionInfo' object"""
return self._revision
class ReviewInput(GerritObject):
"""Interfaces with a Gerrit ReviewInput object.
__gerrit_object_name__ = 'ReviewInput'
def New(cls, message=None, strict_labels=None, drafts=None, notify=None,
"""Constructs a new Gerrit ReviewInput object from a set of composite
message: (str) If supplied, the review input message.
strict_labels (bool): If supplied, a boolean for 'strict_labels'
drafts: (str) If supplied, one of the 'DRAFTS_*' strings belongining to
this class.
notify: (str) If supplied, one of the 'NOTIFY_*' trings belonging to
this class.
on_behalf_of: (str) If supplied, the 'on_behalf_of' field value.
Returns: (ReviewInput) A ReviewInput instance.
review_info_dict = {}
def addIfPopulated(key, value, map_fn=None):
if value is not None:
if map_fn is not None:
value = map_fn(value)
review_info_dict[key] = value
addIfPopulated('message', message)
addIfPopulated('strict_labels', strict_labels, map_fn=bool)
addIfPopulated('drafts', drafts)
addIfPopulated('notify', notify)
addIfPopulated('on_behalf_of', on_behalf_of)
return cls(**review_info_dict)
def addLabel(self, label, value):
"""Adds a label/value pair
label: (str) the name of the label (e.g., 'Code-Review')
value: (int) the label value (e.g., -1)
Returns: (ReviewInput) A new ReviewInput with the specified labels set.
nlabels = self.get('labels')
if nlabels is None:
nlabels = {}
nlabels = nlabels.mutableDict()
nlabels[label] = value
return self.extend(labels=nlabels)
class ReviewInfo(GerritObject):
"""Wrapper class for the ReviewInfo object.
__gerrit_object_name__ = 'ReviewInfo'