blob: 671b60e442831411ffb685adc112ea02f810db63 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env vpython
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import unittest
import test_env # pylint: disable=relative-import
from slave import extract_build
from slave import slave_utils
# build/scripts/slave/unittests
_SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
_BUILD_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
_SCRIPT_DIR, os.pardir, os.pardir))
class MockOptions(object):
build_properties = {}
build_archive_url = None
master_name = ''
build_number = 456
parent_build_number = 789
parent_builder_name = 'Builder'
parent_slave_name = 'slave'
parent_build_dir = '/b/foo'
class ExtractBuildTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self._build_revision = 123
def testGetBuildUrl(self):
options = MockOptions()
base_filename, version_suffix = slave_utils.GetZipFileNames(
'', None, None, build_revision=self._build_revision,
gs_url_without_slash = 'gs://foo/Win'
gs_url_with_slash = 'gs://foo/Win/'
gs_url_with_filename = 'gs://foo/Win/' % base_filename
http_url_without_slash = 'http://foo/Win'
http_url_with_slash = 'http://foo/Win/'
http_url_with_filename = 'http://foo/Win/' % base_filename
expected_gs_url = (
gs_url_with_slash + base_filename + version_suffix + '.zip')
expected_http_url = (
http_url_with_slash + base_filename + version_suffix + '.zip')
# Verify that only one slash is added: URL without ending slash.
self._VerifyBuildUrl(options, gs_url_without_slash, expected_gs_url)
self._VerifyBuildUrl(options, http_url_without_slash, expected_http_url)
# URL with ending slash.
self._VerifyBuildUrl(options, gs_url_with_slash, expected_gs_url)
self._VerifyBuildUrl(options, http_url_with_slash, expected_http_url)
# URL with filename.
self._VerifyBuildUrl(options, gs_url_with_filename, expected_gs_url)
self._VerifyBuildUrl(options, http_url_with_filename, expected_http_url)
def _VerifyBuildUrl(self, options, url_template, expected_url):
options.build_url = url_template
# The versioned_url part of the tuple returned is not tested, since it would
# just be to copy implementation from into this test.
url, _archive_name = extract_build.GetBuildUrl(
options, build_revision=self._build_revision)
self.assertEquals(url, expected_url)
if __name__ == '__main__':