arm/linux: Fix build after a5214472

The build broke because x30 was used instead of r14 in place of LR
which gcc doesn't recognize when building for 64-bit ARM. gcc does
recognize LR for 32-bit ARM, however, so revert to that since it's
more readable.

Also, de-duplicate saving of FP/IP which are synonyms of r11/r12,
saved above.

Change-Id: I8ae28f430cc3c47f4e4cf3679383ed5b94fadd2e
Reviewed-by: Mark Mentovai <>
Commit-Queue: Joshua Peraza <>
diff --git a/util/misc/capture_context_linux.S b/util/misc/capture_context_linux.S
index f2b066b..f4216fd 100644
--- a/util/misc/capture_context_linux.S
+++ b/util/misc/capture_context_linux.S
@@ -257,16 +257,14 @@
   // Restore r0.
   sub r0, r0, #0x24
-  // Save named general purpose registers.
-  str FP, [r0, #0x4c]  // context->uc_mcontext.fp
-  str IP, [r0, #0x50]  // context->uc_mcontext.ip
+  // Save SP/r13.
   str SP, [r0, #0x54]  // context->uc_mcontext.sp
   // The original LR can't be recovered.
-  str x30, [r0, #0x58]  // context->
+  str LR, [r0, #0x58]  // context->
   // The link register holds the return address for this function.
-  str x30, [r0, #0x5c]  // context->uc_mcontext.pc
+  str LR, [r0, #0x5c]  // context->uc_mcontext.pc
   // Use r1 as a scratch register.