blob: 687c3c031ed92db5b6513272685c90b9d3f634f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Provides parts of crosvm as a library to communicate with running crosvm instances.
//! This crate is a programmatic alternative to invoking crosvm with subcommands that produce the
//! result on stdout.
//! Downstream projects rely on this library maintaining a stable API surface.
//! Do not make changes to this library without consulting the crosvm externalization team.
//! Email: <>
//! The API of this library should remain the same regardless of which crosvm features are enabled.
//! Any missing functionality should be handled by returning an error at runtime, not conditional
//! compilation, so that users can rely on the the same set of functions with the same prototypes
//! regardless of how crosvm is configured.
//! For more information see:
//! <>
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::panic::catch_unwind;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::time::Duration;
use balloon_control::BalloonStats;
use balloon_control::BalloonWS;
use balloon_control::WSBucket;
use libc::c_char;
use libc::ssize_t;
pub use swap::SwapStatus;
use vm_control::client::do_modify_battery;
use vm_control::client::do_net_add;
use vm_control::client::do_net_remove;
use vm_control::client::do_security_key_attach;
use vm_control::client::do_usb_attach;
use vm_control::client::do_usb_detach;
use vm_control::client::do_usb_list;
use vm_control::client::handle_request;
use vm_control::client::handle_request_with_timeout;
use vm_control::client::vms_request;
use vm_control::BalloonControlCommand;
use vm_control::DiskControlCommand;
use vm_control::RegisteredEvent;
use vm_control::SwapCommand;
use vm_control::UsbControlAttachedDevice;
use vm_control::UsbControlResult;
use vm_control::VmRequest;
use vm_control::VmResponse;
use vm_control::USB_CONTROL_MAX_PORTS;
pub const VIRTIO_BALLOON_WS_MAX_NUM_BINS: usize = 16;
fn validate_socket_path(socket_path: *const c_char) -> Option<PathBuf> {
if !socket_path.is_null() {
// SAFETY: just checked that `socket_path` is not null.
let socket_path = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(socket_path) };
} else {
/// Stops the crosvm instance whose control socket is listening on `socket_path`.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_stop_vm(socket_path: *const c_char) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
vms_request(&VmRequest::Exit, socket_path).is_ok()
} else {
/// Suspends the crosvm instance whose control socket is listening on `socket_path`.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_suspend_vm(socket_path: *const c_char) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
vms_request(&VmRequest::SuspendVcpus, socket_path).is_ok()
} else {
/// Resumes the crosvm instance whose control socket is listening on `socket_path`.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_resume_vm(socket_path: *const c_char) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
vms_request(&VmRequest::ResumeVcpus, socket_path).is_ok()
} else {
/// Creates an RT vCPU for the crosvm instance whose control socket is listening on `socket_path`.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_make_rt_vm(socket_path: *const c_char) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
vms_request(&VmRequest::MakeRT, socket_path).is_ok()
} else {
/// Adjusts the balloon size of the crosvm instance whose control socket is
/// listening on `socket_path`.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_balloon_vms(
socket_path: *const c_char,
num_bytes: u64,
) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
let command = BalloonControlCommand::Adjust {
wait_for_success: false,
vms_request(&VmRequest::BalloonCommand(command), socket_path).is_ok()
} else {
/// See crosvm_client_balloon_vms.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_balloon_vms_wait_with_timeout(
socket_path: *const c_char,
num_bytes: u64,
timeout_ms: u64,
) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
let command = BalloonControlCommand::Adjust {
wait_for_success: true,
let resp = handle_request_with_timeout(
if matches!(resp, Ok(VmResponse::Ok)) {
return true;
println!("adjust failure: {:?}", resp);
/// Enable vmm swap for crosvm instance whose control socket is listening on `socket_path`.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_swap_enable_vm(socket_path: *const c_char) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
vms_request(&VmRequest::Swap(SwapCommand::Enable), socket_path).is_ok()
} else {
/// Swap out staging memory for crosvm instance whose control socket is listening
/// on `socket_path`.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_swap_swapout_vm(socket_path: *const c_char) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
vms_request(&VmRequest::Swap(SwapCommand::SwapOut), socket_path).is_ok()
} else {
/// Arguments structure for crosvm_client_swap_disable_vm2.
pub struct SwapDisableArgs {
/// The path of the control socket to target.
socket_path: *const c_char,
/// Whether or not the swap file should be cleaned up in the background.
slow_file_cleanup: bool,
/// Disable vmm swap according to `args`.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_swap_disable_vm(args: *mut SwapDisableArgs) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if args.is_null() {
return false;
let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path((*args).socket_path) else {
return false;
&VmRequest::Swap(SwapCommand::Disable {
slow_file_cleanup: (*args).slow_file_cleanup,
/// Trim staging memory for vmm swap for crosvm instance whose control socket is listening on
/// `socket_path`.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_swap_trim(socket_path: *const c_char) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
vms_request(&VmRequest::Swap(SwapCommand::Trim), socket_path).is_ok()
} else {
/// Returns vmm-swap status of the crosvm instance whose control socket is listening on
/// `socket_path`.
/// The parameters `status` is optional and will only be written to if they are non-null.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_swap_status(
socket_path: *const c_char,
status: *mut SwapStatus,
) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
let request = &VmRequest::Swap(SwapCommand::Status);
if let Ok(VmResponse::SwapStatus(response)) = handle_request(request, socket_path) {
if !status.is_null() {
// SAFETY: just checked that `status` is not null.
unsafe {
*status = response;
} else {
} else {
/// Represents an individual attached USB device.
pub struct UsbDeviceEntry {
/// Internal port index used for identifying this individual device.
port: u8,
/// USB vendor ID
vendor_id: u16,
/// USB product ID
product_id: u16,
impl From<&UsbControlAttachedDevice> for UsbDeviceEntry {
fn from(other: &UsbControlAttachedDevice) -> Self {
Self {
port: other.port,
vendor_id: other.vendor_id,
product_id: other.product_id,
/// Simply returns the maximum possible number of USB devices
pub extern "C" fn crosvm_client_max_usb_devices() -> usize {
/// Returns all USB devices passed through the crosvm instance whose control socket is listening on
/// `socket_path`.
/// The function returns the amount of entries written.
/// # Arguments
/// * `socket_path` - Path to the crosvm control socket
/// * `entries` - Pointer to an array of `UsbDeviceEntry` where the details about the attached
/// devices will be written to
/// * `entries_length` - Amount of entries in the array specified by `entries`
/// Use the value returned by [`crosvm_client_max_usb_devices()`] to determine the size of the input
/// array to this function.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_usb_list(
socket_path: *const c_char,
entries: *mut UsbDeviceEntry,
entries_length: ssize_t,
) -> ssize_t {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
if entries.is_null() {
return -1;
if let Ok(UsbControlResult::Devices(res)) = do_usb_list(socket_path) {
let mut i = 0;
for entry in res.iter().filter(|x| x.valid()) {
if i >= entries_length {
// SAFETY: checked that `entries` is not null.
unsafe {
*entries.offset(i) = entry.into();
i += 1;
} else {
} else {
/// Attaches an USB device to crosvm instance whose control socket is listening on `socket_path`.
/// The function returns the amount of entries written.
/// # Arguments
/// * `socket_path` - Path to the crosvm control socket
/// * `bus` - USB device bus ID (unused)
/// * `addr` - USB device address (unused)
/// * `vid` - USB device vendor ID (unused)
/// * `pid` - USB device product ID (unused)
/// * `dev_path` - Path to the USB device (Most likely `/dev/bus/usb/<bus>/<addr>`).
/// * `out_port` - (optional) internal port will be written here if provided.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage.
/// Trivial !raw_pointer.is_null() checks prevent some unsafe behavior, but the caller should
/// ensure no null pointers are passed into the function.
/// The safety requirements for `socket_path` and `dev_path` are the same as the ones from
/// `CStr::from_ptr()`. `out_port` should be a non-null pointer that points to a writable 1byte
/// region.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_usb_attach(
socket_path: *const c_char,
_bus: u8,
_addr: u8,
_vid: u16,
_pid: u16,
dev_path: *const c_char,
out_port: *mut u8,
) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
if dev_path.is_null() {
return false;
// SAFETY: just checked that `dev_path` is not null.
let dev_path = Path::new(unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(dev_path) }.to_str().unwrap_or(""));
if let Ok(UsbControlResult::Ok { port }) = do_usb_attach(socket_path, dev_path) {
if !out_port.is_null() {
// SAFETY: trivially safe
unsafe { *out_port = port };
} else {
} else {
/// Attaches a u2f security key to crosvm instance whose control socket is listening on
/// `socket_path`.
/// The function returns the amount of entries written.
/// # Arguments
/// * `socket_path` - Path to the crosvm control socket
/// * `hidraw_path` - Path to the hidraw device of the security key (like `/dev/hidraw0`)
/// * `out_port` - (optional) internal port will be written here if provided.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage.
/// Trivial !raw_pointer.is_null() checks prevent some unsafe behavior, but the caller should
/// ensure no null pointers are passed into the function.
/// The safety requirements for `socket_path` and `hidraw_path` are the same as the ones from
/// `CStr::from_ptr()`. `out_port` should be a non-null pointer that points to a writable 1byte
/// region.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_security_key_attach(
socket_path: *const c_char,
hidraw_path: *const c_char,
out_port: *mut u8,
) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
if hidraw_path.is_null() {
return false;
let hidraw_path = Path::new(
// SAFETY: just checked that `hidraw_path` is not null.
unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(hidraw_path) }
if let Ok(UsbControlResult::Ok { port }) =
do_security_key_attach(socket_path, hidraw_path)
if !out_port.is_null() {
// SAFETY: trivially safe
unsafe { *out_port = port };
} else {
} else {
/// Detaches an USB device from crosvm instance whose control socket is listening on `socket_path`.
/// `port` determines device to be detached.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_usb_detach(socket_path: *const c_char, port: u8) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
do_usb_detach(socket_path, port).is_ok()
} else {
/// Attaches a net tap device to the crosvm instance with control socket at `socket_path`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `socket_path` - Path to the crosvm control socket
/// * `tap_name` - Name of the tap device
/// * `out_bus_num` - guest bus number will be written here
/// The function returns true on success, false on failure.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - socket_path and tap_name are assumed to point to a
/// null-terminated CStr. Function checks that the pointers are not null, but caller need to check
/// the validity of the pointer. out_bus_num is assumed to point to a u8 integer.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_net_tap_attach(
socket_path: *const c_char,
tap_name: *const c_char,
out_bus_num: *mut u8,
) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
if tap_name.is_null() || out_bus_num.is_null() {
return false;
// SAFETY: just checked that `tap_name` is not null. Function caller guarantees it
// points to a valid CStr.
let tap_name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(tap_name) }.to_str().unwrap_or("");
match do_net_add(tap_name, socket_path) {
Ok(bus_num) => {
// SAFETY: checked out_bus_num is not null. Function caller guarantees
// validity of pointer.
unsafe { *out_bus_num = bus_num };
Err(_e) => false,
} else {
/// Detaches a hotplugged tap device from the crosvm instance with control socket at `socket_path`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `socket_path` - Path to the crosvm control socket
/// * `bus_num` - Bus number of the tap device to be removed.
/// The function returns true on success, and false on failure.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - socket_path is assumed to point to a
/// null-terminated Cstr. Function checks that the pointers are not null, but caller need to check
/// the validity of the pointer.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_net_tap_detach(
socket_path: *const c_char,
bus_num: u8,
) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
match do_net_remove(bus_num, socket_path) {
Ok(()) => true,
Err(_e) => false,
} else {
/// Modifies the battery status of crosvm instance whose control socket is listening on
/// `socket_path`.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_modify_battery(
socket_path: *const c_char,
battery_type: *const c_char,
property: *const c_char,
target: *const c_char,
) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
if battery_type.is_null() || property.is_null() || target.is_null() {
return false;
// SAFETY: trivially safe
let battery_type = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(battery_type) };
// SAFETY: trivially safe
let property = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(property) };
// SAFETY: trivially safe
let target = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(target) };
} else {
/// Resizes the disk of the crosvm instance whose control socket is listening on `socket_path`.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_resize_disk(
socket_path: *const c_char,
disk_index: u64,
new_size: u64,
) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
if let Ok(disk_index) = usize::try_from(disk_index) {
let request = VmRequest::DiskCommand {
command: DiskControlCommand::Resize { new_size },
vms_request(&request, socket_path).is_ok()
} else {
} else {
/// Similar to internally used `BalloonStats` but using `i64` instead of
/// `Option<u64>`. `None` (or values bigger than `i64::max`) will be encoded as -1.
pub struct BalloonStatsFfi {
swap_in: i64,
swap_out: i64,
major_faults: i64,
minor_faults: i64,
free_memory: i64,
total_memory: i64,
available_memory: i64,
disk_caches: i64,
hugetlb_allocations: i64,
hugetlb_failures: i64,
shared_memory: i64,
unevictable_memory: i64,
impl From<&BalloonStats> for BalloonStatsFfi {
fn from(other: &BalloonStats) -> Self {
let convert = |x: Option<u64>| -> i64 { x.and_then(|y| y.try_into().ok()).unwrap_or(-1) };
Self {
swap_in: convert(other.swap_in),
swap_out: convert(other.swap_out),
major_faults: convert(other.major_faults),
minor_faults: convert(other.minor_faults),
free_memory: convert(other.free_memory),
total_memory: convert(other.total_memory),
available_memory: convert(other.available_memory),
disk_caches: convert(other.disk_caches),
hugetlb_allocations: convert(other.hugetlb_allocations),
hugetlb_failures: convert(other.hugetlb_failures),
shared_memory: convert(other.shared_memory),
unevictable_memory: convert(other.unevictable_memory),
/// Returns balloon stats of the crosvm instance whose control socket is listening on `socket_path`.
/// The parameters `stats` and `actual` are optional and will only be written to if they are
/// non-null.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Note
/// Entries in `BalloonStatsFfi` that are not available will be set to `-1`.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_balloon_stats(
socket_path: *const c_char,
stats: *mut BalloonStatsFfi,
actual: *mut u64,
) -> bool {
crosvm_client_balloon_stats_impl(socket_path, None, stats, actual)
/// See crosvm_client_balloon_stats.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_balloon_stats_with_timeout(
socket_path: *const c_char,
timeout_ms: u64,
stats: *mut BalloonStatsFfi,
actual: *mut u64,
) -> bool {
fn crosvm_client_balloon_stats_impl(
socket_path: *const c_char,
timeout_ms: Option<Duration>,
stats: *mut BalloonStatsFfi,
actual: *mut u64,
) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
let request = &VmRequest::BalloonCommand(BalloonControlCommand::Stats {});
let resp = handle_request_with_timeout(request, socket_path, timeout_ms);
if let Ok(VmResponse::BalloonStats {
stats: ref balloon_stats,
}) = resp
if !stats.is_null() {
// SAFETY: just checked that `stats` is not null.
unsafe {
*stats = balloon_stats.into();
if !actual.is_null() {
// SAFETY: just checked that `actual` is not null.
unsafe {
*actual = balloon_actual;
} else {
} else {
/// Externally exposed variant of BalloonWS/WSBucket, used for FFI.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct WorkingSetBucketFfi {
age: u64,
bytes: [u64; 2],
impl WorkingSetBucketFfi {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
age: 0,
bytes: [0, 0],
impl From<WSBucket> for WorkingSetBucketFfi {
fn from(other: WSBucket) -> Self {
Self {
age: other.age,
bytes: other.bytes,
pub struct BalloonWSFfi {
ws: [WorkingSetBucketFfi; VIRTIO_BALLOON_WS_MAX_NUM_BINS],
num_bins: u8,
_reserved: [u8; 7],
impl TryFrom<&BalloonWS> for BalloonWSFfi {
type Error = &'static str;
fn try_from(value: &BalloonWS) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
return Err("too many WS buckets in source object.");
let mut ffi = Self {
ws: [WorkingSetBucketFfi::new(); VIRTIO_BALLOON_WS_MAX_NUM_BINS],
num_bins: as u8,
for (ffi_ws, other_ws) in {
*ffi_ws = (*other_ws).into();
impl BalloonWSFfi {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
ws: [WorkingSetBucketFfi::new(); VIRTIO_BALLOON_WS_MAX_NUM_BINS],
num_bins: 0,
_reserved: [0; 7],
impl Default for BalloonWSFfi {
fn default() -> Self {
pub struct BalloonWSRConfigFfi {
num_intervals: u8,
_reserved: [u8; 7],
refresh_threshold: u64,
report_threshold: u64,
/// Returns balloon working set of the crosvm instance whose control socket is listening on
/// socket_path.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_balloon_working_set(
socket_path: *const c_char,
ws: *mut BalloonWSFfi,
actual: *mut u64,
) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
let request = &VmRequest::BalloonCommand(BalloonControlCommand::WorkingSet);
if let Ok(VmResponse::BalloonWS {
ws: ref balloon_ws,
}) = handle_request(request, socket_path)
if !ws.is_null() {
// SAFETY: just checked that `ws` is not null.
unsafe {
*ws = match balloon_ws.try_into() {
Ok(result) => result,
Err(_) => return false,
if !actual.is_null() {
// SAFETY: just checked that `actual` is not null.
unsafe {
*actual = balloon_actual;
} else {
} else {
/// Publically exposed version of RegisteredEvent enum, implemented as an
/// integral newtype for FFI safety.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct RegisteredEventFfi(u32);
pub const REGISTERED_EVENT_VIRTIO_BALLOON_WS_REPORT: RegisteredEventFfi = RegisteredEventFfi(0);
pub const REGISTERED_EVENT_VIRTIO_BALLOON_RESIZE: RegisteredEventFfi = RegisteredEventFfi(1);
pub const REGISTERED_EVENT_VIRTIO_BALLOON_OOM_DEFLATION: RegisteredEventFfi = RegisteredEventFfi(2);
impl TryFrom<RegisteredEventFfi> for RegisteredEvent {
type Error = &'static str;
fn try_from(value: RegisteredEventFfi) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value.0 {
0 => Ok(RegisteredEvent::VirtioBalloonWsReport),
1 => Ok(RegisteredEvent::VirtioBalloonResize),
2 => Ok(RegisteredEvent::VirtioBalloonOOMDeflation),
_ => Err("RegisteredEventFFi outside of known RegisteredEvent enum range"),
/// Registers the connected process as a listener for `event`.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_register_events_listener(
socket_path: *const c_char,
listening_socket_path: *const c_char,
event: RegisteredEventFfi,
) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
if let Some(listening_socket_path) = validate_socket_path(listening_socket_path) {
if let Ok(event) = event.try_into() {
let request = VmRequest::RegisterListener {
socket_addr: listening_socket_path.to_str().unwrap().to_string(),
vms_request(&request, socket_path).is_ok()
} else {
} else {
} else {
/// Unegisters the connected process as a listener for `event`.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_unregister_events_listener(
socket_path: *const c_char,
listening_socket_path: *const c_char,
event: RegisteredEventFfi,
) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
if let Some(listening_socket_path) = validate_socket_path(listening_socket_path) {
if let Ok(event) = event.try_into() {
let request = VmRequest::UnregisterListener {
socket_addr: listening_socket_path.to_str().unwrap().to_string(),
vms_request(&request, socket_path).is_ok()
} else {
} else {
} else {
/// Unegisters the connected process as a listener for all events.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_unregister_listener(
socket_path: *const c_char,
listening_socket_path: *const c_char,
) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
if let Some(listening_socket_path) = validate_socket_path(listening_socket_path) {
let request = VmRequest::Unregister {
socket_addr: listening_socket_path.to_str().unwrap().to_string(),
vms_request(&request, socket_path).is_ok()
} else {
} else {
/// Set Working Set Reporting config in guest.
/// The function returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
/// # Safety
/// Function is unsafe due to raw pointer usage - a null pointer could be passed in. Usage of
/// !raw_pointer.is_null() checks should prevent unsafe behavior but the caller should ensure no
/// null pointers are passed.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn crosvm_client_balloon_wsr_config(
socket_path: *const c_char,
config: *const BalloonWSRConfigFfi,
) -> bool {
catch_unwind(|| {
if let Some(socket_path) = validate_socket_path(socket_path) {
if !config.is_null() {
// SAFETY: just checked that `config` is not null.
unsafe {
if (*config).num_intervals > VIRTIO_BALLOON_WS_MAX_NUM_INTERVALS as u8 {
return false;
let mut actual_bins = vec![];
for idx in 0..(*config).num_intervals {
actual_bins.push((*config).intervals[idx as usize]);
let refresh_threshold = match u32::try_from((*config).refresh_threshold) {
Ok(r_t) => r_t,
Err(_) => return false,
let report_threshold = match u32::try_from((*config).report_threshold) {
Ok(r_p) => r_p,
Err(_) => return false,
let request =
VmRequest::BalloonCommand(BalloonControlCommand::WorkingSetConfig {
bins: actual_bins
.map(|&b| u32::try_from(b).unwrap())
vms_request(&request, socket_path).is_ok()
} else {
} else {