blob: 755e7e9e7e31f73c3c929fcda7d7869f45103afd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Handles routing to devices in an address space.
use std::cmp::Ord;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::cmp::PartialEq;
use std::cmp::PartialOrd;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::fmt;
use std::result;
use std::sync::Arc;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use anyhow::Context;
use base::debug;
use base::error;
use base::Event;
use base::SharedMemory;
use remain::sorted;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde::Serialize;
use sync::Mutex;
use thiserror::Error;
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
use crate::bus_stats::BusOperation;
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
use crate::BusStatistics;
use crate::DeviceId;
use crate::PciAddress;
use crate::PciDevice;
use crate::Suspendable;
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
use crate::VfioPlatformDevice;
use crate::VirtioMmioDevice;
/// Information about how a device was accessed.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct BusAccessInfo {
/// Offset from base address that the device was accessed at.
pub offset: u64,
/// Absolute address of the device's access in its address space.
pub address: u64,
/// ID of the entity requesting a device access, usually the VCPU id.
pub id: usize,
// Implement `Display` for `MinMax`.
impl std::fmt::Display for BusAccessInfo {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self)
/// Result of a write to a device's PCI configuration space.
/// This value represents the state change(s) that occurred due to the write.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ConfigWriteResult {
/// The BusRange in the vector will be removed from mmio_bus
pub mmio_remove: Vec<BusRange>,
/// The BusRange in the vector will be added into mmio_bus
pub mmio_add: Vec<BusRange>,
/// The BusRange in the vector will be removed from io_bus
pub io_remove: Vec<BusRange>,
/// The BusRange in the vector will be added into io_bus
pub io_add: Vec<BusRange>,
/// Device specified at PciAddress will be removed after this config write
/// - `Vec<PciAddress>>`: specified device will be removed after this config write
pub removed_pci_devices: Vec<PciAddress>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum BusType {
/// Trait for devices that respond to reads or writes in an arbitrary address space.
/// The device does not care where it exists in address space as each method is only given an offset
/// into its allocated portion of address space.
pub trait BusDevice: Send + Suspendable {
/// Returns a label suitable for debug output.
fn debug_label(&self) -> String;
/// Returns a unique id per device type suitable for metrics gathering.
fn device_id(&self) -> DeviceId;
/// Reads at `offset` from this device
fn read(&mut self, offset: BusAccessInfo, data: &mut [u8]) {}
/// Writes at `offset` into this device
fn write(&mut self, offset: BusAccessInfo, data: &[u8]) {}
/// Sets a register in the configuration space. Only used by PCI.
/// * `reg_idx` - The index of the config register to modify.
/// * `offset` - Offset in to the register.
fn config_register_write(
&mut self,
reg_idx: usize,
offset: u64,
data: &[u8],
) -> ConfigWriteResult {
ConfigWriteResult {
/// Gets a register from the configuration space. Only used by PCI.
/// * `reg_idx` - The index of the config register to read.
fn config_register_read(&self, reg_idx: usize) -> u32 {
/// Provides a memory region to back MMIO access to the configuration
/// space. If the device can keep the memory region up to date, then it
/// should return true, after which no more calls to config_register_read
/// will be made. Otherwise the device should return false.
/// The device must set the header type register (0x0E) before returning
/// from this function, and must make no further modifications to it
/// after returning. This is to allow the caller to manage the multi-
/// function device bit without worrying about race conditions.
/// * `shmem` - The shared memory to use for the configuration space.
/// * `base` - The base address of the memory region in shmem.
/// * `len` - The length of the memory region.
fn init_pci_config_mapping(&mut self, shmem: &SharedMemory, base: usize, len: usize) -> bool {
/// Sets a register in the virtual config space. Only used by PCI.
/// * `reg_idx` - The index of the config register to modify.
/// * `value` - The value to be written.
fn virtual_config_register_write(&mut self, reg_idx: usize, value: u32) {}
/// Gets a register from the virtual config space. Only used by PCI.
/// * `reg_idx` - The index of the config register to read.
fn virtual_config_register_read(&self, reg_idx: usize) -> u32 {
/// Invoked when the device is sandboxed.
fn on_sandboxed(&mut self) {}
/// Gets a list of all ranges registered by this BusDevice.
fn get_ranges(&self) -> Vec<(BusRange, BusType)> {
/// Invoked when the device is destroyed
fn destroy_device(&mut self) {}
/// Returns the secondary bus number if this bus device is pci bridge
fn is_bridge(&self) -> Option<u8> {
pub trait BusDeviceSync: BusDevice + Sync {
fn read(&self, offset: BusAccessInfo, data: &mut [u8]);
fn write(&self, offset: BusAccessInfo, data: &[u8]);
fn snapshot_sync(&self) -> anyhow::Result<serde_json::Value> {
"snapshot_sync not implemented for {}",
/// Load a saved snapshot of an image.
fn restore_sync(&self, _data: serde_json::Value) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
"restore_sync not implemented for {}",
/// Stop all threads related to the device.
/// Sleep should be idempotent.
fn sleep_sync(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
"sleep_sync not implemented for {}",
/// Create/Resume all threads related to the device.
/// Wake should be idempotent.
fn wake_sync(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
"wake_sync not implemented for {}",
pub trait BusResumeDevice: Send {
/// notify the devices which are invoked
/// before the VM resumes form suspend.
fn resume_imminent(&mut self) {}
/// The key to identify hotplug device from host view.
/// like host sysfs path for vfio pci device, host disk file
/// path for virtio block device
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
pub enum HotPlugKey {
HostUpstreamPort { host_addr: PciAddress },
HostDownstreamPort { host_addr: PciAddress },
HostVfio { host_addr: PciAddress },
GuestDevice { guest_addr: PciAddress },
/// Trait for devices that notify hotplug event into guest
pub trait HotPlugBus: Send {
/// Request hot plug event. Returns error if the request is not sent. Upon success, optionally
/// returns an event, which is triggerred once when the guest OS completes the request (by
/// sending PCI_EXP_SLTCTL_CCIE). Returns None if no such mechanism is provided.
/// * 'addr' - the guest pci address for hotplug in device
fn hot_plug(&mut self, addr: PciAddress) -> anyhow::Result<Option<Event>>;
/// Request hot unplug event. Returns error if the request is not sent. Upon success, optionally
/// returns an event, which is triggerred once when the guest OS completes the request (by
/// sending PCI_EXP_SLTCTL_CCIE). Returns None if no such mechanism is provided.
/// * 'addr' - the guest pci address for hotplug out device
fn hot_unplug(&mut self, addr: PciAddress) -> anyhow::Result<Option<Event>>;
/// Get a notification event when the HotPlugBus is ready for hot plug commands. If the port is
/// already ready, then the notification event is triggerred immediately.
fn get_ready_notification(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<Event>;
/// Check whether the hotplug bus is available to add the new device
/// - 'None': hotplug bus isn't match with host pci device
/// - 'Some(bus_num)': hotplug bus is match and put the device at bus_num
fn is_match(&self, host_addr: PciAddress) -> Option<u8>;
/// Gets the upstream PCI Address of the hotplug bus
fn get_address(&self) -> Option<PciAddress>;
/// Gets the secondary bus number of this bus
fn get_secondary_bus_number(&self) -> Option<u8>;
/// Add hotplug device into this bus
/// * 'hotplug_key' - the key to identify hotplug device from host view
/// * 'guest_addr' - the guest pci address for hotplug device
fn add_hotplug_device(&mut self, hotplug_key: HotPlugKey, guest_addr: PciAddress);
/// get guest pci address from the specified hotplug_key
fn get_hotplug_device(&self, hotplug_key: HotPlugKey) -> Option<PciAddress>;
/// Check whether this hotplug bus is empty
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;
/// Get hotplug key of this hotplug bus
fn get_hotplug_key(&self) -> Option<HotPlugKey>;
/// Trait for generic device abstraction, that is, all devices that reside on BusDevice and want
/// to be converted back to its original type. Each new foo device must provide
/// as_foo_device() + as_foo_device_mut() + into_foo_device(), default impl methods return None.
pub trait BusDeviceObj {
fn as_pci_device(&self) -> Option<&dyn PciDevice> {
fn as_pci_device_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn PciDevice> {
fn into_pci_device(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<Box<dyn PciDevice>> {
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
fn as_platform_device(&self) -> Option<&VfioPlatformDevice> {
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
fn as_platform_device_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut VfioPlatformDevice> {
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))]
fn into_platform_device(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<Box<VfioPlatformDevice>> {
fn as_virtio_mmio_device(&self) -> Option<&VirtioMmioDevice> {
fn as_virtio_mmio_device_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut VirtioMmioDevice> {
fn into_virtio_mmio_device(self: Box<Self>) -> Option<Box<VirtioMmioDevice>> {
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Bus Range not found")]
/// The insertion failed because the new device overlapped with an old device.
#[error("new device {base},{len} overlaps with an old device {other_base},{other_len}")]
Overlap {
base: u64,
len: u64,
other_base: u64,
other_len: u64,
pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;
/// Holds a base and length representing the address space occupied by a `BusDevice`.
/// * base - The address at which the range start.
/// * len - The length of the range in bytes.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct BusRange {
pub base: u64,
pub len: u64,
impl BusRange {
/// Returns true if `addr` is within the range.
pub fn contains(&self, addr: u64) -> bool {
self.base <= addr && addr < self.base.saturating_add(self.len)
/// Returns true if there is overlap with the given range.
pub fn overlaps(&self, base: u64, len: u64) -> bool {
self.base < base.saturating_add(len) && base < self.base.saturating_add(self.len)
impl Eq for BusRange {}
impl PartialEq for BusRange {
fn eq(&self, other: &BusRange) -> bool {
self.base == other.base
impl Ord for BusRange {
fn cmp(&self, other: &BusRange) -> Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for BusRange {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &BusRange) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl std::fmt::Debug for BusRange {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:#x}..+{:#x}", self.base, self.len)
struct BusEntry {
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
index: usize,
device: BusDeviceEntry,
enum BusDeviceEntry {
OuterSync(Arc<Mutex<dyn BusDevice>>),
InnerSync(Arc<dyn BusDeviceSync>),
/// A device container for routing reads and writes over some address space.
/// This doesn't have any restrictions on what kind of device or address space this applies to. The
/// only restriction is that no two devices can overlap in this address space.
pub struct Bus {
devices: Arc<Mutex<BTreeMap<BusRange, BusEntry>>>,
access_id: usize,
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
pub stats: Arc<Mutex<BusStatistics>>,
bus_type: BusType,
impl Bus {
/// Constructs an a bus with an empty address space.
pub fn new(bus_type: BusType) -> Bus {
Bus {
devices: Arc::new(Mutex::new(BTreeMap::new())),
access_id: 0,
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
stats: Arc::new(Mutex::new(BusStatistics::new())),
/// Gets the bus type
pub fn get_bus_type(&self) -> BusType {
/// Sets the id that will be used for BusAccessInfo.
pub fn set_access_id(&mut self, id: usize) {
self.access_id = id;
fn first_before(&self, addr: u64) -> Option<(BusRange, BusEntry)> {
let devices = self.devices.lock();
let (range, entry) = devices
.range(..=BusRange { base: addr, len: 1 })
Some((*range, entry.clone()))
fn get_device(&self, addr: u64) -> Option<(u64, u64, BusEntry)> {
if let Some((range, entry)) = self.first_before(addr) {
let offset = addr - range.base;
if offset < range.len {
return Some((offset, addr, entry));
/// There is no unique ID for device instances. For now we use the Arc pointers to dedup them.
/// See virtio-gpu for an example of a single device instance with multiple bus entries.
/// TODO: Add a unique ID to BusDevice and use that instead of pointers.
fn unique_devices(&self) -> Vec<BusDeviceEntry> {
let mut seen_ptrs = BTreeSet::new();
.map(|(_, bus_entry)| bus_entry.device.clone())
.filter(|dev| match dev {
BusDeviceEntry::OuterSync(dev) => seen_ptrs.insert(Arc::as_ptr(dev) as *const u8),
BusDeviceEntry::InnerSync(dev) => seen_ptrs.insert(Arc::as_ptr(dev) as *const u8),
/// Same as `unique_devices`, but also calculates the "snapshot key" for each device.
/// The keys are used to associate a particular device with data in a serialized snapshot. The
/// keys need to be stable across multiple runs of the same crosvm binary.
/// It is most convienent to calculate all the snapshot keys at once, because the keys are
/// dependant on the order of devices on the bus.
fn unique_devices_with_snapshot_key(&self) -> Vec<(String, BusDeviceEntry)> {
let mut next_ids = BTreeMap::<String, usize>::new();
let mut choose_key = |debug_label: String| -> String {
let label = debug_label.replace(char::is_whitespace, "-");
let id = next_ids.entry(label.clone()).or_default();
let key = format!("{}-{}", label, id);
*id += 1;
let mut result = Vec::new();
for device_entry in self.unique_devices() {
let key = match &device_entry {
BusDeviceEntry::OuterSync(d) => choose_key(d.lock().debug_label()),
BusDeviceEntry::InnerSync(d) => choose_key(d.debug_label()),
result.push((key, device_entry));
pub fn sleep_devices(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
for device_entry in self.unique_devices() {
match device_entry {
BusDeviceEntry::OuterSync(dev) => {
let mut dev = (*dev).lock();
debug!("Sleep on device: {}", dev.debug_label());
.with_context(|| format!("failed to sleep {}", dev.debug_label()))?;
BusDeviceEntry::InnerSync(dev) => {
debug!("Sleep on device: {}", dev.debug_label());
.with_context(|| format!("failed to sleep {}", dev.debug_label()))?;
pub fn wake_devices(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
for device_entry in self.unique_devices() {
match device_entry {
BusDeviceEntry::OuterSync(dev) => {
let mut dev = dev.lock();
debug!("Wake on device: {}", dev.debug_label());
.with_context(|| format!("failed to wake {}", dev.debug_label()))?;
BusDeviceEntry::InnerSync(dev) => {
debug!("Wake on device: {}", dev.debug_label());
.with_context(|| format!("failed to wake {}", dev.debug_label()))?;
pub fn snapshot_devices(
snapshot_writer: &vm_control::SnapshotWriter,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
for (snapshot_key, device_entry) in self.unique_devices_with_snapshot_key() {
match device_entry {
BusDeviceEntry::OuterSync(dev) => {
let mut dev = dev.lock();
debug!("Snapshot on device: {}", dev.debug_label());
.with_context(|| format!("failed to snapshot {}", dev.debug_label()))?,
BusDeviceEntry::InnerSync(dev) => {
debug!("Snapshot on device: {}", dev.debug_label());
.with_context(|| format!("failed to snapshot {}", dev.debug_label()))?,
pub fn restore_devices(
snapshot_reader: &vm_control::SnapshotReader,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let mut unused_keys: BTreeSet<String> =
for (snapshot_key, device_entry) in self.unique_devices_with_snapshot_key() {
match device_entry {
BusDeviceEntry::OuterSync(dev) => {
let mut dev = dev.lock();
debug!("Restore on device: {}", dev.debug_label());
.with_context(|| {
format!("restore failed for device {}", dev.debug_label())
BusDeviceEntry::InnerSync(dev) => {
debug!("Restore on device: {}", dev.debug_label());
.with_context(|| {
format!("restore failed for device {}", dev.debug_label())
if !unused_keys.is_empty() {
"unused restore data in bus, devices might be missing: {:?}",
/// Puts the given device at the given address space.
pub fn insert(&self, device: Arc<Mutex<dyn BusDevice>>, base: u64, len: u64) -> Result<()> {
if len == 0 {
return Err(Error::Overlap {
other_base: 0,
other_len: 0,
// Reject all cases where the new device's range overlaps with an existing device.
let mut devices = self.devices.lock();
devices.iter().try_for_each(|(range, _dev)| {
if range.overlaps(base, len) {
Err(Error::Overlap {
other_base: range.base,
other_len: range.len,
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
let name = device.lock().debug_label();
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
let device_id = device.lock().device_id();
if devices
BusRange { base, len },
BusEntry {
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
index: self
.next_device_index(name, device_id.into(), base, len),
device: BusDeviceEntry::OuterSync(device),
return Err(Error::Overlap {
other_base: base,
other_len: len,
/// Puts the given device that implements BusDeviceSync at the given address space. Devices
/// that implement BusDeviceSync manage thread safety internally, and thus can be written to
/// by multiple threads simultaneously.
pub fn insert_sync(&self, device: Arc<dyn BusDeviceSync>, base: u64, len: u64) -> Result<()> {
if len == 0 {
return Err(Error::Overlap {
other_base: 0,
other_len: 0,
// Reject all cases where the new device's range overlaps with an existing device.
let mut devices = self.devices.lock();
devices.iter().try_for_each(|(range, _dev)| {
if range.overlaps(base, len) {
Err(Error::Overlap {
other_base: range.base,
other_len: range.len,
} else {
if devices
BusRange { base, len },
BusEntry {
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
index: self.stats.lock().next_device_index(
device: BusDeviceEntry::InnerSync(device),
return Err(Error::Overlap {
other_base: base,
other_len: len,
/// Remove the given device at the given address space.
pub fn remove(&self, base: u64, len: u64) -> Result<()> {
if len == 0 {
return Err(Error::Overlap {
other_base: 0,
other_len: 0,
let mut devices = self.devices.lock();
if devices
.any(|(range, _dev)| range.base == base && range.len == len)
let ret = devices.remove(&BusRange { base, len });
if ret.is_some() {
} else {
} else {
/// Reads data from the device that owns the range containing `addr` and puts it into `data`.
/// Returns true on success, otherwise `data` is untouched.
pub fn read(&self, addr: u64, data: &mut [u8]) -> bool {
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
let start = self.stats.lock().start_stat();
let device_index = if let Some((offset, address, entry)) = self.get_device(addr) {
let io = BusAccessInfo {
id: self.access_id,
match &entry.device {
BusDeviceEntry::OuterSync(dev) => dev.lock().read(io, data),
BusDeviceEntry::InnerSync(dev) =>, data),
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
let index = Some(entry.index);
#[cfg(not(feature = "stats"))]
let index = Some(());
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
if let Some(device_index) = device_index {
.end_stat(BusOperation::Write, start, device_index);
return true;
/// Writes `data` to the device that owns the range containing `addr`.
/// Returns true on success, otherwise `data` is untouched.
pub fn write(&self, addr: u64, data: &[u8]) -> bool {
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
let start = self.stats.lock().start_stat();
let device_index = if let Some((offset, address, entry)) = self.get_device(addr) {
let io = BusAccessInfo {
id: self.access_id,
match &entry.device {
BusDeviceEntry::OuterSync(dev) => dev.lock().write(io, data),
BusDeviceEntry::InnerSync(dev) => dev.write(io, data),
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
let index = Some(entry.index);
#[cfg(not(feature = "stats"))]
let index = Some(());
} else {
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
if let Some(device_index) = device_index {
.end_stat(BusOperation::Write, start, device_index);
impl Default for Bus {
fn default() -> Self {
mod tests {
use anyhow::Result as AnyhowResult;
use super::*;
use crate::pci::CrosvmDeviceId;
use crate::suspendable::Suspendable;
use crate::suspendable_tests;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct DummyDevice;
impl BusDevice for DummyDevice {
fn device_id(&self) -> DeviceId {
fn debug_label(&self) -> String {
"dummy device".to_owned()
impl Suspendable for DummyDevice {
fn snapshot(&mut self) -> AnyhowResult<serde_json::Value> {
serde_json::to_value(self).context("error serializing")
fn restore(&mut self, data: serde_json::Value) -> AnyhowResult<()> {
*self = serde_json::from_value(data).context("error deserializing")?;
fn sleep(&mut self) -> AnyhowResult<()> {
fn wake(&mut self) -> AnyhowResult<()> {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct ConstantDevice {
uses_full_addr: bool,
impl BusDevice for ConstantDevice {
fn device_id(&self) -> DeviceId {
fn debug_label(&self) -> String {
"constant device".to_owned()
fn read(&mut self, info: BusAccessInfo, data: &mut [u8]) {
let addr = if self.uses_full_addr {
} else {
for (i, v) in data.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*v = (addr as u8) + (i as u8);
fn write(&mut self, info: BusAccessInfo, data: &[u8]) {
let addr = if self.uses_full_addr {
} else {
for (i, v) in data.iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(*v, (addr as u8) + (i as u8))
impl Suspendable for ConstantDevice {
fn snapshot(&mut self) -> AnyhowResult<serde_json::Value> {
serde_json::to_value(self).context("error serializing")
fn restore(&mut self, data: serde_json::Value) -> AnyhowResult<()> {
*self = serde_json::from_value(data).context("error deserializing")?;
fn sleep(&mut self) -> AnyhowResult<()> {
fn wake(&mut self) -> AnyhowResult<()> {
fn modify_constant_device(constant: &mut ConstantDevice) {
constant.uses_full_addr = !constant.uses_full_addr;
fn bus_insert() {
let bus = Bus::new(BusType::Io);
let dummy = Arc::new(Mutex::new(DummyDevice));
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x10, 0).is_err());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x10, 0x10).is_ok());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x0f, 0x10).is_err());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x10, 0x10).is_err());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x10, 0x15).is_err());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x12, 0x15).is_err());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x12, 0x01).is_err());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x0, 0x20).is_err());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x20, 0x05).is_ok());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x25, 0x05).is_ok());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy, 0x0, 0x10).is_ok());
fn bus_insert_full_addr() {
let bus = Bus::new(BusType::Io);
let dummy = Arc::new(Mutex::new(DummyDevice));
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x10, 0).is_err());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x10, 0x10).is_ok());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x0f, 0x10).is_err());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x10, 0x10).is_err());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x10, 0x15).is_err());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x12, 0x15).is_err());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x12, 0x01).is_err());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x0, 0x20).is_err());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x20, 0x05).is_ok());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy.clone(), 0x25, 0x05).is_ok());
assert!(bus.insert(dummy, 0x0, 0x10).is_ok());
fn bus_read_write() {
let bus = Bus::new(BusType::Io);
let dummy = Arc::new(Mutex::new(DummyDevice));
assert!(bus.insert(dummy, 0x10, 0x10).is_ok());
assert!(, &mut [0, 0, 0, 0]));
assert!(bus.write(0x10, &[0, 0, 0, 0]));
assert!(, &mut [0, 0, 0, 0]));
assert!(bus.write(0x11, &[0, 0, 0, 0]));
assert!(, &mut [0, 0, 0, 0]));
assert!(bus.write(0x16, &[0, 0, 0, 0]));
assert!(!, &mut [0, 0, 0, 0]));
assert!(!bus.write(0x20, &[0, 0, 0, 0]));
assert!(!, &mut [0, 0, 0, 0]));
assert!(!bus.write(0x06, &[0, 0, 0, 0]));
fn bus_read_write_values() {
let bus = Bus::new(BusType::Io);
let dummy = Arc::new(Mutex::new(ConstantDevice {
uses_full_addr: false,
assert!(bus.insert(dummy, 0x10, 0x10).is_ok());
let mut values = [0, 1, 2, 3];
assert!(, &mut values));
assert_eq!(values, [0, 1, 2, 3]);
assert!(bus.write(0x10, &values));
assert!(, &mut values));
assert_eq!(values, [5, 6, 7, 8]);
assert!(bus.write(0x15, &values));
fn bus_read_write_full_addr_values() {
let bus = Bus::new(BusType::Io);
let dummy = Arc::new(Mutex::new(ConstantDevice {
uses_full_addr: true,
assert!(bus.insert(dummy, 0x10, 0x10).is_ok());
let mut values = [0u8; 4];
assert!(, &mut values));
assert_eq!(values, [0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13]);
assert!(bus.write(0x10, &values));
assert!(, &mut values));
assert_eq!(values, [0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18]);
assert!(bus.write(0x15, &values));
ConstantDevice {
uses_full_addr: true,
ConstantDevice {
uses_full_addr: false,
fn bus_range_contains() {
let a = BusRange {
base: 0x1000,
len: 0x400,
fn bus_range_overlap() {
let a = BusRange {
base: 0x1000,
len: 0x400,
assert!(a.overlaps(0x1000, 0x400));
assert!(a.overlaps(0xf00, 0x400));
assert!(a.overlaps(0x1000, 0x01));
assert!(a.overlaps(0xfff, 0x02));
assert!(a.overlaps(0x1100, 0x100));
assert!(a.overlaps(0x13ff, 0x100));
assert!(!a.overlaps(0x1400, 0x100));
assert!(!a.overlaps(0xf00, 0x100));