blob: 4ebe215b14b19210e0923cec7298f80f5eb89f3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::cmp::min;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::Instant;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use anyhow::Context;
use base::custom_serde::deserialize_seq_to_arr;
use base::custom_serde::serialize_arr;
use base::error;
use base::info;
use base::Event;
use base::EventToken;
use base::Timer;
use base::TimerTrait;
use base::Tube;
use base::WaitContext;
use base::WorkerThread;
use chrono::DateTime;
use chrono::Datelike;
use chrono::TimeZone;
use chrono::Timelike;
use chrono::Utc;
use metrics::log_metric;
use metrics::MetricEventType;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde::Serialize;
use sync::Mutex;
use vm_control::VmResponse;
use crate::pci::CrosvmDeviceId;
use crate::BusAccessInfo;
use crate::BusDevice;
use crate::DeviceId;
use crate::IrqEdgeEvent;
use crate::Suspendable;
pub const RTC_IRQ: u8 = 8;
const INDEX_MASK: u8 = 0x7f;
const INDEX_OFFSET: u64 = 0x0;
const DATA_OFFSET: u64 = 0x1;
const DATA_LEN: usize = 128;
const RTC_REG_SEC: u8 = 0x0;
const RTC_REG_ALARM_SEC: u8 = 0x1;
const RTC_REG_MIN: u8 = 0x2;
const RTC_REG_ALARM_MIN: u8 = 0x3;
const RTC_REG_HOUR: u8 = 0x4;
const RTC_REG_ALARM_HOUR: u8 = 0x5;
const RTC_REG_WEEK_DAY: u8 = 0x6;
const RTC_REG_DAY: u8 = 0x7;
const RTC_REG_MONTH: u8 = 0x8;
const RTC_REG_YEAR: u8 = 0x9;
pub const RTC_REG_CENTURY: u8 = 0x32;
pub const RTC_REG_ALARM_DAY: u8 = 0x33;
pub const RTC_REG_ALARM_MONTH: u8 = 0x34;
const RTC_REG_B: u8 = 0x0b;
const RTC_REG_B_UNSUPPORTED: u8 = 0xdd;
const RTC_REG_B_24_HOUR_MODE: u8 = 0x02;
const RTC_REG_B_ALARM_ENABLE: u8 = 0x20;
const RTC_REG_C: u8 = 0x0c;
const RTC_REG_C_IRQF: u8 = 0x80;
const RTC_REG_C_AF: u8 = 0x20;
const RTC_REG_D: u8 = 0x0d;
const RTC_REG_D_VRT: u8 = 0x80; // RAM and time valid
pub type CmosNowFn = fn() -> DateTime<Utc>;
// Alarm state shared between Cmos and the alarm worker thread.
struct AlarmState {
alarm: Timer,
vm_control: Tube,
irq: IrqEdgeEvent,
armed_time: Instant,
clear_evt: Option<Event>,
impl AlarmState {
fn trigger_rtc_interrupt(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Event> {
self.irq.trigger().context("failed to trigger irq")?;
let elapsed = self.armed_time.elapsed().as_millis();
let msg = vm_control::VmRequest::Rtc {
clear_evt: Event::new().context("failed to create clear event")?,
// The Linux kernel expects wakeups to come via ACPI when ACPI is enabled. There's
// no real way to determine that here, so just send this unconditionally.
self.vm_control.send(&msg).context("send failed")?;
let vm_control::VmRequest::Rtc { clear_evt } = msg else {
unreachable!("message type failure");
match self.vm_control.recv().context("recv failed")? {
VmResponse::Ok => Ok(clear_evt),
resp => Err(anyhow!("unexpected rtc response: {:?}", resp)),
/// A CMOS/RTC device commonly seen on x86 I/O port 0x70/0x71.
pub struct Cmos {
index: u8,
#[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_arr")]
data: [u8; DATA_LEN],
#[serde(skip_serializing)] // skip serializing time function.
now_fn: CmosNowFn,
// alarm_time is re-loaded from data on deserialization, so there's
// no need to explicitly serialize it.
alarm_time: Option<DateTime<Utc>>,
// alarm_state fields are either constant across snapshotting or
// reloaded from |data| on restore, so no need to serialize.
alarm_state: Arc<Mutex<AlarmState>>,
#[serde(skip_serializing)] // skip serializing the worker thread
worker: Option<WorkerThread<()>>,
impl Cmos {
/// Constructs a CMOS/RTC device with initial data.
/// `mem_below_4g` is the size of memory in bytes below the 32-bit gap.
/// `mem_above_4g` is the size of memory in bytes above the 32-bit gap.
/// `now_fn` is a function that returns the current date and time.
pub fn new(
mem_below_4g: u64,
mem_above_4g: u64,
now_fn: CmosNowFn,
vm_control: Tube,
irq: IrqEdgeEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<Cmos> {
let mut data = [0u8; DATA_LEN];
data[0x0B] = RTC_REG_B_24_HOUR_MODE; // Status Register B: 24-hour mode
// Extended memory from 16 MB to 4 GB in units of 64 KB
let ext_mem = min(
mem_below_4g.saturating_sub(16 * 1024 * 1024) / (64 * 1024),
data[0x34] = ext_mem as u8;
data[0x35] = (ext_mem >> 8) as u8;
// High memory (> 4GB) in units of 64 KB
let high_mem = min(0xFFFFFF, mem_above_4g / (64 * 1024));
data[0x5b] = high_mem as u8;
data[0x5c] = (high_mem >> 8) as u8;
data[0x5d] = (high_mem >> 16) as u8;
Ok(Cmos {
index: 0,
alarm_time: None,
alarm_state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(AlarmState {
alarm: Timer::new().context("cmos timer")?,
// Not actually armed, but simpler than wrapping with an Option.
armed_time: Instant::now(),
clear_evt: None,
worker: None,
fn spawn_worker(&mut self, alarm_state: Arc<Mutex<AlarmState>>) {
self.worker = Some(WorkerThread::start("CMOS_alarm", move |kill_evt| {
if let Err(e) = run_cmos_worker(alarm_state, kill_evt) {
error!("Failed to spawn worker {:?}", e);
fn set_alarm(&mut self) {
let mut state = self.alarm_state.lock();
if[RTC_REG_B as usize] & RTC_REG_B_ALARM_ENABLE != 0 {
let now = (self.now_fn)();
let target = alarm_from_registers(now.year(), &|this_year| {
// There is no year register for the alarm. If the alarm target has
// already passed this year, then the next time it will occur is next
// year.
// Note that there is something of a race condition here. If |now|
// advances while the driver is configuring the alarm, then an alarm that
// should only be one second in the future could become one year in the
// future. Unfortunately there isn't anything in the rtc-cmos hardware
// specification that lets us handle this race condition in the device, so
// we just have to rely on the driver to deal with it.
if this_year < now {
alarm_from_registers(now.year() + 1, &
} else {
if let Some(target) = target {
if Some(target) != self.alarm_time {
self.alarm_time = Some(target);
state.armed_time = Instant::now();
let duration = target
.unwrap_or(Duration::new(0, 0));
if let Err(e) = state.alarm.reset_oneshot(duration) {
error!("Failed to set alarm {:?}", e);
} else if self.alarm_time.take().is_some() {
if let Err(e) = state.alarm.clear() {
error!("Failed to clear alarm {:?}", e);
if let Some(clear_evt) = state.clear_evt.take() {
if let Err(e) = clear_evt.signal() {
error!("failed to clear rtc pm signal {:?}", e);
let needs_worker = self.alarm_time.is_some();
if needs_worker && self.worker.is_none() {
fn run_cmos_worker(alarm_state: Arc<Mutex<AlarmState>>, kill_evt: Event) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
enum Token {
let wait_ctx: WaitContext<Token> = WaitContext::build_with(&[
(&alarm_state.lock().alarm, Token::Alarm),
(&kill_evt, Token::Kill),
.context("worker context failed")?;
loop {
let events = wait_ctx.wait().context("wait failed")?;
let mut state = alarm_state.lock();
for event in events.iter().filter(|e| e.is_readable) {
match event.token {
Token::Alarm => {
if state.alarm.mark_waited().context("timer ack failed")? {
match state.trigger_rtc_interrupt() {
Ok(clear_evt) => state.clear_evt = Some(clear_evt),
Err(e) => error!("Failed to send rtc {:?}", e),
Token::Kill => return Ok(()),
fn from_bcd(v: u8) -> Option<u32> {
let ones = (v & 0xf) as u32;
let tens = (v >> 4) as u32;
if ones < 10 && tens < 10 {
Some(10 * tens + ones)
} else {
fn alarm_from_registers(year: i32, data: &[u8; DATA_LEN]) -> Option<DateTime<Utc>> {
from_bcd(data[RTC_REG_ALARM_MONTH as usize])?,
from_bcd(data[RTC_REG_ALARM_DAY as usize])?,
from_bcd(data[RTC_REG_ALARM_HOUR as usize])?,
from_bcd(data[RTC_REG_ALARM_MIN as usize])?,
from_bcd(data[RTC_REG_ALARM_SEC as usize])?,
impl BusDevice for Cmos {
fn device_id(&self) -> DeviceId {
fn debug_label(&self) -> String {
fn write(&mut self, info: BusAccessInfo, data: &[u8]) {
if data.len() != 1 {
match info.offset {
INDEX_OFFSET => self.index = data[0] & INDEX_MASK,
let mut data = data[0];
if self.index == RTC_REG_B {
// The features which we don't support are:
// 0x80 (SET) - disable clock updates (i.e. let guest configure the clock)
// 0x40 (PIE) - enable periodic interrupts
// 0x10 (IUE) - enable interrupts after clock updates
// 0x08 (SQWE) - enable square wave generation
// 0x04 (DM) - use binary data format (instead of BCD)
// 0x01 (DSE) - control daylight savings (we just do what the host does)
if data & RTC_REG_B_UNSUPPORTED != 0 {
"Ignoring unsupported bits: {:x}",
if data & RTC_REG_B_24_HOUR_MODE == 0 {
info!("12-hour mode unsupported");
data |= RTC_REG_B_24_HOUR_MODE;
}[self.index as usize] = data;
if self.index == RTC_REG_B {
o => panic!("bad write offset on CMOS device: {}", o),
fn read(&mut self, info: BusAccessInfo, data: &mut [u8]) {
fn to_bcd(v: u8) -> u8 {
assert!(v < 100);
((v / 10) << 4) | (v % 10)
if data.len() != 1 {
data[0] = match info.offset {
INDEX_OFFSET => self.index,
let now = (self.now_fn)();
let seconds = now.second(); // 0..=59
let minutes = now.minute(); // 0..=59
let hours = now.hour(); // 0..=23 (24-hour mode only)
let week_day = now.weekday().number_from_sunday(); // 1 (Sun) ..= 7 (Sat)
let day =; // 1..=31
let month = now.month(); // 1..=12
let year = now.year();
match self.index {
RTC_REG_SEC => to_bcd(seconds as u8),
RTC_REG_MIN => to_bcd(minutes as u8),
RTC_REG_HOUR => to_bcd(hours as u8),
RTC_REG_WEEK_DAY => to_bcd(week_day as u8),
RTC_REG_DAY => to_bcd(day as u8),
RTC_REG_MONTH => to_bcd(month as u8),
RTC_REG_YEAR => to_bcd((year % 100) as u8),
RTC_REG_CENTURY => to_bcd((year / 100) as u8),
RTC_REG_C => {
if self
.map_or(false, |alarm_time| alarm_time <= now)
// Reading from RTC_REG_C resets interrupts, so clear the
// status bits. The IrqEdgeEvent is reset automatically.
} else {
_ => {
// self.index is always guaranteed to be in range via INDEX_MASK.[(self.index & INDEX_MASK) as usize]
o => panic!("bad read offset on CMOS device: {}", o),
impl Suspendable for Cmos {
fn snapshot(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<serde_json::Value> {
serde_json::to_value(self).context("failed to serialize Cmos")
fn restore(&mut self, data: serde_json::Value) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
struct CmosIndex {
index: u8,
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_seq_to_arr")]
data: [u8; DATA_LEN],
let deser: CmosIndex =
serde_json::from_value(data).context("failed to deserialize Cmos")?;
self.index = deser.index; =;
fn sleep(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
if let Some(worker) = self.worker.take() {
fn wake(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::suspendable_tests;
fn read_reg(cmos: &mut Cmos, reg: u8) -> u8 {
// Write register number to INDEX_OFFSET (0).
BusAccessInfo {
offset: 0,
address: 0x70,
id: 0,
// Read register value back from DATA_OFFSET (1).
let mut data = [0u8];
BusAccessInfo {
offset: 1,
address: 0x71,
id: 0,
&mut data,
fn write_reg(cmos: &mut Cmos, reg: u8, val: u8) {
// Write register number to INDEX_OFFSET (0).
BusAccessInfo {
offset: 0,
address: 0x70,
id: 0,
// Write register value to DATA_OFFSET (1).
let data = [val];
BusAccessInfo {
offset: 1,
address: 0x71,
id: 0,
fn timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp: i64) -> DateTime<Utc> {
DateTime::from_timestamp(timestamp, 0).unwrap()
fn test_now_party_like_its_1999() -> DateTime<Utc> {
// 1999-12-31T23:59:59+00:00
fn test_now_y2k_compliant() -> DateTime<Utc> {
// 2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
fn test_now_2016_before_leap_second() -> DateTime<Utc> {
// 2016-12-31T23:59:59+00:00
fn test_now_2017_after_leap_second() -> DateTime<Utc> {
// 2017-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
fn new_cmos_for_test(now_fn: CmosNowFn) -> Cmos {
let irq = IrqEdgeEvent::new().unwrap();
Cmos::new(1024, 0, now_fn, Tube::pair().unwrap().0, irq).unwrap()
fn cmos_write_index() {
let mut cmos = new_cmos_for_test(test_now_party_like_its_1999);
// Write index.
BusAccessInfo {
offset: 0,
address: 0x71,
id: 0,
assert_eq!(cmos.index, 0x41);
fn cmos_write_data() {
let mut cmos = new_cmos_for_test(test_now_party_like_its_1999);
// Write data 0x01 at index 0x41.
BusAccessInfo {
offset: 0,
address: 0x71,
id: 0,
BusAccessInfo {
offset: 1,
address: 0x71,
id: 0,
assert_eq!([0x41], 0x01);
fn modify_device(cmos: &mut Cmos) {
let info_index = BusAccessInfo {
offset: 0,
address: 0x71,
id: 0,
let info_data = BusAccessInfo {
offset: 1,
address: 0x71,
id: 0,
// change index to 0x42.
cmos.write(info_index, &[0x42]);
cmos.write(info_data, &[0x01]);
fn cmos_date_time_1999() {
let mut cmos = new_cmos_for_test(test_now_party_like_its_1999);
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x00), 0x59); // seconds
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x02), 0x59); // minutes
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x04), 0x23); // hours
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x06), 0x06); // day of week
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x07), 0x31); // day of month
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x08), 0x12); // month
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x09), 0x99); // year
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x32), 0x19); // century
fn cmos_date_time_2000() {
let mut cmos = new_cmos_for_test(test_now_y2k_compliant);
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x00), 0x00); // seconds
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x02), 0x00); // minutes
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x04), 0x00); // hours
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x06), 0x07); // day of week
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x07), 0x01); // day of month
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x08), 0x01); // month
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x09), 0x00); // year
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x32), 0x20); // century
fn cmos_date_time_before_leap_second() {
let mut cmos = new_cmos_for_test(test_now_2016_before_leap_second);
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x00), 0x59); // seconds
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x02), 0x59); // minutes
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x04), 0x23); // hours
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x06), 0x07); // day of week
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x07), 0x31); // day of month
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x08), 0x12); // month
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x09), 0x16); // year
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x32), 0x20); // century
fn cmos_date_time_after_leap_second() {
let mut cmos = new_cmos_for_test(test_now_2017_after_leap_second);
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x00), 0x00); // seconds
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x02), 0x00); // minutes
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x04), 0x00); // hours
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x06), 0x01); // day of week
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x07), 0x01); // day of month
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x08), 0x01); // month
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x09), 0x17); // year
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x32), 0x20); // century
fn cmos_alarm() {
// 2000-01-02T03:04:05+00:00
let now_fn = || timestamp_to_datetime(946782245);
let mut cmos = new_cmos_for_test(now_fn);
// A date later this year
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x01, 0x06); // seconds
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x03, 0x05); // minutes
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x05, 0x04); // hours
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x33, 0x03); // day of month
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x34, 0x02); // month
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x0b, 0x20); // RTC_REG_B_ALARM_ENABLE
// 2000-02-03T04:05:06+00:00
assert_eq!(cmos.alarm_time, Some(timestamp_to_datetime(949550706)));
// A date (one year - one second) in the future
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x01, 0x04); // seconds
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x03, 0x04); // minutes
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x05, 0x03); // hours
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x33, 0x02); // day of month
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x34, 0x01); // month
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x0b, 0x20); // RTC_REG_B_ALARM_ENABLE
// 2001-01-02T03:04:04+00:00
assert_eq!(cmos.alarm_time, Some(timestamp_to_datetime(978404644)));
// The current time
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x01, 0x05); // seconds
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x03, 0x04); // minutes
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x05, 0x03); // hours
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x33, 0x02); // day of month
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x34, 0x01); // month
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x0b, 0x20); // RTC_REG_B_ALARM_ENABLE
assert_eq!(cmos.alarm_time, Some(timestamp_to_datetime(946782245)));
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x0c), 0xa0); // RTC_REG_C_IRQF | RTC_REG_C_AF
assert_eq!(cmos.alarm_time, None);
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x0c), 0);
// Invalid BCD
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x01, 0xa0); // seconds
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x0b, 0x20); // RTC_REG_B_ALARM_ENABLE
assert_eq!(cmos.alarm_time, None);
fn cmos_reg_d() {
let mut cmos = new_cmos_for_test(test_now_party_like_its_1999);
assert_eq!(read_reg(&mut cmos, 0x0d), 0x80) // RAM and time are valid
fn cmos_snapshot_restore() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// time function doesn't matter in this case.
let mut cmos = new_cmos_for_test(test_now_party_like_its_1999);
let info_index = BusAccessInfo {
offset: 0,
address: 0x71,
id: 0,
let info_data = BusAccessInfo {
offset: 1,
address: 0x71,
id: 0,
// change index to 0x41.
cmos.write(info_index, &[0x41]);
cmos.write(info_data, &[0x01]);
let snap = cmos.snapshot().context("failed to snapshot Cmos")?;
// change index to 0x42.
cmos.write(info_index, &[0x42]);
cmos.write(info_data, &[0x01]);
// Restore Cmos.
cmos.restore(snap).context("failed to restore Cmos")?;
// after restore, the index should be 0x41, which was the index before snapshot was taken.
assert_eq!(cmos.index, 0x41);
assert_eq!([0x41], 0x01);
assert_ne!([0x42], 0x01);
fn cmos_sleep_wake() {
// 2000-01-02T03:04:05+00:00
let irq = IrqEdgeEvent::new().unwrap();
let now_fn = || timestamp_to_datetime(946782245);
let mut cmos = Cmos::new(1024, 0, now_fn, Tube::pair().unwrap().0, irq).unwrap();
// A date later this year
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x01, 0x06); // seconds
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x03, 0x05); // minutes
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x05, 0x04); // hours
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x33, 0x03); // day of month
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x34, 0x02); // month
write_reg(&mut cmos, 0x0b, 0x20); // RTC_REG_B_ALARM_ENABLE
// 2000-02-03T04:05:06+00:00
assert_eq!(cmos.alarm_time, Some(timestamp_to_datetime(949550706)));