blob: cdf6f5b0207c042659348563f9e990b7fb7f6a08 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE INFO: Observatory listening at
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Hello [object Window]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: foo
Running: testScopeChain
Set timer for test function.
Script execution paused.
Call stack:
0) handleMessage (evaluate-in-console.dart:13)
1) _EventStreamSubscription(VM_PRIVATE_MANGLING).<anonymous closure> (dart:html:xxxx)
test.instanceField = "Test.instanceField"
test.instanceField = "new value" = "new value" = null = 3 = 3 = 3
test.somePropertyThatDoesntExist = Uncaught Unhandled exception:
NoSuchMethodError: Class 'Test' has no instance getter 'somePropertyThatDoesntExist'.
Receiver: Instance of 'Test'
Tried calling: somePropertyThatDoesntExist
#2 Eval.<anonymous closure> (evaluate:source:2:6)
#3 handleMessage (FILE_SOURCE_LOCATION/evaluate-in-console.dart:13:5)
#4 new _EventStreamSubscription.<anonymous closure> (DART_CORE_LIBRARY_SOURCE_LOCATION)
test.toString() = "<Test instance with instanceField = new value>"
test.toString(1) = Uncaught Unhandled exception:
NoSuchMethodError: Class 'Test' has no instance method 'toString' with matching arguments.
Receiver: Instance of 'Test'
Tried calling: toString(1)
Found: toString()
#2 Eval.<anonymous closure> (evaluate:source:2:6)
#3 handleMessage (FILE_SOURCE_LOCATION/evaluate-in-console.dart:13:5)
#4 new _EventStreamSubscription.<anonymous closure> (DART_CORE_LIBRARY_SOURCE_LOCATION)
test.create("x").instanceField = "x"
test.concat(test.create("x"), test.create("y")) = "new value:x:y"
_private = "private"
globalField = null
calculateSquareRoot(25) = 5
new Element.tag("div").outerHtml = "<div></div>"
(new Element.tag("div")..append(new Element.tag("h1"))).outerHtml = "<div><h1></h1></div>"
new Element.tag("div").tagName = "DIV"
intList.toString() = "(4, 2)"
(LinkedList).toString() = "LinkedList"
var a=new List<int>()..add(4)..add(42) = [4, 42]
a.toString() = "[4, 42]"
$consoleVariables.variables() = [a]
var f = (x) => x*42 =
f(2) = 84
[] is List = true
{} is List = false
"This should be an int: ${10000000000000000000000 - 1}" = "This should be an int: 9999999999999999999999"
10000000000000000000000 is int = true
1.0 is int = false
1.0 is double = true
((x) => x * 2)(21) = 42
((x) { var z = x * 4; return z; })(21) = 84
print("Hello $window") = (VM:LOCATION) Hello [object Window]
Running: testPrint
Script execution resumed.