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  1. 99e1956 Fix build with gcc12 by Milad Fa · 2 weeks ago main
  2. 57b6a6c Add as a backup owner by Alex Rudenko · 2 weeks ago
  3. 64cc230 Optimize JSONEncoder::HandleString by Simon Zünd · 3 weeks ago
  4. 0aa59d5 Mark JSONEncoder::Emit as inline by Simon Zünd · 3 weeks ago
  5. 916f43c Fix missing operator* and a typo in value_or() by Andrey Kosyakov · 9 months ago

Chromium inspector (devtools) protocol

This package contains code generators and templates for the Chromium inspector protocol.

The canonical location of this package is at

In the Chromium tree, it's rolled into

In the V8 tree, it's rolled into

See also Contributing to Chrome Devtools Protocol.

To build and run the tests of the crdtp library, see CRDTP - Chrome DevTools Protocol.