blob: 9b2c0114a317bbe0eae08f9890fc3cdb91df3af4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
const {assert} = chai;
import * as Common from '../../../../../front_end/core/common/common.js';
import {assertNotNullOrUndefined} from '../../../../../front_end/core/platform/platform.js';
import type * as Platform from '../../../../../front_end/core/platform/platform.js';
import {describeWithEnvironment} from '../../helpers/EnvironmentHelpers.js';
const ResourceType = Common.ResourceType.ResourceType;
const ResourceCategory = Common.ResourceType.ResourceCategory;
const resourceTypes = Common.ResourceType.resourceTypes;
const testTitle = () => 'Test Title' as Platform.UIString.LocalizedString;
const testShortTitle = () => 'Test Short Title' as Platform.UIString.LocalizedString;
const categoryTestTitle = () => 'Category Test Title' as Platform.UIString.LocalizedString;
const categoryTestShortTitle = () => 'Category Test Short Title' as Platform.UIString.LocalizedString;
const typeTestTitle = () => 'Type Test Title' as Platform.UIString.LocalizedString;
describe('ResourceCategory class', () => {
it('is able to be instantiated successfully', () => {
const resourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(testTitle, testShortTitle);
assert.strictEqual(resourceCategory.title(), 'Test Title', 'title is not correct');
assert.strictEqual(resourceCategory.shortTitle(), 'Test Short Title', 'short title is not correct');
describeWithEnvironment('ResourceType class', () => {
it('is able to be instantiated successfully', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('Type Test Name', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.strictEqual(, 'Type Test Name', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(resourceType.title(), 'Type Test Title', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(resourceType.category().title(), 'Category Test Title', 'category title was not set correctly');
resourceType.category().shortTitle(), 'Category Test Short Title',
'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(resourceType.isTextType(), true, 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return a document resource from the string "text/html"', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromMimeType('text/html');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'document', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'Document', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'Documents', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'Doc', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isTrue(result.isTextType(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return a stylesheet resource from the string "text/css"', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromMimeType('text/css');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'stylesheet', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'Stylesheet', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'Stylesheets', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'CSS', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isTrue(result.isTextType(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return an image resource from the string "image/"', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromMimeType('image/');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'image', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'Image', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'Images', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'Img', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isFalse(result.isTextType(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return a script resource from the string "text/"', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromMimeType('text/');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'script', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'Script', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'Scripts', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'JS', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isTrue(result.isTextType(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return a font resource from the string "font"', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromMimeType('font');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'font', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'Font', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'Fonts', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'Font', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isFalse(result.isTextType(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return a script resource from the string "script"', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromMimeType('script');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'script', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'Script', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'Scripts', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'JS', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isTrue(result.isTextType(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return an octet resource from the string "octet"', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromMimeType('octet');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'other', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'Other', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'Other', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'Other', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isFalse(result.isTextType(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return an application resource from the string "application"', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromMimeType('application');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'script', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'Script', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'Scripts', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'JS', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isTrue(result.isTextType(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return an wasm resource from the string "application/wasm"', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromMimeTypeOverride('application/wasm');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'wasm', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'Wasm', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'WebAssembly', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'Wasm', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isFalse(result.isTextType(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return an web bundle resource from the string "application/webbundle"', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromMimeTypeOverride('application/webbundle');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'webbundle', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'WebBundle', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'Other', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'Other', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isFalse(result.isTextType(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return a resource of type other from the string "test/resource"', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromMimeType('test/resource');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'other', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'Other', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'Other', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'Other', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isFalse(result.isTextType(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return a resource type from a URL that contains a mapped extension', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromURL('');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'script', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'Script', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'Scripts', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'JS', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isTrue(result.isTextType(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return a resource type from a URL that ends in .avif', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromURL('https://host.example/image.avif');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'image', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'Image', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'Images', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'Img', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isTrue(result.isImage(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return a resource type from a URL that ends in .jxl', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromURL('https://host.example/image.jxl');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'image', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'Image', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'Images', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'Img', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isTrue(result.isImage(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return a resource type from a URL that ends in .woff2', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromURL('https://host.example/image.woff2');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'font', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'Font', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'Fonts', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'Font', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isFalse(result.isTextType(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return null from a URL that contains an unmapped extension', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromURL('');
assert.isNull(result, 'result is not null');
it('is able to return a resource type from a mapped name', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromName('script');
assert.instanceOf(result, ResourceType, 'result type is incorrect');
assert.strictEqual(, 'script', 'name was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.title(), 'Script', 'title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().title(), 'Scripts', 'category title was not set correctly');
assert.strictEqual(result.category().shortTitle(), 'JS', 'category short title was not set correctly');
assert.isTrue(result.isTextType(), 'resource type was not set correctly');
it('is able to return null from an unmapped name', () => {
const result = ResourceType.fromName('testName');
assert.isNull(result, 'result is not null');
it('is able to return a mime from URL that contains a mapped extension', () => {
const result = ResourceType.mimeFromURL('' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString);
assert.strictEqual(result, 'text/html', 'mime returned was not correct');
it('is able to return a mime from URL that contains an unmapped extension', () => {
const result =
ResourceType.mimeFromURL('' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString);
assert.isUndefined(result, 'mime returned was not correct');
it('is able to return a mime from URL that contains a mapped name', () => {
const result = ResourceType.mimeFromURL('' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString);
assert.strictEqual(result, 'text/x-coffeescript', 'mime returned was not correct');
it('is able to return a mime from a mapped extension', () => {
const result = ResourceType.mimeFromExtension('html');
assert.strictEqual(result, 'text/html', 'mime returned was not correct');
it('is able to return a mime from an unmapped extension', () => {
const result = ResourceType.mimeFromExtension('testExt');
assert.isUndefined(result, 'mime returned was not correct');
it('is able to return its title successfully', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('Type Test Name', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.strictEqual(resourceType.title(), 'Type Test Title', 'title was not returned correctly');
it('is able to return its isTextType value successfully', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('Type Test Name', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isTrue(resourceType.isTextType(), 'isTextType was not returned correctly');
it('is able to return whether or not its a script if its name equals the value "script"', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('script', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isTrue(resourceType.isScript(), 'the resource should be considered as a script');
it('is able to return whether or not its a script if its name equals the value "sm-script"', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('sm-script', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isTrue(resourceType.isScript(), 'the resource should be considered as a script');
it('is able to return whether or not its a script if its name is not equal to the values "script" or "sm-script"',
() => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('Type Test Name', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isFalse(resourceType.isScript(), 'the resource should not be considered as a script');
it('is able to return whether or not its a document if its name equals the value "document"', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('document', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isTrue(resourceType.isDocument(), 'the resource should be considered as a document');
it('is able to return whether or not its a document if its name does not equal the value "document"', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('Type Test Name', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isFalse(resourceType.isDocument(), 'the resource should not be considered as a document');
it('is able to determine if a resource has scripts if it is a script', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('script', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isTrue(resourceType.hasScripts(), 'the resource should be considered as a having scripts');
it('is able to determine if a resource has scripts if it is a document', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('document', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isTrue(resourceType.hasScripts(), 'the resource should be considered as a having scripts');
it('is able to determine if a resource has scripts if it is not a script or a document', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('Type Test Name', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isFalse(resourceType.hasScripts(), 'the resource should not be considered as a having scripts');
it('is able to return whether or not its a stylesheet if its name equals the value "stylesheet"', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('stylesheet', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isTrue(resourceType.isStyleSheet(), 'the resource should be considered as a stylesheet');
it('is able to return whether or not its a stylesheet if its name equals the value "sm-stylesheet"', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('sm-stylesheet', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isTrue(resourceType.isStyleSheet(), 'the resource should be considered as a stylesheet');
it('is able to return whether or not its a stylesheet if its name is not equal to the values "stylesheet" or "sm-stylesheet"',
() => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('Type Test Name', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isFalse(resourceType.isStyleSheet(), 'the resource should not be considered as a stylesheet');
it('is able to return whether it is a document, a script or a stylesheet if it was a document', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('document', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isTrue(resourceType.isDocumentOrScriptOrStyleSheet(), 'the resource should be considered as a document');
it('is able to return whether it is a document, a script or a stylesheet if it was a script', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('script', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isTrue(resourceType.isDocumentOrScriptOrStyleSheet(), 'the resource should be considered as a script');
it('is able to return whether it is a document, a script or a stylesheet if it was a stylesheet', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('stylesheet', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isTrue(resourceType.isDocumentOrScriptOrStyleSheet(), 'the resource should be considered as a stylesheet');
it('is able to return whether it is a document, a script or a stylesheet if it was none of those things', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('Type Test Name', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
'the resource should be considered as a doucment, a script or a stylesheet');
it('is able to determine if it is from source map if it began with "sm-"', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('sm-Type Test Name', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isTrue(resourceType.isFromSourceMap(), 'the resource should be considered to be from source map');
it('is able to determine if it is from source map if it did not begin with "sm-"', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('Type Test Name', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.isFalse(resourceType.isFromSourceMap(), 'the resource should not be considered to be from source map');
it('is able to be converted to a string by returning its name', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('Type Test Name', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
resourceType.toString(), 'Type Test Name', 'the resource type was not converted to a string correctly');
it('is able to return the canonical mime type of a document', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('document', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
resourceType.canonicalMimeType(), 'text/html', 'the canonical mime type was not returned correctly');
it('is able to return the canonical mime type of a script', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('script', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
resourceType.canonicalMimeType(), 'text/javascript', 'the canonical mime type was not returned correctly');
it('is able to return the canonical mime type of a stylesheet', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('stylesheet', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
resourceType.canonicalMimeType(), 'text/css', 'the canonical mime type was not returned correctly');
it('returns an empty string as a canonical mime type if it was not a document, a script or a stylesheet', () => {
const testResourceCategory = new ResourceCategory(categoryTestTitle, categoryTestShortTitle);
const resourceType = new ResourceType('Type Test Name', typeTestTitle, testResourceCategory, true);
assert.strictEqual(resourceType.canonicalMimeType(), '', 'the canonical mime type was not returned correctly');
it('treats a Ping as Other', () => {
const resourceType = resourceTypes.Ping;
assert.strictEqual(resourceType.isTextType(), false, 'A ping is not a text type');
assert.strictEqual(resourceType.canonicalMimeType(), '', 'A ping does not have an associated mime type');
it('treats a CSPViolationsReport as Other', () => {
const resourceType = resourceTypes.CSPViolationReport;
assert.strictEqual(resourceType.isTextType(), false, 'A ping is not a text type');
assert.strictEqual(resourceType.canonicalMimeType(), '', 'A ping does not have an associated mime type');
describe('ResourceType', () => {
describe('hasStyleSheet', () => {
it('holds true for documents', () => {
it('holds true for stylesheets', () => {
describe('mimeFromExtension', () => {
it('returns correct MIME type for .dart files', () => {
assert.strictEqual(ResourceType.mimeFromExtension('dart'), 'application/vnd.dart');
it('returns correct MIME type for .less files', () => {
assert.strictEqual(ResourceType.mimeFromExtension('less'), 'text/x-less');
it('returns correct MIME type for .php files', () => {
assert.strictEqual(ResourceType.mimeFromExtension('php'), 'application/x-httpd-php');
it('returns correct MIME type for .vue files', () => {
assert.strictEqual(ResourceType.mimeFromExtension('vue'), 'text/html');
it('returns correct MIME type for .webmanifest files', () => {
assert.strictEqual(ResourceType.mimeFromExtension('webmanifest'), 'application/manifest+json');
describe('mimeFromURL', () => {
it('returns correct MIME type for .dart files', () => {
const url = 'http://localhost/example.dart' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString;
assert.strictEqual(ResourceType.mimeFromURL(url), 'application/vnd.dart');
it('returns correct MIME type for .less files', () => {
const url = '' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString;
assert.strictEqual(ResourceType.mimeFromURL(url), 'text/x-less');
it('returns correct MIME type for .php files', () => {
const url = 'http://localhost/file.php' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString;
assert.strictEqual(ResourceType.mimeFromURL(url), 'application/x-httpd-php');
it('returns correct MIME type for .vue files', () => {
const url = 'http://localhost/App.vue' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString;
assert.strictEqual(ResourceType.mimeFromURL(url), 'text/html');
it('returns correct MIME type for .webmanifest files', () => {
const url = 'http://localhost/app.webmanifest' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString;
assert.strictEqual(ResourceType.mimeFromURL(url), 'application/manifest+json');