blob: c48ab4901785f87f3eb317c48a6b8d92c31aa1cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as CodeMirror from '../../../third_party/';
const t = CodeMirror.tags;
export const highlightStyle: CodeMirror.HighlightStyle = CodeMirror.HighlightStyle.define([
{tag: t.variableName, class: 'token-variable'},
{tag: t.definition(t.variableName), class: 'token-definition'},
{tag: t.propertyName, class: 'token-property'},
{tag: [t.typeName, t.className, t.namespace, t.macroName], class: 'token-type'},
{tag: [t.special(, t.constant(t.className)], class: 'token-variable-special'},
{tag: t.standard(t.variableName), class: 'token-builtin'},
{tag: [t.number, t.literal, t.unit], class: 'token-number'},
{tag: t.string, class: 'token-string'},
{tag: [t.special(t.string), t.regexp, t.escape], class: 'token-string-special'},
{tag: [t.atom, t.labelName, t.bool], class: 'token-atom'},
{tag: t.keyword, class: 'token-keyword'},
{tag: [t.comment, t.quote], class: 'token-comment'},
{tag: t.meta, class: 'token-meta'},
{tag: t.invalid, class: 'token-invalid'},
{tag: t.tagName, class: 'token-tag'},
{tag: t.attributeName, class: 'token-attribute'},
{tag: t.attributeValue, class: 'token-attribute-value'},
{tag: t.inserted, class: 'token-inserted'},
{tag: t.deleted, class: 'token-deleted'},
{tag: t.heading, class: 'token-heading'},
{tag:, class: 'token-link'},
{tag: t.strikethrough, class: 'token-strikethrough'},
{tag: t.strong, class: 'token-strong'},
{tag: t.emphasis, class: 'token-emphasis'},
export async function create(code: string, mimeType: string): Promise<CodeHighlighter> {
const language = await languageFromMIME(mimeType);
let tree: CodeMirror.Tree;
if (language) {
tree = language.language.parser.parse(code);
} else {
tree = new CodeMirror.Tree(CodeMirror.NodeType.none, [], [], code.length);
return new CodeHighlighter(code, tree);
export async function highlightNode(node: Element, mimeType: string): Promise<void> {
const code = node.textContent || '';
const highlighter = await create(code, mimeType);
highlighter.highlight((text, style) => {
let token: Node = document.createTextNode(text);
if (style) {
const span = document.createElement('span');
span.className = style;
token = span;
export async function languageFromMIME(mimeType: string): Promise<CodeMirror.LanguageSupport|null> {
switch (mimeType) {
// The correct MIME type for JavaScript is text/javascript, but we also support
// the legacy JavaScript MIME types here for backwards compatibility.
case 'application/javascript':
case 'application/ecmascript':
case 'application/x-ecmascript':
case 'application/x-javascript':
case 'text/ecmascript':
case 'text/javascript1.0':
case 'text/javascript1.1':
case 'text/javascript1.2':
case 'text/javascript1.3':
case 'text/javascript1.4':
case 'text/javascript1.5':
case 'text/jscript':
case 'text/livescript ':
case 'text/x-ecmascript':
case 'text/x-javascript':
case 'text/javascript':
case 'text/jsx':
// We intentionally allow JSX in normal .js as well as .jsx files,
// because there are simply too many existing applications and
// examples out there that use JSX within .js files, and we don't
// want to break them.
return CodeMirror.javascript.javascript({jsx: true});
case 'text/typescript':
return CodeMirror.javascript.javascript({typescript: true});
case 'text/typescript-jsx':
return CodeMirror.javascript.javascript({typescript: true, jsx: true});
case 'text/css':
case 'text/x-scss':
return CodeMirror.css.css();
case 'text/html':
return CodeMirror.html.html();
case 'application/xml':
return (await CodeMirror.xml()).xml();
case 'application/wasm':
return (await CodeMirror.wast()).wast();
case 'text/x-c++src':
return (await CodeMirror.cpp()).cpp();
case 'text/x-java':
return (await;
case 'application/json':
case 'application/manifest+json':
return (await CodeMirror.json()).json();
case 'application/x-httpd-php':
return (await CodeMirror.php()).php();
case 'text/x-python':
return (await CodeMirror.python()).python();
case 'text/markdown':
return (await CodeMirror.markdown()).markdown();
case 'text/x-sh':
return new CodeMirror.LanguageSupport(await;
case 'text/x-coffeescript':
return new CodeMirror.LanguageSupport(await CodeMirror.coffeescript());
case 'text/x-clojure':
return new CodeMirror.LanguageSupport(await CodeMirror.clojure());
return null;
export class CodeHighlighter {
constructor(readonly code: string, readonly tree: CodeMirror.Tree) {
highlight(token: (text: string, style: string) => void): void {
this.highlightRange(0, this.code.length, token);
highlightRange(from: number, to: number, token: (text: string, style: string) => void): void {
let pos = from;
const flush = (to: number, style: string): void => {
if (to > pos) {
token(this.code.slice(pos, to), style);
pos = to;
CodeMirror.highlightTree(this.tree, highlightStyle, (from, to, style) => {
flush(from, '');
flush(to, style);
}, from, to);
flush(to, '');