blob: 0d387fc405f3edc9f3e66cee01e794c76fa7ec99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as CodeHighlighter from '../../../../../front_end/ui/components/code_highlighter/code_highlighter.js';
const {assert} = chai;
function parseTokens(code: string): [string, string][] {
const token = /\[(\S+) ([^\]]+)\]/g, tokens: [string, string][] = [];
for (let pos = 0;;) {
const match = token.exec(code);
const next = match ? match.index : code.length;
if (next > pos) {
tokens.push([code.slice(pos, next), '']);
if (!match) {
tokens.push([match[2], match[1]]);
pos = match.index + match[0].length;
return tokens;
function testHighlight(code: string, mimeType: string) {
return async () => {
const tokens = parseTokens(code), rawCode = => t[0]).join('');
const highlighter = await CodeHighlighter.CodeHighlighter.create(rawCode, mimeType);
let i = 0;
highlighter.highlight((text, style): void => {
JSON.stringify([text, style.replace(/\btoken-/g, '').split(' ').sort().join('&')]),
JSON.stringify(tokens[i++] || ['', '']));
describe('CodeHighlighter', () => {
describe('languageFromMIMEType', () => {
it('also supports common legacy MIME types for JavaScript', async () => {
for (const mimeType of ['application/ecmascript', 'application/javascript', 'text/jscript']) {
const language = await CodeHighlighter.CodeHighlighter.languageFromMIME(mimeType);
assert.isNotNull(language, `legacy MIME type '${mimeType}' not recognized`);
// clang-format off
it('can highlight JavaScript', testHighlight(`
[keyword function] [definition foo]([definition bar]) {
[keyword return] [number 22];
}`, 'text/javascript'));
it('can highlight JavaScript compatible with CodeMirror 5', testHighlight(`
[keyword function] [definition name]([definition params]) {
[keyword var] [definition x] = [number 1];
[keyword const] [definition y] = [number 2];
[keyword let] [definition z] = [number 3];
[keyword return] [variable x] + [variable params];
}`, 'text/javascript')),
it('can highlight TypeScript', testHighlight(`
[keyword type] [type X] = {
[property x]: [type boolean]
}`, 'text/typescript'));
it('can highlight JSX', testHighlight(`
[keyword function] [definition App]() {
[keyword return] (
<[tag div] [attribute className]=[attribute-value "App"]>
Hello World!
</[tag div]>);
}`, 'text/jsx'));
it('can highlight JSX within JavaScript files', testHighlight(`
[keyword const] [definition t] = <[tag div] [attribute disabled]>hello</[tag div]>
`, 'text/javascript'));
it('can highlight HTML', testHighlight(`
[meta <!doctype html>]
<[tag html] [attribute lang]=[attribute-value ar]>
</[tag html]>`, 'text/html'));
it('can highlight Vue Templates', testHighlight(`
<[tag template]>
<[tag Header] [attribute v-show]=[attribute-value "view"] />
<[tag Main] [attribute @hide]=[attribute-value "onHide"] />
<[tag router-view] />
</[tag template]>`, 'text/html'));
it('can highlight CSS', testHighlight(`
[tag span].[type cls]#[atom id] {
[property font-weight]: [atom bold];
[property color]: [number #ff2];
[property width]: [number 4px];
}`, 'text/css'));
it('can highlight WAST', testHighlight(`
([keyword module]
([keyword type] [variable $t] ([keyword func] ([keyword param] [type i32])))
([keyword func] [variable $max] [comment (; 1 ;)] ([keyword param] [variable $0] [type i32]) ([keyword result] [type i32])
([keyword get_local] [variable $0])))
`, 'application/wasm'));
it('can highlight JSON', testHighlight(`
[property "one"]: [number 2],
[property "two"]: [atom true]
}`, 'application/json'));
it('can highlight Markdown', testHighlight(`
[heading&meta #][heading Head]
Paragraph with [emphasis&meta *][emphasis emphasized][emphasis&meta *] text.
`, 'text/markdown'));
it('can highlight Python', testHighlight(`
[keyword def] [definition f]([variable x] = [atom True]):
[keyword return] [variable x] [keyword *] [number 10];
`, 'text/x-python'));
it('can highlight PHP', testHighlight(`
[meta <?] [keyword echo] [string 'Hello World!']; [meta ?>]
`, 'application/x-httpd-php'));
it('can highlight Shell code', testHighlight(`
[builtin cat] [string "a"]
`, 'text/x-sh'));
it('can highlight Web app manifests', testHighlight(`
[property "name"]: [string "Test"],
[property "start_url"]: [string "."]
`, 'application/manifest+json'));
// clang_format on