Automated Lab Deployment


The automated deployment component of the Chrome Enterprise Lab (CEL) takes as input a set of configuration files describing the assets that should comprise a lab, and automates the deployment of a lab based on that description while fulfilling the following goals:

The deployment process should …

  • … account for user error. Configuration files should be easy to write by hand. The tooling should allow users to diagnose and fix errors quickly.

  • … be observable, both from the POV of an operator manually triggering the deployment, and also from the POV of a service that may provide a secondary UI for an in-progress deployment.

  • … be observable by an entity that begins observing after the deployment process has started.

  • … facilitate forensic debugging. Important for deployments that are triggered as a part of another automated process.

  • … tolerate third party outages. In particular, outages for Github or package management repositories like Chocolatey should not cause the enterprise lab to become non-functional.

  • … tolerate existing infrastructure. It should not be a requirement that each deployment be preceded by removing all Google Cloud Platform (GCP) assets from a project, or start with a new GCP project.

    That goal also implies that deployment is necessarily incremental in that a failed deployment can be resumed — within reason — after correcting for the factors that caused the initial failure, thus lending itself to edit-deploy iterations. It also implies that the deployment process is forgiving of hosting environment errors such as transient failures in GCP infrastructure.

  • … be amenable to easy addition of new asset types to the asset catalog.

  • … be self documenting in terms of asset types, asset catalogs, and builtins.

  • … support additional tooling where appropriate. Operators and developers should be able to build tools to automate their workflows. In particular, the test team should expend reasonable efforts towards building UIs.

  • … be atomic much as possible. This means that when deploying a lab into a GCP project, the lab toolchain should deploy all required pieces -- within reason -- without assistance. Once started, there should be no manual steps.


It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the general design concepts as described in the Design. This document supersedes the main design where the two differ.

The schema for assets and host environment is as described in the design document and further specified in code (Asset Description Schema, Asset Schema, Host Environment Schema).

In addition, the automated deployment phase makes use of the following technologies:

  • Google Cloud Storage (Documentation). Cloud Storage is used for communicating files and other resources to instances. Cloud Storage buckets aren't created by the lab, but must be specified in the Host Environment.

  • Google Cloud Deployment Manager (Documentation). Deploys all GCP assets and keeps track of individual deployments. Nomenclature caveat: The Deployment Manager refers to deployable things as “resources”, while CEL calls them “assets.” The two terms should be considered equivalent.


The Inputs

Let's start with a quick example where we deploy a single Active Directory server and a Windows client into a newly minted GCP Project.

Our ASSET MANIFEST looks like this:

# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

# The network. There should be at least one. Hosts in the same network can talk
# to each other without any restrictions.
network {
  name: 'primary'

# An ActiveDirectory domain.
ad_domain {
  name: 'foo.example'
  netbios_name: 'example'

  # AD Domain Controller. This is regarded as a service that runs on a specific
  # machine. This definition just anchors the AD DS to the machine named 'dc'.
  domain_controller {
    windows_machine: 'dc'

# A Windows machine.
windows_machine {
  name: 'dc'
  machine_type: 'win2012r2'
  network_interface { network: 'primary' }

# Another Windows machine.
windows_machine {
  name: 'client'
  machine_type: 'win2012r2'
  network_interface { network: 'primary' }

  # This one explicitly lists 'foo.example' as the domain to which this machine
  # belongs. This will result in this machine being automatically joined to
  # 'foo.example' using the default domain administrator credentials.
  container { ad_domain: 'foo.example' }

# A Windows user.
windows_user {
  name: 'joe'
  description: 'Joe The User'

  # This is a domain user. The user will not be made a member of any additional
  # groups since there are no member_of entries.
  container { ad_domain: 'foo.example' }


# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

# Google Cloud Platform Project information
project {
  # Name of project
  name: 'cel-test-alpha'

  # All assets will be created in this zone. The region/location is implicit.
  zone: 'us-east1-b'

# Where the logs go.
log_settings { admin_log: "admin" }

# The GCS storage bucket and prefix to use.
storage {
  bucket: "chrome-auth-lab-staging",
  prefix: "cel-test-alpha-files"

# We only use one machine type in our examples
machine_type {
  # Name must match the host_machine_type field in the windows_machine asset
  # entries.
  name: 'win2012r2'

  # Going to specify instance properties for a new GCE instance. Alternatively,
  # we could specify a GCE instance template name.
  instance_properties {
    # Go with 2 CPUs and 7.5GB of RAM. This is the GCE machine type, not to be
    # confused with the CEL machine_type.
    machineType: 'projects/${}/zones/${}/machineTypes/n1-standard-2'

    # Scheduling options. By default instances are not pre-emptible.
    scheduling {
      automaticRestart: true

    # Disks. We only need one disk
    disks {
      # autoDelete must be set to true when specifying initializeParams.
      # Otherwise the toolchain will remind you.
      autoDelete: true

      # ... which is a boot disk. This can be left out since the first disk
      # will become the boot disk by default.
      boot: true

      initializeParams {
        # This is a special form for referencing the URL property of the image
        # object named windows-2012-r2. Furthermore, this image type is not
        # defined in this file. Instead see the builtins.textpb file for a list
        # of builtin host assets that can be included for convenience.
        sourceImage: '${}'

    # Note that we are leaving a bunch of fields out because their defaults are
    # reasonable. See the GCE documentation, and in particular the REST API
    # documentation for what these fields do. For our convenience, we generate
    # a .proto file containing the Compute API schema which has the same
    # information. This generated .proto file can be found at
    # /schema/gcp/compute/compute-api.proto.

The host environment is dependent on the builtin host assets which currently define image locators for the set of public images supported by GCP.

Assuming that the operator has the correct set of credentials to initiate the deployment, they could start a deployment using a command-line such as the following:

cel_ctl deploy --builtins mylab.asset.textpb

The --builtins argument tells cel_ctl to pull in the set of built-in assets. Without this, the ${} reference will not be resolved. Built-in assets are defined in this source file. Builtins may not always be suitable in cases where the images that are needed for assets are custom or not the latest public images.

Alright, this is probably a good time to explain what ${} means…

Quick Aside on References

Defining an asset hierarchy necessarily involves stating relationships between assets. This can be done explicitly as is the case with the windows_machine entry for ad, or done implicitly as is the case with the machine_type entry.

In the explicit case, the structure of the entity itself demands the nature of the relationship. For example, the windows_machine entry needs to specify a network_interface which in turn needs to state the network to which the interface is connected. The nature of the dependency can be readily inferred from context.

In the implicit case, an output of an asset is used as an input for another asset.

Currently such a dependency relationship is limited to string fields. This is done by referencing the OUTPUT field name from any string field in an asset. For example, ${} refers to the url output field of the image resource named windows-2012-r2 in the host environment. More details about references can be found in the Inline References section. Basically an implicit (or inline, if you prefer) reference looks like structure reference with the only difference being that the field names are allowed to be RFC 1035 labels.

Implicit and explicit references between assets can be used to infer a dependency relationship between all assets. This is currently the only mechanism for expressing dependencies between assets though that might change in the future.

Parsing And Validation

Now that cel_ctl was invoked, it will need to read in the configuration files and validate their contents. Validation is performed mostly automatically based on the validation annotations in the schema.

These validation annotations look like this:

message ActiveDirectoryDomainController {
  // Name of the domain. Must match the `name` field of an
  // ActiveDirectoryDomain entry.
  string ad_domain = 1 [(common.v).ref = "asset.ad_domain"];

The (common.v).ref is defining a field option of type common.v which is an ProtoBuf extension type defined in schema/common/options.proto. Learn more on how this works at ProtoBuf Custom Options.

This specific annotation declares that the value of the ad_domain field of the ActiveDirectoryDomainController message is a named reference to a ad_domain asset. I.e. The value of the ad_domain field in this message must match the name field of a ad_domain asset.

I.e. Consider the following ActiveDirectoryDomainController definition:

ad_domain_controller {
  ad_domain: ""

It would be valid only if there was an ActiveDirectoryDomain that's named mydomain like so:

ad_domain {
  name : ""

Guided by these annotations, cel_ctl reads and ensures that all explicit and implicit references are sound. If any reference is not resolvable, then the configuration files are malformed and cel_ctl will indicate an error.

Due to inline references that can only be resolved during deployment time, some aspects of early validation are skipped if the fields involved contain inline references. See Inline References.


Pruning is the process by which assets that are not used during a deployment process are discarded.

By default the set of assets that are slated for deployment includes everything in the ASSET MANIFEST. However there may be entries in the HOST ENVIRONMENT that are not referenced by any asset. Such entries are candidates for pruning.

In addition, in the future cel_ctl should be able to deploy a named subset of assets in the ASSET MANIFEST. This would allow a user to maintain a large inventory of assets (i.e. the ASSET INVENTORY) and then selectively deploy a handful of assets for ad hoc testing purposes.

In our example, the only entities that will be dropped are those that are included as built-ins but not referenced by any assets. I.e. everything in builtins.textpb will be removed except the image entry for windows-2012-r2.

The Asset Graph

The result of the pruning process is a trimmed down set of assets that should be deployed. Implicit and explicit references between these assets and host environment entities define a dependency relation that can be used to construct a dependency graph. The only participants of this graph are the entries in the asset manifest and the host environment. In the case of our example, the graph would look like the following:

Asset graph

This is where the distinction between the host environment and an asset would become evident. Everything in the asset manifest (in blue) need to be deployed, created, configured, or otherwise brought into existence within the lab, while things in the host environment need to already exist.

In the case of the image resource, the cel_ctl binary (or equivalent in the case of an automated deployment) would still need to do additional work to figure out the URL of the latest image, but the image ultimately has to exist prior to the deployment. Hence everything in the host environment (in yellow) needs to be fully resolved prior to proceeding with the rest of the process.

The relationship of the ad_domain_controller to the ad_domain and windows_machine resources is a bit special. In reality the ad_domain doesn‘t really exist until at least one domain controller is operational. In addition, the domain isn’t discoverable until a DNS server publishes the AD and Kerberos resource records. In most AD deployments, the DNS server deployment is concurrent with the promotion of a server to a domain controller. Hence the ad_domain_controller entry is folded into the ad_domain entry.

Division Of Labor

Even though the deployable assets are neatly arranged in a graph, we need to do some more work before we are ready to begin doing real work. The deployer needs to translate between concepts like windows_machine and network to things that the hosting environment understands. In our case, the lab will be hosted in a GCP project. Some assets such as networks can be constructed entirely within the GCP, while others like windows_machine need to be constructed by GCP but then configured using our own custom code.

The cel_ctl design aims to use the GCP Deployment Manager for doing most of the work of creating and updating supported assets, or resources in Deployment Manager nomenclature. The list of resource types that are currently supported by the Deployment Manager can be found here.

Once the base images are instantiated by the Deployment Manager, the instance startup scripts can take over the additional work of configuring the machine. To this end, cel_ctl needs to determine the split between the work that's to be assigned to the Deployment Manager and the work that is to be assigned to per-instance startup scripts.

Therefore, for each asset that must be deployed, we need to determine:

  • Who deploys it: Deployment Manager, or a specific Instance, or both. Some resources like windows_machine as mentioned above will be split across DM and the Instance since they involve deploying a GCP resource as well as doing instance configuration.

    All host environment entities are resolved by the deployer at the time of deployment. Hence the host environment is not a part of the deployment plan.

  • When is it deployed: This only applies to assets that need to be deployed from within an instance. When is a function of the dependencies of the asset. Deployment of an asset must wait until its dependent assets are ready.

Conceptually, the deployment graph can be adjusted to indicate the division of deployment responsibility thusly:

Asset graph with division oflabor

The assets that need to be resolved on a VM instance (coloured blue in the diagram) need to be assigned to a specific VM instance at deployment time. This is done by cel_ctl using a relatively stable matching process in case that asset can be resolved on more than one instance.

Notice that in the above diagram, windows_machine has been split into two in order to make it obvious that one part of the machine deployment is handled by the GCP Deployment Manager while the other part is handled by the instance initialization. In practice, cel_ctl doesn't treat windows_machine as two different assets. Instead an asset can be handled by multiple handlers at different phases.

Also note the dependency ordering between deployment logic handled by cel_ctl, what‘s handled by the Deployment Manager and what’s resolved during instance configuration. As the diagram indicates the sequence of deployment and also dependencies flow from the top to the bottom. Dependency ordering violations including cycles are detected during the Asset Validation phase.

Preparation Stage

Once the division of labor has been established, it is now time to start laying out the deployment plan. The deployer now visits the assets in topological order in multiple phases as described below and invokes “resolvers” on each asset in topological order.

Note that this stage does not make any material change to the GCP projects. This stage is only concerned with organizing the deployment based on the asset manifest and the host environment.

What's a Resolver?

Glad you asked. A resolver is something that takes a single asset description as input, and does whatever it needs to deploy, verify the existence and configuration of, or gather information for constructing the asset.

Exactly how a specific resolver does its thing depend on who does the resolving and when the work is done. These variations are what distinguishes each type of resolver.

As an example, the immediate resolver for an Image resource (i.e. resources specified under host.image) may resolve the resource by looking up the URL for the latest image for a specific GCP project and GCE image family. As another example, the resolver for a FileReference resource may resolve by uploading the contents of the file to Object Storage and acquiring an object reference.

Host Environment Resolution Phase

Used for querying host environment properties.

The resolvers invoked in this phase are referred to as Immediate Resolvers in the Coding Patterns for Resolvers section. The deployer nor the resolvers are expected to many any changes to the environment during this phase since it's primarily intended to discover properties of the host environment.

Resolvers will query the GCP environment and determine the state and properties of the resource. Examples include determining the URL of an image resource based on a project and family, or looking up ranges of reserved external IP addresses.

In our example, the immediate resolver does the following:

  • Query properties for GCP project my-test-gcp-project.
  • Query image URL for GCP project windows-cloud and image family windows-2012-r2.
  • Query properties for log sink admin.
Deployment Manifest Generation

This phase involves all assets that must be constructed in GCP. These are assets that are considered to be owned by the lab, and hence the CEL toolchain controls the lifetime and configuration of these assets.

For each such asset, the deployer invokes a resolver type called Manifest Generator (described in the Coding Patterns for Resolvers section). These resolvers are expected to generate deployment manifest resource descriptions for each asset that must be created.

An example configuration can be found in the Deployment Manager documentation, and looks like this:

## Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
## You may obtain a copy of the License at
## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
## limitations under the License.

- name: vm-created-by-deployment-manager
  type: compute.v1.instance
    zone: us-central1-a
    machineType: zones/us-central1-a/machineTypes/n1-standard-1
    - deviceName: boot
      type: PERSISTENT
      boot: true
      autoDelete: true
        sourceImage: projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-8
    - network: global/networks/default

Thus each asset visited by the resolver will result in one or more “resources” being added to the deployment configuration. Later during the deployment process, this list can be used to generate the overall YAML formatted configuration that is then used to create a GCP Deployment Manager Deployment (documentation).

The Deployment thus created is persistent, and can be used to (for example):

  • Preview what would be deployed.
  • Track progress of the ongoing deployment, including handling cancellations.
  • Update and re-deploy when making incremental changes.
  • Dump the deployment manifest containing the full deployment details.
  • Delete the whole deployment when we are done.

The deployment configuration that would be generated for our example would be:

  - name: my-test-gcp-project
    type: cloudresourcemanager.v1.project

  - name: instance-service-account
    type: iam.v1.serviceAccount
      accountId: instance-service-account
        projectId: $(

  - name: primary
        routingMode: REGIONAL

  - name: ad
    type: compute.v1.instance
      machineType: zones/us-central1-a/machineTypes/n1-standard-2
        automaticRestart: true
        boot: true
        source: #resolved URL
        - accessConfigs:
          - name: External NAT
            type: ONE_TO_ONE_NAT
          network: $(ref.primary.selfLink)
        - email: $(
        - key: windows-startup-script-ps1
          Value: <<placeholder.cel-startup-ps1>>

  - name: client
    type: compute.v1.instance
      machineType: zones/us-central1-a/machineTypes/n1-standard-2
        automaticRestart: true
        boot: true
        source: #resolved URL
        - accessConfigs:
          - name: External NAT
            type: ONE_TO_ONE_NAT
          network: $(ref.primary.selfLink)
        - email: $(
        - key: windows-startup-script-ps1
          Value: <<placeholder.cel-startup-ps1>>

In addition to the assets that were explicitly mentioned in the manifest, the deployment process adds dependent assets like service accounts and project references. Astute readers will spot a few caveats of mapping the CEL schema to Deployment Manager configuration. These are addressed in the Use of GCP Deployment Manager section.

Field values that haven't been resolved yet are represented by the <<placeholder.cel-start-ps1>> type values. These will be filled in during the Execution phase once the startup scripts are uploaded. Note that the <<foo>> syntax is just for documentation purposes and not indicative of how placeholders are implemented.

Instance Configuration Generation Phase

During this phase the deployer determines the configuration information that must be made available to each of the VM instances. The resolver invoked during this phase is called Configuration Generator in the Coding Patterns for Resolvers section.

This resolver visits each asset that must be constructed, provisioned, or configured within the lab and:

  • Assigns the asset to a VM instance. This instance is called the host for the asset. Conversely the asset is a tenant of the instance. Thus the instance configuration scripts on this host are responsible for ensuring the existence and correctness of this asset. The choice of host is pretty obvious for assets that are explicitly bound to an instance (e.g. a service that runs on a specific machine), but isn't quite obvious for non-instance bound assets (AD Domain Users).

  • Ensures that the VM instance's configuration inherits instance dependencies as requirements for hosting its tenant assets. For example, hosting a website implies that the host have the Web-Server feature.

  • Identifies external resources that must be copied over to the target VM instance. For example, an instance hosting a website needs the files that collectively define the website.

In our example, the following configuration steps need to happen on each instance:

  • «ad»
    • CEL Windows instance setup. See Windows Instances.
    • Installing domain controller for foo.example domain.
    • Creating AD domain user joe.
  • «client»
    • CEL Windows instance setup.
    • Join AD domain foo.example.

On-instance configuration typically relies on on the Completed Asset Manifest. The latter won't be available at this point of the deployment process, but will be uploaded during the Execution stage below.

Execution Stage

At this point the deployer has the Deployment Manager configuration, and the instance configuration prerequisites are in place.

The next steps are:

GCP Prep Phase

Prior to launching anything, the deployer needs to make sure that global resources and metadata required for the lab are up-to-date. Thus the deployer:

  • Constructs a new Generation ID for this deployment. This is akin to the ID of the deployment that will be created later, but is one that is created by cel_ctl prior to invoking the GCP Deployment Manager. The Generation ID is unique even across deployments and uniquely identifies this specific deployment attempt. The Generation ID must also be updated in the Completed Asset Manifest.

    Currently the Generation ID is a 128-bit random number expressed as a lowercase hex string. E.g. e8d53a36e8d08bdba2551365d5a1db67.

  • Deletes obsolete deployments. This step is only necessary if there are existing deployments in the GCP project other than the one used by CEL. CEL only supports one active deployment per GCP project. This is a destructive operation and one that should only be performed by cel_ctl with user confirmation.

  • Stops all running VM instances. This is a hard stop and is necessary because instance configuration changes cannot be applied while an instance is running. Obviously only applies to instances that still exist after the obsolete deployments were removed.

    This step also implicitly stops any instance configuration steps that may have been running from a recent incomplete deployment.

  • Creates or verifies VM instance service account. The service accounts are required for setting up proper ACLs. The following service accounts are required:

  • Creates or verifies Google Cloud KMS CryptoKeys. Key management requires the following CryptoKey to be present:

  • Uploads Instance Scripts and Binaries to Object Storage.

    • Uploads the CEL startup scripts to Object Storage. For windows, this is a set of PowerShell scripts.

    • Uploads the CEL_Agent binary. This compiled binary handles part of the on-host configuration.

  • Resolves Secrets. This encrypts and stores secrets using the CryptoKey cel-manifest-key. The deployer stores the resulting ciphertext in Object Storage and writes the resulting storage reference into the Completed Asset Manifest.

  • Resolves FileReferences. The deployer reads in files and folders that are required for instance configuration and stores them in Object Storage. It also updates the resulting storage reference in the Completed Asset Manifest.

  • Uploads Completed Asset Manifest to Object Storage. There should be no unresolved OUTPUT type resources after Secret objects and FileReference objects are resolved.

  • Constructs new GCP Deployment Manager Runtime Configuration for this deployment. Currently there should be at most one active Runtime Configuration per GCP project. We don‘t and don’t plan on supporting multiple deployments in a single project. See Runtime Configuration documentation in GCP.

    The Runtime Configuration shall be named cel-runtime.

    If the Runtime Configuration already exists, it should be purged of all its values. Otherwise the new deployment may use stale data from a prior deployment.

  • Updates project scoped metadata.

    • cel-manifest ← reference to Completed Asset Manifest. The contents is a JSON encoded FileReference object with the object_reference and integrity values populated at a minimum. The manifest itself should be expected to be encoded as a text protobuf.

    • cel-agent ← JSON encoded object mapping the string $GOOS_$GOARCH to the corresponding reference to the uploaded CEL agent binary. The mapped value is a JSON encoded FileReference object which specifies the object_reference and integrity values at a minimum.

        "windows_amd64": {
          "object_reference": "gs://my-test-project-bucket/cel/objects/f2342535",
          "integrity": "sha384-2342352352"
        "windows_386": {
          "object_reference": "gs://my-test-project-bucket/cel/objects/fa235235",
          "integrity": "sha384-43643463"
    • cel-admin-log ← Name of Stackdriver log to use for administrative messages during deployment.

      Log settings are a part of the Completed Asset Manifest as well, but it's exposed as a separate entry so that entities in the lab can correctly configure logging without having to parse the entire manifest.

  • Resolves placeholders in deployment manifest. If there are any <<placeholder.*>> strings in the deployment manifest, these can all be resolved at this point.

Deployment Manager Invocation Phase

The Deployment Manager resources should now be complete and void of $(placeholder.*) entries. cel_ctl can serialize the YAML formatted configuration and construct or update the deployment.

It should be possible for cel_ctl to upload a deployment in preview mode (Documentation) so that an operator can examine what the lab deployment will do prior to doing the work. Even when previewing, the GCP Prep phase cannot be avoided, and previewing one deployment while another is active in the GCP project is not currently supported.

If a deployment is created in preview mode, issuing an update command to the deployment should be the equivalent of creating a deployment with preview set to false. I.e. resuming the deployment in preview should continue the deployment.

Instance Configuration Phase

Each instance that is brought up after provisioning via the Deployment Manager should immediately be able to locate and fetch its per-instance configuration settings. The instance startup scripts ensure that the latest CEL_Agent along with the completed asset manifests and any external data required for configuring the current instance is available.

As detailed in the Windows Instance section, dependencies on services that cross machine boundaries are resolved via the GCP Runtime Configurator API which gives us fine grained details on the state of all the assets in the lab. This information along with the streaming logs should allow any entity to observe the deployment as long as they have the appropriate permissions.

See the Windows Instances section for more details on how a Windows VM instance startup and configuration is performed.

Wrapping Up

Once the GCP Deployment Manager finishes deploying all GCP resources, and once all instances report that their per-instance configuration tasks are complete, lab deployment is done.

The lab is now ready for use.

Detailed Design

Foundation Services

The deployment process, once launched, needs to be self sustaining. Hence all the required infrastructure for managing communication and coordination should be deployed by the deployment process prior to them being needed. The set of services that the DEPLOYER is going to depend on are as follows:

  • Object Storage (Content Addressed): Stores large objects like files that need to be installed onto lab machines, and configuration blobs. \

  • Runtime Configuration: Stores hierarchical metadata and provides mechanisms for waiting for state changes. \

  • Logging: An abstract mechanisms where log information is

  • generated and aggregated across the entire lab. \

  • Key Management: Some objects need to be encrypted during transit. The Key Management service is used for controlling access to who can encrypt and decrypt objects. Needed for privilege separation within the lab.

These topics are covered below after a few more prerequisites are explained.

Internal References (a.k.a. Inline References)

Assets sometimes need to refer to properties of other assets. These relationships are represented in the textpb files using internal or inline references. Since these references need to refer to specific assets, there needs to be a way to uniquely address each asset.

This addressing scheme is based on Reference Paths, which are a sequence of labels identifying the path to a resource from the root of the combined asset and host environment namespace. Assets always start with the label asset, while host environment entities always start with the label host.

When traversing a collection of named objects (e.g. traversing a repeated field in a Protobuf Message like repeated WindowsMachine windows_machine), the name of the target object is used as the label.

E.g.: a WindowsMachine asset named ad would have a reference path of ['asset', 'windows_machine', 'ad'][].

For convenience, reference paths are written as a string with labels separated by .. I.e. Equivalent to the Python expression '.'.join(['asset', 'windows_machine', 'ad']

E.g. The same reference path mentioned above would be written as

Following the same scheme, a property of an asset can be referred to using the field name as the label.

E.g. The fqdn field of a windows_machine asset named ad would have the reference path

inline references

When used in a string field to refer to another string value, a reference is encoded as ${<refpath>} where <refpath> is the reference path joined together using ..

One caveat here is that some components may include periods. In such cases, those components are further enclosed in (). For example, an AD domain named foo.example will have string reference of ${asset.ad_domain.(foo.example)}. This parenthesis rule follows the conventions of ProtoBuf references.

E.g. the netbios_name property of the foo.example domain would be ${asset.ad_domain.(foo.example).netbios_name}.

The Validation phase ensures that any string references encountered in the configuration refers to a valid asset or a string field. Currently only string fields can appear as the target of an inline reference.

Logic for storing and manipulating reference paths can be found in ref_path.go. Code for generating and resolving references with asset and host manifests can be found at namespace.go.

Object Storage

Implemented using Google Cloud Storage (Documentation). GCS is special in that the storage bucket namespace isn't local to a GCP project. Hence the Host Environment needs to specify the GCP bucket to use. CEL does not attempt to create the bucket either. It must already exist.

Note: We should consider creating GCS buckets on demand. This would allow CEL to also control the location of the GCS bucket which should correspond to the zone/region configured in the Host Environment.

GCS isn‘t hierarchical. Instead it gives the appearance of hierarchy using name prefixes. We’ll build on top of this by isolating a lab's storage space into a prefix delimited namespace for storing content addressed objects. This would allow a single GCS bucket to support multiple CEL deployments.

E.g. A GCS path prefix such as gs://my-test-gcp-bucket/some-lab-01 identifies not only a GCS bucket (my-test-gcp-bucket), but also a namespace prefix for objects (some-lab-01).

This GCS path prefix is specified in the Host Environment (source) using the Storage message. If no prefix is specified, the default prefix is cel-config.

Storing a blob object in our Object Storage service involves:

  • Construct a SHA-256 digest of the content.
  • Construct the name as namespace-prefix + "/o/" + hex-encoded-digest where namespace-prefix would be the prefix from the Host Environment, and hex-encoded-digest is the hex encoded SHA-256 digest of the content.
  • If an object by that name exists, then there's nothing to do. Otherwise store the object with that name.

This results in an object with a name like gs://my-test-gcp-bucket/some-lab-01/o/0edfd414c0ea0c7e8ff93433673ddf810e00210b, which will become the object reference for the stored object.

If the final “path” component is significant, then an additional name component or an extension can be appended to the object name. E.g. If the object name must end with the extension .ps1, then that extension can be appended to the name. The resulting GCS path to the object would be, for example, gs://my-test-gcp-bucket/some-lab-01/o/0edfd414c0ea0c7e8ff93433673ddf810e00210b.ps1

While object references are GCS paths, any component that receives an object reference should treat it as opaque. The only exception is the API for resolving object references, which obviously needs to know how to fetch the object corresponding to the reference.

  • The credentials used for running cel_ctl needs the following GCS permissions:

    • storage.objects.create
    • storage.objects.list
    • storage.objects.getIamPolicy
    • storage.objects.setIamPolicy
  • The lab instance service account needs read access to the GCS bucket. I.e.

    • storage.objects.get

Object Storage only needs to hold objects for a single generation of the lab because each new deployment ensures that the required objects are present.

Hence, a Google Cloud Storage bucket that's providing backing storage for the Object Storage service could be safely configured to delete objects that are older than some predefined age. Operators should pick an age that exceeds the expected lifetime of the lab.

In addition, when deleting a lab, all of its associated storage can also be safely deleted.

Choice Of Hash Function

Initially the hash function will be SHA-384. Thus subresource integrity strings generated for stored objects are also based on a SHA-384 digest.

However, nothing in the API should rely on a specific choice of digest. There's no compatibility risk here since the object name is only meant to be meaningful to a single generation of the lab.

Why Content Addressed Storage?

Use of content addressed storage …

  • … makes it easier to avoid storing the same object twice if the content hasn't changed.

  • … immutable references avoid the need to deal with version skew across references.

The downside of this scheme is the need for garbage collection. Since objects are restricted to a namespace, we can simply remove all objects within that namespace when a lab instance needs to be discarded.

File Resources

When an asset depends on a file or a folder, the asset schema allows specifying that dependency using a FileReference message which looks like this:

// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto3";
package common;
option go_package = "";

import "schema/common/validation.proto";

// A file reference. Use this when the configuration should refer to a file or
// a directory that's specified as part of the configuration. All such paths
// are resolved *relative to the source file* in which the reference appears.
message FileReference {
  // Path relative to the location of the .textpb file in which the reference
  // appears. Absolute paths are not allowed.
  //   * Path separators are always forward slashes.
  //   * No parent directory traversal. I.e. ".." is an invalid path component.
  //   * '.' is a valid component, but you might as well leave it out.
  //   * The referenced path must exist.
  // This, of course, means that textpb files that refer to other files should
  // live higher up in the directory tree or live beside the relevant files.
  // Note: This field is only valid during authoring. It is cleared when
  // constructing the Completed Asset Manifest.
  string source = 1;

  // The path where the target of this FileReference should be copied to on the
  // target machine. This field is optional and is only meaningful when a file
  // or directory should be placed in a specific location on a machine. The
  // machine is implied based on the schema containing the FileReference.
  // The containing schema also determines how the contents of the
  // FileReference is treated. In cases where the local path doesn't matter
  // then an indeterminate temporary path may be used.
  // Must be a full path or empty.
  string target_path = 2;

  // The full path to file or directory contents being referred.
  // During authoring the deployer sets this field to the full path to the
  // source.
  // Within the lab, this field is used to store the full path to the location
  // where the referred files or directories are stored on the local file
  // system. This could be the same as target_path if the latter was not empty
  // and valid.
  string full_path = 3 [(v).type = OUTPUT];

  // Opaque reference to an accessible location where the contents of the file
  // or folder could be found. For GCP, this would be a Google Cloud Storage
  // URL.
  // This reference is understood by the ObjectStorage service.
  string object_reference = 4 [(v).type = OUTPUT];

  // Subresource integrity string.
  // This string is required for all deployed objects. On the client side, the
  // object is rejected if the integrity check fails. Currently only SHA-384
  // digests are supported.
  // See
  string integrity = 5 [(v).type = OUTPUT];

  // Type of object.
  enum Type {
    UNDEFINED = 0;

    // A regular file. The object referenced by object_reference contains the
    // contents of the file.
    FILE = 1;

    // A directory tree. The object referenced by object_reference is a Zipped
    // archive which must be expanded at the location specified by target_path.
    // All paths in the Zip files are considered to be relative to target_path.
    // In the event that target_path is not specified, the archive contents are
    // expanded to a location determined based on the integrity string.
    ZIP_ARCHIVE = 2;
  Type resolved_type = 6 [(v).type = OUTPUT];

The source field could refer to a file or a directory.

In the former case we can simply upload the contents of the file as a object to Object Storage and then stick the resulting object reference in the object_reference field and set type resolved_type field to FILE.

In the latter case (i.e. uploading an entire directory tree), we construct a Zip archive containing all the files in the directory tree, upload the zip file to Object storage, and then stick the resulting object reference in the object_reference field. The resolved_type is then set to ZIP_ARCHIVE.

Runtime Configuration

Based on the Runtime Configurator support in GCP documented here. The basic concepts applicable to CEL are:

  • RuntimeConfig (the name given to a single set of configuration settings) objects are named. A GCP project hosting a CEL deployment contains exactly one RuntimeConfig and it is named cel-config.

  • Every top level asset has a namespace in the RuntimeConfig corresponding to its Reference Path (see Inline References below).

    E.g. a WindowsMachine asset with the name ad has the namespace asset/windows_machine/ad. The name components follow the path components for its Reference Path.

  • Every asset has a status variable on the top level of the namespace which is one of init, in-progress, ready, or error. In order, these mean that the associated resource is in its initial state (e.g. not deployed yet), in the process of being deployed, completed deploying, or there was some sort of error during deployment.

    E.g. The status of the WindowsMachine named ad is in the variable named asset/windows_machine/ad/status.

  • All other RUNTIME fields contained have corresponding variables. For example, the addresses runtime field of a WindowsMachine named ad is in the variable named asset/windows_machine/ad/addresses.

    Due to restrictions on the hierarchy and naming of variables, once we create a variable named foo/bar/baz, we can't store anything in a variable named foo/bar. Therefore, RUNTIME fields can only be defined in top-level assets.

The Runtime Configuration API allows for watching and waiting for changes to a variable. (Watching is documented here. Waiting is documented here). When a configuration step requires waiting for one or more other assets to complete, they can wait for the status variable corresponding to those assets to switch to either ready or error.

One caveat with the API is that watching a variable is restricted to 60 seconds at a time after which we'd need to issue another watch request.

Note: It is possible that the Runtime Configurator API doesn‘t give us the performance characteristics we’d like.

If there's too much latency between a variable being updated and watchers being notified we may need to consider switching over to Pub/Sub + Cloud Datastore based approach. This latency can be measured by adding log entries at the time the variable is updated and when the variable change is observed.


Logging from CEL deployment and from within labs is done using the Stackdriver Logging API (Documentation).

cel_ctl and instances use the log named in the Host Environment under the log_settings.admin_log field (Host Environment Schema). Stackdriver differentiates between sources, so logs generated on different instances can easily be differentiated.

For the sake of generality, we will use a consistent format for the log entries where every entry contains a gid specifying the Generation ID of the last loaded configuration. An unknown generation ID can be represented using 0 since that is not a valid ID.

Key Management

See the Key Management document.


Skipping this part. Please comment if this needs to be expanded.

Service Account

All VM instances in a lab use the same IAM service account. This account is distinct from the default GCE instance service account to prevent accidental misconfiguration on projects that are also being handled manually.

The name of the service account is cel-instance-service. The full address of the account will depend on the project name and is determined at runtime.

Completed Asset Manifest

A “Completed Asset Manifest” is the combined asset manifest with all the OUTPUT fields filled in.

The OUTPUT fields are those that can be filled in when an asset is resolved. Compare these with RUNTIME fields which may be determined after the asset is resolved and is active. E.g. the IP address of an instance is considered a RUNTIME field, while the URL of an Image is determined during deployment and is considered an OUTPUT field.

Hence all the OUTPUT fields can be determined at deployment time, and can be filled in in the manifest. The resulting manifest data is encoded as a textpb and stored in the Object Storage. The reference to the storage is stored in the project metadata. The choice for the encoding of the manifest is arbitrary since we control both the encoding and decoding logic, but textpb makes it easy to diagnose what's going on and is easier on the eyes compared to JSON or binary.

Coding Patterns For Resolvers

A Resolver is something that can visit relevant assets and do whatever is necessary to get that asset into a “resolved” state. The actual meaning of “resolved” depends on what kind of resolution is being done. For example, an immediate resolver is something that will attempt to query GCP and determine if the corresponding resource exists, and if so, query all relevant properties. A Manifest Generator, on the other hand, just emits snippets of resource configuration that is needed by the GCP Deployment Manager to construct the asset later.

Internally, the cel codebase uses ProtoBufs to define the asset schema. The proto files that define the schema are also used to generate Go code. Each asset type results in a Go type generated that looks like this:

// A Windows machine.
type WindowsMachine struct {
   // Elided

func (m *WindowsMachine) Reset()                    { /* */ }
func (m *WindowsMachine) String() string            { /* */ }
func (*WindowsMachine) ProtoMessage()               { /* */ }
func (*WindowsMachine) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { /* */ }

Together, each Go type thus generated implements the proto.Message interface (where proto refers to, and Message is defined here). Hence the entire hierarchy of assets and host environment entities can be thought of as a graph of proto.Message objects. Therefore a topological traversal of the asset graph is, in effect, a topological traversal of proto.Message objects.

The cel toolchain processes resources at deployment time by applying different kinds of resolvers to the asset graph in topological order. The list of different resolver kinds is documented in resolver_kinds.go. Of note, different kinds of resolvers are applied at different times during deployment.

During initialization, resolvers can register themselves as such using a syntax similar to the following:

// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package common_test

import (

// exampleImmediateResolver is an example resolver.
// Resolver functions can be named anything. But by convention, they are named
// as <Something>Resolver.
// Note how the second argument is not a proto.Message? When the second
// argument is a pointer to a concrete type that implements proto.Message, the
// RegisterResolverFunc() invocation correctly deduces the tyep of resources
// that the resolver is expected to handle.
func exampleImmediateResolver(ctx common.Context, i *host.Image) error {
	// Do stuff
	return nil

// Don't forget to call RegisterResolverFunc in the init() function or any time
// before the resolver is run.
func init() {
	common.RegisterResolverFunc(common.ImmediateResolverKind, exampleImmediateResolver)

func ExampleResolverKind() {
	// All the work here is done in exampleImmediateResolver() and init().
	// While it is possible to invoke RegisterResolverFunc() at any point
	// during execution, the convention in the CEL toolchain is to perform
	// registration in init().

The assets support a topological visit function which asserts that when visiting asset A, all assets that A depends on have been visited successfully. As implied, any asset that depends on A will not be visited until A's visit has been successfully completed.

Use Of GCP Deployment Manager

The Google Cloud Deployment Manager is documented here. It can be used to manage the deployment of a collection of a growing inventory of resources.

CEL uses it as middleware for deploying supported GCP assets. Without this, CEL would need to manually deploy each GCP asset individually. Instead CEL can now generate a Deployment Configuration and push it out without further oversight.

In addition to what's covered in the Deployment Manager, the quirks as applicable to Chrome Enterprise Lab are:

  • No colons in project ID. This is a bit surprising, and is internally tracked as a bug. Bug essentially, the project ID cannot have a colon. This excludes projects that are created within an organization since such projects will look like

  • Limit of one deployment per GCP project. While Deployment Manager supports multiple deployments within a single GCP project, this functionality is not currently considered to be useful for the CEL use case. In addition, the use of project level metadata to guide the deployment and configuration of assets within the project imply that only a single CEL deployment can exist within a single project.

    Since only one deployment is possible, we can give it a well known name like cel-deploy. Having a consistent name means that edit-deploy cycles can make use of the UPDATE functionality in a Deployment Manager (documented here) to minimize the work that needs to be done.

  • Creating the DM deployment has to be the last step of a CEL deployment. This ensures that once the Deployment Manager is invoked, we can use the GCP UI to oversee and manage the deployment if necessary including previewing and debugging. The CEL toolchain is thus constructing cloud deployment and allowing the GCP logic to take over.

Windows Instances

Windows VMs running inside the lab are considered to be based on vanilla public images. Custom images should ensure that the GCE Windows Agent is installed and functional at a minimum and is able to run instance startup scripts as specified by GCE.

Every instance has:

  • A GCP IAM service account. All instances share the cel-instance-service account.
  • Local configuration.
  • A startup script.

Local Configuration

Local configuration information for a Windows VM instance is kept in the registry key under HKLM\Software\CEL. Typically the stored values are mapping from a well known string to a JSON blob. I.e. data type is REG_SZ.

Startup Script

Instance startup is handled primarily by the GCE Windows agent, a CEL specific Windows PowerShell instance startup script, and then by the CEL agent as started by the script.

The PowerShell script is responsible for the following:

  1. Lookup cel-admin-log project metadata via Invoke-RestMethod. This is the name of the log to use during startup script execution. Log entries can be added, once again, via Invoke-RestMethod.

  2. Log an entry indicating that the startup script is executing. All metadata that's looked up must be recorded in the log. For clarity, logging is elided from the rest of this description.

  3. Download and register the CEL agent binary.

    1. Lookup cel-agent project metadata via Invoke-RestMethod. The resulting dictionary has keys for <goos>-<goarch> corresponding to current platform.
    2. Lookup the GCS path for the CEL agent binary corresponding to current platform.
    3. Lookup GCS path for installed cel-agent in local configuration under cel-agent. If the paths match, then skip CEL agent installation.
    4. Calculate the SHA256 hash of the binary using Get-FileHash. The hex encoding of the digest should match the last component of the GCS path.
    5. Use gsutil to copy the CEL agent binary to C:\CEL\agent\<sha256-hash>\cel_agent.exe.
    6. Invoke cel_agent.exe --install which will remove the existing service registration if there was one, and will install the current version.
    7. Write the GCS path of the downloaded binary to cel-agent value under local configuration.
  4. Synchronize time if necessary setting the time server to

  5. At this point the CelAgent service should be installed. Start the service if it isn't already running. The rest of the configuration will be guided by the cel_agent binary.

CEL Agent (Windows)

The CEL Agent is a Go program that‘s compiled and installed as a Windows service running under the LocalSystem account. It is responsible for publishing status updates to the PubSub topic during instance startup as well as listening for control events under the instance’s control topic.

The CEL agent performs the following tasks on startup. Note all steps are to be implemented in an idempotent manner. It should be cheap to run through the steps if the work has already been done previously.

  1. Look up cel-manifest in project metadata. This is the GCP path the Completed Asset Manifest.

  2. Download and parse the Completed Asset Manifest.

  3. Log an entry indicating that the per-instance configuration is starting.

  4. Publish the status variable with a value of in-progress. Note that the status prior to this point is not necessarily init since configuring an instance may involve multiple reboots. If the status is ready, then it should be safe to assume that the machine configuration is current. Deployers always reset the runtime configuration.

  5. Ensure that base configuration is a match. This involves verifying that the network / CPU / OS matches configuration. If there's a mismatch, log an error, publish a status value of error and quit.

  6. Iterate over the asset graph and pick out the assets that are assigned to be resolved on this instance.

  7. Copy over dependent file references from Object Storage that needs to be resolved locally.

  8. Ensure PowerShell version and install the new one if necessary.

  9. Download and install PowerShell modules if they need updating.

  10. Acquire and install pre-issued certificates.

  11. Go through and aggregate the list of Windows features that must be installed on this instance.

  12. Install Windows features.

  13. Create local users and groups. Publish state for newly created user and group assets.

  14. Wait for parent AD domains if necessary using Runtime Configurator.

  15. Installs ADDS and ADFS (promote). This step will involves a reboot. Once rebooted the process will proceed up to this point.

  16. Create OUs

  17. Create domain users and groups.

  18. Wait for peer AD domains / forests.

  19. Establish domain and forest trusts.

  20. Waits for AD if necessary.

  21. Domain-Join.

  22. Installs certificate services.

  23. Issues and publishes certificates.

  24. Waits for certificate services.

  25. Installs enrolled certificates.

  26. Installs websites and applications.

  27. Publish all RUNTIME variables.

  28. Publishes status value of ready. This needs to be done last since once the status value is updated, any watchers or waiters will be notified that this asset is ready.

The Go code doesn't really need to do all the work here, and instead can delegate to PowerShell scripts or DSC invocations. All the work must complete silently, and should generate log entries indicating shell invocations and results for debugging.