tree: 97125c8faa766e8d116622f442ec9ca7876df91f [path history] [tgz]
  1. dep/

CIPD upload script

The script is used to upload cel releases to CIPD.

CIPD structure

The structure of celab stuff on cipd is:

infra/celab                      The root of everything celab related
     ├── celab
     │     ├── windows-amd64     celab release for Windows
     │     └── linux-amd64       celab release for Linux

In the future, there will be other directories to contain 3rd party dependecies, e.g. infra/celab/dep/choco where chocolatey packages are stored, infra/celab/dep/ps where PowerShell DSC packages are stored, etc.

Script usage

The script relies on cipd so make sure that depot_tools is already installed.

  • To upload a build to CIPD and mark it as the latest(Please replace the zip file with the latest CI build, the file name can be found at execution details of LUCI step “gsutil upload CELab Test Logs”), please run:

    python \
      --input_file=gs://celab/Windows/2020/11/09/8864066279146957520/ \

If you just want to upload the package for testing with other clients like poros, please use the ref dev instead of latest.