blob: 6b8b6ed669bfbcfa6b8fcadcff677058ed095ade [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
visibility = [ "//third_party/WebKit/Source/*" ]
rel_blink_core_gen_dir = rebase_path(blink_core_output_dir, root_build_dir)
# Compute the optimization level. The GYP code sets "optimize: max" which sets
# speed-over-size optimization for official builds on Windows only. The GN's
# build optimize_max config applies this optimization on all platforms, so
# compute how to modify the config list to duplicate the GYP behavior.
if (is_debug) {
core_config_remove = [ "//build/config/compiler:no_optimize" ]
core_config_add = core_config_remove # NOP
} else {
core_config_remove = [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize" ]
if (is_win && is_official_build) {
core_config_add = [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
} else {
core_config_add = core_config_remove # NOP
# Core targets also get wexit time destructors.
core_config_add += [ "//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors" ]
config("core_include_dirs") {
include_dirs = [
if (is_android && use_openmax_dl_fft) {
include_dirs += [ "//third_party/openmax_dl" ]
# GYP version: WebKit/Source/core/core.gyp:webcore_generated
source_set("generated") {
deps = [
# FIXME: don't depend on bindings/modules
# GYP version: WebKit/Source/core/core.gyp:webcore_prerequisites
source_set("prerequisites") {
public_deps = [
deps = [
# FIXME: don't depend on bindings_modules
public_configs = [
if (use_openmax_dl_fft) {
deps += [
# Note that this is a source set rather than a group, even though it has no
# sources. A group would implicitly forward all direct dependent configs
# through it, but we want to keep our internal targets' public_configs private
# and only forward some of them.
# GYP version: WebKit/Source/core/core.gyp:webcore
source_set("core") {
visibility = [] # Allow re-assignment of list.
visibility = [ "//third_party/WebKit/*" ]
configs -= core_config_remove
configs += core_config_add
public_deps = [
deps = [
public_configs = [
# TODO(GYP) IPP libraries pkg-config. These seem to be experimental and used
# only on x86 Android. See also below. There should be one pkg-config call
# that creates a config used in both of these cases.
# GYP version: //third_party/WebKit/Source/core/core.gyp:webcore_dom
source_set("dom") {
sources = rebase_path(webcore_dom_files, ".", "//")
configs -= core_config_remove
configs += core_config_add + [
# TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
deps = [
# GYP version: //third_party/WebKit/Source/core/core.gyp:webcore_html
source_set("html") {
sources = rebase_path(webcore_html_files, ".", "//")
configs -= core_config_remove
configs += core_config_add
deps = [
# Shard this target into parts to work around linker limitations.
# on link time code generation builds.
#['OS=="win" and buildtype=="Official"', {
# 'msvs_shard': 5,
# GYP version: //third_party/WebKit/Source/core/core.gyp:webcore_svg
source_set("svg") {
sources = rebase_path(webcore_svg_files, ".", "//")
configs -= core_config_remove
configs += core_config_add
deps = [
# Shard this taret into parts to work around linker limitations.
# on link time code generation builds.
#['OS=="win" and buildtype=="Official"', {
# 'msvs_shard': 5,
# GYP version: //third_party/WebKit/Source/core/core.gyp:webcore_remaining
source_set("remaining") {
# This is currently a mashup of "webcore_rendering" and "webcore_remaining"
# in GYP. The file list variable is the same and then GYP filters on wether
# the path starts with "rendering/" or not. We should tweak the .gypis a bit
# to separate out the rendering files.
sources = rebase_path(webcore_non_rendering_files, ".", "//")
sources += rebase_path(webcore_rendering_files, ".", "//")
configs -= core_config_remove
configs += core_config_add + [
# TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
cflags = []
libs = []
deps = [
if (is_win) {
cflags += [
} else { # !is_win
sources -= [
if (!is_linux) {
sources -= [
if (!is_android) {
sources -= [
if (is_android) {
# Due to a bug in gcc 4.6 in android NDK, we got warnings about
# uninitialized variable.
# TODO: try removing now that we are on GCC 4.8.
cflags += [ "-Wno-uninitialized" ]
} else { # !is_android
sources -= [
if (is_mac) {
sources -= [
libs += [ "Carbon.framework" ]
# Some Mac-specific parts of WebKit won't compile without having this
# prefix header injected.
cflags = [
rebase_path("../build/mac/Prefix.h", root_build_dir),
} else { # !is_mac
sources -= [
# GYP version: //third_party/WebKit/Source/core/core.gyp:webcore_rendering
source_set("rendering") {
# The files that go here are currently in "remaining".
# GYP version: WebKit/Source/core/core.gyp:webcore_testing
source_set("testing") {
configs += [
deps = [
sources = generated_core_testing_dictionary_files + webcore_testing_files
sources += [
# GYP version: //third_party/WebKit/Source/core/core.gyp:webcore_generated
source_set("core_generated") {
sources = bindings_core_v8_files
# These files include all the .cpp files generated from the .idl files
# in webcore_files.
sources += bindings_core_generated_aggregate_files
sources += bindings_core_generated_union_type_files
# IDL dictionary impl files generated by IDL compiler
sources += generated_core_dictionary_files
sources += [
# Additional .cpp files for HashTools.h
# Additional .cpp files from make_core_generated actions.
# Generated from
# Generated from
# Generated from
# Generated from HTMLMetaElement-in.cpp
# Additional .cpp files from the make_core_generated rules.
# Additional .cpp files from the inspector_protocol_sources list.
# Additional .cpp files from the inspector_instrumentation_sources list.
# Additional .cpp files for SVG.
# Generated from
# Generated from
# Generated from
configs -= core_config_remove
configs += core_config_add
configs += [
public_deps = [
# FIXME: don't depend on bindings/modules
configs += [
# TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
include_dirs = [
cflags = []
defines = []
if (is_win && component_mode == "shared_library") {
defines += [ "USING_V8_SHARED" ]
if (is_win) {
cflags += [
# In generated bindings code: "switch contains default but no case".
# 4701 and 4702 are disabled because of issues in Bison-generated
# XPathGrammar.cpp.
# TODO(GYP) More IPP libraries, see above.
#if ((is_linux || is_android) && use_webaudio_ipp)
# ["OS in ("linux", "android") and "WTF_USE_WEBAUDIO_IPP=1" in feature_defines", {
# "cflags": [
# "<!@(pkg-config --cflags-only-I ipp)",
# ],
# }],
# core_bindings_generated ------------------------------------------------------
# GYP version: WebKit/Source/core/core_generated.gyp:core_event_interfaces
generate_event_interfaces("core_event_interfaces") {
sources = core_event_idl_files
output_file = "core/"
# generated_testing_idls -------------------------------------------------------
# GYP version: WebKit/Source/core/core_generated.gyp:generated_testing_idls
group("generated_testing_idls") {
public_deps = [
# "Settings" action in generated_testing_idls from GYP.
action("generated_settings_macros") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
inputs = scripts_for_in_files + [
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path("frame/", root_build_dir),
"--output_dir", rel_blink_core_gen_dir,
# "InternalSettings" action in generated_testing_idls from GYP.
action("generated_testing_idls_settings") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
inputs = scripts_for_in_files + [
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path("frame/", root_build_dir),
"--output_dir", "$rel_blink_core_gen_dir/testing",
# "InternalRuntimeFlags" action in generated_testing_idls from GYP.
action("generated_testing_idls_internal_runtime_flags") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
inputs = scripts_for_in_files + [
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path("../platform/", root_build_dir),
"--output_dir", "$rel_blink_core_gen_dir/testing",
# make_core_generated ----------------------------------------------------------
# GYP version: WebKit/Source/core/core_generated.gyp:make_core_generated
group("make_core_generated") {
public_deps = [
# "CSSPropertyNames" in make_core_generated from GYP.
css_properties("make_core_generated_css_property_names") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
outputs = [
# "MediaFeatures" in make_core_generated from GYP.
process_in_files("make_core_generated_media_features") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
in_files = [
other_inputs = [
outputs = [
# "StylePropertyShorthand" in make_core_generated from GYP.
css_properties("make_core_generated_style_property_shorthand") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
other_inputs = [
outputs = [
# "StyleBuilder" in make_core_generated from GYP.
css_properties("make_core_generated_style_builder") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
other_inputs = [
outputs = [
# "CSSPropertyMetadata" in make_core_generated from GYP.
css_properties("make_core_generated_css_property_metadata") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
other_inputs = [
outputs = [
# "CSSValueKeywords" in make_core_generated from GYP.
process_in_files("make_core_generated_css_value_keywords") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
in_files = [
outputs = [
other_args = [
"--gperf", gperf_exe,
# "HTMLElementFactory" in make_core_generated from GYP.
process_in_files("make_core_generated_html_element_factory") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
in_files = [
other_inputs = make_element_factory_files
outputs = [
# "HTMLElementTypeHelpers" in make_core_generated from GYP.
process_in_files("make_core_generated_html_element_type_helpers") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
in_files = [
other_inputs = make_element_type_helpers_files
outputs = [
# "SVGNames" in make_core_generated from GYP.
process_in_files("make_core_generated_svg_names") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
in_files = [
other_inputs = make_element_factory_files
outputs = [
# "SVGElementTypeHelpers" in make_core_generated from GYP.
process_in_files("make_core_generated_svg_element_type_helpers") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
in_files = [
other_inputs = make_element_type_helpers_files
outputs = [
# make_event_factory -----------------------------------------------------------
# "EventFactory" in make_core_generated from GYP.
process_in_files("make_core_generated_event_factory") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
in_files = [
other_inputs = make_event_factory_files
outputs = [
# make_names -------------------------------------------------------------------
# "MediaFeatureNames" in make_core_generated from GYP.
process_in_files("make_core_generated_media_feature_names") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
in_files = [
other_inputs = make_names_files
outputs = [
# "MediaTypeNames" in make_core_generated from GYP.
make_names("make_core_generated_media_type_names") {
in_files = [
outputs = [
# "EventNames" in make_core_generated from GYP.
make_names("make_core_generated_event_names") {
in_files = [
outputs = [
# "EventTargetNames" in make_core_generated from GYP.
make_names("make_core_generated_event_target_names") {
in_files = [
outputs = [
# "FetchInitiatorTypeNames" in make_core_generated from GYP.
make_names("make_core_generated_fetch_initiator_type_names") {
in_files = [
outputs = [
# "EventTypeNames" in make_core_generated from GYP.
make_names("make_core_generated_event_type_names") {
in_files = [
outputs = [
# "HTMLTokenizerNames" in make_core_generated from GYP.
make_names("make_core_generated_html_tokenizer_names") {
in_files = [
outputs = [
# "InputTypeNames" in make_core_generated from GYP.
make_names("make_core_generated_input_type_names") {
in_files = [
outputs = [
# make_qualified_names ---------------------------------------------------------
# "MathMLNames" in make_core_generated from GYP.
make_qualified_names("make_core_generated_math_ml_names") {
in_files = [
outputs = [
# "XLinkNames" in make_core_generated from GYP.
make_qualified_names("make_core_generated_xlink_names") {
in_files = [
outputs = [
# "XMLNSNames" in make_core_generated from GYP.
make_qualified_names("make_core_generated_xml_ns_names") {
in_files = [
outputs = [
# "XMLNames" in make_core_generated from GYP.
make_qualified_names("make_core_generated_xml_names") {
in_files = [
outputs = [
# make_token_matcher -----------------------------------------------------------
# "MakeTokenMatcherForViewport" in make_core_generated from GYP.
make_token_matcher("make_core_generated_make_token_matcher_for_viewport") {
input_file = "html/HTMLMetaElement-in.cpp"
output_file = "$blink_core_output_dir/HTMLMetaElement.cpp"
# One-off scripts --------------------------------------------------------------
# "generatePrivateScript" in make_core_generated from GYP.
# FIXME: The implementation of Blink-in-JS is not yet mature.
# You can use Blink-in-JS in your local experiment, but don't ship it.
action("make_core_generated_private_script") {
visibility = [] # Allow re-assignment of list.
visibility = [ ":make_core_generated" ]
script = "../build/scripts/"
inputs = [
outputs = [
args = rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir)
args += rebase_path(inputs, root_build_dir)
deps = make_core_generated_deps
action("make_core_generated_private_script_for_testing") {
visibility = [] # Allow re-assignment of list.
visibility = [ ":make_core_generated" ]
script = "../build/scripts/"
inputs = [
outputs = [
args = [ "--for-testing" ]
args += rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir)
args += rebase_path(inputs, root_build_dir)
deps = make_core_generated_deps
# "HTMLEntityTable" in make_core_generated from GYP.
action("make_core_generated_html_entity_table") {
visibility = [] # Allow re-assignment of list.
visibility = [ ":make_core_generated" ]
script = "html/parser/create-html-entity-table"
inputs = [
outputs = [
args = [ "-o" ] + rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir)
args += rebase_path(inputs, root_build_dir)
deps = make_core_generated_deps
# "CSSTokenizerCodepoints" in make_core_generated from GYP.
action("make_core_generated_css_tokenizer_codepoints") {
visibility = [] # Allow re-assignment of list.
visibility = [ ":make_core_generated" ]
script = "../build/scripts/"
outputs = [
args = [
"--output_dir", rel_blink_core_gen_dir,
deps = make_core_generated_deps
# "HTMLElementLookupTrie" in make_core_generated from GYP.
action("make_core_generated_html_element_lookup_trie") {
visibility = [] # Allow re-assignment of list.
visibility = [ ":make_core_generated" ]
script = "../build/scripts/"
input_file = "html/"
inputs = scripts_for_in_files + [
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path(input_file, root_build_dir),
"--output_dir", rel_blink_core_gen_dir,
deps = make_core_generated_deps
# The bison rules from make_core_generated.
action_foreach("make_core_generated_bison") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
sources = [
outputs = [
args = [
deps = make_core_generated_deps