blob: 341ab03c82c9f5e9a998288e3c00158c21e8e4a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef WebFrameTimingEvent_h
#define WebFrameTimingEvent_h
namespace blink {
// A struct to pass PerformanceRenderEvent or PerformanceCompositeEvent info
// to Blink.
struct WebFrameTimingEvent {
WebFrameTimingEvent(unsigned sourceFrame, double startTime, double finishTime)
: sourceFrame(sourceFrame)
, startTime(startTime)
, finishTime(finishTime)
WebFrameTimingEvent(unsigned sourceFrame, double startTime)
: sourceFrame(sourceFrame)
, startTime(startTime)
WebFrameTimingEvent() { }
WebFrameTimingEvent& operator=(const WebFrameTimingEvent& rhs)
sourceFrame = rhs.sourceFrame;
startTime = rhs.startTime;
finishTime = rhs.finishTime;
return *this;
unsigned sourceFrame;
double startTime;
double finishTime;
} // namespace blink