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<title>Test Basic Functionality of AudioBuffer.copyFromChannel and AudioBuffer.copyToChannel</title>
description("Test Basic Functionality of copyFromChannel and AudioBuffer.copyToChannel");
window.jsTestIsAsync = true;
// Define utility routines.
// Initialize the AudioBuffer |buffer| with a ramp signal on each channel. The ramp starts at
// channel number + 1.
function initializeAudioBufferRamp (buffer) {
for (var c = 0; c < buffer.numberOfChannels; ++c) {
var d = buffer.getChannelData(c);
for (var k = 0; k < d.length; ++k) {
d[k] = k + c + 1;
// Create a Float32Array of length |length| and initialize the array to -1.
function createInitializedF32Array(length) {
var x = new Float32Array(length);
for (var k = 0; k < length; ++k) {
x[k] = -1;
return x;
// Create a Float32Array of length |length| that is initialized to be a ramp starting at 1.
function createFloat32RampArray(length) {
var x = new Float32Array(length);
for (var k = 0; k < x.length; ++k) {
x[k] = k + 1;
return x;
// Test that the array |x| is a ramp starting at value |start| of length |length|, starting at
// |startIndex| in the array. |startIndex| is optional and defaults to 0. Any other values
// must be -1.
function shouldBeRamp(testName, x, startValue, length, startIndex) {
var k;
var startingIndex = startIndex || 0;
var expected = Array(x.length);
// Fill the expected array with the correct results.
// The initial part (if any) must be -1.
for (k = 0; k < startingIndex; ++k) {
expected[k] = -1;
// The second part should be a ramp starting with |startValue|
for (; k < startingIndex + length; ++k) {
expected[k] = startValue + k - startingIndex;
// The last part (if any) should be -1.
for (; k < x.length; ++k) {
expected[k] = -1;
Should(testName, x, {numberOfArrayLog: 32}).beEqualToArray(expected);
var audit = Audit.createTaskRunner();
var context = new AudioContext();
// Temp array for testing exceptions for copyToChannel/copyFromChannel. The length is arbitrary.
var x = new Float32Array(8);
// Number of frames in the AudioBuffer for testing. This is pretty arbitrary so choose a
// fairly small value.
var bufferLength = 16;
// Number of channels in the AudioBuffer. Also arbitrary, but it should be greater than 1 for
// test coverage.
var numberOfChannels = 3;
// AudioBuffer that will be used for testing copyFrom and copyTo.
var buffer = context.createBuffer(numberOfChannels, bufferLength, context.sampleRate);
var initialValues = Array(numberOfChannels);
// Initialize things
audit.defineTask("initialize", function (done) {
// Initialize to -1.
for (var k = 0; k < numberOfChannels; ++k) {
initialValues[k] = -1;
// Test that expected exceptions are signaled for copyFrom.
audit.defineTask("copyFrom-exceptions", function (done) {
Should("buffer = context.createBuffer(" + numberOfChannels + ", " + bufferLength + ", context.sampleRate)",
function () {
buffer = context.createBuffer(numberOfChannels, bufferLength, context.sampleRate);
Should("buffer.copyFromChannel(null, 0)", function () {
buffer.copyFromChannel(null, 0);
Should("buffer.copyFromChannel(context, 0)", function () {
buffer.copyFromChannel(context, 0);
Should("buffer.copyFromChannel(x, -1)", function () {
buffer.copyFromChannel(x, -1);
Should("buffer.copyFromChannel(x, " + numberOfChannels + ")", function () {
buffer.copyFromChannel(x, numberOfChannels);
Should("buffer.copyFromChannel(x, 0, -1)", function () {
buffer.copyFromChannel(x, 0, -1);
Should("buffer.copyFromChannel(x, 0, " + bufferLength + ")", function () {
buffer.copyFromChannel(x, 0, bufferLength);
shouldThrow("buffer.copyFromChannel(x, 3)");
// Test that expected exceptions are signaled for copyTo.
audit.defineTask("copyTo-exceptions", function (done) {
Should("buffer.copyToChannel(null, 0)", function () {
buffer.copyToChannel(null, 0);
Should("buffer.copyToChannel(context, 0)", function () {
buffer.copyToChannel(context, 0);
Should("buffer.copyToChannel(x, -1)", function () {
buffer.copyToChannel(x, -1);
Should("buffer.copyToChannel(x, " + numberOfChannels + ")", function () {
buffer.copyToChannel(x, numberOfChannels);
Should("buffer.copyToChannel(x, 0, -1)", function () {
buffer.copyToChannel(x, 0, -1);
Should("buffer.copyToChannel(x, 0, " + bufferLength + ")", function () {
buffer.copyToChannel(x, 0, bufferLength);
shouldThrow("buffer.copyToChannel(x, 3)");
// Test copyFromChannel
audit.defineTask("copyFrom-validate", function (done) {
// Initialize the AudioBuffer to a ramp for testing copyFrom.
// Test copyFrom operation with a short destination array, filling the destination completely.
for (var c = 0; c < numberOfChannels; ++c) {
var dst8 = createInitializedF32Array(8);
buffer.copyFromChannel(dst8, c);
shouldBeRamp("buffer.copyFromChannel(dst8, " + c + ")", dst8, c + 1, 8)
// Test copyFrom operation with a short destination array using a non-zero start index that
// still fills the destination completely.
for (var c = 0; c < numberOfChannels; ++c) {
var dst8 = createInitializedF32Array(8);
buffer.copyFromChannel(dst8, c, 1);
shouldBeRamp("buffer.copyFromChannel(dst8, " + c + ", 1)", dst8, c + 2, 8)
// Test copyFrom operation with a short destination array using a non-zero start index that
// does not fill the destinatiom completely. The extra elements should be unchanged.
for (var c = 0; c < numberOfChannels; ++c) {
var dst8 = createInitializedF32Array(8);
var startInChannel = bufferLength - 5;
buffer.copyFromChannel(dst8, c, startInChannel);
shouldBeRamp("buffer.copyFromChannel(dst8, " + c + ", " + startInChannel + ")", dst8,
c + 1 + startInChannel, bufferLength - startInChannel);
// Copy operation with the destination longer than the buffer, leaving the trailing elements
// of the destination untouched.
for (var c = 0; c < numberOfChannels; ++c) {
var dst26 = createInitializedF32Array(bufferLength + 10);
buffer.copyFromChannel(dst26, c);
shouldBeRamp("buffer.copyFromChannel(dst26, " + c + ")", dst26,
c + 1, bufferLength);
// Test copyTo
audit.defineTask("copyTo-validate", function (done) {
// Create a source consisting of a ramp starting at 1, longer than the AudioBuffer
var src = createFloat32RampArray(bufferLength + 10);
// Test copyTo with AudioBuffer shorter than Float32Array. The AudioBuffer should be
// completely filled with the Float32Array.
Should("buffer = createConstantBuffer(context, " + bufferLength + ", [" + initialValues+ "])",
function () {
buffer = createConstantBuffer(context, bufferLength, initialValues);
for (var c = 0; c < numberOfChannels; ++c) {
buffer.copyToChannel(src, c);
shouldBeRamp("buffer.copyToChannel(src, " + c + ")", buffer.getChannelData(c), 1, bufferLength);
// Test copyTo with AudioBuffer longer than the Float32Array. The tail of the AudioBuffer
// should be unchanged.
buffer = createConstantBuffer(context, bufferLength, initialValues);
var src10 = createFloat32RampArray(10);
for (var c = 0; c < numberOfChannels; ++c) {
buffer.copyToChannel(src10, c);
shouldBeRamp("buffer.copyToChannel(src10, " + c + ")", buffer.getChannelData(c), 1, 10);
// Test copyTo with non-default startInChannel. Part of the AudioBuffer should filled with
// the beginning and end sections untouched.
buffer = createConstantBuffer(context, bufferLength, initialValues);
for (var c = 0; c < numberOfChannels; ++c) {
var startInChannel = 5;
buffer.copyToChannel(src10, c, startInChannel);
shouldBeRamp("buffer.copyToChannel(src10, " + c + ", " + startInChannel + ")",
buffer.getChannelData(c), 1, src10.length, startInChannel);
audit.defineTask("finish", function (done) {
successfullyParsed = true;