blob: 43cbaabae2207d1edfb2362fa1d84ac453220daf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Rob Buis <>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2011. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/svg/SVGLengthContext.h"
#include "core/css/CSSHelper.h"
#include "core/css/CSSPrimitiveValue.h"
#include "core/dom/NodeComputedStyle.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutObject.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyle.h"
#include "core/svg/SVGSVGElement.h"
#include "platform/LengthFunctions.h"
#include "platform/fonts/FontMetrics.h"
namespace blink {
static inline float dimensionForLengthMode(SVGLengthMode mode, const FloatSize& viewportSize)
switch (mode) {
case SVGLengthMode::Width:
return viewportSize.width();
case SVGLengthMode::Height:
return viewportSize.height();
case SVGLengthMode::Other:
return sqrtf(viewportSize.diagonalLengthSquared() / 2);
return 0;
static float convertValueFromPercentageToUserUnits(const SVGLength& value, const FloatSize& viewportSize)
return CSSPrimitiveValue::clampToCSSLengthRange(value.scaleByPercentage(dimensionForLengthMode(value.unitMode(), viewportSize)));
static const ComputedStyle* computedStyleForLengthResolving(const SVGElement* context)
if (!context)
return nullptr;
const ContainerNode* currentContext = context;
do {
if (currentContext->layoutObject())
return currentContext->layoutObject()->style();
currentContext = currentContext->parentNode();
} while (currentContext);
// We can end up here if trying to resolve values for elements in an
// inactive document.
return nullptr;
static const ComputedStyle* rootElementStyle(const Node* context)
if (!context)
return nullptr;
const Document& document = context->document();
Node* documentElement = document.documentElement();
const ComputedStyle* documentStyle = document.computedStyle();
const ComputedStyle* style = documentElement && context != documentElement ? documentElement->computedStyle() : documentStyle;
if (!style)
style = documentStyle;
return style;
static float convertValueFromUserUnitsToEMS(const ComputedStyle* style, float value)
if (!style)
return 0;
float fontSize = style->specifiedFontSize();
if (!fontSize)
return 0;
return value / fontSize;
static float convertValueFromEMSToUserUnits(const ComputedStyle* style, float value)
if (!style)
return 0;
return value * style->specifiedFontSize();
SVGLengthContext::SVGLengthContext(const SVGElement* context)
: m_context(context)
FloatRect SVGLengthContext::resolveRectangle(const SVGElement* context, SVGUnitTypes::SVGUnitType type, const FloatRect& viewport, const SVGLength& x, const SVGLength& y, const SVGLength& width, const SVGLength& height)
const FloatSize& viewportSize = viewport.size();
return FloatRect(
convertValueFromPercentageToUserUnits(x, viewportSize) + viewport.x(),
convertValueFromPercentageToUserUnits(y, viewportSize) + viewport.y(),
convertValueFromPercentageToUserUnits(width, viewportSize),
convertValueFromPercentageToUserUnits(height, viewportSize));
SVGLengthContext lengthContext(context);
return FloatRect(x.value(lengthContext), y.value(lengthContext), width.value(lengthContext), height.value(lengthContext));
FloatPoint SVGLengthContext::resolvePoint(const SVGElement* context, SVGUnitTypes::SVGUnitType type, const SVGLength& x, const SVGLength& y)
SVGLengthContext lengthContext(context);
return FloatPoint(x.value(lengthContext), y.value(lengthContext));
// FIXME: valueAsPercentage() won't be correct for eg. cm units. They need to be resolved in user space and then be considered in objectBoundingBox space.
return FloatPoint(x.valueAsPercentage(), y.valueAsPercentage());
float SVGLengthContext::resolveLength(const SVGElement* context, SVGUnitTypes::SVGUnitType type, const SVGLength& x)
SVGLengthContext lengthContext(context);
return x.value(lengthContext);
// FIXME: valueAsPercentage() won't be correct for eg. cm units. They need to be resolved in user space and then be considered in objectBoundingBox space.
return x.valueAsPercentage();
float SVGLengthContext::valueForLength(const UnzoomedLength& unzoomedLength, SVGLengthMode mode) const
return valueForLength(unzoomedLength.length(), 1, mode);
float SVGLengthContext::valueForLength(const Length& length, const ComputedStyle& style, SVGLengthMode mode) const
return valueForLength(length, style.effectiveZoom(), mode);
float SVGLengthContext::valueForLength(const Length& length, float zoom, SVGLengthMode mode) const
float dimension = 0;
if (length.hasPercent()) {
FloatSize viewportSize;
// The viewport will be unaffected by zoom.
dimension = dimensionForLengthMode(mode, viewportSize);
return valueForLength(length, zoom, dimension);
float SVGLengthContext::valueForLength(const Length& length, const ComputedStyle& style, float dimension)
return valueForLength(length, style.effectiveZoom(), dimension);
float SVGLengthContext::valueForLength(const Length& length, float zoom, float dimension)
ASSERT(zoom != 0);
// isIntrinsic can occur for 'width' and 'height', but has no
// real meaning for svg.
if (length.isIntrinsic() || length.isLegacyIntrinsic())
return 0;
return floatValueForLength(length, dimension * zoom) / zoom;
float SVGLengthContext::convertValueToUserUnits(float value, SVGLengthMode mode, SVGLengthType fromUnit) const
float userUnits = value;
switch (fromUnit) {
case LengthTypeUnknown:
return 0;
case LengthTypePX:
case LengthTypeNumber:
userUnits = value;
case LengthTypePercentage: {
FloatSize viewportSize;
if (!determineViewport(viewportSize))
return 0;
userUnits = value * dimensionForLengthMode(mode, viewportSize) / 100;
case LengthTypeEMS:
userUnits = convertValueFromEMSToUserUnits(computedStyleForLengthResolving(m_context), value);
case LengthTypeEXS:
userUnits = convertValueFromEXSToUserUnits(value);
case LengthTypeCM:
userUnits = value * cssPixelsPerCentimeter;
case LengthTypeMM:
userUnits = value * cssPixelsPerMillimeter;
case LengthTypeIN:
userUnits = value * cssPixelsPerInch;
case LengthTypePT:
userUnits = value * cssPixelsPerPoint;
case LengthTypePC:
userUnits = value * cssPixelsPerPica;
case LengthTypeREMS:
userUnits = convertValueFromEMSToUserUnits(rootElementStyle(m_context), value);
case LengthTypeCHS:
userUnits = convertValueFromCHSToUserUnits(value);
// Since we mix css <length> values with svg's length values we need to
// clamp values to the narrowest range, otherwise it can result in
// rendering issues.
return CSSPrimitiveValue::clampToCSSLengthRange(userUnits);
float SVGLengthContext::convertValueFromUserUnits(float value, SVGLengthMode mode, SVGLengthType toUnit) const
switch (toUnit) {
case LengthTypeUnknown:
return 0;
case LengthTypeNumber:
return value;
case LengthTypePercentage: {
FloatSize viewportSize;
if (!determineViewport(viewportSize))
return 0;
float dimension = dimensionForLengthMode(mode, viewportSize);
if (!dimension)
return 0;
// LengthTypePercentage is represented with 100% = 100.0.
// Good for accuracy but could eventually be changed.
return value * 100 / dimension;
case LengthTypeEMS:
return convertValueFromUserUnitsToEMS(computedStyleForLengthResolving(m_context), value);
case LengthTypeEXS:
return convertValueFromUserUnitsToEXS(value);
case LengthTypeREMS:
return convertValueFromUserUnitsToEMS(rootElementStyle(m_context), value);
case LengthTypeCHS:
return convertValueFromUserUnitsToCHS(value);
case LengthTypePX:
return value;
case LengthTypeCM:
return value / cssPixelsPerCentimeter;
case LengthTypeMM:
return value / cssPixelsPerMillimeter;
case LengthTypeIN:
return value / cssPixelsPerInch;
case LengthTypePT:
return value / cssPixelsPerPoint;
case LengthTypePC:
return value / cssPixelsPerPica;
return 0;
float SVGLengthContext::convertValueFromUserUnitsToCHS(float value) const
const ComputedStyle* style = computedStyleForLengthResolving(m_context);
if (!style)
return 0;
float zeroWidth = style->fontMetrics().zeroWidth() / style->effectiveZoom();
if (!zeroWidth)
return 0;
return value / zeroWidth;
float SVGLengthContext::convertValueFromCHSToUserUnits(float value) const
const ComputedStyle* style = computedStyleForLengthResolving(m_context);
if (!style)
return 0;
return value * style->fontMetrics().zeroWidth() / style->effectiveZoom();
float SVGLengthContext::convertValueFromUserUnitsToEXS(float value) const
const ComputedStyle* style = computedStyleForLengthResolving(m_context);
if (!style)
return 0;
// Use of ceil allows a pixel match to the W3Cs expected output of coords-units-03-b.svg
// if this causes problems in real world cases maybe it would be best to remove this
float xHeight = ceilf(style->fontMetrics().xHeight() / style->effectiveZoom());
if (!xHeight)
return 0;
return value / xHeight;
float SVGLengthContext::convertValueFromEXSToUserUnits(float value) const
const ComputedStyle* style = computedStyleForLengthResolving(m_context);
if (!style)
return 0;
// Use of ceil allows a pixel match to the W3Cs expected output of coords-units-03-b.svg
// if this causes problems in real world cases maybe it would be best to remove this
return value * ceilf(style->fontMetrics().xHeight() / style->effectiveZoom());
bool SVGLengthContext::determineViewport(FloatSize& viewportSize) const
if (!m_context)
return false;
// Root <svg> element lengths are resolved against the top level viewport.
if (m_context->isOutermostSVGSVGElement()) {
viewportSize = toSVGSVGElement(m_context)->currentViewportSize();
return true;
// Take size from nearest viewport element.
SVGElement* viewportElement = m_context->viewportElement();
if (!isSVGSVGElement(viewportElement))
return false;
const SVGSVGElement& svg = toSVGSVGElement(*viewportElement);
viewportSize = svg.currentViewBoxRect().size();
if (viewportSize.isEmpty())
viewportSize = svg.currentViewportSize();
return true;