blob: 981915335e6f58e8d8a51dc48d271a809d748a3a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 Torch Mobile Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef EditorClientBlackBerry_h
#define EditorClientBlackBerry_h
#include "EditorClient.h"
#include "TextCheckerClient.h"
#include <wtf/Deque.h>
namespace BlackBerry {
namespace WebKit {
class WebPagePrivate;
namespace WebCore {
class EditorClientBlackBerry : public EditorClient, public TextCheckerClient {
virtual void pageDestroyed();
virtual void frameWillDetachPage(Frame*) { }
virtual bool shouldDeleteRange(Range*);
virtual bool smartInsertDeleteEnabled();
virtual bool isSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled();
virtual bool isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled();
virtual void toggleContinuousSpellChecking();
virtual bool isGrammarCheckingEnabled();
virtual void toggleGrammarChecking();
virtual int spellCheckerDocumentTag();
virtual bool shouldBeginEditing(Range*);
virtual bool shouldEndEditing(Range*);
virtual bool shouldInsertNode(Node*, Range*, EditorInsertAction);
virtual bool shouldInsertText(const String&, Range*, EditorInsertAction);
virtual bool shouldChangeSelectedRange(Range*, Range*, EAffinity, bool);
virtual bool shouldApplyStyle(StylePropertySet*, Range*);
virtual bool shouldMoveRangeAfterDelete(Range*, Range*);
virtual void didBeginEditing();
virtual void respondToChangedContents();
virtual void respondToChangedSelection(Frame*);
virtual void respondToSelectionAppearanceChange();
virtual void didEndEditing();
virtual void willWriteSelectionToPasteboard(WebCore::Range*);
virtual void didWriteSelectionToPasteboard();
virtual void getClientPasteboardDataForRange(WebCore::Range*, Vector<String>& pasteboardTypes, Vector<RefPtr<WebCore::SharedBuffer> >& pasteboardData);
virtual void didSetSelectionTypesForPasteboard();
virtual void registerUndoStep(PassRefPtr<UndoStep>);
virtual void registerRedoStep(PassRefPtr<UndoStep>);
virtual void clearUndoRedoOperations();
virtual bool canCopyCut(Frame*, bool) const;
virtual bool canPaste(Frame*, bool) const;
virtual bool canUndo() const;
virtual bool canRedo() const;
virtual void undo();
virtual void redo();
virtual const char* interpretKeyEvent(const KeyboardEvent*);
virtual void handleKeyboardEvent(KeyboardEvent*);
virtual void handleInputMethodKeydown(KeyboardEvent*);
virtual void textFieldDidBeginEditing(Element*);
virtual void textFieldDidEndEditing(Element*);
virtual void textDidChangeInTextField(Element*);
virtual bool doTextFieldCommandFromEvent(Element*, KeyboardEvent*);
virtual void textWillBeDeletedInTextField(Element*);
virtual void textDidChangeInTextArea(Element*);
virtual bool shouldEraseMarkersAfterChangeSelection(TextCheckingType) const;
virtual void ignoreWordInSpellDocument(const String&);
virtual void learnWord(const String&);
virtual void checkSpellingOfString(const UChar*, int, int*, int*);
virtual String getAutoCorrectSuggestionForMisspelledWord(const String& misspelledWord);
virtual void checkGrammarOfString(const UChar*, int, Vector<GrammarDetail, 0u>&, int*, int*);
virtual void getGuessesForWord(const String&, const String&, Vector<String>&);
virtual void requestCheckingOfString(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::TextCheckingRequest>);
virtual void checkTextOfParagraph(const UChar*, int, TextCheckingTypeMask, Vector<TextCheckingResult>&);
virtual TextCheckerClient* textChecker();
virtual void updateSpellingUIWithGrammarString(const String&, const GrammarDetail&);
virtual void updateSpellingUIWithMisspelledWord(const String&);
virtual void showSpellingUI(bool);
virtual bool spellingUIIsShowing();
virtual void getGuessesForWord(const String&, Vector<String, 0u>&);
virtual void willSetInputMethodState();
virtual void setInputMethodState(bool);
void enableSpellChecking(bool);
bool shouldSpellCheckFocusedField();
BlackBerry::WebKit::WebPagePrivate* m_webPagePrivate;
bool m_waitingForCursorFocus;
enum SpellCheckState { SpellCheckDefault, SpellCheckOn, SpellCheckOff };
SpellCheckState m_spellCheckState;
bool m_inRedo;
typedef Deque<RefPtr<WebCore::UndoStep> > EditCommandStack;
EditCommandStack m_undoStack;
EditCommandStack m_redoStack;
} // WebCore
#endif // EditorClientBlackBerry_h