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Unit tests to verify that bidichecker_packaged.js is built correctly.
<title>bidichecker - Javascript Unit Tests</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../third_party/closure-library/closure/goog/base.js">
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Include BidiChecker's precompiled JS API file, bidichecker_packaged.js.
<script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/bidichecker_packaged.js">
<!-- Invoke the test runner when the page has loaded. -->
<script type="text/javascript">
/** Common initializations before each unit test. */
function setUp() {
// Some of the unit tests add content to the page by creating a div with
// id="test". We remove it before each test to make way for the next one.
var testDiv = document.getElementById('test');
if (testDiv) {
* Checks that an array of {@code bidichecker.Error} objects matches an array
* of expected results, where the results are objects with simple key-value
* pairs representing the data fields expected in the error objects.
* This lets us easily avoid comparing uninteresting object fields, such as
* functions and error ids.
* @param {Array.<Object>} expected For each expected error, the fields we
* expect to see and their values.
* @param {Array.<bidichecker.Error>} errors The list of actual errors returned
* from the bidi checks.
function assertErrorFields(expected, errors) {
* The data fields we care to compare among error objects.
* @type {Array.<string>}
var relevantFields = ['type', 'severity', 'atText', 'locationDescription',
'precededByText', 'followedByText'];
// Extract from the error objects the fields of interest to us into an array
// with the same type of contents as {@code expected}.
assertEquals(expected.length, errors.length);
for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < relevantFields.length; j++) {
var field = relevantFields[j];
if (field in errors[i] && errors[i][field] != null) {
assertEquals(expected[i][field], errors[i][field]);
function testBidiChecker_CheckPageRunsAllCheckers() {
var testDiv = document.createElement('div');
testDiv.setAttribute('id', 'test');
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p><span dir=\'rtl\'>friends<\/span>5,012.7 meters<\/p>';
var errors = bidichecker.checkPage(true, testDiv);
var expected = [{'type': 'Overall directionality not RTL',
'severity': 1},
{'type': 'Undeclared LTR text',
'atText': 'friends',
'severity': 4,
'<div id=\'test\'><p><span dir=\'rtl\'>'},
{'type': 'Declared RTL spillover to number',
'atText': '5,012.7',
'precededByText': 'friends',
'severity': 2,
'<div id=\'test\'><p>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testBidiChecker_CheckPageRunsFilters() {
var testDiv = document.createElement('div');
testDiv.setAttribute('id', 'test');
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p><span dir=\'rtl\'>friends<\/span>5,012.7 meters<\/p>';
var filters = [bidichecker.FilterFactory.atText('friends')];
var errors = bidichecker.checkPage(true, testDiv, filters);
var expected = [{'type': 'Overall directionality not RTL',
'severity': 1},
{'type': 'Declared RTL spillover to number',
'atText': '5,012.7',
'precededByText': 'friends',
'severity': 2,
'<div id=\'test\'><p>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testBidiChecker_LocationBasedFilterWorks() {
var testDiv = document.createElement('div');
testDiv.setAttribute('id', 'test');
testDiv.innerHTML =
'<p><span dir=\'rtl\' id=\'my_id\' >friends<\/span>5,012.7 meters<\/p>';
var filters = [bidichecker.FilterFactory.locationId('my_id')];
var errors = bidichecker.checkPage(true, testDiv, filters);
var expected = [{'type': 'Overall directionality not RTL',
'severity': 1},
{'type': 'Declared RTL spillover to number',
'atText': '5,012.7',
'precededByText': 'friends',
'severity': 2,
'<div id=\'test\'><p>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testBidiChecker_ComposingFiltersWorks() {
var testDiv = document.createElement('div');
testDiv.setAttribute('id', 'test');
testDiv.innerHTML =
'<p><span dir=\'rtl\' id=\'my_id\' >friends<\/span>5,012.7 meters<\/p>';
var filters = [bidichecker.FilterFactory.locationId('my_id').and(
var errors = bidichecker.checkPage(true, testDiv, filters);
var expected = [{'type': 'Overall directionality not RTL',
'severity': 1},
{'type': 'Declared RTL spillover to number',
'atText': '5,012.7',
'precededByText': 'friends',
'severity': 2,
'<div id=\'test\'><p>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);