blob: de26a05464ed4b110f6f790f2d917e356eb056f4 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Test the autosummary extension.
:copyright: Copyright 2007-2014 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
import sys
from functools import wraps
from StringIO import StringIO
from sphinx.ext.autosummary import mangle_signature
from util import test_roots, TestApp
html_warnfile = StringIO()
def with_autosummary_app(*args, **kw):
default_kw = {
'srcdir': (test_roots / 'test-autosummary'),
'confoverrides': {
'extensions': ['sphinx.ext.autosummary'],
'autosummary_generate': True,
'source_suffix': '.rst'
def generator(func):
def deco(*args2, **kwargs2):
# Now, modify the python path...
srcdir = default_kw['srcdir']
sys.path.insert(0, srcdir)
app = TestApp(*args, **default_kw)
func(app, *args2, **kwargs2)
if srcdir in sys.path:
# remove the auto-generated dummy_module.rst
dummy_rst = srcdir / 'dummy_module.rst'
if dummy_rst.isfile():
# don't execute cleanup if test failed
return deco
return generator
def test_mangle_signature():
TEST = """
() :: ()
(a, b, c, d, e) :: (a, b, c, d, e)
(a, b, c=1, d=2, e=3) :: (a, b[, c, d, e])
(a, b, aaa=1, bbb=1, ccc=1, eee=1, fff=1, ggg=1, hhh=1, iii=1, jjj=1)\
:: (a, b[, aaa, bbb, ccc, ...])
(a, b, c=(), d=<foo>) :: (a, b[, c, d])
(a, b, c='foobar()', d=123) :: (a, b[, c, d])
(a, b[, c]) :: (a, b[, c])
(a, b[, cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]) :: (a, b[, ...)
(a, b='c=d, e=f, g=h', c=3) :: (a[, b, c])
(a, b='c=d, \\'e=f,\\' g=h', c=3) :: (a[, b, c])
(a, b='c=d, ', e='\\\\' g=h, c=3) :: (a[, b, e, c])
(a, b={'c=d, ': 3, '\\\\': 3}) :: (a[, b])
(a=1, b=2, c=3) :: ([a, b, c])
(a=1, b=<SomeClass: a, b, c>, c=3) :: ([a, b, c])
TEST = [map(lambda x: x.strip(), x.split("::")) for x in TEST.split("\n")
if '::' in x]
for inp, outp in TEST:
res = mangle_signature(inp).strip().replace(u"\u00a0", " ")
assert res == outp, (u"'%s' -> '%s' != '%s'" % (inp, res, outp))
@with_autosummary_app(buildername='html', warning=html_warnfile)
def test_get_items_summary(app):
# monkey-patch Autosummary.get_items so we can easily get access to it's
# results..
import sphinx.ext.autosummary
orig_get_items = sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.get_items
autosummary_items = {}
def new_get_items(self, names, *args, **kwargs):
results = orig_get_items(self, names, *args, **kwargs)
for name, result in zip(names, results):
autosummary_items[name] = result
return results
sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.get_items = new_get_items
sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.get_items = orig_get_items
html_warnings = html_warnfile.getvalue()
assert html_warnings == ''
expected_values = {
'withSentence': 'I have a sentence which spans multiple lines.',
'noSentence': "this doesn't start with a",
'emptyLine': "This is the real summary",
'module_attr': 'This is a module attribute',
'C.class_attr': 'This is a class attribute',
'C.prop_attr1': 'This is a function docstring',
'C.prop_attr2': 'This is a attribute docstring',
'C.C2': 'This is a nested inner class docstring',
for key, expected in expected_values.iteritems():
assert autosummary_items[key][2] == expected, 'Summary for %s was %r -'\
' expected %r' % (key, autosummary_items[key], expected)
def test_process_doc_event(app):
def handler(app, what, name, obj, options, lines):
assert isinstance(lines, list)
app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', handler)