blob: 3c6a18907171ec8aecf2c1b93b0d378212003e48 [file] [log] [blame]
Flake8 is a wrapper around these tools:
- PyFlakes
- pep8
- Ned's MacCabe script
Flake8 runs all tools by launching the single 'flake8' script, but ignores pep8
and PyFlakes extended options and just uses defaults. It displays the warnings
in a per-file, merged output.
It also adds a few features:
- files that contains with this header are skipped::
# flake8: noqa
- lines that contains a "# NOQA" comment at the end will not issue a warning.
- a Mercurial hook.
- a McCabe complexity checker.
To run flake8 just invoke it against any directory or Python module::
$ flake8 coolproject
coolproject/ local variable 'errors' is assigned to but never used
coolproject/ 'shutil' imported but unused
coolproject/ redefinition of function 'readlines' from line 723
coolproject/ local variable 'errors' is assigned to but never used
coolproject/ E225 missing whitespace around operato
The output of PyFlakes *and* pep8 is merged and returned.
flake8 offers an extra option: --max-complexity, which will emit a warning if the
McCabe complexityu of a function is higher that the value. By default it's
$ bin/flake8 --max-complexity 12 flake8
coolproject/ 'shutil' imported but unused
coolproject/ redefinition of function 'readlines' from line 723
coolproject/ local variable 'errors' is assigned to but never used
coolproject/ E225 missing whitespace around operator
coolproject/ 'missing_whitespace_around_operator' is too complex (18)
coolproject/ 'Checker.check_all' is too complex (12)
coolproject/ 'selftest' is too complex (14)
This feature is quite useful to detect over-complex code. According to McCabe, anything
that goes beyond 10 is too complex.
Mercurial hook
To use the Mercurial hook on any *commit* or *qrefresh*, change your .hg/rc file
like this::
commit =
qrefresh =
strict = 0
complexity = 12
If *strict* option is set to **1**, any warning will block the commit. When
*strict* is set to **0**, warnings are just displayed in the standard output.
*complexity* defines the maximum McCabe complexity allowed before a warning
is emited. If you don't specify it it's just ignored. If specified, must
be a positive value. 12 is usually a good value.
Buildout integration
In order to use Flake8 inside a buildout, edit your buildout.cfg and add this::
parts +=
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = flake8
entry-points =
Original projects
Flake8 is just a glue project, all the merits go to the creators of the original
- pep8:
- PyFlakes:
- McCabe:
1.1 - ?
1.0 - 2011-11-29
- Deactivates by default the complexity checker
- Introduces the complexity option in the HG hook and the command line.
0.9 - 2011-11-09
- update pep8 version to 0.6.1
- mccabe check: gracefully handle compile failure
0.8 - 2011-02-27
- fixed hg hook
- discard unexisting files on hook check
0.7 - 2010-02-18
- Fix pep8 intialization when run through Hg
- Make pep8 short options work when run throug the command line
- skip duplicates when controlling files via Hg
0.6 - 2010-02-15
- Fix the McCabe metric on some loops