blob: aef381f2c88d1bc67b31354f4e521bfde8703691 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js.js_emitter;
class ClassStubGenerator {
final Namer namer;
final Compiler compiler;
final JavaScriptBackend backend;
ClassStubGenerator(this.compiler, this.namer, this.backend);
jsAst.Expression generateClassConstructor(ClassElement classElement,
Iterable<String> fields) {
// TODO(sra): Implement placeholders in VariableDeclaration position:
// String constructorName = namer.getNameOfClass(classElement);
// return js.statement('function #(#) { #; }',
// [ constructorName, fields,
// (name) => js('this.# = #', [name, name]))]));
return js('function(#) { #; this.#();}',
[fields, => js('this.# = #', [name, name])),
jsAst.Expression generateGetter(Element member, String fieldName) {
ClassElement cls = member.enclosingClass;
String receiver = backend.isInterceptorClass(cls) ? 'receiver' : 'this';
List<String> args = backend.isInterceptedMethod(member) ? ['receiver'] : [];
return js('function(#) { return #.# }', [args, receiver, fieldName]);
jsAst.Expression generateSetter(Element member, String fieldName) {
ClassElement cls = member.enclosingClass;
String receiver = backend.isInterceptorClass(cls) ? 'receiver' : 'this';
List<String> args = backend.isInterceptedMethod(member) ? ['receiver'] : [];
// TODO(floitsch): remove 'return'?
return js('function(#, v) { return #.# = v; }',
[args, receiver, fieldName]);
* Documentation wanted -- johnniwinther
* Invariant: [member] must be a declaration element.
Map<String, jsAst.Expression> generateCallStubsForGetter(
Element member, Set<Selector> selectors) {
assert(invariant(member, member.isDeclaration));
// If the method is intercepted, the stub gets the
// receiver explicitely and we need to pass it to the getter call.
bool isInterceptedMethod = backend.isInterceptedMethod(member);
bool isInterceptorClass =
const String receiverArgumentName = r'$receiver';
jsAst.Expression buildGetter() {
jsAst.Expression receiver =
js(isInterceptorClass ? receiverArgumentName : 'this');
if (member.isGetter) {
String getterName = namer.getterForElement(member);
if (isInterceptedMethod) {
return js('this.#(#)', [getterName, receiver]);
return js('#.#()', [receiver, getterName]);
} else {
String fieldName = namer.instanceFieldPropertyName(member);
return js('#.#', [receiver, fieldName]);
Map<String, jsAst.Expression> generatedStubs = <String, jsAst.Expression>{};
// Two selectors may match but differ only in type. To avoid generating
// identical stubs for each we track untyped selectors which already have
// stubs.
Set<Selector> generatedSelectors = new Set<Selector>();
for (Selector selector in selectors) {
if (selector.applies(member, {
selector = selector.asUntyped;
if (generatedSelectors.contains(selector)) continue;
String invocationName = namer.invocationName(selector);
Selector callSelector = new Selector.callClosureFrom(selector);
String closureCallName = namer.invocationName(callSelector);
List<jsAst.Parameter> parameters = <jsAst.Parameter>[];
List<jsAst.Expression> arguments = <jsAst.Expression>[];
if (isInterceptedMethod) {
parameters.add(new jsAst.Parameter(receiverArgumentName));
for (int i = 0; i < selector.argumentCount; i++) {
String name = 'arg$i';
parameters.add(new jsAst.Parameter(name));
arguments.add(js('#', name));
jsAst.Fun function = js(
'function(#) { return #.#(#); }',
[ parameters, buildGetter(), closureCallName, arguments]);
generatedStubs[invocationName] = function;
return generatedStubs;
Map<String, Selector> computeSelectorsForNsmHandlers() {
Map<String, Selector> jsNames = <String, Selector>{};
// Do not generate no such method handlers if there is no class.
if (compiler.codegenWorld.directlyInstantiatedClasses.isEmpty) {
return jsNames;
void addNoSuchMethodHandlers(String ignore, Set<Selector> selectors) {
TypeMask objectSubclassTypeMask =
new TypeMask.subclass(compiler.objectClass,;
for (Selector selector in selectors) {
TypeMask mask = selector.mask;
if (mask == null) mask = objectSubclassTypeMask;
if (!mask.needsNoSuchMethodHandling(selector, {
String jsName = namer.invocationMirrorInternalName(selector);
jsNames[jsName] = selector;
return jsNames;
StubMethod generateStubForNoSuchMethod(String name, Selector selector) {
// Values match JSInvocationMirror in js-helper library.
int type = selector.invocationMirrorKind;
List<String> parameterNames =
new List.generate(selector.argumentCount, (i) => '\$$i');
List<jsAst.Expression> argNames =
selector.callStructure.getOrderedNamedArguments().map((String name) =>
String methodName = selector.invocationMirrorMemberName;
String internalName = namer.invocationMirrorInternalName(selector);
jsAst.Expression expression =
{'noSuchMethodName': namer.noSuchMethodName,
? internalName : methodName),
'internalName': js.string(internalName),
'type': js.number(type),
new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(,
'namedArguments': new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(argNames)});
jsAst.Expression function;
if (backend.isInterceptedName( {
function = js(r'function($receiver, #) { return # }',
[parameterNames, expression]);
} else {
function = js(r'function(#) { return # }', [parameterNames, expression]);
return new StubMethod(name, function);
/// Creates two JavaScript functions: `tearOffGetter` and `tearOff`.
/// `tearOffGetter` is internal and only used by `tearOff`.
/// `tearOff` takes the following arguments:
/// * `funcs`: a list of functions. These are the functions representing the
/// member that is torn off. There can be more than one, since a member
/// can have several stubs.
/// Each function must have the `$callName` property set.
/// * `reflectionInfo`: contains reflective information, and the function
/// type. TODO(floitsch): point to where this is specified.
/// * `isStatic`.
/// * `name`.
/// * `isIntercepted.
List<jsAst.Statement> buildTearOffCode(JavaScriptBackend backend) {
Namer namer = backend.namer;
Compiler compiler = backend.compiler;
Element closureFromTearOff = backend.findHelper('closureFromTearOff');
String tearOffAccessText;
jsAst.Expression tearOffAccessExpression;
String tearOffGlobalObjectName;
String tearOffGlobalObject;
if (closureFromTearOff != null) {
// We need both the AST that references [closureFromTearOff] and a string
// for the NoCsp version that constructs a function.
tearOffAccessExpression =
tearOffAccessText =
jsAst.prettyPrint(tearOffAccessExpression, compiler).getText();
tearOffGlobalObjectName = tearOffGlobalObject =
} else {
// Default values for mocked-up test libraries.
tearOffAccessText =
r'''function() { throw 'Helper \'closureFromTearOff\' missing.' }''';
tearOffAccessExpression = js(tearOffAccessText);
tearOffGlobalObjectName = 'MissingHelperFunction';
tearOffGlobalObject = '($tearOffAccessText())';
jsAst.Statement tearOffGetter;
if (!compiler.useContentSecurityPolicy) {
// This template is uncached because it is constructed from code fragments
// that can change from compilation to compilation. Some of these could be
// avoided, except for the string literals that contain the compiled access
// path to 'closureFromTearOff'.
tearOffGetter = js.uncachedStatementTemplate('''
function tearOffGetter(funcs, reflectionInfo, name, isIntercepted) {
return isIntercepted
? new Function("funcs", "reflectionInfo", "name",
"$tearOffGlobalObjectName", "c",
"return function tearOff_" + name + (functionCounter++) + "(x) {" +
"if (c === null) c = $tearOffAccessText(" +
"this, funcs, reflectionInfo, false, [x], name);" +
"return new c(this, funcs[0], x, name);" +
"}")(funcs, reflectionInfo, name, $tearOffGlobalObject, null)
: new Function("funcs", "reflectionInfo", "name",
"$tearOffGlobalObjectName", "c",
"return function tearOff_" + name + (functionCounter++)+ "() {" +
"if (c === null) c = $tearOffAccessText(" +
"this, funcs, reflectionInfo, false, [], name);" +
"return new c(this, funcs[0], null, name);" +
"}")(funcs, reflectionInfo, name, $tearOffGlobalObject, null);
} else {
tearOffGetter = js.statement('''
function tearOffGetter(funcs, reflectionInfo, name, isIntercepted) {
var cache = null;
return isIntercepted
? function(x) {
if (cache === null) cache = #(
this, funcs, reflectionInfo, false, [x], name);
return new cache(this, funcs[0], x, name);
: function() {
if (cache === null) cache = #(
this, funcs, reflectionInfo, false, [], name);
return new cache(this, funcs[0], null, name);
}''', [tearOffAccessExpression, tearOffAccessExpression]);
jsAst.Statement tearOff = js.statement('''
function tearOff(funcs, reflectionInfo, isStatic, name, isIntercepted) {
var cache;
return isStatic
? function() {
if (cache === void 0) cache = #tearOff(
this, funcs, reflectionInfo, true, [], name).prototype;
return cache;
: tearOffGetter(funcs, reflectionInfo, name, isIntercepted);
}''', {'tearOff': tearOffAccessExpression});
return <jsAst.Statement>[tearOffGetter, tearOff];