blob: db85809856ceb6ad24979ad4863bfadf7143d86a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Generate code using the cps-based IR pipeline.
library code_generator_task;
import 'glue.dart';
import 'codegen.dart';
import 'unsugar.dart';
import '../js_backend.dart';
import '../../dart2jslib.dart';
import '../../cps_ir/cps_ir_nodes.dart' as cps;
import '../../cps_ir/cps_ir_builder.dart';
import '../../cps_ir/cps_ir_integrity.dart';
import '../../cps_ir/cps_ir_builder_task.dart';
import '../../tree_ir/tree_ir_nodes.dart' as tree_ir;
import '../../types/types.dart' show TypeMask, UnionTypeMask, FlatTypeMask,
import '../../elements/elements.dart';
import '../../js/js.dart' as js;
import '../../io/source_information.dart' show StartEndSourceInformation;
import '../../tree_ir/tree_ir_builder.dart' as tree_builder;
import '../../dart_backend/backend_ast_emitter.dart' as backend_ast_emitter;
import '../../cps_ir/optimizers.dart';
import '../../cps_ir/optimizers.dart' as cps_opt;
import '../../tracer.dart';
import '../../js_backend/codegen/codegen.dart';
import '../../ssa/ssa.dart' as ssa;
import '../../tree_ir/optimization/optimization.dart';
import '../../tree_ir/optimization/optimization.dart' as tree_opt;
import '../../tree_ir/tree_ir_integrity.dart';
import '../../cps_ir/cps_ir_nodes_sexpr.dart';
import 'js_tree_builder.dart';
class CpsFunctionCompiler implements FunctionCompiler {
final ConstantSystem constantSystem;
final Compiler compiler;
final Glue glue;
TypeSystem types;
// TODO(karlklose,sigurm): remove and update dart-doc of [compile].
final FunctionCompiler fallbackCompiler;
Tracer get tracer => compiler.tracer;
IrBuilderTask get irBuilderTask => compiler.irBuilder;
CpsFunctionCompiler(Compiler compiler, JavaScriptBackend backend,
{bool generateSourceMap: true})
: fallbackCompiler =
new ssa.SsaFunctionCompiler(backend, generateSourceMap),
constantSystem = backend.constantSystem,
compiler = compiler,
glue = new Glue(compiler);
String get name => 'CPS Ir pipeline';
/// Generates JavaScript code for `work.element`. First tries to use the
/// Cps Ir -> tree ir -> js pipeline, and if that fails due to language
/// features not implemented it will fall back to the ssa pipeline (for
/// platform code) or will cancel compilation (for user code).
js.Fun compile(CodegenWorkItem work) {
types = new TypeMaskSystem(compiler);
AstElement element = work.element;
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
return compiler.withCurrentElement(element, () {
if (element.library.isPlatformLibrary ||
element.library == backend.interceptorsLibrary) {
compiler.log('Using SSA compiler for platform element $element');
return fallbackCompiler.compile(work);
try {
if (tracer != null) {
tracer.traceCompilation(, null);
cps.FunctionDefinition cpsFunction = compileToCpsIR(element);
cpsFunction = optimizeCpsIR(cpsFunction);
tree_ir.FunctionDefinition treeFunction = compileToTreeIR(cpsFunction);
treeFunction = optimizeTreeIR(treeFunction);
return compileToJavaScript(work, treeFunction);
} on CodegenBailout catch (e) {
String message = "Unable to compile $element with the new compiler.\n"
" Reason: ${e.message}";
compiler.internalError(element, message);
void giveUp(String reason) {
throw new CodegenBailout(null, reason);
void traceGraph(String title, var irObject) {
if (tracer != null) {
tracer.traceGraph(title, irObject);
cps.FunctionDefinition compileToCpsIR(AstElement element) {
// TODO(sigurdm): Support these constructs.
if (element.isNative ||
element.isField) {
giveUp('unsupported element kind: ${}:${element.kind}');
cps.FunctionDefinition cpsNode = irBuilderTask.buildNode(element);
if (cpsNode == null) {
giveUp('unable to build cps definition of $element');
if (element.isInstanceMember && !element.isGenerativeConstructorBody) {
Selector selector = new Selector.fromElement(cpsNode.element);
if (glue.isInterceptedSelector(selector)) {
giveUp('cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling '
traceGraph("IR Builder", cpsNode);
new UnsugarVisitor(glue).rewrite(cpsNode);
traceGraph("Unsugaring", cpsNode);
return cpsNode;
static const Pattern PRINT_TYPED_IR_FILTER = null;
String formatTypeMask(TypeMask type) {
if (type is UnionTypeMask) {
return '[${', ')}]';
} else if (type is FlatTypeMask) {
if (type.isEmpty) {
return "null";
String suffix = (type.isExact ? "" : "+") + (type.isNullable ? "?" : "!");
return '${}$suffix';
} else if (type is ForwardingTypeMask) {
return formatTypeMask(type.forwardTo);
throw 'unsupported: $type';
void dumpTypedIR(cps.FunctionDefinition cpsNode,
TypePropagator<TypeMask> typePropagator) {
if (PRINT_TYPED_IR_FILTER != null &&
PRINT_TYPED_IR_FILTER.matchAsPrefix( != null) {
String printType(nodeOrRef, String s) {
cps.Node node = nodeOrRef is cps.Reference
? nodeOrRef.definition
: nodeOrRef;
var type = typePropagator.getType(node);
return type == null ? s : "$s:${formatTypeMask(type.type)}";
DEBUG_MODE = true;
print(new SExpressionStringifier(printType).visit(cpsNode));
static bool checkCpsIntegrity(cps.ExecutableDefinition node) {
new CheckCpsIntegrity().check(node);
return true; // So this can be used from assert().
cps.FunctionDefinition optimizeCpsIR(cps.FunctionDefinition cpsNode) {
// Transformations on the CPS IR.
void applyCpsPass(cps_opt.Pass pass) {
traceGraph(pass.passName, cpsNode);
TypePropagator typePropagator = new TypePropagator<TypeMask>(
new TypeMaskSystem(compiler),
dumpTypedIR(cpsNode, typePropagator);
applyCpsPass(new RedundantPhiEliminator());
applyCpsPass(new ShrinkingReducer());
// Do not rewrite the IR after variable allocation. Allocation
// makes decisions based on an approximation of IR variable live
// ranges that can be invalidated by transforming the IR.
new cps.RegisterAllocator(compiler.internalError).visit(cpsNode);
return cpsNode;
tree_ir.FunctionDefinition compileToTreeIR(cps.FunctionDefinition cpsNode) {
tree_builder.Builder builder = new JsTreeBuilder(
compiler.internalError, compiler.identicalFunction, glue);
tree_ir.FunctionDefinition treeNode = builder.buildFunction(cpsNode);
assert(treeNode != null);
traceGraph('Tree builder', treeNode);
return treeNode;
static bool checkTreeIntegrity(tree_ir.ExecutableDefinition node) {
new CheckTreeIntegrity().check(node);
return true; // So this can be used from assert().
tree_ir.FunctionDefinition optimizeTreeIR(tree_ir.FunctionDefinition node) {
void applyTreePass(tree_opt.Pass pass) {
traceGraph(pass.passName, node);
applyTreePass(new StatementRewriter());
applyTreePass(new CopyPropagator());
applyTreePass(new LoopRewriter());
applyTreePass(new LogicalRewriter());
return node;
js.Fun compileToJavaScript(CodegenWorkItem work,
tree_ir.FunctionDefinition definition) {
CodeGenerator codeGen = new CodeGenerator(glue, work.registry);
return attachPosition(codeGen.buildFunction(definition), work.element);
Iterable<CompilerTask> get tasks {
// TODO(sigurdm): Make a better list of tasks.
return <CompilerTask>[irBuilderTask]..addAll(fallbackCompiler.tasks);
js.Node attachPosition(js.Node node, AstElement element) {
return node.withSourceInformation(