blob: 5ff7676ace55fd2bbac8bd690440c627ff8d4441 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:math";
import "dart:typed_data";
// Equivalent of calling FATAL from C++ code.
_fatal(msg) native "DartCore_fatal";
// We need to pass the exception and stack trace objects as second and third
// parameter to the continuation. See vm/ for usage.
void _asyncCatchHelper(catchFunction, continuation) {
catchFunction((e, s) => continuation(null, e, s));
// The members of this class are cloned and added to each class that
// represents an enum type.
class _EnumHelper {
// Declare the list of enum value names private. When this field is
// cloned into a user-defined enum class, the field will be inaccessible
// because of the library-specific name suffix. The toString() function
// below can access it because it uses the same name suffix.
static const List<String> _enum_names = null;
String toString() => _enum_names[index];
int get hashCode => _enum_names[index].hashCode;
// _AsyncStarStreamController is used by the compiler to implement
// async* generator functions.
class _AsyncStarStreamController {
StreamController controller;
Function asyncStarBody;
bool isAdding = false;
bool onListenReceived = false;
bool isScheduled = false;
bool isSuspendedAtYield = false;
Completer cancellationCompleter = null;
Stream get stream =>;
void runBody() {
isScheduled = false;
isSuspendedAtYield = false;
void scheduleGenerator() {
if (isScheduled || controller.isPaused || isAdding) {
isScheduled = true;
// Adds element to steam, returns true if the caller should terminate
// execution of the generator.
// TODO(hausner): Per spec, the generator should be suspended before
// exiting when the stream is closed. We could add a getter like this:
// get isCancelled => controller.hasListener;
// The generator would translate a 'yield e' statement to
// controller.add(e);
// suspend;
// if (controller.isCancelled) return;
bool add(event) {
if (!onListenReceived) _fatal("yield before stream is listened to!");
if (isSuspendedAtYield) _fatal("unexpected yield");
// If stream is cancelled, tell caller to exit the async generator.
if (!controller.hasListener) {
return true;
isSuspendedAtYield = true;
return false;
// Adds the elements of stream into this controller's stream.
// The generator will be scheduled again when all of the
// elements of the added stream have been consumed.
// Returns true if the caller should terminate
// execution of the generator.
bool addStream(Stream stream) {
if (!onListenReceived) _fatal("yield before stream is listened to!");
// If stream is cancelled, tell caller to exit the async generator.
if (!controller.hasListener) return true;
isAdding = true;
var whenDoneAdding =
controller.addStream(stream as Stream, cancelOnError: false);
whenDoneAdding.then((_) {
isAdding = false;
return false;
void addError(error, stackTrace) {
if ((cancellationCompleter != null) && !cancellationCompleter.isCompleted) {
// If the stream has been cancelled, complete the cancellation future
// with the error.
cancellationCompleter.completeError(error, stackTrace);
// If stream is cancelled, tell caller to exit the async generator.
if (!controller.hasListener) return;
controller.addError(error, stackTrace);
// No need to schedule the generator body here. This code is only
// called from the catch clause of the implicit try-catch-finally
// around the generator body. That is, we are on the error path out
// of the generator and do not need to run the generator again.
close() {
if ((cancellationCompleter != null) && !cancellationCompleter.isCompleted) {
// If the stream has been cancelled, complete the cancellation future
// with the error.
_AsyncStarStreamController(this.asyncStarBody) {
controller = new StreamController(onListen: this.onListen,
onResume: this.onResume,
onCancel: this.onCancel);
onListen() {
onListenReceived = true;
onResume() {
if (isSuspendedAtYield) {
onCancel() {
if (controller.isClosed) {
return null;
if (cancellationCompleter == null) {
cancellationCompleter = new Completer();
return cancellationCompleter.future;
// _SyncIterable and _syncIterator are used by the compiler to
// implement sync* generator functions. A sync* generator allocates
// and returns a new _SyncIterable object.
typedef bool SyncGeneratorCallback(Iterator iterator);
class _SyncIterable extends IterableBase {
// moveNextFn is the closurized body of the generator function.
final SyncGeneratorCallback moveNextFn;
const _SyncIterable(this.moveNextFn);
get iterator {
return new _SyncIterator(moveNextFn._clone());
class _SyncIterator implements Iterator {
bool isYieldEach; // Set by generated code for the yield* statement.
Iterator yieldEachIterator;
var current; // Set by generated code for the yield and yield* statement.
SyncGeneratorCallback moveNextFn;
bool moveNext() {
if (moveNextFn == null) {
return false;
while(true) {
if (yieldEachIterator != null) {
if (yieldEachIterator.moveNext()) {
current = yieldEachIterator.current;
return true;
yieldEachIterator = null;
isYieldEach = false;
if (!moveNextFn(this)) {
moveNextFn = null;
current = null;
return false;
if (isYieldEach) {
// Spec mandates: it is a dynamic error if the class of [the object
// returned by yield*] does not implement Iterable.
yieldEachIterator = (current as Iterable).iterator;
return true;