blob: f68ff2675d581fb15274a8ef4edb6ef1d255ee2c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
to set up on vista
copy over the following files
Be sure the folder(s) containing dynamorio.dll and drpreinject.dll are readable by all users (i.e. readable by everyone) and the that log folder specified below is writable by everyone.
open a runas admin cmd shell (not the same as running from an admin account;
as an admin user create a link to cmd.exe, right click and select runas admin)
in the cmd shell run (examples assume files copied to c:\dr\setup and are in [] )
[cd c:\dr\setup]
drcontrol -create <path to folder holding dynamorio.dll [ex. c:\dr\setup ] >
drcontrol -load vista_prelim_cfg.drcontrol.cfg
drcontrol -logdir <path to desired log directory [ex. c:\dr\logs ] >
drcontrol -drlib <path to dynamorio.dll [ex. c:\dr\setup\dynamorio.dll ] >
drcontrol -create_eventlog <path to dynamorio.dll [ex. c:\dr\setup\dynamorio.dll ] >
drcontrol -preinject LOAD_ON
drcontrol -preinject <path to drpreinject.dll [ex. c:\dr\setup\drpreinject.dll ] >
use regedit or drcontrol to adjust options, processes under dr, hotpatch
configuration, etc. as desired
note that the prelim configuration uses the global options for all process
except slsvc.exe
note that we can be pretty slow in vista (esp. explorer.exe under mf, which also has the known bug 9717)