blob: 6c03f274db5e3b92301b38d59f181f41ae9d7b19 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# FS QA Test generic/397
# Test accessing encrypted files and directories, both with and without the
# encryption key. Access with the encryption key is more of a sanity check and
# is not intended to fully test all the encrypted I/O paths; to do that you'd
# need to run all the xfstests with encryption enabled. Access without the
# encryption key, on the other hand, should result in some particular behaviors.
. ./common/preamble
_begin_fstest auto quick encrypt
# Import common functions.
. ./common/filter
. ./common/encrypt
# real QA test starts here
_supported_fs generic
_require_command "$KEYCTL_PROG" keyctl
_scratch_mkfs_encrypted &>> $seqres.full
mkdir $SCRATCH_MNT/edir $SCRATCH_MNT/ref_dir
_set_encpolicy $SCRATCH_MNT/edir $keydesc
for dir in $SCRATCH_MNT/edir $SCRATCH_MNT/ref_dir; do
touch $dir/empty > /dev/null
$XFS_IO_PROG -t -f -c "pwrite 0 4k" $dir/a > /dev/null
$XFS_IO_PROG -t -f -c "pwrite 0 33k" $dir/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz > /dev/null
maxname=$(head -c 255 /dev/zero | tr '\0' y) # 255 character filename
$XFS_IO_PROG -t -f -c "pwrite 0 1k" $dir/$maxname > /dev/null
ln -s a $dir/symlink
ln -s abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz $dir/symlink2
ln -s $maxname $dir/symlink3
mkdir $dir/subdir
mkdir $dir/subdir/subsubdir
# Diff encrypted directory with unencrypted reference directory
diff -r $SCRATCH_MNT/edir $SCRATCH_MNT/ref_dir
# Cycle mount and diff again
diff -r $SCRATCH_MNT/edir $SCRATCH_MNT/ref_dir
# Now try accessing the files without the encryption key. It should still be
# possible to list the directory and remove files. But filenames should be
# presented in no-key form, and it should not be possible to read regular files
# or to create new files or subdirectories.
# Note that we cannot simply use ls -R to verify the files because the no-key
# filenames are unpredictable. By design, the key used to encrypt a directory's
# filenames is derived from the master key (the key in the keyring) and a nonce
# generated by the kernel. Hence, the no-key filenames will be different every
# time this test is run, even if we were to put a fixed key into the keyring
# instead of a random one. The same applies to symlink targets.
_unlink_session_encryption_key $keydesc
# Check that unencrypted names aren't there
stat $SCRATCH_MNT/edir/empty |& _filter_stat |& _filter_scratch
stat $SCRATCH_MNT/edir/symlink |& _filter_stat |& _filter_scratch
# Check that the correct numbers of files and subdirectories are there
ls $SCRATCH_MNT/edir | wc -l
find $SCRATCH_MNT/edir -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d | wc -l
# Try to read a nondirectory file (should fail with ENOKEY)
md5sum $(find $SCRATCH_MNT/edir -maxdepth 1 -type f | head -1) |& \
cut -d ' ' -f3-
# Try to create new files, directories, and symlinks in the encrypted directory,
# both with and without using correctly base-64 encoded filenames. These should
# all fail with ENOKEY.
$XFS_IO_PROG -f $SCRATCH_MNT/edir/newfile |& _filter_scratch
$XFS_IO_PROG -f $SCRATCH_MNT/edir/0123456789abcdef |& _filter_scratch
mkdir $SCRATCH_MNT/edir/newdir |& _filter_scratch
mkdir $SCRATCH_MNT/edir/0123456789abcdef |& _filter_scratch
ln -s foo $SCRATCH_MNT/edir/newlink |& _filter_scratch
ln -s foo $SCRATCH_MNT/edir/0123456789abcdef |& _filter_scratch
# Delete the encrypted directory (should succeed)
rm -r $SCRATCH_MNT/edir
stat $SCRATCH_MNT/edir |& _filter_stat |& _filter_scratch
# success, all done