blob: 6e42d677c89b6bdcb647bab765b211cc262951e2 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2020 IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
# FS QA Test 619
# ENOSPC regression test in a multi-threaded scenario. Test allocation
# strategies of the file system and validate space anomalies as reported by
# the system versus the allocated by the program.
# The test is motivated by a bug in ext4 systems where-in ENOSPC is
# reported by the file system even though enough space for allocations is
# available[1].
# [1]:
# Linux kernel patch series that fixes the above regression:
# 53f86b170dfa ("ext4: mballoc: add blocks to PA list under same spinlock
# after allocating blocks")
# cf5e2ca6c990 ("ext4: mballoc: refactor ext4_mb_discard_preallocations()")
# 07b5b8e1ac40 ("ext4: mballoc: introduce pcpu seqcnt for freeing PA to
# improve ENOSPC handling")
# 8ef123fe02ca ("ext4: mballoc: refactor ext4_mb_good_group()")
# 993778306e79 ("ext4: mballoc: use lock for checking free blocks while
# retrying")
. ./common/preamble
_begin_fstest auto rw enospc
FS_SIZE=$((240*1024*1024)) # 240MB
DEBUG=1 # set to 0 to disable debug statements in shell and c-prog
# Disk allocation methods
# Helps to build TEST_VECTORS
SMALL_FILE_SIZE=$((512 * 1024)) # in Bytes
BIG_FILE_SIZE=$((1536 * 1024)) # in Bytes
MIX_FILE_SIZE=$((2048 * 1024)) # (BIG + SMALL small file size)
# Import common functions.
. ./common/filter
# Modify as appropriate.
_supported_fs generic
_require_test_program "t_enospc"
_require_xfs_io_command "falloc"
if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]; then
echo "$1" >> $seqres.full
# Calculate the number of threads needed to fill the disk space
# Arguments
# $1: the size of a file
# $2: ratio in which $1 file should be split into multiple files.
# $3: percentage of the disk space should be used during the test
# Calculate the number of threads needed to fill the disk space
local file_ratio_unit=$1
local file_ratio=$2
local disk_saturation=$3
local tot_avail_size
local avail_size
local thread_cnt
IFS=',' read -ra fratio <<< $file_ratio
tot_avail_size=$($DF_PROG --block-size=1 $SCRATCH_MNT | $AWK_PROG 'FNR == 2 { print $5 }')
avail_size=$(echo $tot_avail_size*$disk_saturation | $BC_PROG)
thread_cnt=$(echo "$file_ratio_cnt*($avail_size/$file_ratio_unit)" | $BC_PROG)
debug "Total available size: $tot_avail_size"
debug "Available size: $avail_size"
debug "Thread count: $thread_cnt"
echo ${thread_cnt}
# Arguments
# $1: a string containing test configuration separated by a colon.
# $1 is treated as an array of arguments to the function.
# Description of each array element is given below.
# @1: name of the test
# @2: thread in t_enospec exerciser will allocate file of @2 size
# @3: defines the proportion in which the file size defined in @2
# should be divided into two files.
# (valid @3: more than two values are not allowed)
# values should be comma separated)
# sum of all values must be 1)
# @4: define the percentage of available memory should be used to
# during the test.
# @5: defines the disk allocation method (fallocate/ftruncate)
# @6: number of the test should run
IFS=':' read -ra args <<< $1
local test_name=${args[0]}
local file_ratio_unit=${args[1]}
local file_ratio=${args[2]}
local disk_saturation=${args[3]}
local disk_alloc_method=${args[4]}
local test_iteration_cnt=${args[5]}
local extra_args=""
local thread_cnt
if [ "$disk_alloc_method" == "$FALLOCATE" ]; then
extra_args="$extra_args -f"
# enable the debug statements in c program
if [ "$DEBUG" -eq 1 ]; then
extra_args="$extra_args -v"
debug "============ Test details start ============"
debug "Test name: $test_name"
debug "File ratio unit: $file_ratio_unit"
debug "File ratio: $file_ratio"
debug "Disk saturation $disk_saturation"
debug "Disk alloc method $disk_alloc_method"
debug "Test iteration count: $test_iteration_cnt"
debug "Extra arg: $extra_args"
for i in $(eval echo "{1..$test_iteration_cnt}"); do
# Setup the device
_scratch_mkfs_sized $FS_SIZE >> $seqres.full 2>&1
debug "===== Test: $test_name iteration: $i starts ====="
thread_cnt=$(calc_thread_cnt $file_ratio_unit $file_ratio $disk_saturation)
# Start the test
$here/src/t_enospc -t $thread_cnt -s $file_ratio_unit -r $file_ratio -p $SCRATCH_MNT $extra_args >> $seqres.full
status=$(echo $?)
if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then
use_per=$($DF_PROG -h | grep $SCRATCH_MNT | awk '{print substr($6, 1, length($6)-1)}' | $BC_PROG)
alloc_per=$(echo "$FACT * 100" | $BC_PROG)
# We are here since t_enospc failed with an error code.
# If the used filesystem space is still < available space - that means
# the test failed due to FS wrongly reported ENOSPC.
if [ $(echo "$use_per < $alloc_per" | $BC_PROG) -ne 0 ]; then
if [ $status -eq 134 ]; then
# SIGABRT asserted exit code = 134
echo "FAIL: Aborted assertion faliure"
elif [ $status -eq 7 ]; then
# SIGBUS asserted exit code = 7
echo "FAIL: ENOSPC BUS faliure"
echo "$test_name failed at iteration count: $i"
echo "$($DF_PROG -h $SCRATCH_MNT)"
echo "Allocated: $alloc_per% Used: $use_per%"
# Make space for other tests
debug "===== Test: $test_name iteration: $i ends ====="
debug "============ Test details end ============="
declare -a TEST_VECTORS=(
# test-name:file-ratio-unit:file-ratio:disk-saturation:disk-alloc-method:test-iteration-cnt
# real QA test starts here
for i in "${TEST_VECTORS[@]}"; do
run_testcase $i
echo "Silence is golden"