blob: 104f1f45a23b703bd3288b849eb028e2cf354f36 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2009 Dave Chinner
# FS QA Test No. 205
# Test out ENOSPC flushing on small filesystems.
. ./common/preamble
_begin_fstest metadata rw auto
# Import common functions.
. ./common/filter
# real QA test starts here
_supported_fs xfs
# single AG will cause xfs_repair to fail checks.
# Disable the scratch rt device to avoid test failures relating to the rt
# bitmap consuming all the free space in our small data device.
_scratch_mkfs_xfs -d size=$((32768*fsblksz)) -b size=$fsblksz >> $seqres.full 2>&1
# fix the reserve block pool to a known size so that the enospc calculations
# work out correctly.
_scratch_resvblks 1024 >> $seqres.full 2>&1
# on a 16MB filesystem, there's 32768x$fsblkszbyte blocks. used is:
# - 4944 in the log,
# - 32+1 for the root inode cluster
# - 4 for the AG header
# - 2 for free space btrees
# - 4 for the AGFL
# - min(%5, 1024) = 1024 blocks for the reserve pool
# - about 15 blocks I can't account for right now.
# That leaves ~26,745 blocks free to use.
# Writing the following three files fill the fs almost exactly.
# $ df -k /mnt/scratch
# Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
# /dev/ubdc 13912 13908 4 100% /mnt/scratch
blks=$(( ($(_get_available_space $SCRATCH_MNT) / $fsblksz) - 15 ))
test $blks -gt 1100 || _notrun "not enough space"
b1=$(echo $blks | sed -e 's/[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/000/g')
# in case b2 begins with '0' as '098' and being treated as octal number, force
# it to be 10 based
b2=$((10#$(echo $blks | sed -e 's/^[0-9][0-9]//g')))
echo "blks: $blks b1: $b1 b2: $b2" >> $seqres.full
dd if=/dev/zero of=$SCRATCH_MNT/fred bs=$fsblksz count=$((b1 - 1000)) 2>&1 | _filter_dd
dd if=/dev/zero of=$SCRATCH_MNT/fred2 bs=$fsblksz count=$b2 2>&1 | _filter_dd
dd if=/dev/zero of=$SCRATCH_MNT/fred3 bs=$fsblksz count=$((blks - (b1 + b2))) 2>&1 | _filter_dd
rm -f $SCRATCH_MNT/fred*
echo "*** one file"
# now try a single file of that size
dd if=/dev/zero of=$SCRATCH_MNT/fred bs=$fsblksz count=$blks 2>&1 | _filter_dd
#rm -f $SCRATCH_MNT/fred*
echo "*** one file, a few bytes at a time"
# now try a single file of that size
dd if=/dev/zero of=$SCRATCH_MNT/fred bs=15 count=$[blks/15*$fsblksz] 2>&1 | _filter_dd
echo space: $(_get_available_space $SCRATCH_MNT) >> $seqres.full
# success, all done
echo "*** done"