blob: 96cd28ee87fa12819981ebb009199e938627fe12 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Facility to stack and emit multiple errors.
//! [`abort!`] macro stops a proc-macro *right away*, much like in a panic-like
//! fashion. But sometimes you *do not* want to stop right there, for example you're
//! processing a list of attributes and want to *emit* a separate error for every
//! mis-built attribute.
//! The [`emit_error!`] and [`emit_call_site_error!`] macros are just for it!
use crate::{check_correctness, AbortNow, MacroError};
use std::cell::RefCell;
thread_local! {
static ERR_STORAGE: RefCell<Vec<MacroError>> = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
/// Emit an error while not aborting the proc-macro right away.
/// The emitted errors will be converted to a `TokenStream` sequence
/// of `compile_error!` invocations after the execution hits the end
/// of the function marked with `[proc_macro_error]` or the lambda passed to [`entry_point`].
/// # Syntax
/// The same as [`abort!`].
/// # Note:
/// If a panic occurs somewhere in your macro no errors will be shown.
macro_rules! emit_error {
($span:expr, $fmt:expr, $($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::macro_error;
let err = macro_error!($span, $fmt, $($args),*);
($span:expr, $msg:expr) => {{
let err = $crate::MacroError::new($span.into(), $msg.to_string());
($err:expr) => {{
let err = $crate::MacroError::from($err);
/// Shortcut for `emit_error!(Span::call_site(), msg...)`. This macro
/// is still preferable over plain panic, see [Motivation](#motivation)
macro_rules! emit_call_site_error {
($fmt:expr, $($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::push_span_error;
let span = $crate::proc_macro2::Span::call_site();
push_span_error!(span, $fmt, $($args),*)
($msg:expr) => {{
use $crate::emit_error;
let span = $crate::proc_macro2::Span::call_site();
emit_error!(span, $msg)
/// Abort macro execution and display all the emitted errors, if any.
/// Does nothing if no errors were emitted.
pub fn abort_if_dirty() {
ERR_STORAGE.with(|storage| {
if !storage.borrow().is_empty() {
/// Clear the global error storage, returning the errors contained.
pub(crate) fn cleanup() -> Vec<MacroError> {
ERR_STORAGE.with(|storage| storage.replace(Vec::new()))
/// Abort right now.
pub(crate) fn abort_now() -> ! {
/// Push the error into the global error storage.
/// **Not public API.**
pub fn push_error(error: MacroError) {
ERR_STORAGE.with(|storage| storage.borrow_mut().push(error))