blob: af2c17ca7c77fbd298d725ed0a8191b9513e6341 [file] [log] [blame]
* Reverse engineered type information from ioctls called from IPHLPAPI.dll.
* Likely related to structures in ddk/inc/api/iptypes.h, but new in Vista+ and
* undocumented.
/* From DDK/WDK iptypes.h . Double-define should succeed if values are equal.
/* This is an output parameter for net ioctl 0x003 that has information about
* the network adapter. The only fields we understand are adapter_name_len and
* adapter_name. Might be related to MIB_IFROW/MIB_IFTABLE structs in ifmib.h.
* Alternatively see IP_ADAPTER_INFO in iptypes.h.
typedef struct _ip_adapter_info_t {
uint adapter_name_len;
/* Contains "FBroadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet" on my workstation. */
wchar_t adapter_name[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH + 2];
ushort unknown_a;
ushort uninit_a; /* Not initialized by kernel. */
uint unknown_b[7];
byte unknown_c;
byte uninit_b[3]; /* Not initialized by kernel. */
uint unknown_d[3];
} ip_adapter_info_t;
/* Reverse engineered input/output structure for net ioctl 0x003.
typedef struct _net_ioctl_003_inout_t {
uint unknown_a[2]; /* Usually 0 */
HANDLE probable_handle;
uint unknown_b[3];
void *buf1; /* In-param, usually stack. */
uint buf1_sz; /* Probable size, usually 8. */
void *buf2; /* Out-param, usually stack. */
uint buf2_sz; /* Probable size, usually 4. */
uint unknown_c[2];
ip_adapter_info_t *adapter_info; /* Out-param, usually stack. */
uint adapter_info_sz; /* Probable size. */
} net_ioctl_003_inout_t;
/* Reverse engineered input/output structure for net ioctl 0x006.
* All of the buffers referred to by this structure are output parameters to the
* ioctl. Filling them with 0xcc has no effect, and they are fully initialized
* afterwards. num_elts contains the number of elements in every buffer
* present, and each buffer specifies an element size. num_elts is updated by
* the ioctl to indicate how many elements were written.
typedef struct _net_ioctl_006_inout_t {
uint unknown_a[2];
HANDLE probable_handle;
uint unknown_b[3]; /* These are usually all 1. */
void *buf1;
uint buf1_elt_sz;
void *buf2;
uint buf2_elt_sz;
void *buf3;
uint buf3_elt_sz;
void *buf4; /* Contains wide strings referring to adapter info. */
uint buf4_elt_sz;
uint num_elts; /* in/out: input is available elts, out is num written. */
} net_ioctl_006_inout_t;