blob: 060da4db6ed11b055045981e749bf2e761487b11 [file] [log] [blame]
*** This header was created from a ProcessHacker header to make
*** information necessary for userspace to call into the Windows
*** kernel available to Dr. Memory. It contains only constants,
*** structures, and macros generated from the original header, and
*** thus, contains no copyrightable information.
/* from phlib/include/ntseapi.h */
__in HANDLE TokenHandle,
__in_ecount_opt(NumberOfAttributes) PUNICODE_STRING Attributes,
__in ULONG NumberOfAttributes,
__out_bcount(Length) PVOID Buffer
__in ULONG Length,
__out PULONG ReturnLength
#endif /* __PHLIB_NTSEAPI_H */
/* EOF */