blob: 706f5cae942bd9d055e3b931edf6ff369fd7f178 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#include "Backend.h"
#define BAILOUT_VERBOSE_TRACE(functionBody, ...) \
if (Js::Configuration::Global.flags.Verbose && Js::Configuration::Global.flags.Trace.IsEnabled(Js::BailOutPhase,functionBody->GetSourceContextId(),functionBody->GetLocalFunctionId())) \
{ \
Output::Print(__VA_ARGS__); \
#define BAILOUT_FLUSH(functionBody) \
if (Js::Configuration::Global.flags.TestTrace.IsEnabled(Js::BailOutPhase, functionBody->GetSourceContextId(),functionBody->GetLocalFunctionId()) || \
Js::Configuration::Global.flags.Trace.IsEnabled(Js::BailOutPhase, functionBody->GetSourceContextId(),functionBody->GetLocalFunctionId())) \
{ \
Output::Flush(); \
#define BAILOUT_VERBOSE_TRACE(functionBody, bailOutKind, ...)
#define BAILOUT_FLUSH(functionBody)
unsigned int NativeOffsetInlineeFrameRecordOffset::InvalidRecordOffset = (unsigned int)(-1);
void BailoutConstantValue::InitVarConstValue(Js::Var value)
this->type = TyVar;
this->u.varConst.value = value;
Js::Var BailoutConstantValue::ToVar(Func* func) const
Assert(this->type == TyVar || this->type == TyFloat64 || IRType_IsSignedInt(this->type));
Js::Var varValue;
if (this->type == TyVar)
varValue = this->u.varConst.value;
else if (this->type == TyFloat64)
varValue = func->AllocateNumber((double)this->u.floatConst.value);
else if (IRType_IsSignedInt(this->type) && TySize[this->type] <= 4 && !Js::TaggedInt::IsOverflow((int32)this->u.intConst.value))
varValue = Js::TaggedInt::ToVarUnchecked((int32)this->u.intConst.value);
varValue = func->AllocateNumber((double)this->u.intConst.value);
return varValue;
bool BailoutConstantValue::IsEqual(const BailoutConstantValue & bailoutConstValue)
if (this->type == bailoutConstValue.type)
if (this->type == TyInt32)
return this->u.intConst.value == bailoutConstValue.u.intConst.value;
else if (this->type == TyVar)
return this->u.varConst.value == bailoutConstValue.u.varConst.value;
return this->u.floatConst.value == bailoutConstValue.u.floatConst.value;
return false;
void InlineeFrameInfo::AllocateRecord(Func* func, intptr_t functionBodyAddr)
uint constantCount = 0;
// If there are no helper calls there is a chance that frame record is not required after all;
arguments->Map([&](uint index, InlineFrameInfoValue& value){
if (value.IsConst())
if (function.IsConst())
// For InlineeEnd's that have been cloned we can result in multiple calls
// to allocate the record - do not allocate a new record - instead update the existing one.
// In particular, if the first InlineeEnd resulted in no calls and spills, subsequent might still spill - so it's a good idea to
// update the record
if (!this->record)
this->record = InlineeFrameRecord::New(func->GetNativeCodeDataAllocator(), (uint)arguments->Count(), constantCount, functionBodyAddr, this);
uint i = 0;
uint constantIndex = 0;
arguments->Map([&](uint index, InlineFrameInfoValue& value){
Assert(value.type != InlineeFrameInfoValueType_None);
if (value.type == InlineeFrameInfoValueType_Sym)
int offset;
offset = -((int)value.sym->m_offset + BailOutInfo::StackSymBias);
// Stack offset are negative, includes the PUSH EBP and return address
offset = value.sym->m_offset - (2 * MachPtr);
Assert(offset < 0);
this->record->argOffsets[i] = offset;
if (value.sym->IsFloat64())
else if (value.sym->IsInt32())
// Constants
Assert(constantIndex < constantCount);
this->record->constants[constantIndex] = value.constValue.ToVar(func);
this->record->argOffsets[i] = constantIndex;
if (function.type == InlineeFrameInfoValueType_Sym)
int offset;
offset = -((int)function.sym->m_offset + BailOutInfo::StackSymBias);
// Stack offset are negative, includes the PUSH EBP and return address
offset = function.sym->m_offset - (2 * MachPtr);
this->record->functionOffset = offset;
Assert(constantIndex < constantCount);
this->record->constants[constantIndex] = function.constValue.ToVar(func);
this->record->functionOffset = constantIndex;
void InlineeFrameRecord::PopulateParent(Func* func)
Assert(this->parent == nullptr);
if (func->GetParentFunc()->m_hasInlineArgsOpt)
this->parent = func->GetParentFunc()->frameInfo->record;
Assert(this->parent != nullptr);
void InlineeFrameRecord::Finalize(Func* inlinee, uint32 currentOffset)
#if TARGET_32
const uint32 offsetMask = (~(uint32)0) >> (sizeof(uint) * CHAR_BIT - Js::InlineeCallInfo::ksizeofInlineeStartOffset);
AssertOrFailFast(currentOffset == (currentOffset & offsetMask));
this->inlineeStartOffset = currentOffset;
this->inlineDepth = inlinee->inlineDepth;
Func* topFunc = inlinee->GetTopFunc();
int32 inlineeArgStackSize = topFunc->GetInlineeArgumentStackSize();
int localsSize = topFunc->m_localStackHeight + topFunc->m_ArgumentsOffset;
this->MapOffsets([=](int& offset)
int realOffset = -(offset + BailOutInfo::StackSymBias);
if (realOffset < 0)
// Not stack offset
// The locals size contains the inlined-arg-area size, so remove the inlined-arg-area size from the
// adjustment for normal locals whose offsets are relative to the start of the locals area.
realOffset -= (localsSize - inlineeArgStackSize);
offset = realOffset;
Assert(this->inlineDepth != 0);
void InlineeFrameRecord::Restore(Js::FunctionBody* functionBody, InlinedFrameLayout *inlinedFrame, Js::JavascriptCallStackLayout * layout, bool boxValues) const
Assert(this->inlineDepth != 0);
Assert(inlineeStartOffset != 0);
BAILOUT_VERBOSE_TRACE(functionBody, _u("Restore function object: "));
// No deepCopy needed for just the function
Js::Var varFunction = this->Restore(this->functionOffset, /*isFloat64*/ false, /*isInt32*/ false, layout, functionBody, boxValues);
Js::ScriptFunction* function = Js::VarTo<Js::ScriptFunction>(varFunction);
BAILOUT_VERBOSE_TRACE(functionBody, _u("Inlinee: %s [%d.%d] \n"), function->GetFunctionBody()->GetDisplayName(), function->GetFunctionBody()->GetSourceContextId(), function->GetFunctionBody()->GetLocalFunctionId());
inlinedFrame->function = function;
inlinedFrame->callInfo.InlineeStartOffset = inlineeStartOffset;
inlinedFrame->callInfo.Count = this->argCount;
inlinedFrame->MapArgs([=](uint i, Js::Var* varRef) {
bool isFloat64 = floatArgs.Test(i) != 0;
bool isInt32 = losslessInt32Args.Test(i) != 0;
BAILOUT_VERBOSE_TRACE(functionBody, _u("Restore argument %d: "), i);
// Forward deepCopy flag for the arguments in case their data must be guaranteed
// to have its own lifetime
Js::Var var = this->Restore(this->argOffsets[i], isFloat64, isInt32, layout, functionBody, boxValues);
#if DBG
if (boxValues && !Js::TaggedNumber::Is(var))
Js::RecyclableObject *const recyclableObject = Js::VarTo<Js::RecyclableObject>(var);
*varRef = var;
inlinedFrame->arguments = nullptr;
// Note: the boxValues parameter should be true when this is called from a Bailout codepath to ensure that multiple vars to
// the same object reuse the cached value during the transition to the interpreter.
// Otherwise, this parameter should be false as the values are not required to be moved to the heap to restore the frame.
void InlineeFrameRecord::RestoreFrames(Js::FunctionBody* functionBody, InlinedFrameLayout* outerMostFrame, Js::JavascriptCallStackLayout* callstack, bool boxValues)
InlineeFrameRecord* innerMostRecord = this;
class AutoReverse
InlineeFrameRecord* record;
AutoReverse(InlineeFrameRecord* record)
this->record = record->Reverse();
} autoReverse(innerMostRecord);
InlineeFrameRecord* currentRecord = autoReverse.record;
InlinedFrameLayout* currentFrame = outerMostFrame;
int inlineDepth = 1;
// Find an inlined frame that needs to be restored.
while (currentFrame->callInfo.Count != 0)
currentFrame = currentFrame->Next();
// Align the inline depth of the record with the frame that needs to be restored
while (currentRecord && currentRecord->inlineDepth != inlineDepth)
currentRecord = currentRecord->parent;
while (currentRecord)
currentRecord->Restore(functionBody, currentFrame, callstack, boxValues);
currentRecord = currentRecord->parent;
currentFrame = currentFrame->Next();
// Terminate the inlined stack
currentFrame->callInfo.Count = 0;
Js::Var InlineeFrameRecord::Restore(int offset, bool isFloat64, bool isInt32, Js::JavascriptCallStackLayout * layout, Js::FunctionBody* functionBody, bool boxValue) const
Js::Var value;
bool boxStackInstance = boxValue;
double dblValue;
if (offset >= 0)
Assert(static_cast<uint>(offset) < constantCount);
value = this->constants[offset];
boxStackInstance = false;
BAILOUT_VERBOSE_TRACE(functionBody, _u("Stack offset %10d"), offset);
if (isFloat64)
dblValue = layout->GetDoubleAtOffset(offset);
value = Js::JavascriptNumber::New(dblValue, functionBody->GetScriptContext());
BAILOUT_VERBOSE_TRACE(functionBody, _u(", value: %f (ToVar: 0x%p)"), dblValue, value);
else if (isInt32)
value = (Js::Var)layout->GetInt32AtOffset(offset);
value = layout->GetOffset(offset);
if (isInt32)
int32 int32Value = ::Math::PointerCastToIntegralTruncate<int32>(value);
value = Js::JavascriptNumber::ToVar(int32Value, functionBody->GetScriptContext());
BAILOUT_VERBOSE_TRACE(functionBody, _u(", value: %10d (ToVar: 0x%p)"), int32Value, value);
BAILOUT_VERBOSE_TRACE(functionBody, _u(", value: 0x%p"), value);
if (boxStackInstance)
// Do not deepCopy in this call to BoxStackInstance because this should be used for
// bailing out, where a shallow copy that is cached is needed to ensure that multiple
// vars pointing to the same boxed object reuse the new boxed value.
Js::Var oldValue = value;
value = Js::JavascriptOperators::BoxStackInstance(oldValue, functionBody->GetScriptContext(), /* allowStackFunction */ true, false /* deepCopy */);
if (oldValue != value)
BAILOUT_VERBOSE_TRACE(functionBody, _u(" (Boxed: 0x%p)"), value);
BAILOUT_VERBOSE_TRACE(functionBody, _u("\n"));
return value;
InlineeFrameRecord* InlineeFrameRecord::Reverse()
InlineeFrameRecord * prev = nullptr;
InlineeFrameRecord * current = this;
while (current)
InlineeFrameRecord * next = current->parent;
current->parent = prev;
prev = current;
current = next;
return prev;
void InlineeFrameRecord::Dump() const
Output::Print(_u("%s [#%u.%u] args:"), this->functionBody->GetExternalDisplayName(), this->functionBody->GetSourceContextId(), this->functionBody->GetLocalFunctionId());
for (uint i = 0; i < argCount; i++)
if (floatArgs.Test(i))
Output::Print(_u("f "));
else if (losslessInt32Args.Test(i))
Output::Print(_u("i "));
Output::Print(_u(", "));
Output::Print(_u("func: "));
if (this->parent)
void InlineeFrameRecord::DumpOffset(int offset) const
if (offset >= 0)
Output::Print(_u("%p "), constants[offset]);
Output::Print(_u("<%d> "), offset);
void InlineeFrameInfo::Dump() const
Output::Print(_u("func: "));
if (this->function.type == InlineeFrameInfoValueType_Const)
Output::Print(_u("%p(Var) "), this->function.constValue);
else if (this->function.type == InlineeFrameInfoValueType_Sym)
Output::Print(_u(" "));
Output::Print(_u("args: "));
arguments->Map([=](uint i, InlineFrameInfoValue& value)
if (value.type == InlineeFrameInfoValueType_Const)
Output::Print(_u("%p(Var) "), value.constValue);
else if (value.type == InlineeFrameInfoValueType_Sym)
Output::Print(_u(" "));
Output::Print(_u(", "));