blob: 9b42ac8e6dd9d1530d4859af8ed39f99930e0b83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#pragma once
#if defined(ENABLE_NATIVE_CODEGEN) && defined(_CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD) && !defined(_M_ARM)
template <typename TAlloc>
class JITThunkEmitter
#if _M_IX86 || _M_AMD64
static const BYTE DirectJmp[];
static const uint DirectJmpTargetOffset = 1;
static const uint DirectJmpIPAdjustment = 5;
#if _M_AMD64
static const BYTE IndirectJmp[];
static const uint IndirectJmpTargetOffset = 2;
#if _M_ARM64
static const DWORD DirectB[];
static const DWORD IndirectBR[];
static const uint IndirectBRTempReg = 17;
static const uint IndirectBRLo16Offset = 0;
static const uint IndirectBRMid16Offset = 1;
static const uint IndirectBRHi16Offset = 2;
static const uint PageCount = 100;
static const size_t ThunkSize = 16;
static const size_t ThunksPerPage = AutoSystemInfo::PageSize / ThunkSize;
static const uintptr_t ThunkAlignmentMask = ~(ThunkSize-1);
static const uint TotalThunkSize = AutoSystemInfo::PageSize * PageCount;
static const size_t TotalThunkCount = TotalThunkSize / ThunkSize;
CriticalSection cs;
TAlloc * codeAllocator;
uintptr_t baseAddress;
HANDLE processHandle;
BVStatic<TotalThunkCount> freeThunks;
ThreadContextInfo * threadContext;
BVIndex firstBitToCheck;
JITThunkEmitter(ThreadContextInfo * threadContext, TAlloc * codeAllocator, HANDLE processHandle);
uintptr_t CreateThunk(uintptr_t entryPoint);
void FreeThunk(uintptr_t thunkAddress);
uintptr_t EnsureInitialized();
bool IsInThunk(uintptr_t address) const;
static bool IsInThunk(uintptr_t thunkBaseAddress, uintptr_t address);
uintptr_t GetThunkAddressFromIndex(BVIndex index) const;
BVIndex GetThunkIndexFromAddress(uintptr_t index) const;
void ProtectPage(void * address);
void UnprotectPage(void * address);
bool IsThunkPageEmpty(uintptr_t address) const;
static void EncodeJmp(char * localPageAddress, uintptr_t thunkAddress, uintptr_t targetAddress);
static uintptr_t GetThunkPageStart(uintptr_t address);
typedef JITThunkEmitter<SectionAllocWrapper> OOPJITThunkEmitter;
typedef JITThunkEmitter<VirtualAllocWrapper> InProcJITThunkEmitter;