blob: 35b0ca1c54fe94e1ae53212d015911fae792e385 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#include "Backend.h"
NativeCodeData::NativeCodeData(DataChunk * chunkList)
: chunkList(chunkList)
this->size = 0;
if (JITManager::GetJITManager()->IsJITServer())
PERF_COUNTER_SUB(Code, DynamicNativeCodeDataSize, this->size);
PERF_COUNTER_SUB(Code, TotalNativeCodeDataSize, this->size);
NativeCodeData::AddFixupEntry(void* targetAddr, void* addrToFixup, void* startAddress, DataChunk * chunkList)
return NativeCodeData::AddFixupEntry(targetAddr, targetAddr, addrToFixup, startAddress, chunkList);
// targetAddr: target address
// targetStartAddr: target start address, some fied might reference to middle of another data chunk, like outParamOffsets
// startAddress: current data start address
// addrToFixup: address that currently pointing to dataAddr, which need to be updated
NativeCodeData::AddFixupEntry(void* targetAddr, void* targetStartAddr, void* addrToFixup, void* startAddress, DataChunk * chunkList)
Assert(addrToFixup >= startAddress);
Assert(((__int64)addrToFixup) % sizeof(void*) == 0);
if (targetAddr == nullptr)
unsigned int inDataOffset = (unsigned int)((char*)targetAddr - (char*)targetStartAddr);
DataChunk* targetChunk = NativeCodeData::GetDataChunk(targetStartAddr);
Assert(targetChunk->len >= inDataOffset);
#if DBG
if (CONFIG_FLAG(OOPJITFixupValidate))
bool foundTargetChunk = false;
while (chunkList)
foundTargetChunk |= (chunkList == targetChunk);
chunkList = chunkList->next;
AssertMsg(foundTargetChunk, "current pointer is not allocated with NativeCodeData allocator?"); // change to valid check instead of assertion?
DataChunk* chunk = NativeCodeData::GetDataChunk(startAddress);
NativeDataFixupEntry* entry = (NativeDataFixupEntry*)midl_user_allocate(sizeof(NativeDataFixupEntry));
if (!entry)
entry->addrOffset = (unsigned int)((__int64)addrToFixup - (__int64)startAddress);
Assert(entry->addrOffset <= chunk->len - sizeof(void*));
entry->targetTotalOffset = targetChunk->offset + inDataOffset;
entry->next = chunk->fixupList;
chunk->fixupList = entry;
#if DBG
if (PHASE_TRACE1(Js::NativeCodeDataPhase))
Output::Print(_u("NativeCodeData Add Fixup: %p(%p+%d, chunk:%p) --> %p(chunk:%p) %S\n"),
addrToFixup, startAddress, entry->addrOffset, (void*)chunk, targetAddr, (void*)targetChunk, chunk->dataType);
NativeCodeData::AddFixupEntryForPointerArray(void* startAddress, DataChunk * chunkList)
DataChunk* chunk = NativeCodeData::GetDataChunk(startAddress);
Assert(chunk->len % sizeof(void*) == 0);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chunk->len / sizeof(void*); i++)
size_t offset = i * sizeof(void*);
void* targetAddr = *(void**)((char*)startAddress + offset);
if (targetAddr == nullptr)
DataChunk* targetChunk = NativeCodeData::GetDataChunk(targetAddr);
#if DBG
bool foundTargetChunk = false;
DataChunk* chunk1 = chunkList;
while (chunk1 && !foundTargetChunk)
foundTargetChunk = (chunk1 == targetChunk);
chunk1 = chunk1->next;
AssertMsg(foundTargetChunk, "current pointer is not allocated with NativeCodeData allocator?"); // change to valid check instead of assertion?
NativeDataFixupEntry* entry = (NativeDataFixupEntry*)midl_user_allocate(sizeof(NativeDataFixupEntry));
if (!entry)
entry->addrOffset = (unsigned int)offset;
entry->targetTotalOffset = targetChunk->offset;
entry->next = chunk->fixupList;
chunk->fixupList = entry;
#if DBG
if (PHASE_TRACE1(Js::NativeCodeDataPhase))
Output::Print(_u("NativeCodeData Add Fixup: %p[%d](+%d, chunk:%p) --> %p(chunk:%p) %S\n"),
startAddress, i, entry->addrOffset, (void*)chunk, targetAddr, (void*)targetChunk, chunk->dataType);
NativeCodeData::GetDataDescription(void* data, JitArenaAllocator * alloc)
auto chunk = GetDataChunk(data);
char16 buf[1024] = { 0 };
#if DBG
swprintf_s(buf, _u("%hs, NativeCodeData: index: %x, len: %x, offset: +%x"), chunk->dataType, chunk->allocIndex, chunk->len, chunk->offset);
swprintf_s(buf, _u("NativeCodeData: index: %x, len: %x, offset: +%x"), chunk->allocIndex, chunk->len, chunk->offset);
auto len = wcslen(buf) + 1;
auto desc = JitAnewArray(alloc, char16, len);
wcscpy_s(desc, len, buf);
return desc;
NativeCodeData::VerifyExistFixupEntry(void* targetAddr, void* addrToFixup, void* startAddress)
DataChunk* chunk = NativeCodeData::GetDataChunk(startAddress);
DataChunk* targetChunk = NativeCodeData::GetDataChunk(targetAddr);
if (chunk->len == 0)
unsigned int offset = (unsigned int)((char*)addrToFixup - (char*)startAddress);
Assert(offset <= chunk->len);
NativeDataFixupEntry* entry = chunk->fixupList;
while (entry)
if (entry->addrOffset == offset)
// The following assertions can be false positive in case a data field happen to
// have value fall into NativeCodeData memory range
AssertMsg(entry->targetTotalOffset == targetChunk->offset, "Missing fixup");
entry = entry->next;
AssertMsg(false, "Data chunk not found");
template<class DataChunkT>
NativeCodeData::DeleteChunkList(DataChunkT * chunkList)
DataChunkT * next = chunkList;
while (next != nullptr)
DataChunkT * current = next;
next = next->next;
HeapDeletePlus(current->len, current);
: chunkList(nullptr),
this->totalSize = 0;
this->allocCount = 0;
#if DBG
this->finalized = false;
this->size = 0;
Assert(!finalized || this->chunkList == nullptr);
if (JITManager::GetJITManager()->IsJITServer())
PERF_COUNTER_SUB(Code, DynamicNativeCodeDataSize, this->size);
PERF_COUNTER_SUB(Code, TotalNativeCodeDataSize, this->size);
char *
NativeCodeData::Allocator::Alloc(DECLSPEC_GUARD_OVERFLOW size_t requestSize)
char * data = nullptr;
requestSize = Math::Align(requestSize, sizeof(void*));
if (isOOPJIT)
#if DBG
// Always zero out the data for chk build to reduce the chance of false
// positive while verifying missing fixup entries
// Allocation without zeroing out, and with bool field in the structure
// will increase the chance of false positive because of reusing memory
// without zeroing, and the bool field is set to false, makes the garbage
// memory not changed, and the garbage memory might be just pointing to the
// same range of NativeCodeData memory, the checking tool will report false
// poisitive, see NativeCodeData::VerifyExistFixupEntry for more
DataChunk * newChunk = HeapNewStructPlusZ(requestSize, DataChunk);
DataChunk * newChunk = HeapNewStructPlus(requestSize, DataChunk);
#if DBG
newChunk->dataType = nullptr;
newChunk->next = nullptr;
newChunk->allocIndex = this->allocCount++;
newChunk->len = (unsigned int)requestSize;
newChunk->fixupList = nullptr;
newChunk->fixupFunc = nullptr;
newChunk->offset = this->totalSize;
if (this->chunkList == nullptr)
this->chunkList = newChunk;
this->lastChunkList = newChunk;
this->lastChunkList->next = newChunk;
this->lastChunkList = newChunk;
this->totalSize += (unsigned int)requestSize;
data = newChunk->data;
DataChunkNoFixup * newChunk = HeapNewStructPlus(requestSize, DataChunkNoFixup);
newChunk->len = (unsigned int)requestSize;
newChunk->next = this->noFixupChunkList;
this->noFixupChunkList = newChunk;
data = newChunk->data;
this->size += requestSize;
PERF_COUNTER_ADD(Code, DynamicNativeCodeDataSize, requestSize);
PERF_COUNTER_ADD(Code, TotalNativeCodeDataSize, requestSize);
return data;
char *
NativeCodeData::Allocator::AllocLeaf(DECLSPEC_GUARD_OVERFLOW size_t requestSize)
return Alloc(requestSize);
char *
NativeCodeData::Allocator::AllocZero(DECLSPEC_GUARD_OVERFLOW size_t requestSize)
char * data = Alloc(requestSize);
#if !DBG
// Allocated with HeapNewStructPlusZ for chk build
memset(data, 0, requestSize);
if (!isOOPJIT)
memset(data, 0, requestSize);
return data;
NativeCodeData *
NativeCodeData * data = nullptr;
if (this->chunkList != nullptr)
data = HeapNew(NativeCodeData, this->chunkList);
this->chunkList = nullptr;
data->size = this->size;
this->size = 0;
#if DBG
this->finalized = true;
return data;
//This function should not be called at all because the life time is active during the run time
//This function is added to enable Dictionary(has calls to Free() Method - which will never be called as it will be
//allocated as a NativeAllocator to be allocated with NativeAllocator)
NativeCodeData::Allocator::Free(void * buffer, size_t byteSize)